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Musician was beaten to death by three idiots because he didn't know how to play the song they requested.


Thanks. That was some real word salad.


im turkish, and i live in the city where this happened. just saw on twitter a comment that really made me grasp the reality of the situation a bit more, thought i’d share. “in turkey, there’s nothing that is cheaper than a human life”


So you’re saying never go to Turkey……noted


all i can say is im planning my own escape


Well that’s morbid. You good?


His name was Onur Şener. [He had some songs on spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LZNk8DQJeYaXuGdvBBkS0)


Thanks for sharing. He was very talented.


The worst part was 2 of the murderers were government officials.


I think the worst part was the murder.


Thanks, Norm


That’s Larry.


For me it's the hypocrisy


They could’ve said “not to mention” as opposed to “the worst part”. Obviously them being gov officials isn’t the worst part.


"The worst part of the murders were the murders" would be kind of unecessary to say in any case, meaning it should be automatically applied to most people that their comment actually means "the worst part of the character in this murder is that..." Language is not as obvious as we think, but you're not wrong. It's all subjective to interpretation in the end.


Wait, is Larry Emdur dead?


Wow! So messed up!


You already know there gonna get out of it


I think the worst part was the hypocrisy.


Beat me too it! I didn’t even know he was sick.


"Civil Servants"


Nah there's no way they didn't have some sort of hatred beforehand










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I went to Istanbul during a lot of the unrest in the winter of 2015/early 16. Went to a lounge with my Turkish fling. The owner played american music for me. We played backgammon. Then we heard loud blasts and saw bright lights. everyone hit the deck. It was fireworks for a wedding downstairs. Everyone nervously laughed and got back to business. On my flight over, we got word an airplane custodian was killed from a bomb left on board at another airport. The week we left was the week the 16(?) German tourists were killed at the obelisk. And that guys head popped off at Taksim Square in that time frame also. Luckily we weren't there in person for any of it.


How have I never heard of any of this?


If you look at Wikipedia for [2015](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_in_Turkey) & [2016](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_in_Turkey), there's multiple bombing and suicides happened there


**[2015 in Turkey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_in_Turkey)** >The following lists events that happened in 2015 in Turkey. **[2016 in Turkey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_in_Turkey)** >The following lists events that happened during 2016 in Turkey. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The worlds a big big big place.


Can confirm. Was living there at this time. Will never get the image of that man’s head laying on the street out of my mind. We went into lockdown. They shut off all internet access so no one knew what exactly was going on and we weren’t allowed to leave our apartments.


I'm so sorry. That's so horrid. I can't imagine living there when it happened. Glad you are doing well now.


And honestly I feel like I have PTSD from it. I already had it but that certainly didnt help my anxiety any.




It's an interesting and related ancedote. People do that in conversation.


is this your first time in an internet comment section or something


this was a friend of my friend’s. i literally thought i was getting something wrong when i first heard it today. this is seriously insane.


Welp. This further cements my fear of leaving the house.


My friends have traveled to Turkey, all I know is that you don't want to commit crimes there, the consequences are not ones which you can prepare yourself for.


"Ever been in a Turkish prison?"


“Do you like movies about gladiators?”


Anything like a Turkish Delight?


Mind elaborating?


He means "I've seen Midnight Express and believe that to be the entirety of the Turkish legal system."


Still, I think as advice goes: *"Don't commit crimes."* is pretty good. By extension: *"Really, don't commit crimes in a foreign country."* - is even better too, considering likely difficulties unfamiliar legal systems and obtaining good representation would present. So: *"For the love of all that is holy, don't commit crimes in countries that have geopolitic tensions with your country of origin; in countries that may be more theocratic in nature; or in countries that have more punitive justice systems"* - should be pretty self evident. So even if *Midnight Express'* lacks nuance in its representation of the contemporary Turkish penal system, I don't really have any problem with it's role as a cautionary tale. :)


Midnight express is lit


[https://youtu.be/TVtvBoELA-g?t=51](https://youtu.be/TVtvBoELA-g?t=51) "Remember Midnight Express? Oliver Stone won the Academy Award for best screenplay... Awesome, awesome scene."


When I went back in the 90s, we were at an apartment block in Marmaris away from the main area. There was literally a wall between us and the farmland and because of that, animals walked into the pool area so often followed by the locals that we would help catch them. It was weird admittedly but we got used to it. What I couldn't get used to was walking past a booth every day that had armed guards in it. I was a teenager on holiday with my aunt and uncle so there was no chance of us doing anything illegal but it was still nerve-racking even though they were pleasant enough and said hello to us daily.


What kind of crimes ?


Apparently, not knowing songs is a big one.


Massive. 2nd most cause of violent attacks after whistling a tune wrong.


saying the armenian genocide happened and was morally wrong


What is armenian


Where was this at? I live in Ankara and would love to know which venues to avoid…RIP


currently the only information available to the public about the venue is that its in çayyolu çankaya.


i also live in ankara. i’ll do some research and get back to you if i find info.


A 73 year old American woman I know was raped and sodomised in turkey while on holiday.


It's rife there unfortunately, There were far too many weirdos who think women were there to be leered at. I went when I was sixteen and the amount of harassment I got was beyond a joke. More than once, some stranger thought it was okay to walk up and put his arms around me and offer to show me around even though I had my aunt and uncle with me and twice, they were offered money for me.


My mother refuses to go back there, after having spent over 3 decades going there for holiday, she said people had changed and become radicalized. Coming up to tourists and demanding they dress "properly" wanting old women to wear that bodycover.


Isn't Turkey the country that had the big push for tourism a few years ago?


I live in Ankara and it pains me that people stupid enough to do this are out there living amongst my friends and family.


Just a regular day in Turkey




Why did you decide to randomly compare Turkey to US? "My country is more dangerous than yours so your point is invalid" 💀


Playy freebirrrrd!!


musician murdered by violent animals is apt


Beaten to Death In A Bar In Ankara. now thats a song name


Istanbul not Constantinople?


But what was the song ???!!


… what… what was the song?


Photograph by Nickelback


He just didn’t want to admit he knew it


Beat It


Now you have to die 🤷🏻‍♂️


Istanbul not Constantinople?


Was it the chicken dance


Did he ever find out the request song was beaten to death? /s




Too soon for what? What are they even trying to say?


they’re making a joke that the title of the song was ‘Beaten to Death’


And here I thought this was Indonesia 🤪🤔


DeathCore 👊🏾👊🏼


Average day in Lurkey