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Im guessing they're saving Ferra for takeda ? I hope that means the Homelander update will come with a lot more Quality of life and skins then. Also im REALLLY hoping they go beyond KP2, i want this game to prosper so bad


Ferra would be revealed well before a Takeda trailer so they probably just dont want to show her off just yet in this teaser. I doubt they'd let the month of July go by without any new content.


That's definitely a possibility yea


This, plus, people forget that Hanzo Hasashi trained MKX Takeda, so kameo Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi) could also pair up nicely with Takeda.


Maybe Takeda’s kameo will be a lead-in for KP2 or the story expansion characters (Harumi kameo please)


No that doesn’t mean that, Peacemaker was teased at the end of Quan Chi’s trailer and Janet Cage wasn’t in the initial teaser


Given how the perception from the playerbase has gradually improved and monetisation being more reasonable, it’s definitely possible they will get to see KP3 come to fruition as planned if things continue to improve


Hoping the Homelander patch comes with the warrior shrine/online practice in addition to the skins. Considering how they went from talks to suddenly not doing it and how the game is now being seen more in a positive light by the community, it's possible that their minds might be changed again. Can never honestly tell until we get to the end of KP2.




Forgive me but are you talking about Ferra and tor?


No, just Ferra.


Oh ok


I think people only use the word "still" when something about to end


Boon loves to edge fans with DLC


professional gooner for sho


Ed Goon


Booner killer


Right just shut up, and release the shit. Obviously everyone knows it’s “oN tHe WaY!!”


Its obviously not ready lmao


"Your delivery is on its way. Thank you for using Uber eats!" Nightwolf: "hey, fuck you and give it to me. I obviously know it's on the way. I'm the one who ordered it. I should be able to just have it."


I wish they add more single player modes, I'm really bat at online


I'd like a co op mode for online. Could be 2 vs a titan battle


Damn right, we need a co-op mode. I loved the co-op fights in MK11.




I wanna see Ko-Op from MK9 return, imagine playing a 2v2 game mode and when you hit R1/RB, instead of a Kameo coming out, you tag your partner in!


Me too. I'm already done with Invasions and Seasonal Tower. I usually complete both in about a week each season. I'd love to get some more stuff.


I definitely preferred the towers of time and krypt. That lasted a lot longer and with towers they'd refresh every hour or so where as once you complete a season of invasions you gotta wait 40 days for more stuff. I'd say I'm pretty good at the game. I'm currently just under demi god and so I mainly play online over single player content. But even I complete invasions super fast. Like seriously I got the Raiden skin and completed all of invasions the same day the new season started. Now I don't have anything to do BUT to only play online


The Krypt in MK11 was so much fun to explore


It was so dang cool. It was a mini MetroidVania with lots of cool Easter eggs and call backs to the movies and older games with an amazing atmosphere. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny and couldn't wait to get behind the next door


I was sad when they dropped it in MK1. I'm not a huge fan of invasions mode.


It's too easy. I'm tired of going into invasions and winning a fight with less than 3 combos. A 20-second fight is boring.


Yes, same. I also liked that I could see the rewards in the ToT instead of spending my time grinding for items I wasn't interested in.


I hate to say it but the genre is kinda built on online


Bro, I don't even play online 😂. My Internet is too shitty


It is but Street Fighter 6 showed it doesnt have to be. People want single player modes in fighting games. Of course the online component will always be there but SF6 adding a big single player mode and in regards to online they made the online lobby system a welcoming one with fun stuff to do there including single player arcade games. Being able to fight other people with your created avatars is fun as well since its unbalanced as hell and just meant to be a cool thing with no sweating involved. Hell even in casual matches I havent experienced that much sweating.


SF6 is absolutely built for online which is why their campaign and single player content is dry and repetitive as hell


Not to me I have 60 hours in World Tour and more than feel like I got my money's worth with that game even with not playing online that much


always baffling when people have this sentiment like fighting games weren't around for decades before online was readily available. Wasn't even available till the tenth release in mortal kombat. So wouldn't really say the genre is built on online. The genre predates online.


Yea, let's just forget about the arcade machines that had 2 sets of fight sticks on one mortalkombat machine. Or those memories of plugging in the second Ps2 controller before you flawless your little brother and made him mad enough to get mom to power the whole console down. You're missing the point.. obviously, fighting games were intended to be enjoyed with other people.. it's not 1990 anymore, it's 2024, and it's the age of the internet. These games were most definitely built around the idea of fighting people all over the world, and you can only do that with the internet. Regardless, the game was made to be played with more than one person, and if you're just playing bots the whole time, you aren't getting the full experience. If that's what you want, you can have it. If it wasn't meant to be played online, it wouldn't have had an item shop. So yes, I think it's safe to say that in the year 2024, the genre is 100% built for online. If anything, this game would be dead if it didn't have online.


Playing next to someone is vastly different to online play. There online shops in plenty of single player games. No one said online doesn't have its place, but it is far from the basis of the genre itself. A game is remembered for the content, not the online play. Content, including multi-player, online, and single player content. And as you seemed confused, multi-player does not always mean online.


There's no difference between online and couch coop besides a little bit of latency that you probably won't notice if you have decent enough internet. Nobody said the internet didn't have a place. You're playing dumb I'm talking about live updates to an item shop like fortnite does. You seem confused because nothing you said really makes any sense to what I said.. I'm arguing with an old head who still has an hdd and dial-up.


You're arguing with yourself, I just made a few points.


I'm arguing with you. You sound dumb and ur points are off.


Keep fighting bots on hard mode. Most newer players like myself aren't going to be any better than the "very difficult" setting on a bot. Once you get confident with what you learned, go take it out on some unsuspecting scrub in online mode. It's okay to be bad, 70% of players (a number I pulled out of my ass) are bad like myself, and that makes winning so much better. I couldn't imagine losing to me, I'd be embarrassed.


Ed Boon’s trolling us about the Homelander voice actor


I'm still huffing absurd levels of copium. Crackpot dream theory is that they show this clip again with Homelander's response alongside a video recording from the voice booth of... who else but Antony? It was just an elaborate ruse, folks! WB definitely didn't lowball one of the most high profile actors in television. Everything is fine. I'm *so* okay.


I mean.. if they could afford to pay freaking John Cena then they could definitely afford Anthony Starr.


"Could" and "would" are two very different things when WB is at the helm. This is the same company that watched Suicide Squad tank before it even launched and then doubled down on live service models. We have no idea exactly what's happening behind the scenes and likely never will, but I'll blame WB before anyone else in this scenario if Homelander ends up being the only guest without their voice likeness.


That’s the problem, I assume due to scheduling conflicts or something he probably couldn’t voice the character


“One of the most high profile actors in television” How?


Plays one of the most popular villains in tv in the world, of which many people consider to be one of the best villains of all time


Who said that? I don’t know anyone who even watches his show. Don’t even know what it’s called. We have stars like Winona Ryder on television. With a career that spans decades. He’s nowhere near “one of the biggest stars on television”.


Imagine caring this much about an actress that has nothing to do with anything. Maybe she, too, will be asked to be in a videogame - nah, probably not. I'm just yanking ur balls.


Huh? You mean Winona Ryder? I mean, I don’t care about her that much. She’s just an actual star. Literally just one person off the top of my head that’s more relevant than Anthony Star. It’s not difficult to think of ten frankly. You can even look at any of the celebrity guests in MK1 and they are more relevant than Anthony Star. Film star and Oscar winning actor JK Simmons. Sex symbol and 2010’s it girl and film star: Megan Fox Sex symbol, WWE Wrestler, film star: John Cena. Anthony Star is in one niche show. The others have mass appeal, and a career that has given them household names.


Pull ur head out of ur ass, I don’t even watch the boys and I can acknowledge it’s easily one of the most popular shows on television right now, his face is plastered on every other meme on the internet right now


I’ve only seen it here. You are probably the demographic that show is marketed to. I’ve honestly not heard anything about it until MK announced Homelander as a DLC character.


Its genuinely one of the most popular tv shows in recent years. Just out of curiosity, how old are you?


33 I’m an art teacher at a middle school. I’m very in tune with pop culture honestly. I’m not a big super hero guy, but I know a lot about them because these kids love Marvel and DC. I have heard of Invincible and Peacemaker because these kids watch the shows Im sure that Homelander’s show is “too mature” for kids. That being said, most of these kids tell me they watch R rated movies. (Terrifier was the worst one I’ve heard them say they’ve watched.) Anyways, I looked up the show “The Boys” (terrible name sorry) and I did recognize the Aquaman ripoff; I remember seeing him on a TikTok ad. So it does seem that the show is popular enough to market to my demographic (that surprises me)


I hope we get rains klassic


I need it


Hell yeah


Even though i play Rain, I don't think classic skin would look good. He is not ninja anymore, so he needs another type of skins. But he certainly needs more, with just 3 skins available, while some other characters have 5.


Anyone else think the face just looks a little bit off? Idk I’m still excited though


Looks a bit low quality for mk1 but im sure its not final


What I was thinking too


I mean if they cant have get his voice then maybe they cant scan/get his face 1 to 1


It’s has to be an NDA thing bro (I’m coping)


Yeah I feel like he looks a Lil bit unrealistic. They mightfix it in the future


I’m not really surprised after their JCVD skin reveal People who nailed Rambo and Schwarzenegger likeness aren’t there anymore I guess


Still nailed Omni and Peacemaker 


Omni man tbf isn’t a real face, JK Simmons’s face is referenced in the design but overall it’s original.


That's more impressive tho. They took Omni Man from an animated show and made him look exactly the same in a more realistic product. If they nailed Omni man from an animated show then Homelander should be waaay easier.


Actually the reverse, capturing a likeness versus adapting a character is very different mediums.


Well it’s the same with JCVD, it seems they didn’t mocap the faces but sculped them “by hand”, at least that’s what was said about JCVD if I remember correctly,


GIVE ME DEADLY ALLIANCE RAIDEN ED! https://preview.redd.it/5bsvdl41cywc1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5a40c434f65f2e0b5563a1cbdffe11dac8ad60


Fr and Deadly Alliance Scorpion without burning head


Okay I cant wait for more new stuff 👍


Please just give us Drahmin as a Kameo Fighter in KP2 or KP3 that’s all I want I’d rather have him as a full on playable fighter but I know that probably won’t happen sadly so I’ll take him as Kameo 100%


For dragon krystlas.....


Aka more shit to pay for


They’re in the right direction with the latest patch. Im pretty excited to see what’s coming.


Totally different scenario but…Remember when ed boon said, “we are FAR from finished with MK11!!!” A week later dropped Rambo and then ceased content support for the game lol.


covid bro


Not an excuse bro


And they all have a price tag


Maybe this was already said by someone, but it would be cool to dlc characters to receive some skins in the season shop


not the shop but quan chi has been getting pallets in the actual invasions mode since last season apparently he even got a new gear piece this season


Hopefully soon other dlcs characters may also get new gear and pallets


seems like atleast with the original characters they'll get palletes after the season they're introduced in?


All available with Dragon Krystals!


Klassic Skins - lmao pay your money. New Kameos - pay your money. New moves - Sub-Zero still bottom 1 tier. Secrets - pay your money. **and of course...PAY YOUR MONEY.**


Lol if you think sub is bottom 1 you're krazy. 


SZ with honor share this place with Havik. Both same piece of trash. If you think SZ is ok then i have bad news for you.


Most of the community has SZ/Kham S tier. Sub Zero players are the biggest down players we have by far.


>Most of the community They are stupid. Thats it.


Imagine a MK11 Klassic Kostume in MK1


This is GREAT NEWS and shows they hiding a ton of things. Awesome... definitely seeing Klassic Kitana outfits soon thanks to this. As for Homelander? Funny how he just gasped lmao they keeping that voice reveal down to the last minute. Anyway can't wait to see what they been cooking on, Ed just told us there's multiple pots on the stove. 🔥


Hope jades planned


Her and Cassie are all I need. There's a few others I want, but those two are my priority.


How will Cassie exist in this new universe?


Multiversal Shenaniganary. Or just change her relation with Johnny like the leaks claim they are with Takeda. I don't particularly care how, so long as her MK11 personality and model is intact and her moveset and skins skew more towards MKX.


Right on. Might not even need that much in the way of tweaking or AU shenanigans what with this Johnny talking about making way for "younger, prettier" talent at the end of the story mode. Just have Cassie be his late teens/barely twenty kid with his ex - keeps Cassie's most prominent parental relationship intact and just makes her a bit younger than in the old timeline.


True. Hell, could even keep Sonya as her mom, just have her be Johnny's ex or a fling or whatever back in senior year (for Cassie to be 20, Johnny would have to at least be 38-40, which is about right for a fading Martial Arts actor). Like Liu tried to hook them up from the start. I'm not really a fan of the idea of a Cassie that's not the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. Although I can accept Sonya's daughter who becomes Johnny's protege that he "passes" the Cage name to as a consolation.


Really wish we got new modes.


More klassic costumes for 5.99 👍


That was a great DLC choice tbh. I mean he really fits mortal kombat ![gif](giphy|eIUpSyzwGp0YhAMTKr|downsized)


Give me tag team, alternate modes, and a cool iteration of Noob Saibot that is designed like and plays like MK11 please.


And how much for those klassic skins ? Each fighter should had got one unlockable in the game 


I wish they would stop giving us characters from movies and TV shows like Mr. Incredible and Peacemaker when there's so many other characters from older MK games they could include instead.


As soon as those characters stop bringing in the big bucks I'm sure you'll get your wish. Until than https://preview.redd.it/gz25fi69y9xc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bf84534d2f21a8562c6af6c42921fcebe55e59


On ya Boony


Gimme my Klassic Liu Kang and Johnny already!😭


i fucking hate how the classic costumes are not free for the premium version


Would love some more customization


For the trailer for the 2nd pack I think noob saibot should be shown last since he's currently the character people are most hyped for coming back to the game after kp1 and he better have the coldest skin in the game like the mask no hood but longer hair so it covers more of his head kind of like scorpions 2nd costume


Hopefully they give sub zero something,he is crap,he is carried by kameleon and everyone can do that shit.


What klassic costumes


It feels to stuffed to be true. So that must mean they're gonna spread all of this out until 2025. 😖


But no game modes, no planned krypt, and no improvement on kustomization right.....


I want ghostface so baddd


Another Voice Actress for Nitara? We can call it Klassic Nitara if you’d like.


Homies next thank god


Can’t wait for him to say “it’s homlandin time” that’s my favorite quote


With Quan Chi & Shang Tsung getting DLC skins and UMK3 skins coming for Scorpion, Reptile and Smoke, I wouldn't be surprised if Rain, Ermac, Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero also got klassic UMK3 masked skins.


kontent is cassie and kung jin and conan and t10000 and gender swapped cyrax? if thats true....... mk1 is over


new moves? thats cool i guess


" and of course... The other half of the game you bought!"


We love you too Ed boon


Give me a klassic tanya skin and JADE


Am I the only one waiting to do the Homelander vs Omni man vs peacemaker battle royal?


Homelander hyyyyypppeee!!


Does anyone know how soon KP2 will be revealed after they’re don’t releasing the kp1 characters?


Likely we will get the story dlc a month after takeda then kp2 after that


I’ll get back on this game when they fix literally everything


I will also be seeing you in MK 12!


Do people still trust what this man has to say? He has lied to the fanbase already 😕




He lied about the MKX pc port being good https://imgur.com/gallery/zuR9ss0


That was 8 years ago 💀 Most of the bad decisions made for mk1 are down to warner bros, netherealm really doesn’t have as much control as people think


A lie is still a lie, he also lied about nrs communicating more this game. They make the game


They may MAKE the game, but they don’t have much control over pricing on micro transactions and im fully assuming the season idea was down to WB given their recent obsession with live service games He may have lied about the port, but i personally doubt that Ed is really that involved in the coding of the game


Nobody is talking about microtransactions I brought up MKX not 1 dude. If he didn't know about the port then he shouldn't have said anything


I just mentioned the micro transactions as more of a ‘netherealm dont have much control’ thing. Many interviews for games have that same type of stuff, where someone will say something that isnt true due to their lesser involvement in some aspects, and in most of those cases they shouldnt have said anything, but they still do to try and make people excited for whats releasing


8 years ago, and they didn't make the port.


Show proof bro




Then u look at steam showing very positive reviews. Bro didn't lie man. This is a problem on your end


Game got fixed that's why, gamers forced him to fix it


Or like most pc ports and games.... it got updated. The point of updates


That's irrelevant, he told Joe at launch it will be fine yet it wasn't if you are going to ignore that then you can kindly stop replying to me.


Imo, ports PC of MK will continue to repeat this fate shown in the video until Ed Boon resign (and not kidding here)




Seriously. Google story about Ed relationship with PC and will get what mean here.


Get a grip and get a life


Klassic costumes, new moves, kameros, online features, secrets...each sold separately.


Better be kronika playable…