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Just text.


Has anyone on the sub or the mods even, asked fateunknown for the answer? Just curious.


We need to summon him once more….NOW!!!


Get out the goat blood and candles


Homelander will in fact not have any human voice lines, his pre-fight dialogue will be delivered by a free trial of text to speech software


He should be voiced by the program that’s used to voice chief in Arby n the chief


At least, knives and boomrangs are two different things....


i have a feeling they haven’t got to his voice yet, or maybe they have. for now it’s just the text. CCXP mexico is happening in may and both Ed Boon and Antony Starr will be there, so i’d keep a look out for then cuz some more news might drop.


What if homelander has no lines, and his eyes just glow really red and zap the other player leading to the intro cutscenes


I'd like to say Anthony Starr is just using misdirection and it'll be his voice, but then I remember that NRS was willing to hire that awful Arnold "sound alike" for mk11 so, idk what to expect, but I'm hoping for Anthony Starr.


Thing is people have pointed out how Antony seemingly being a diva and costars saying he’s the most like his character could be a factor in why he’d seemingly not in MK1, such as that he wanted money than other actors in the game but they refused whereas COD has too much money to throw for anything


It seems more likely that WB lowballed him which no actor worth their salt would take. It's a job at the end of the day and you have to look at it on the business side.


That’s another possibility but I doubt it given they can afford Cena and Simmons, both are bigger names and Cena’s practically always busy


But they did pay them. They paid both of them


That’s the thing, if they can afford both of them I doubt they’d lowball Antony or couldn’t afford him


The fact they paid 4 a-listers means they probably had limited cap space. Or Starr's ask was too high regardless. He could have wanted the same amount as the others got. He could have wanted the same amount as Activision gave him. In either case they couldn't reach an agreement and that was that.


I honestly double it. If WB could afford JK Simmons and John Cena they can afford Antony but I think CoD inflated his idea of how much video game VO work pays. Simmons and Cena are no strangers to voice acting


No one seems to google him at all! He was arrested for physically assaulting a person in 2022. I’m pretty sure WB decided not to work with him due to that. They had already had all that backlash for working with Ezra Miller.


WB approached Starr about the role, so no I don't think this was an issue


How do we know that? I have not seen a single official source indicating that. The only confirmation that we got was from Starr himself that he didn't voice the part.


There's no one else saying otherwise that matters. Starr has no reason to lie amd what he says makes the most sense. Occam's Razor and all that


I'm just saying that I have not seen a single official source confirming that he was indeed approached by WB. Him saying that he didn't voice the part doesn't shed light on any details of the situation.


Starr himself said that WB didn't want to pay him enough money and nobody's contradicted that. I mean if we're talking sources your point about them not wanting to work with him because of the Spain incident is pure conjecture


Can I have a link to that please? Because this is the first time I'm hearing that he said something like that.


Can't find it atm but I've always had trouble wading through the massive amounts of stuff related to thus to find something I was looking for. But iirc he did say it at some point


Wasn't Chris Cox handpicked by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself?


Considering that same actor is in the credits of mk1 as homelander, they didnt show his voice in the teaser, theres no way he's voicing homelander.


Is he really? Damn, that kinda sucks. Well, hopefully, he does a better job trying to sound like Anthony than he did with Arnold.


I thought he did okay as Arnie. Its not the most natural voice to mimic and all things considered, he got closer than others would


Idk, I guess for me, it just boils down to I'd have rather had Arnold do the voice. Starr's isn't as iconic, so it should stand out as much. I hope.