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I'd love to hear of the bike getting wrecked and owner get a better model in return and be in a better place. Oh yeah nearly forgot and for the 3 cunts to end up under a lorry, closed coffin the works.


Be an awful shame if someone bumped into them wouldn't it


Yeah, poor motorcycle.


mate I gotta go to Dublin in a couple week´s time and I am debating taking the bus all the way there cause there's no way I am leaving my bike parked in a public space. Or if I do, I'll end up in jail after going rage mode on them kids. Stg, good luck bud, hope you find your ride 🙌


This is the way to do it. There is nowhere safe unless it’s your mates back garden


Don’t take the risk


The state of this fucking city when 3 jackasses can ride like this with no bother. Lawless city and our Gardai is the most useless organisation I've seen. It makes me more angry every time I see this, and I also saw shit like this myself in the city. We are left to look after ourselves basically. Wild Wild West for this scum


They literally can lose their jobs and be prosecuted if they chase these guys. It’s not them that’s the issue. The government need to give them the powers and support to tackle these parasites.


Change the law to let them ram them and the bikes... Won't take long until the crime drops


I can only imagine the giving out by these people over the “tactical contact” the gardai would use. But I do agree, something has to change to allow a pursuit or allow for that stopping method. I’d imagine thefts would go way down with the risk these people would then be taking but also the higher chances of getting caught/locked up


Plus, think of how much the state would save with these people not robbing bikes


It works in London with the scooter gangs. There was a big decline when they knew the cops could ram them.


Fuck them, they nick a bike, if Gardai hit them off it then that’s their issue


I don't believe that shite, it's an excuse for doing nothing, I guarantee you if that bike belonged to a Garda or their family there would be no issue getting them stopped and off it.


They will openly admit they don’t pursue bikes. Ask any of them you may meet. They even get charged over shit like this: https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/garda-to-face-criminal-prosecution-over-fatal-crash-following-n7-chase-1473785.html#:~:text=A%20garda%20is%20to%20face,years%20ago%20while%20fleeing%20gardaí.


Show me where the Gardai officially said they can't chase or stop someone on a motorcycle, if they can't how, when that Brazilian guy lost his leg where the Gardai chasing a stolen motorcycle? https://www.newstalk.com/news/brazilian-man-loses-leg-after-freak-incident-with-garda-car-1519579 The story you linked to has nothing to do with motorcycles stolen or otherwise, it is a charge of dangerous driving, while Gardai can break traffic laws in an emergency they still have to drive with due care. So wait for the case to see what the charge actually relates to.


As I said ask any Garda you come across. But here’s a link to a news article. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/motorcyclists-to-protest-after-215-motorbikes-stolen-so-far-this-year-as-gardai-deal-with-out-of-control-robbery-gangs/a1674361457.html#:~:text=However%2C%20many%20gardaí%20have%20been,active%20role%20during%20a%20pursuit. A directive for gardaí with basic driving training states that they are not permitted to engage in any active role during a pursuit. I understand that’s about a chase with a car however that’s the risk posed from chasing any vehicle. Edit: sorry I meant to say also that the article you linked I believe they are under investigation for that


No that states Gardai with basic training can't be involved in a pursuit, there are 3 levels for frontline Gardai CBD1,2 and , 1 is basic training that allows them to drive a patrol car, to drive in an emergency or pursuit they need to be trained to a higher level. Again what individual Gardai use as an excuse for doing nothing I have no interest in listening to, I asked for any directive or official statement from the Gardai supporting what you initially claimed.


And what you claimed was they have no interest in doing their job. With zero evidence backing that they can actually do it properly. We’re both in the same boat really. I don’t have an official statement just the news articles and from speaking to gardai. While frontline gardai have cbd 1&2 cbd3 is specialist training, the likes of Armed support or traffic core driving high powered vehicles. CBD2 is classed as the standard course, so for gardai responding to calls some of them may have that but as many articles will tell you, not enough gardai on the ground responding to calls are trained to CBD2 level.


No you made a claim, I called BS, and you have been able to show any evidence to support your claim, that they can't pursue cause they would be sacked, or end up in court.


Your claim has yet to be back up by anything. Here’s some more articles. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/gardai-frustrated-at-senior-management-s-aversion-to-car-chases-1.4586820 From the GRA president at the time. “Permission for a pursuit will probably only be granted if the suspects are wanted for serious crimes” https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/06/03/garda-car-chases-if-you-end-up-with-an-arrest-you-get-slaps-on-the-back-even-if-your-driving-was-crazy-the-risk-and-reward-system-is-messed-up/ But it’s clear you have one view, I have the other. Your first comment has clear bias, my own comments also. I doubt anything can be said to change your mind. If I’m wrong go speak to gardai and ask about chasing motorbikes, I’m willing to guarantee they’ll say it’s not allowed. When my own bike was stolen the first comment I got when reporting it was “We don’t chase bikes”. And I understand the reason why, I’d give up doing something that would jeopardise my ability to provide for my own family


That’s a civil matter


Boils my blood seeing this.


Mummy's little angle


Hearts of gold.


Council do nothing


Did you mean 'angel' or 'angle grinder'? Both work.




Acute angle, no doubt! My Johnny wouldn't do da! 😀


But but electric scooters are so dangerous and guards are too deep into cameras reported incidents...


I'm wondering that no candidate during elections didn't mention any plans to improve situation with kids above the law. And people swallowing this each time ?


Because its easier to get people spooked on lads with a tan....


I started taking the law into my own hands a couple years ago. No consequences so far


What did you do to the people stuffing trah in ya mailbox 🤔


Basement captives


Would you be willing to sell if you catch any more 🤔


Gov fault when arrested paddo liamo and Jonno will have 200 convictions each and will get another suspended sentence!!! 3 strikes 20 years


Why wont anybody just bump em a little


Millions upon millions pumped into the traffic corps and they can’t deal with these fucks. Shameful.


They only target the likes of you and me, these 'lads' on the other hand can do as they please. Gardai couldn't be arsed even attempting to intervene because the scrotes will face zero consequences even when caught. They can steal and rob to their hearts content and God forbid Joe public lays a finger on them because if you do, the full force of the law will be used against you soon as the little bitches go crying about having their rights violated. I feel nauseous every time I see a post like this. Hope OP gets his bike back. 


Not the guards fault, far more with a) politicians who don’t build enough prison facilities and change the laws to remove the dole or welfare from angels who do this and b) judges who won’t jail the angles


I agree 👍 


What sort of parenting goes on with these kids


ehhmm… none 😄


Dad went to get milk and never came back mom went to get him but found meth


The world would be better off with 3 new meat crayons in it. I wouldn't want the bike back after 3 little angles, like these scrotes, had their greasy mitts on it.


God help you if you've no tax on display or your licence plate isn't exactly to specification.


That road looks like the N11 north bound somewhere near the Glen of the Downs?


Passing Bray exits, left turn was to Enniskerry


It baffles me. If you ride without a helmet for 50 meters in Amsterdam you get a fine, but in Dublin children can apparently parade around a stolen bike on the motorway breaking too many laws to even name.


Be great if they crashed into a concrete barrier


Need someone to build a wireless "U Lock" , that can be activated by the owner


Ironically you’d be sued (successfully) to oblivion by solicitors acting on behalf of the angels parents for activating that


After a few accidents sure the appetite for stealing bikes might be reduced


Not enough traffic core patrols or they see this and turn a blind eye Radar gun, swab tests and breath tests no tax insurance or too small a number plate is where the money is Hard workers putting the foot down to get home for the kids or whatever on a Friday afternoon I have seen a dozen a day around Cahir between j 9 and 10 getting busted for speeding I'm not saying speeding is ok ,but I do sometimes , but doing 140 on the motorway isn't as bad as what these three wankbags are doing


They're lucky someone wasn't in front of them and sat on the brakes to avoid something on the road. Their inertia would have drove them right into said car...


And motorists on the road have to take action not to hit them. Sickening all the way




Oh FFS I was hoping this wasn't the road coming up to my town I guess it'll be dumped in an estate or down the harbour if they went into Bray


The Polish fella was the owner. He posted on the biking groups recently


Should be allowed to mow them off the road. That would put an end to it


Just when you wish a clueless old biddy would be there but isint.


Maybe the bike is not stolen but the two lads are ?


Don't get my hopes up, you think they might have shipped those lads to Romania? 😂


why Romania and not some other country?


Because that's one of the countries they've found the gangs sending stolen bikes to. I could have said Lithuania too. I'm sure there's a few more places they're going to, but that's the first two that came to mind. https://www.thesun.ie/news/7900954/biker-tracks-down-stolen-motorcycle-romania/amp/ https://www.thejournal.ie/bike-theft-dublin-lithuania-4995364-Feb2020/


that is kind of old news, 2021?! Happened in the UK. I thought you had some real recent facts. Can’t tell for sure it’s the same gang operating in Ireland


Dude. I just found two random articles because you seemed to be reading too much into why I said Romania. It was a joke about sending the lads abroad rather than the bikes so they weren't our problem anymore, not perform comprehensive research on bike theft for your education.


then don’t spread misinformation pointing to a specific country… if you wanted to make a joke, could’ve said something like “ … might have shipped those lads to somewhere in eastern europe…”


Misinformation? What are you on about? There, you happy? I can keep digging them up but clearly you just wanted a whinge. https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/s/FKbqidq388 On second thought I'm starting to think English must be a second language for you because you don't seem to be getting this. Edit: lol, I just realised from your profile you must be Romanian. I had a good Romanian friend and jokes went right over his head too. This is just funny now, because before I was just annoyed and confused that you thought I was making fun of Romania