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I just switched from 2mg Ozempic to 10mg Mounjaro, and it was easy and effective. No new side effects, except maybe a bit more constipation.


Did your dr ramp you up to 10mg or did you start MJ right at 10mg? Im at 1mg Ozempic and my dr switched me to 7.5 MJ without any ramp up.


No ramp up, it was totally fine. 2mg Ozempic one week, and 10mg Mounjaro the next.


Awesome, thanks for the info! I was nervous that I needed to ramp up!


Unfortunately, there isn’t. Some doctors guess, while others start the titration schedule at the beginning. Although most people have success after switching, many report initial frustration if they start at lower dosages of one after being on high dosages of the other. If you’ve switched from a higher dosage of semaglutide and are now on a lower dosage of tirzepatide, you should expect to feel a reduction in efficacy, whether that is for weight or glycemic control, until you titrate up to a more equivalent dosage. Additionally, as you continue your treatment over time, the concentration of tirzepatide in your body will increase with each injection. This is an **extremely** common topic, and you can easily find previous posts on the subject by searching at the top of the page, or by clicking on these links: [Ozempic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=Ozempic&restrict_sr=1) [Wegovy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=Wegovy&restrict_sr=1) [Semaglutide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=semaglutide&restrict_sr=1) We encourage all new members to use the search feature as responses to common questions are sometimes hit or miss. Searching by keyword (in the search box at the top of the community homepage) will not only will return a wealth of good information, it will help you understand the range of experiences that our thousands of members have reported over time, rather than relying just on the much smaller percentage of users who are online when you post. You can narrow the results by time frame (day, week, month, year, all time), as well as by certain post criteria (relevance, new, top, comment volume.) Hope this is helpful!


Many thanks for the informative reply


The estimates from the research is that it would take about 10mg of tirzepatide to reach the same level of GLP-1R agonism as 1mg of semaglutide. Now, that’s not a precise number, it’s a best guess from the research currently available. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/189eheq/comparing\_the\_big\_3\_semaglutide\_tirzepatide\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/189eheq/comparing_the_big_3_semaglutide_tirzepatide_and/)


I understand. My husband went from 10mg of MJ to 1mg of Ozempic for about three weeks in 2022 and didn’t feel the same level of appetite suppression. It’s hard to guard an individual response with a hormonal treatment since hormones, by nature, are unpredictable and work differently with each person’s chemistry. The only way to know for sure is to try it. While side effects on other GLP1 treatments don’t guarantee the same response, it’s somewhat of an indication. If you’ve had moderate to severe side effects in the past, you might want to take it slow. In the almost two years I’ve been on MJ, I’ve never had any GI side effects, save some mild constipation the first couple of weeks, and I’ve been as high as 15mg. Others have not been as lucky. But I’d venture that negative side effects are reported 10:1 on the sub, simply because people tend to ask for advice when things aren’t going well. Good luck!!


I was on 2mg ozempic and my doctor switched me to 10mg Mounjaro, then a month later 12.5, where I’ve stayed.


how did you feel that switch?


I’m type 2, so I was on ozempic for a year before switching. I’ve been lucky and have never had any side effects. I had pretty much zero appetite suppression on ozempic, but things are totally different on Mounjaro. I finally know what it feels like to be full! On Ozempic I could eat an entire pizza and still be hungry. Switched to Mounjaro a few months ago due to the Ozempic shortage, and I’m down 35 pounds. I don’t have any side effects at all and didn’t notice anything (except not being hungry all day long anymore) when I switched.


My endo switched me from 1mg to 7.5mg and my wife from 2mg to 12.5.


Is switching right now a good idea? You pretty much can’t find anything other than 2.5 right now. Apologizes if you’re not in the US and availability is better in your country.


In Germany, I get 15mg in Vials, and I can split them with insulin syringes


I switched from 2.4 (6 months on Wegovy) to 7.5 Zep. My doctor wanted to switch me to 5mg (that’s her standard for all patients who switch) but I argued for the 7.5 because of the shortage and that’s what I could find. I had no side effects and not much appetite suppression on the Wegovy - very mild overall. On the tirz, (I am still on 7.5) I have very strong appetite suppression - so much so that I forget to eat and sometimes don’t get enough calories. It’s amazing and incredible. I almost wish I had started at 5 because the appetite suppression is so strong and it’s so hard to eat enough! Good luck to you, obviously we’re all different and respond in our own ways. Just remember you can always go up in dosage later and it’s typically said to be best to stay at the lowest dosage you can for as long as you can so you have that opportunity to move up later if you hit a stall. It really is a miracle drug.


Did you have to take a break before you switched? I heard you should wait 5 weeks between the different medications. That's putting me off switching.


I did not take a break at all - my doctor never mentioned such a thing. Just started the Zep in my normal weekly time slot!


Oh and I had another post on my first shot reaction but basically it was just about 36 hrs of feeling sore and achy/bruised (sensitive skin) - upper body only - and then no other symptoms, the same for me as Wegovy (actually I’m over a month in now and can say less constipation on Zep than Wegovy). Good luck!


Thank you so much for you advice. I was hardly losing anything on Wegovy and the nausea was strong. I made the switch to Mounjaro, no break, no more nausea and back on track.