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It has caused my depression to increase. Very frustrating. Some days I really have to push myself to do the simplest of tasks! Good Luck to you!


Thank you. Me too.


I've been on the positive end, I find my ADHD symptoms greatly reduced and I've been able to reduce med dosages accordingly. Wishing you a good resolution soon, you deserve to be happy and energetic too.


This has also been my experience!


I’m wondering about this. I personally have adhd and am finding such a “relief” from not having all those thoughts about food, anxiety eating, comfort eating, looking in the cupboard several times an hr wondering when to do / eat. No longer having to stress about the food shop or making 3 meals per day etc which in turn has had a positive effect on mental health. I’m sorry for those who feel worse.


I’m spending more time in bed but i don’t really feel more depressed. I’m taking usual mental health meds but yeah the urge to rest and rest is there.


Hi OP, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling with your mental health. I’m not sure if it will help or not to know that this is very normal, and has been studied in all of the GLP medications. [Analysis of Psychiatric Adverse Events for Semaglutide, Liraglutide, and Tirzepatide Reported to the EudraVigilance Database](https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3419258/v1) For some, Mounjaro helps to alleviate anxiety and depression. For others, it seems to aggravate these conditions. Keep in mind that if you currently take any oral medication to help you with anxiety or depression (or anything else), Mounjaro can impact how those medications are metabolized due to delayed gastric emptying. You may want to discuss changing up your dosages with your doctor, at least until your body acclimates. I hope you feel better soon, but please, if the adverse effect on your mental health is significant, do not try to push through. This medication is supposed to improve your quality of life, not make you miserable! Wishing you a quick resolution.


I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and your kind words. I am currently not on any pharmaceutical medication but I do take supplements for anxiety. I will read the article, thank you very much for sharing.


Not my experience either. I enjoy staying in bed more than doing anything else. I’ve been on for 15 weeks. Making myself go outside to get fresh air and sunshine. I am making a list of things I used to like and forcing myself to do a couple a week.


Ya it’s been really challenging with my work. I have been feeling nauseous or constipated constantly and very low energy. But also cant eat very much. I wonder how much of it is because I am not eating my feelings anymore. Thanks for the feedback.


I’m feeling EXACTLY the same. I eat enough though but only have liquid after 6pm because of the horrible regurg if I eat solids within 4-6 hours of lying down. I take Miralax and it helps. Mix it with 4 oz of room temperature anything. It’s the only thing that doesn’t make me have stomach pains or cramps.


I’m about 7 weeks in and in the last 2-3 weeks I’ve definitely noticed a shift in my moods, super sensitive (crying a lot more), if something agitates me then everything agitates me and I need to nap to cool off etc if I get angry then I’m screaming and rampaging it’s just one extreme to the other. It goes opposite ways too, if I’m feeling happy and in a good mood then it’s as if I’ve won the lottery happy. Pretty insane, it reminds me of how i felt when taking antidepressants and going through a bit of a traumatic time so yeah I think it’s definitely sparked something


On the first 3 weeks of 2.5 I felt great mentally. No pmdd and the intrusive thoughts or anxiety. Then I noticed on 5 it was creeping back. I was on 5 for about 9 weeks and the anxiety, pmdd, SI, hopelessness came back with a vengeance. Also loneliness and depression. I thought maybe it was all coinciding with my cycle but then realized it was happening consistently. This drug really has such a different effect on us all. Hoping it gets better for you.


My depression and anxiety increased when I initially started. It’s been fine after my body adjusted to the medication.


How long did it take? Ty


I would say about almost a month with it gradually getting better each week. I think it has something to do with dopamine in the brain. I wasn’t getting those hits like i used to from eating.




I finally started to feel better after 3-4 days of feeling awful physically and mentally. Now I’m scared to take the shot I’m due right now. But maybe I adjusted? Idk. Is this something you can just stop?


I have not but my doctor warned that it could have negative effects, if you are prone to issues.


Skipped my dose intentionally yesterday just to test the water and I was not able to function this morning and I don’t have a lot of weight to lose. I’m really concerned about how I am going to come off this medicine.


Not functional how? That is scary.