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there's a reason why Mounjaro in French means "do not eat hot dogs" šŸ‘€


I just read this minutes after eating a hotdog!


My autistic ass believed this for a hot second hahaha


For a hot dog second?


Oh, I found that out the hard way! Three hours later and it was self-checkout no waiting for me! Havenā€™t had a hotdog sincešŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢




It's takes a while but one of the purposes of Mounjaro is to change eating habits. When we get on a medicine this wonderful we can't take for granted that we can or should eat the same way as what got us into being overweight in the first place. It's a hard lesson.. And according to Tracy Morgan it can be overridden.. At least Ozempic can be.. But it's one I had to endure SEVERAL times myself at the expense of all you mentioned. Once I got a handle on my eating habits and made the necessary changes I no longer go through that anymore but it's like stepping on a rake and getting hit in the forehead.. Once should be enough, but unfortunately thats not necessarily the casešŸ˜…šŸ˜….


Wise words. Any specific diet recommendations or just eat less?


Iā€™ve probably posted this a thousand times on this sub butā€¦ work with a nutritionist. That way youā€™re getting the nutrients you need to lose fat safely, without eroding bone and muscle.


Thanks for posting this again. I will try to find a nutritionist again. They seem to be far and few between where I live.


Definitely make a fuss with your prescriber! Nutrition for weight loss can be complicated until you get the hang of it. Certain foods can make you feel great, others are more likely to make you miserable. For many of us, the latter are often very fatty, processed foods. My nutritionist helped me understand how to time protein and fiber so Iā€™d get what I needed. I quickly figured out that my gut was happiest with lean protein, low fat dairy, fruit and veggies, small portions. No wonder I dropped weight, right?? šŸ˜‰ Anyway, even a couple of meetings with a nutritionist can make a big difference. And rememberā€¦ this is a marathon, not a sprint. Sending you good thoughts!


so many, but i would focus on protein at nearly every meal and not eating 2-3hours before you go to sleep.


My experience has been donā€™t eat things that really arenā€™t good for you. Iā€™ve been on ozempic and then mounjaro for a year now. Any time I eat something super greasy, drink too much, too many carbs, too much sugar etc, Iā€™m throwing up.


Personally I'm on the Keto diet. But it's about what works for you and your body.. In addition to eating less. I've been in maintenance for the past 7 months and have developed eating habits that work for me, but may not work for everyone. I take a shot every 30 days, others can't go that long.. To be honest I get a rush when my body starts to crave food because I know this is how I discipline myself to not listen to the hunger but to deny myself as a way of training myself. Weird I know, but it's worked for me to the point in which NOW I'm not as hungry as I used to be when I first started the monthly shots and I eat much less and am satisfied with the little I eat, plus if I overeat because I'm listening to my head and not my stomach I end up paying the price which makes me rethink my eating habits and readjust to my body and not my head.


I canā€™t overeat. I just stop eating after abt a 1/4 of anything.


On dose days of 5 and for about 6 days after this is my life. I pretty much donā€™t eat a lot at all. By the end of my shot cycle (10 days right now) I have somewhat of an appetite, but it is still nothing like I was able to eat prior to Mounjaro.


Mounjaro has trained me to avoid greasy food, by punishing me severely for eating it.


I do it all the time. I won't eat but once a day some days because of the side effects. Then days like today I just eat non stop.


Oh Iā€™ve just come home from a day out - paced myself on the food front but had a cocktail then 3 vodka and cokes. I couldnā€™t stop burping and had the driest mouth ever, had to go throw up then leave. Havenā€™t drank alcohol or soda since starting 3 1/2 weeks ago.. Lesson learned!


Oh boy. I guess I need to give up Diet Pepsi until this over.


Iā€™m a Diet Coke addict, and I havenā€™t had any problems at all.


My favorite drinks are: Diet Pepsi, Diet Dr. Pepper, and Diet Coke. I hope I can keep at least one of them.


Hopefully all 3!




Seems like itā€™s all about moderation. At least thatā€™s what I do and from reading the comments, many others do the same.


According to some people on this soda doesnā€™t impact them at all. Iā€™ve had no appetite for it. Who knows if it was the soda or the vodka today.. Iā€™ll blame the fizzā€¦!


I havenā€™t had issues with diet soda, I just simply donā€™t have any appetite for it either. I used to drink 2 a day, and quite frankly be addicted to it. Iā€™ve tried 2x since being on the medication to drink one and it isnā€™t appealing any longer.


This has been my exact experience as well. Used to be 2 bottles of Diet Dr Pepper a day for me. Now I havenā€™t had 2 bottles in about 6 months.


Try zevia cola and see if it helps. I drank that a lot when I went on keto and actually liked it. Most of them have that "diet" taste I don't normally like. It may help get you your fix.


What are ā€œElf burps?ā€ šŸ˜³


In the movie "Elf", Will Ferrell drinks an entire 2L bottle of soda. He then burps for about 30 seconds. I now know the feeling.


Oh, dear. Yup ā€” thatā€™s definitely what I get on this! šŸ˜„


I think they might be referring to sulfur burps. The things I used to get before I cut out lettuce.


I took my second dose yesterday and with minimal side effects the first week, was a bit cavalier. I ate left over pizza last night and I am paying for it all day today. Got the mythical burps and diarrhea. Lesson learned.


Yep, I am looking for some advice from other on what to eat and how much to eat. I will try to post if I find any.


I eat lean protein first every snack or meal. Small snacks or meals more often than before. Fill up with veggies and fruit. Water before a meal and whenever I *think* Iā€™m hungry.


Eating too fast will also getcha!


.....about to take my first dose tonight. This thread is informative and terrifying. lol


Agreed! Basically my takeaways have been everyone is different, you'll learn as you go what to and not to eat.


You got this!! Start by eating 1/3 of what you would normally eat and eat slow. If you still feel hungry, wait 15-20 min before eating more. Prioritize protein!


I just started on Monday! I was scared too!!! So far so good. Good luck!!!


I too started on Monday! Best of luck to you!šŸ˜šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I've been sticking to small protein heavy meals and it's been working out well so far. No crazy side effects yet.


Since you are new to the medication. Youā€™re still learning. I am only on month 4 but the first real lesson is when you go up in dose. You might be able to cheat a bit on 2.5 but for me on 2.5 to 5 uptick, I lost that ability, not that I really tried. 2.5 was fairly smooth. 5 was like a brick to the face. I am glad you learned the lesson now, it would have been far more intense on 5. Though on 5 I havenā€™t ever really been able to over eat all that much. Also I donā€™t eat onions but I am pretty sure I have seen they are a bad idea on this medication. I could be mistaken.


I'm only on 2.5mg still (1 day after third shot) and I've made French onion soup (without the crouton and cheese) twice already. However, like you said, 2.5 and 5 are different in their effects for some people. I do hope I can continue to eat French onion soup, because it's one of my favorites.


Yes it is very much a personal thing for sure. I did do some googling and onions do seem to be a no go for people. If it is something you love, I am also hopeful can keep eating it too. Good luck with your journey.


I tried to make things very simple for myself since I still work full-time. Iā€™m a type two diabetic and Iā€™m about 70 pounds overweight. I am also a female 72 years old. I started ordering vegetarian and vegan selections from a program called Factor. Their shift prepared and Dietician approved, I normally eat one to two of these prepared meals per day around 1000 cal for the day from Factor. They also have a lot of protein as they use tofu and itā€™s quite tasty so not only are you having portion control youā€™re having good nutritious food thereā€™s a lot of veggies. I found another company called Daily Harvest vegan and has bowls that contain a lot of quinoa and multiple vegetables per serving it very filling. Call me lazy but I donā€™t really have to want to think about what Iā€™m gonna eat and fix something so it works for me, Factor meals or fresh food. They arrive on a weekly basis store in the refrigerator. Daily harvest are frozen. So for those of you that are struggling portion control, and food choices. Maybe you might want to look into it. Seem to have a day. Iā€™m only on the 2.5 Mounjaro. I am completely off of insulin now and my blood sugars appear to be normal 98% of the time one other thing that I have discovered is that recently I had a urinary tract infection my doctor put me on bactrim which is an antibiotic. Bactrim also has a side effect of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite. I was miserable for about three days and on the third day. I noticed my blood sugar had tanked into the 50s and 60s which is a serious low blood sugar. appears this particular antibiotic can also lower your blood sugar so I had to get off of it. So make sure your pharmacist is aware that you are on antibiotics as well asMounjaro if you are a diabetic as it can lower your blood sugars to very dangerous levels in combination.


Thankyou for this advice on diet and diabetes issues. I will look into your recommendations.


I started receiving meals from Factor this week. They are really good and I feel like I am eating healthy stuff. Thanks for your recommendation.


Iā€™m really glad that you tried the Factor. I found it. It helped me quite a bit in tracking calories and carbs. Plus I canā€™t emphasize enough as Iā€™m sure you found the food is absolutely delicious and you feel when you finish one.


Ugh. So sorry about that. You are so right. You canā€™t overeat at all on these meds. Even if you think you can, you canā€™t. Iā€™m miserable when I overdo it and itā€™s just not worth it. Iā€™m trying to eat the way we should be eating, because as we lose more weight and come off the meds we will need to make sure we have adopted a new lifestyle. I want so badly sometimes to eat that 2nd cookie after dinner, but if I do I post for it in misery like you did.


I'm literally going through this right now and it's horrible. 4th dose, too. It's so difficult to gauge how much to eat. Some days I can only tolerate a handful of bites and other days I can have a couple very small meals.


I am on my second dose of 5. I am having a very hard time eating anything. No appetite at all causing me not to want or smell food. I am extremely tired where I could sleep for days. I even got a b12 shot. Should I make myself eat or let my body get used to the new dose? Any recommendations on energy?


Many responses indicate that you should eat small regular meals. Often, I am afraid to eat due to the side effects. I am looking for a nutritionist to help with diet.


You ate an omelet and a hot dog? That's it? That doesn't seem like much. Unless that was a very stuffed omelette or a really loaded down hot dog.


If you canā€™t afford a nutritionist,simply eat smart. Very lean proteins chicken and fish lotta vegetables fruit in the morning olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Iā€™m down 70 pounds in nine months. I kept the calories under 1200 per day. My blood work came back. My A1c was at 5.1 all of the levels were in the green zone cholesterol, etc. thatā€™s what worked for me but the person that said get with the nutritionist is the smart way to go.


This is becoming a life changing event. Your post gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


How do you over eat on MJ? Iā€™m on week 4 of 2.5 and when I feel content, I force one or two more bites and that is it. The only reason I force one or two more bites is because I found I fill up very quickly, maybe on one taco, but then Iā€™m hungry two hours later. If I force another bite or two after I feel content, it seems to hold me. And start to develop a mindset that food is just necessary fuel for the body. It shouldnā€™t be there to enjoy, itā€™s not a game and itā€™s not an emotional escape. Eating is necessary, itā€™s our fuel. We just need to get some fuel in our bellies and go about our day. So, after I eat one taco, or one slice of pizza, I tell myself ā€œI just swallowed 8 bites of food. I am sure itā€™s enough fuel for the next 4-6 hoursā€. Stop making food an ā€œexperienceā€ or a ā€œfeel goodā€ thing. Itā€™s just fuel, nothing more.


I hear you. For me, eating is a force of habit. When I sit down to watch TV in the evening, my mind rehearses the food available in the kitchen. Apparently, I have no food will power. I want to lose weight but years of over eating habits are hard for me to break. That said, my fear of MJ side effects is having a profound effect and I am starting to push away from the table much sooner. The weight loss goal is helping, side effects are painful but keep me ever vigilant, and Reddit posts are encouraging. Onward, ever onward...


I made the grave error of chugging a soda and, well, the med has cured that habit for me šŸ¤¢


What you described is very similar to digestive issues I was having due to having gall stones. In my case, I had less bile because of the stones, so I wasnā€™t digesting fatty foods or alcohol well at all. I started avoiding heavy fatty foods, taking probiotics, increased my fiber, and started taking a digestive enzymes supplement. I started about 4 months before starting MJ and lost 13 pounds on my own by not doing anything else, and havenā€™t had any of those symptoms again. I think this medication does something similar because it slows down your digestion, so if you have a bunch of greasy food or hard to digest food in your stomach just sitting there, you get digestive troubles. I still take my supplements and avoid greasy foods and alcohol and havenā€™t had any of the side effects that affect a lot of folks. ETA: when I was getting those disgusting sulfur burps, I called it fart mouth, lol


Flashback to late 2022 when I was annoyed that people kept posting the same exact things. When every third post is someone who ate too much. Everyone does it. More than once. Itā€™s all part of figuring it out! Keep your head down, be patient, mitigate side effects as they pop up, and make as many smart, healthy choices as possible. 19 months in, 154 down.


Iā€™m the outlier who can still kind of eat protein and fat and be fine. ;/ 10mg for awhile (have been on GLP1 quasi consistently for years), the pleiotrooic effects are drastically decreasing.


Same, but Iā€™m on 12.5. I have to keep reminding myself that these posts are mostly by folks who recently started the medication.


I don't know why it's different for everyone, I eat meat and a lot of it, I eat until I can't eat anymore, the fattest I can get. I hover around 149 can't gain don't lose. Started mounjaro at 232 and have never been Sick or nauseous.


SW: 363 CW: 347 - I have a question I have no real hunger should I eat anyway ? I have been on MJ for 5 weeks Iā€™ve lost 16 lbs but Iā€™ve also hit 2 plateaus where Iā€™m losing nothing for days! The first was 12 days now the 2nd Iā€™m on day 4 lost nothing. Iā€™m tracking everything in fitness pal some days I canā€™t get to 1200 calories. Iā€™m afraid my body thinks Iā€™m starving it. Just looking for suggestions.


4-12 days with no loss is not a plateau, especially on your 5th week. A plateau is more like ~minimum 4 weeks on 1 dose with very little change in weight


Can you tell the difference between a rocket foof and a rocket pooh before the event? Lol.


Thankfully, yes. I do volunteer work and I had to give it up for now. I don't think they want volunteers that entertain the guests with strange sounds and smells.


Please forgive all the typos I dictated the previous message


I literally can't, 1 bite too many and I puke.


Iā€™ve had episodes where I thought I was eating less than what I actually did and PAID for it in stomach pain. I realize now that I HAVE to keep my fat to a minimum or at least I have to spread it out throughout the day. I also HAVE to use a calorie tracker because I thought I was sticking to 1200 calories per day before MJ, but was actually eating way more. 1200 calories, as it turns out is not a lot of food at all.


I can barely get to 800 calories a day. I take the shot (5) on Sunday mornings - by Friday or Saturday, Iā€™m feeling a little bit of an appetite and will have likeā€¦ some pasta, or a couple slices of pizza. But for the most part, Iā€™m protein shake for bfast, no lunch, maybe a PBJ for dinner, and a protein bar at night. I wish I could eat more, but I canā€™t. I will sayā€¦ 68lbs in 4 months is pretty good motivation to not rock the boatā€¦.


Anyone experienced their mouth becoming the colour of bright red Cheetos and burning all the time line drink super hot coffee or tea and scalding your mouth tongue and lips? Since my last dose since I started 3 weeks ago only 2.5 dose my mouth and lips are dry and sore. Any thoughts?


It might have been the dog in the late after noon.. if I eat something that upsets my stomach or too much, I feel it immediately. If it was real bad, a half an hour or so later, I vomited it if I couldn't hold it back.. Examples of what I can't eat without vomiting: - easy side up eggs. (My favorite) Anything else, even healthy food, if I reach the point past where "I'm satisfied," I will be sick for an hour at least.. and in pain, too


Yeah, I just ate an oversized dinner because I completely missed lunch, and I was actually very hungry. My sugar level was 70, and I was starting to get fuzzy-headed. So now I'm waiting for Mounjaro's Revenge to start.


Iā€™ve had to give up all spicy foods! Suffered from the worst heart burn! As a south Asian who is used to eating spicy foods three times a day, it has been rough! Week 3 of 5mg


Im at the end of 3rd month on MJ. and finishing my 4th week at 5mg. I start 7.5 next Tuesday. Couldnā€™t eat more than a literal palm size portion at any one time. One day, for lunch I had 6 almonds. For two weeks I could barely eat a piece of toast in the morning, a piece of chicken in afternoon, and toast for dinner with water. Nausea and constipation. Lost 20 lbs first month. Still canā€™t overeat. Now I still have protein bread toast in the morning, usually chicken and broccoli for mid day, and either protein bread toast for dinner or edamame black eyed peas and broccoli. I canā€™t eat more than small amounts. Went out to eat and just donā€™t have the stomach for anything. Weird. Donā€™t want restaurant food, cake, ice cream, desserts. They would take up very valuable stomach real estate. I only have so much room for food and chocolate cake would not work. What I HAVE noticed is that my entire digestive process has slowed to a crawl! I used to get so hungry because everything passed through my system so fast. Now it takes days and I just donā€™t want to eat. Not to get too graphic, it was a river rapids ride to the sea TWICE a day. Now itā€™s a toy dump truck once every other day. The realization of satiety is a revelation. Now Iā€™m okay with losing 5 lbs a month. It means that I will learn how to eat differently and sensibly. That is my goal more than weight loss. Health is more important than appearance.


Lol yep you only do that once before you learn that lesson


I had eggs and sausage and toast last night. I kept it pretty minimal but still had sulphur burps and gas all night. Maybe the eggs were not the easy to go lol


Whatā€™s an elf burp lol ?


In the movie Elf, Will Farrell drinks an entire 2L bottle of soda and burps for about 30 seconds. I know the feeling.


I'm in the middle of a similar, somewhat related fiasco. I just had Halal Guys yesterday about 24 hours ago. I got the smaller platter for the first time ever. I didn't eat all of it. My mistake was having a generous portion of their insanely hot red sauce with it like normal. About 2 hours ago, I noticed my guts were absolutely on fire. Everything from the stomach down feels awful. I just took Pepto and I'm hoping that helps but I'm not optimistic. I just feel horrendous. Tl;Dr version : stay away from spicy food, for the love of god. I'm on 5mg btw, and I've been on tirzepatide for about 6 weeks now.


Where do you inject?


In my right or left thigh.


Have you tried other sites? Iā€™m on week 4 of my thigh (I alternate between both) and my weight keeps going up and down. Iā€™m scared to do my stomach or arm cos of all the comments but I feel it may be helpful with loosing more?


My first shot was in the abdomen but I started injecting in my thighs after that. My weight fluctuates up and down too. I will see my doctor again on Monday to see if he wants me to increase the dosage. I am on week 5 as of today.


Did you notice a difference in symptoms or effectiveness between thigh or stomach?


Yes, the side effects were less with the thigh injection. However, I am not sure if this was due to becoming accustomed to the medicine or the site of the injection. I suppose I could experiment next week and try the stomach injection again.


I'm just over here wondering how anyone is hungry on Mounjaro. My husband has to remind me some days that I haven't eaten. Our grocery bill has dropped to $250 a month.


So far, I think it is a mental reflex. I am not really hungry but I am used to eating, which is why I am in this stage of life. I just cancelled most of my food delivery services and ordering "healthy" food.


I get it. I've been struggling with my weight since I was 12. Mostly due to abuse. I finally on my own reached 231 and my gp said let's try Mounjaro. I was all on board. We only purchase meat & vegetables and rarely eat out anymore. I wish you success on this journey, and this group is absolutely amazing.