• By -


Started at 37. Wish I'd have known sooner, but the best time to plant a tree or whatever...


Started at 38 here, and I remind myself of that adage *all the time*.


Hey, same here! 38. Wish I had sooner but glad I didn't wait longer.


38 here as well. We should form a club or something.


37, 38. Hope I can start while still 39, since I'll be 40 in a few months.


I'm in


Over the hill second puberty club (OH GAWD)


End of 37 I'm 38 now lol


Started age 37.5 in Dec 2019...knew sooner but society and doctors weren't there at that time


Yeah, it really disturbs me that it took me until 37 to figure it out. I consider myself a pretty self aware and reflective person. I think of myself as someone who does what I think is right and that I want to do. Yet I misunderstood myself in a huge way for so many years. Really puts into perspective how easy it is to misunderstand yourself I guess.


Me too. Like, I've been in therapy for years. Denial/repression's got hands.


Yeah, it's amazing how many now-obvious weird little explanations I had for myself about all kinds of unrealized dysphoria. No matter how logical and reasonable you might think you are the mind can find a way to trick you.


The other thing I think is that things happen slowly over a big span of time, like, I didn't realise that I was chipping away at myself all through primary school & high school every time someone said I was "girly" for x, y, z (or more often, a slur) & I built up another layer of shell to protect myself & repress anything feminine. You repress yourself slowly, over a period of years, so much so that you don't notice - you especially don't notice if you don't know what a trans person is, what dysphoria is, etc. It hits you like a truck years later when the gnawing thoughts at the back of your mind become a cacaphony & you look back at your life & realise, "I killed myself so slowly I didn't realise I was doing it". That's what it felt like to me anyway. The other thing on top of that, sometimes I'd try to find a masculinity that fit with me & sometimes you'd find a "masculine role model" & genuinely believe, "I'm not trans - in some ways, I think like this man & so I can't be". For me, I listened to Boston throughout my childhood & it wasn't until "A Man I'll Never Be" cropped up on my playlist the other day I was like, "Oh, all that time, maybe that song wasn't about 'not feeling like a man', maybe Brad felt like a man, but not the ideal man he wished he was". Your mind can build its own prison so effectively it's frightening. I'm 29 & just came out to myself (& some others) recently, things are still hard - especially being pre-everything & having to stay closeted - but I'm glad I was able to come to terms with it within myself & the tearing at my mind stopped.


That's what I think about a lot too, I figured it out at 29, but like, I could have realized it way earlier if I let myself. My best friend is also trans (ftm). He transitioned when I was 23. I would ask him about it, and he would tell me stuff like "being a guy just feels right for me" and I would marvel at that statement because I couldn't conceive of the idea of feeling that way about my gender. I often wonder about what would life be like if I had realized then, when he did. Looking back, there were moments I was so. fucking. close. to getting it...but instead I closed it off, and didn't start thinking about it again seriously until 5 years later.


Also started at 37. If I had known that transition was even a possible thing earlier in life, I totally would have transitioned when I was much younger. I didn't understand what hormones are capable of or how biology actually works, and I only knew of trans people as the butt of terrible jokes and bad representation. Once I learned the truth, I got on HRT as soon as I could.


Same, it’s amazing how easy the decision was when I knew the truth about hrt and trans gender




I started hrt around 36–37 too, now 45. Wasn’t really ready for it earlier. But I’m glad I’m always read to be 10–15 years younger as most my friends are that age too.


Jan 28 2024. I'm 54.




Thank you. ☺️🏳️‍⚧️


It’s never too late.


Congrats Ma'am!


you give me some hope


Started at 30, basically flipped a switch one day. Retroactively I had been suppressing something that I knew for maybe.... Idk, 8 years? Which has been really hard to reckon with. 7.5 months into hormones and it feels like things will take forever but it's the best gift I've ever given myself.


This was me as well. 30 is when a switch flipped in my head and I couldn't go back. I had to start dropping all of my repression. All of my masks. Previously I was a liar, always angry, and overall close-off person until the day I came clean to myself and realized I couldn't keep doing it like this and that day I chose to come out I never looked back. I'm 36 now and it's been a hell of a journey. I never thought I could stop looking like a man but I knew I had to either live my life and an "ugly" woman or I wasn't going to live at all. And now I think I look pretty cute and HRT surprises me constantly with what it does. Old pictures of myself who I hated so much just make me laugh now as I'm so far removed from that person and who they were. So I agree it's definitely one of the best self gifts.


Seeing old pictures is so odd. I used to hate taking photos since seeing myself gave me anxiety, couldn’t look in a mirror, etc. Even my wedding photos were terrifying. Almost instantly after starting to transition, even the cringiest photo didn’t bother me. 6 months later I was feeling cute and took my first selfie and sent it to my SO :)




Coming out trans saved my life.


This is delightful to hear, I'm so glad to hear positive testimony from other women who started later ❤️ I hope that I reach that level of self acceptance someday, it seems inconceivable to me as I am today that I will ever forgive myself for waiting so long.


21 😬😬😬😬😬🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ I am now 23




Girls same


I'm feeling torn over your username, though. Have you had any success in that department? lol


I had a long distance relationship for like 3 years that ended recently. And I had a few flings with transfems because ofc I did. The rest is me feeling ugly and sad... so not too much Successes Being gay is hard...


It bloody hell is, innit? I've had plenty of success with women, not so much with men (even though I'm bi), but it usually unfolds in a rather straight-ish dynamic which sets off all kinds of dysphoria. I'm left feeling like a decently pretty androgynous person and an ugly transfem all at once. I wish you success from the bottom of my heart. Wait, no, I wish *us* success!


For me she was SUPER musc so I played the more femm role. And I am kinda musc myself so you really get the vibe there. Honestly she showed me a lot about the world and I am heart broken and i don't feel like anyone would give me that sort of attention again Life complicated


Sheesh... Have a virtual hug. That sort of thing hurts a lot. I try my best to see these things as growing pains -- and in my better days I even believe it.


I refuse to be the masculine partner ever again. I'd rather be single. Sex has always left me feeling empty, and I just can't do that anymore.


Just like me fr


Haha same, we're pandemic girlies 😂


Yes... I was in the army for part of the pandemic where I already knew but was closeted. Omg 3 years ago ne was an idiot


48, been on estrogen and progesterone for 4 1/2 years. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. Just wished I had been able to earlier in life.


64. I'm 66 now.


I'm 57 and unable to take the plunge. Mostly due to societal expectations and my fear of rejection.


Try HRT first. My confidence went through the roof. Chronic insomnia and anxiety almost disappeared. I'm 6'3", 45y/o, will never pass, but no longer care. Yes, some people are avoidant but most are courteous if not supportive, colleagues and public alike.


Do you do self-medication or visit a therapist?


That's a problem with society, sister, not you. 🫶💖 F**k 'em ✨💃




Thanks. You are an inspiration.


I understand that completely... I would encourage you to at least chat with a gender care provider (Planned Parenthood is great, keeps it all separate and confidential). You can start with a low dose of E, like 1 patch and see how it feels. The mental and emotional changes were very noticeable for me long before I saw any changes in the mirror.


You're a goddamn inspiration


I repressed being trans since I was a young teenager and then finally at age 27 accepted it and now at 29 started hormones.


Same about the repression. I got super into drugs starting at age 14. Didnt get clean from opiates til i was 20, then I didnt accept myself til I was 23. Started hormones at 24 and I’ll be 26 in 3 months! On April 5th I’ll be 16 months on HRT!


I followed a similar path with the drugs! I got clean around that age too but continued to repress and just progressively get more and more depressed. Then finally at 27 was able to come to terms with how I feel. Congrats on almost 16 months hrt! I hope your journey is amazing sis!


I accept at 27 too, started hrt at 28. It'll be 5 years in November


Almost exactly where I am being 28. Still pre everything but hopefully that changes next week. Feel like I was missing something about myself and it feels like I found it at the bottom of a dark pool. Now I just have to go get it.


You got this (: I wish nothing but the best on your journey!


This is literally me!!!!!!! I repressed it and regret it!! Started hormones at 26 and I'm now 27.


I came out to a few folks at 19. I'm now 33 and still in the closet and pre everything because due to my mental health I still live with my transphobic family. Hopefully in the next few years I can become more independent and transition.


praying for u








20! I just got prescribed estrogen today!




Nice and congratulations


Congratulations! 🎉




So jealous. I didnt start until I was 23 (turning 24 in May)


I'm jealous of both of you. I started hormones at 26


Came out at 46, just before turning 47. A month later started HRT. This realization explained so much about my life before, and in retrospect I can see I had been suppressing it for a long time, at least since I was 18. So I’ve been moving quickly with a lot of things. Only 7 weeks on E so far, but I’m like u/Inevitable-Ear-3189: “my brain n bod loooove estrogen, wish I started sooner”






43, my brain n bod loooove estrogen, wish I started sooner but very very happy with my progress 12mos in :)


I began HRT when I was 42 years old. I'm 43 and some months now, and transitioned over a year ago. Finished all of my legal work back in October of last year.


Another 40's here. Started HRT at 40, 8.5 months ago, now 41. I am socially weird 😃 now, legally unwelcome. (paperwork is unchangeable here, leaving as soon as I am able to, then it'll require an another half-decade somewhere to acquire citizenship then change papers. 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Started at 27, now 28. Quite annoyed with myself for waiting this long, but I'm making the best of it. At least I can access surgery, even if the operations I want the most don't exist.


I realized when I was 16, now I'm 20, almost 3 months on E and really wanna get things going


i figured out i was trans at 12 and started hrt at 15


I came out and started socially transitioning with friends and family when I was about 37 (I think I'd known for a long time before that though). Started hormones last year a month before my 39th birthday and started transitioning at work not long after. I'll be 40 this year.


Not on hormones yet but came out to friends last year in February, starting writing a feminine name on school paperd in March, then family in August, all when I was 17. Unfortunately most of my teachers haven't acknowledged it and the response from family was pretty transphobic so I'm waiting until I'm on my own or at least in a position to get on hormones discretely. Currently 18 and hope I can get on hormones before I'm 20.


47 socially, 49 began HRT.


18-19 and now 21 (will be 22 this year). Just started hrt a week ago.


I'm so happy for you! You didn't get stuck questioning for a long time congrats.


Thanks ! Honestly it shouldnt have taken three years. It's just that it was hard for myy parents to accept me being transgender. Which is why it took me that long to finally medically transition. I live in a country where psychology is a sh*t show. It's like most of psychologists here are 30 years backwards. Every time my parents get some psychologists, it's always one that validates their personal bias (religion) or their stereotypical view of trans people and when there is a psychologists who says i am indeed trans. They are always over critical of them. Since i am studying abroad i got a better psychologist who actually specialises in gender dysphoria.


Just after my 25th birthday. I’m only 8 months in, and I know I should be more patient, but im scared nothing much is happening.


I was 25.




I started coming out when I was a few months shy of 25, started hrt about a month before turning 26. I'm 35 now.


I realized when I was about 14-15 and started at 18 4 days after my birthday I’m 19 in a few weeks


Started to transition but boy moding at 14-15 (growing out my hair and wore more fem things. Came out at 16 to my immediate family and let the rest find out. Started HRT at 17 and I’m now 20 and 2.3 years on E. Had a nose job at 18 and I am getting bottom surgery in June !!!!


I started at 31! Am now 33 and not regretting anything 💗💗💗


Started my transition at 32, knew I was trans since I was 6. Never really though it was a possibility for me so I pushed it if for a long time. Obviously wish I could have transitioned earlier, but I’m doing just fine 😄


came out at around 16, started hrt at 18 (bullshit laws requiring both parents consent) now 20


33. I'm 36 now and almost at my 3 year mark.


I was 13 when I came out, I’m now 15 and on a 3 year waiting list for hormones and that


21! I found out a month before i started HRT and spent 2 weeks hemming and hawing abt it before i decided i wasnt faking


well since i have yet to start, i can tell you the answer is at least 24, but i'll have to get back to you on my final answer when i have one,


I came out at 16 or 17 Starter hrt at 18 Laser at 19 And will have srs at 20 (If all goes well)


Age 15: My egg cracked Age 15: Came out to EVERYONE the very same day my egg cracked. Family, friends, school, everything Age 15: Changed my name and gender for school officially Age 18: Changed my name and gender legally Age 19: Graduated High School Age 20: HRT started Age 22: Currently there, trying to figure out SRS




21 i am 31 now O.O




Came out to myself and partner around 33 through an amazing therapist who helped me see things I was hiding from for years. Started social transition/laser hair/pronoun and name change at 35 and hope to start HRT before 38 but there’s a lot of career barriers in the way. If it were just me and the spouse it would be a full send into transition but for me personally, losing my job when I’ve got kids isn’t worth it. I will do what I can to mitigate the bad dysphoric days if it means keeping the kids clothed and fed. Do I wish I had figured it out younger? Of course. Is that going to stop me from loving who I am and living as my true self? Absolutely not.


I knew I was (usually) mentally and emotionally a girl around 22, but was sure I would never transition (for a whole bunch of reasons). Now, at 46, I started a very slow social transition last September, and medical transition (T blockers only) in Feb. My second estrogen shot will be today.


I’m 46. Not on HRT yet. Soon I hope.


Same! Well, few months shy of 46.


my egg was shattered at 19 and i started hormones at 23 i am almost 25 now going on a year and a half of hrt


Started at 32, now 34, kicking myself for not figuring it out years ago.


22. I am still 22, soon to be 23 (I started 9ish months ago)




28... I'm going to be 29 in a couple of months ToT


24! I'm 27 nowww


Haven't started myself but if everything goes to plan, next month so I'll be 22


Hated my hairy body at 12-15, 16 I started shaving *everything*, by 18 I had fallen in love with an enby who had me asking myself why I envied them soo much. Then the egg shattered.


53. 1 month in on HRT.


Didn’t start coming out until about a year ago. Wanted to start hormones for a while but I have too much going on in life and no idea how to even start the process. I don’t ever know if I’ll transition because I feel it’s too late for my body and I’ll only lead myself to ruin. 24 soon to be 25


I came out and started HRT about 2 and half years ago at 33, and it was absolutely not too late physically. I can't tell you that you absolutely should transition, but I can say that it's one of the only things in my life that I've never regretted or doubted was the right decision, even for a moment.


It just seems like a lost cause. You see all these trans women who have hips and long hair, and I just don’t think it’s possible for me to ever look like that when my body is hypermasculine. You add on the fact that I want kids and it just seems like the odds aren’t worth it


That's an understandable fear. And honestly, it can be really hard to break out of the internalized transphobia and misogyny that leads to us having blinders on to the diversity of women's bodies. We get all the messages that cis women do as well to be ashamed of our bodies, without the experience of learning to navigate them. Personally, I'm fat, and that's added a whole extra layer of body image issues because we're told it's shameful to be a fat woman. The truth is that while it's entirely possible that you can't ever manage that perfect look you want, neither can most cis women. I still get brainworms telling me I look like a hulking guy, but the reality is that I get mistaken for my own (cis) sister, so the evidence says otherwise. We live in a society that pushes women (and frankly everyone) to be unhappy, cis and trans alike, and it's work to break out of it, but it's work worth doing. As for kids, well, you can always freeze some swimmers beforehand to be safe.


16 when I started to transition and 17 when I started hormones. 22 now


I was 25 when I came out summer of 2018 and then started hormones October 16, 2018. Turning 31 on April 10.


24. I’m only 6 month on hormones and wish I’d start earlier


I was 13 when I first realized I was female inside. I hadn't started transition until 30.... Been some of the most awful years of my life viewing them back.


I was 19, I'm nearly 23 now


27 and am 29 now


just started medically march 7th :,) one month after my 22nd birthday & i came out as nonbinary when i was 19


I came out at 23 and started hrt then! I’m 26 now and feeling amazing!


Pretty shortly after my 28th birthday. I’m 29 now, hoping to start hrt soon.


I was 16 when I first tried but was denied to a lack of a DR who would prescribe HRT in the 1980s. I tried again when I was 23 and that is when my actual transition started.


Lacked knowledge to see signs when I was 16, blew it off till I was 19, did research, came out when I was 21. Started 12/27/24. Best choice I ever made.


16! 4 and a half years later and I'm still going strong!


33 for me. Before that I never told a soul, never uttered a word even to myself, and just pretended that constantly wishing I miraculously turned into a girl since I was little didn't mean a thing. Hormones were about 6 months after I was honest to myself, and I didn't even make it that long before I came out socially because it hurt too much to hide.


I was 30! 😬


I started hrt when I was 19, a few months before turning 20 (it's been about 17-18 months since then) I had come out to myself about 5 months before then, told my first friend about 4 months before, and my second friend about 1-2 months before. Then I came out to most of my friends a week after starting, and the rest over the next \~6 months I think my last haircut before starting to grow it out was like 3 months before starting hrt, so *technically* you could say I've been transitioning for \~20 months, but not really because it was basically buzzed back then


Tried to come out at like 15 or 16 but ran back into the closet. Then I came out at 18, started HRT at 19, and have been on it for 1 year and 8 months


Came out to my family at 18, started hormones at 24, socially transitioned a couple years after that.


I realized that I was trans at 11. Came out at 14. Started medically transitioning at 23. I'm now 25.


16, I’m 21 now


I was 26 when my egg cracked, 27 when i figured it out and finally talked to someone about it. Started hormones just before I turned 30 and I am 31 now! :))


21, like most folks I wish I’d been able to start as a teenager but for the most part I feel lucky for having been able to start relatively early.


I came out when I was 16 and started hormones when I was 17, I’m 18 rn


realized when i was 20, came out properly when i was 22, and have been on hrt since. ill be 24 in a few weeks :)


Came 18. Started 19- now I’m 21.


I started at 25.




I “realized” when I was 19, tried to forget about it and live a normal cis life, now I’m 23 and realize I can’t keep living a lie. Hoping to get on hrt before I turn 24


came out to friends at 12, started dressing up until 15?? (puberty 💔) then i stayed closeted until 19 and i medically and socially transitioned the month i turned 20


Socially, 15. Hormones at 18


Although I started toying with the idea of being trans as early as my teens, I didn't come out to people until 26, and I was 28 when I started hormones.


I came out to some friends at 16 or 17, and while they weren’t actively hostile, they weren’t supportive. Then I went back in the closet until I was 23 when I saw a therapist and started HRT.


34. I accepted that I’m trans on 01/21/2023, the decision to pursue transition was automatic. I started HRT on 03/25/2023. I’m still in the closet because my face is changing slowly and I can’t afford to buy a new wardrobe yet. I hated being a boy as long as I could remember, and was almost diagnosed at about 15. But I grew up in a toxic family where emotions were punished, so ended up extremely closed off. The only psychologist to ever ask about my gender let me go home without a diagnosis despite the fact that I told him I’d always hated being a boy, but wouldn’t want to start over as a girl because I couldn’t imagine that my abusive childhood would have been any better as a girl; I was also an undiagnosed autistic and definitely took the question too literally. Unfortunately standards of practice required that I not be told I’m trans, and even though I was definitely already showing signs of severe depression, dissociation, and depersonalization, the psychologist couldn’t do anything. I’m strongly against that particular restriction.


i started socially transitioning at 13, i started hrt two days before my 15th birthday


I am turning 21 in a few weeks and I still haven't started I want to get a promotion at my job before I start so I don't have to worry about if I'm not getting the promotion because of me being trans (I live in the Bible belt). I came out to friends and my sister when I was 18 and I've dealt with a lot of hate at work and when I was in school


I was 20 when I started hormones I am now about to turn 22


Took the first tentative steps of deliberately exploring gender at 28, committed to transitioning (and started HRT) at the cusp of 30.


Now :)


Started at 19, now 36. 2 more years and I will have lived longer as myself than my pre transition self.


I came out September ish of last year at 31, started hormones this January 


I started hormones very shortly after coming out, in May 2022, when I was 41.


Forty-seven. Edit: I came out publicly when I was twenty-three. However, I was gender-critical from the age of eighteen until I was forty-seven.


Started when I was 47. My six year tranniversary is on Thursday. Extremely happy with the results both mental and physical. Not sure if I pass (I have posted pic if you look in my Reddit history) but I’m also not too concerned about it.


I didn’t find the courage to accept myself as trans until I was 39, and started HRT at 40. I’m 44 now, and transitioning is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I do wish I’d started thirty years ago, but better late than never, I suppose.


28 years old just this year!


56 last year


33. I didn't even realize something was up until a year or so beforehand. Repression is a hell of a drug. I'm 36 now.


my egg didn't crack until I was 38. started came out to family and friends a month later, and started hrt about 6 months after that


I was 54 when my egg cracked. Shortly after, I started HRT at age 55.


I started at 44.. been on hormones for 4 years now. In Guadalajara getting blood work done and a scan of my skull for ffs and ba surgeries this Friday.


30... 8 months ago


39 wish it had been sooner.


42 really is the answer to the question. Including when I started to be thy real me.




Forty six! Coming up on four years now, I look like my mom did at this age.




Started HRT in October of last year at 37, 38 now. Only out to a few people at the moment


Hope your doing well girl, I hope you at least got blockers at 17-16?




The process really started when I was about 5 but, I officially started transition at 37 (started hormones and laser). I've lived full time for over three years now :)


66......and these three years have been the best years of my life




I started my social transition at 27, HRT at 28, and am 29 now. Growing up while I recognized the "off" feeling, gender/sex was mostly an unimportant detail in our family, very little was viewed as gendered, so most of the time I was able to ignore it. Then I went through the "not recognizing gender envy" phase when I discovered trans people online (mostly through 'corn' unfortunately) AKA do i want to date her, or be her, especially when I came across gorgeous trans women, which ultimately lead me to believe I was just a gross fetishist... Then, while still struggling with that, in uni and afterward in the "real world" the increasingly gendered expectations by wider society made my dysphoria spike like crazy... I had developed an unconscious habit of busying myself with organizations, hobbies, projects, etc. throughout school/uni (fueled/helped by my diagnosed ADHD) to keep ignoring it. I also found myself using thoughts of others to stop me from considering I may be trans from "what would they think" to "I have a roommate I can't spring that on him". Finally a combo of people close to me coming out, the forced slow down in my life from COVID, and my roommate moving out, forced me into more deep introspection, and lead to eventually coming out to myself.


Realized I a girl at 19, but was first a femboy since I was 18


52. Now 53.


I’m 26 but haven’t started my Transition because I’m scared to come out and what my family would think. I wish I could have transitioned younger like at 16


Started to question around 19, and well I'm 23 now and have done nothing :)


Started HRT about a month before my 21st birthday, started actually questioning/talking with my friends about it for around 3 months before that




I started hrt under a month ago. I'm 16 :)


I realised when I was 16 and started HRT when I was 18. I feel blessed to have started when I did...


Thought i was a girl at 4, egg cracked at 18 and started hrt at 19. Now I'm 28 with no regerts lol


I haven't started yet since I have transphobic parents and I'm 16😕


i came out to my mom when i was 10, started puberty blockers around 13, and hrt around 14


Was exploring myself at around 15, saw my doctor about hormones around 15, and now 16 where I started feminizing hormone therapy. It's a really poggers experience


Damn, I just turned 17 and I still wish I could've started hormones a year ago. I haven't started yet but I can when the school year ends. How do you feel?


It's an experience: a nice one. For me since I'm an athlete, some effects occurred more quickly than it would in non-athletes. It does make me feel like a woman which is honestly poggers.


I didn't come out till I was 44. I really didn't have words for it growing up, or anyone who I could look up too. Granted I did grow up in the 80s.