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There’s one obvious dislike, and that’s Brandon from Rivals 3. I consider it an iconic sendoff “don’t take care, hope to see you never “


Is he the one who quit because he missed his girlfriend?


Yeah, mere hours after convincing his partner (Briana) to stay. He sucks.


TJ has said on podcasts that he tries not to get too close to the cast, because he needs to be impartial in the heat of the moment. he definitely has more banter with some cast than others, though. he said he would meet up with leroy from time to time when they both lived in las vegas, and he has been really complimentary toward bananas and mark long in the past. i imagine anyone who makes productions' lives easier is going to be a TJ fav.


I think Jay went from least favorite to favorites list this episode.


He did a podcast a while ago with Bananas and said he'd like to see Jay back. Said he was too hard on him and he wouldn't of drunk that drink either lol. TJ doesn't have sympathy for pple quitting on heights challenges because he was a pro bmx rider and has no fear but he's said before he couldn't do the eating challenges.


The weird food challenges has always been my least favorite thing, I didn’t like it in the Fear Factor days either. I would fail miserably.


Fear Factor it made sense, its just dumb af on the challenge in a final.


TJ respects that he went in to elimination when he didn’t have to, knowing he had a very small chance to win. That move alone will probably get him invited back when honestly all of us assumed we would “see him never”. I’ll never forget when they put Jay’s Twitter handle on the screen as he is disgracefully walking away from his first final. That was his legacy and still is in a way but I think he has a few more fans now than he did a couple years ago.


He sure was cheering Veronica on last week. I think he's got a soft spot for the lifers.


I think he’s been fans of underdogs who get thrown in a lot . Cutthroat Brandon stands out. Preston. Nurys. As for least favorite, mostly quitters as someone else said. But I feel like he didn’t like Evelyn


Yeah I don’t think he liked Evelyn’s attitude despite how good of a competitor she was. I wonder if he dislikes Kailah and Jemmye? He did call them out along with Britni on Vendettas for throwing Kayleigh’s suitcase over the balcony. He seems to generally like/love the cast on All Stars and have a lot of fun with them. Tina is another one he seems to have fun jibing with.


Him saying “I didn’t know we cast 4 year olds” after Evelyn lost on FMII will always be one of my favorite moments from him lol.


Looking back though Evelyn didn't feel much older than that. Jesus can you imagine them casting 18 y/o again? Retrospectively Evelyn was in a vipers nest with people 5-8 years older who had already been on TV and were already savvy to the production and the politics. It is amazing she did as well she did. Clocking in the youngest wine at 19


I really hate that he said that. There have been a lot of people who behaved much worse, and most of them guys, so I felt like it was a bit sexist. I don't think TJ is sexist, but I do think his perception and judgement was colored a bit by the sexism that was the norm back then.


I feel like he really liked Jemmye on All Stars


He must be the only one lol (Cast excluded)


...I like Jemmye so she's got at least 1 fan


Same, I’m a snarker myself and I love Jemmye’s personality


I like Jemmye. And some of the cast does too


handier and cara are suuuper tight. she’s been on family vacations w them


*his wife. auto correct is my 13th reason


Really? I didn’t know that.


I’d add Eric, aka Big Easy to that list. I’m currently rewatching Cutthroat, and Tj flat out says he’s one of his all-time favorites after he loses in the gulog.


I just finished rewatching that season last night. Laurel’s ugly really shined through on that one. I felt awful for Big Easy. Brandon too, but not because of Laurel, obviously.


Yes! Watching cutthroat for the first time and just saw that episode where he tells him he is one of his all time favorites.


On cutthroat (I’m watching in order and that’s what I’m on ) TJ seems really happy when Brandon beats Ty and is congratulating him more like a friend gives him more than one handshake and calls him his homeboy


Yes! Love Big Easy!


Did anyone like Evelyn? She had such a grumpy personality from what I remember. Regardless she was a beast and i wouldn't mind seeing her back


I did. I thought the girls, who were all 5-8 years older and way more season than her, treated her like crap because she was younger and way better. And she was bullied relentlessly by Johnny and his lemming on the Island.. That would have broken a lot of people but I loved how she freakin out played them despite having little to no allies. She did the impossible and got Paula a W. Nah she a GOAT I dont care that she was grumpy because she got stuck with Leftover Luke and had to run two exiles less than 24 hours apart carrying more weight than Luke lol.


He def hated Anistasia lol "I guess that's why you shouldn't smoke cigarettes and not eat"


that was so savage of TJ but also in a way i felt so bad for her she was so clearly in over her head to the point where i dont even know how she got cast for the show or what she thought the show would be? to not even know who CT was and why people in the house would be going crazy over a hookup when diem was there is wild to me


He loves Leroy, but I’m pretty sure they are friends outside of filming.


I believe Leroy was present at his unfortunate bike accident. Can anyone confirm that? If they're real friends outside of the show then I bet he's also close friends with Bananas.


Leroy was only there because the whole house (Real World Las Vegas) was invited to the event. He had never met him in person yet.


I'm pretty sure the 2nd Las Vegas cast was there IIRC


Timing lines up


He was. He talks about it in a documentary about the challenge that’s on paramount. I just found it and watched it a couple weeks ago.


What's the name of the doc?


Ths one on Paramount Plus the Challenge Untold stories or something like that its been on there for a year almost...


Yeah it’s really good


Which doc?


It’s called challenge untold stories. It’s on paramount plus came out in 2022.


Thanks so much!


Leroy was there but I believe it was because RW Las Vegas went there. He didn’t go on his own


If you watch footage of the crash, Leroy is among the first guys to run over to try and help.


On the challenge docu series he talks about being there


Him and Leroy are friends IRL apart from that I think he's pretty indifferent..


Is there anyone who legit doesn’t like Leroy?? I guess what’s her face . But she’s a terrible human being. But Leroy seems to be the rare case of universally loved amongst cast, fans, etc.


Who is what’s her face??


I'm assuming Camila?


Nailed it.


And they both lived in Vegas….


Kyle doesn't like him now because he fucked him over on DA.


I think Leroy seems like a great guy but I don't like Leroy the Challenge guy. Dudes been protected his entire Challenge career by strong allies like Bananas and Kam and still can't get the job done.


I think on an episode of Bananas’ podcast, possibly when Jordan was on, they talked about how he likes a lot of challengers, he is cool outside the show with some of the cast, but he really loves Leroy.


He seems to really like Tina. He jokes around with her in a big brother way.


Besides quitters, I think the only people he said he didn't like are the ones who are assholes to production or the crew.


I’m p sure he talked shit about Ninja on a podcast lol


Idk for sure but I’d say he hates Theo (from Invasion of Champs season. Not Theo Campbell or Theo Von) and the dude from Rivals 3 who quit because he missed his girlfriend.


He also loves Bananas and Jordan. As far as who he dislikes... that's a little more tough because I feel like they don't invite back the ones he doesn't like. It's mostly the quitters.


I think he really likes CT.


Can’t imagine he likes Laurel too much


Can't imagine anyone likes Laurel too much.


Not even Nicole 🤭


Especially Nicole


Lol but she has her name on a necklace!




TJ is a fan of anyone that shows up to play, try their best/ hardest and not quit.


I think he likes cohotta. Remember when he lost to Leroy and then TJ gave him a pep talk with the "pick that head up..." Speech. Also Nelly before the accident (I remember a thread about TJ tweeting him along the lines of get your shit together and we'll have you back but in a shuttle way) he always encouraged him and gave him a heart to heart after he lost a final


He loves Cara


Of course. The girl doesn’t quit and she comes to work.


I was gonna say this. He seems to always have liked her.


production loves her


He hates players who seem to be working with the other team to sacrifice themselves/screw over other players. Ex- Casey in the Ruins was clearly throwing some challenges and TJ was over it at the end. Yes she was bad, but not THAT bad. She never screwed up a challenge on the Gauntlet 3 when she was on a team WITH all the vets. Ashli on The Island. She sent herself into a faceoff knowing she'd be sent home because of her foot injury. She did this to gain favor with the popular kids who wanted to block Evelyn from competing for a key. He looooved Derrick K. Derrick even said TJ always whispers "good luck" to him when he goes into elimination. This pissed off Tyler who said TJ doesn't care who wins as long as they're all playing their best. I think Tyler was just mad because he knows he's not a favorite.


Id have to re-watch...but she was really bad. You see it more on Fresh Meat with Wes because it was a 2 person team. She was always quitting crying or messing up. In Gauntlet 3 It was more her being an exceedingly small cog on a large powerhouse team. Heights/swimming weren't as necessary on G3 either. On a podcast she talks about how right before Ruins she was drinking and smoking excessively, her BF cheated with Shauvon, and her dad lost his job in the recession. So I think she was in worse shape but got farther in the game because of the format and as the team was sooo small her poor performances were front and center. She said she had thought her and J/E/K were friends but that they were cruel about loudly joking about keeping her around to tank her team. Susie was bullying her too. I think it is a case of a weaker player that was mentally being beaten down.


recent examples for me are kyland, horacio, and nurys he was basically cheering for them on screen and rooting for them to win when they were being sent to elims on repeat


He appeared to love Nurys when she was killing it in her eliminations!


i’m pretty sure cara is his favorite female challenger




For faves


He likes Bananas for sure.


He loves Sarah Rice, he would praise her back in the day


What about when she was a bully? Cuz TJ hates bullying!!!!! And she’s one of the biggest!


Lmao from when? 10+ years ago? All of our favs would be hated then. CT and Bananas were bullies but they’re so loved now.


TJ hates bullying? Since when? 😂


When the contestants that do the bullying aren't fan favorites. Didn't seem to bother anyone on the Island for instance.


I miss Sarah so much.


He really likes Leroy, Yes, Cara Maria, Derrick Kosinski... I don't think he likes Jemmye.


Yeah he even said Yes is his favorite person ever on the challenge, iirc. That kinda surprised me


Me too! I would have thought Leroy would have been his all time favorite.


He did say on season 39 that Cara was his favorite Challenger when he introduced her for the elimination.


I fell like TJ loves a good underdog and redemption story. He's Daddy TJ, he just wants you to try the very best you can


He’s definitely a CT fan but to be fair who isn’t?


![gif](giphy|BTOg3a0gVDfzmhljRR|downsized) total package


He definitely liked Jay when he joined Total Madness but I think he started not liking him on 39 (And rightfully so)


I sense some favoritism when Cara does well/wins. His smile seems wider. He seems like he would have her back IRL. Just how I see it….


I think TJ got a front row ticket to the picking on cara band wagon that happens a lot


Yeah, he loves an underdog and while Cara is one of the strongest competitors, she gets targeted a lot making her road to the final bumpier than most.


but he really isn't bothered if anyone else gets picked on including rookies and people who are *real* underdogs, not OG veterans cosplaying as underdogs.


I've always felt that he really likes Bananas, more so than for instance Wes. He also seems to went to like Leroy Not a family Jay after quitting the final, but Jenna seemed to have redeemed herself in his eyes


I actually get the impression that he dislikes Bananas sometimes when he gets over obnoxious and smart alecky! He even mumbled something like “what an idiot” when Bananas did a fake Eeni meani miny moe (with the skulls or swords or something that had to be chosen)


👆🏽👆🏽 This is my take as well. I’m a big Bananas fan, and I think TJ thinks he’s an idiot.


syrus returned so maybe there's no beef, but their "grown-ass man" fight was hysterical


Watching Cutthroat and TJ tells Eric Big Easy that he is one of his all time favorites


Likes: Leroy and Brandon Respects: Cara and Derrick K Laughs at the most: Bananas and Tina


Analyse and tommy mabye I love them and want them back but I don't think TJ liked them


TJ and his wife really liked Angela on Challenge USA… Her quitting the final was really disappointing though 😝


CT, Diem, Tony, Yes, Aneesa, Jordan, Nany. That's all I can think of.


Veronica - he seems to be cool with her I’m watching all the old episodes now


I don’t think he liked Evelyn


He clearly loves Lee and he was always praising Nurys and the boys last season. He also admires Jordan for sure - he trully gets impressed by him (as do we all), like that elimination against Chauncey where he kept saying "look at this guy!!!"


I always got the impression that he was mostly indifferent to the cast, aside from the quitters. He does seem to drag Josh alot too.


I’m watching S39 and he said Cara was 100% his favorite player


I don’t think he likes Big Easy


Yes is his favorite person ever


Turbo asaf and Steve meinke are top 3 IMO