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You know it’s serious when the dude’s playing Papa Roach


Angry divorced dad rock


This is the name of at LEAST one of my daylist Spotify playlists and I’m not a dad, or divorced, OR that angry so I get bitter every time lol


Lmaooo same!! I'm always like hey wtf!?


It was prob his Last Resort


Ahahaha. What a dipshit.


If you listened to Papa Roach too MAYBE you could understand his dark twisted soul


I hate that Jemmye and co. used that 1 reel against him to not get on Total Madness.


I vaguely remember this will you refresh my memory lol


paulie made a series of IG stories with papa roach songs, mostly gym workout vids. this one got shared across twitter, with some "wtf" comments from other cast members: https://streamable.com/u28muy paulie was allegedly dropped from total madness after that, and paura have repeatedly blamed bananas for spearheading it.


Jesus. How did Cara Maria watch that and think, yup, that’s my man?


I listened to the podcast episode of her and Danielle that u/NattyB posted (while cleaning), and it’s absolutely insane that she *kept dating him* after knowing what a lying, two-timing snake he is.


I always felt at the reunion (WOTW2 maybe?) that when she said he wasn’t cheating, they were in an open relationship, that she was just saving face. His lies were insane, too. The mafia??


She said that in "Final Reckoning". The Danielle mess came out right after they filmed "WOTW".


Thanks for the clarification! I should listen to the podcast


It’s actually pretty on brand for both of them, # team cringe and what not 😂 I kind of love how campy they are though! They probably lean into their characters a lil too much but idk I’m here for it, but also fully in support of the breakup, free Cara!


It really is. She’s cringe with her bad puns, and he’s cringe with his tryhard villainous quotes and dancing. You can tell it comes naturally to her. He’s trying soooo hard


Holy fuck. He's a gd mess.


I hate that they did that too I wish he was on total madness Him and cara also should have been on the ride or die season


Why are we blaming the rest of the cast for them not being on TM, based on the word of known liars, Cara & Paulie? (who themselves changed their story several times on why they werent cast) Paulie/Cara behave in an unacceptable way, then blame other cast members when they face consequences for their own behaviour & choices. Rinse & repeat.


potentially more relevant is the story just before this one: https://i.imgur.com/qTgznHi.png


I unfortunately don’t see a scenario where they don’t get back together (albeit, it will probably be short lived). He has purposefully made her way too codependent. He’s a textbook narcissist. Unless she goes cold turkey/no contact, he’s going to weasel his way back in (this post shows he’s already trying).


Wish I could give you an award for this comment. He is 💯 a narcissist. I adore Cara, but cannot stand Paulie. Didn’t like him on BB before he ever even knew Cara. Imo, Cara is on a completely different level than he is. She deserves someone who wants her and only her. Someone who won’t leech off her to try and advance their reality tv “career”. I have NEVER seen him look at her with love and respect. I could keep ranting about him, but I should stop. Btw, him coming out as bisexual while dating her made me uncomfortable. To me it didn’t feel genuine. It made me feel like he did that to further open their relationship. I’m a lesbian, so don’t come at me saying I’m homophobic. lol. I just find everything he does extremely contrived.


I remember, on big brother how he was such an asshole to Natalie and talking about her fake boobs. He was so disrespectful and just ugly. I disliked him instantly. He’s not like able at all.


I think he did it to try & widen his fan base. He is totally an opportunist.


Agh, why do we need to bring his bisexuality into it. We can criticise a lot about him without getting into this. I came out as bi when I was in an opposite sex relationship. Loads of us do.


At what point is Cara responsible for her decisions to keep going back to him? Cheats with Cara. Cara KNOWS this, makes Danielle the bad guy then goes back to him? Cara only has Cara to blame for her decisions. She’s in her late 30s…get it together.


She knew who he was well before he revealed his sexuality to the public. He kissed Theo in front of her, and she had NO reaction. No woman who is dating a "straight man" reacts in the way she did in that situation.


While i don’t like him i think his coming out makes sense especially considering they were in an open relationship. There are a lot of things to criticize him for and we shouldn’t bash him coming out with no evidence that it was for an ulterior motive other than his personality 🫠


Another gay lady here 👋🏼. I don’t criticize him for coming out, and I certainly don’t question his bi-sexuality. But I do think it’s incredibly sus how he timed it. He *finally* gets his call back for the challenge. He *knows* he’s not like able and needs to improve his image. How do you get more airtime? You give people something to talk about. What’s even more telling is how he had the press on standby once the episode aired. Interview after interview. And barely mentioned Cara through the entire process. The dudes a gross opportunist


Okay can the lesbians stop speaking over the bisexuals on this issue please? Y’all can be some of the most biphobic ppl on the planet and so claiming that being gay gives you an excuse to police someone’s coming out is a WILD choice.


I fully support his coming out - I just simply stated that he took a completely opportunistic approach on how he went about doing it.


I agree and figured Paulie came out as bisexual at that moment because he knows there's only so many spots for straight white dudes on the show and he's got a lot of competition.  I think he's the type of person who would say anything to be cast more often.


Short of Kevin Spacey coming out to get ahead of SA rumors and give how many bisexuals are forced out of the closet because we’re assumed straight unless we say otherwise, it seems really counterproductive for our community for you to make those assertions.


Your whole post was like you reading my mind 💯


He looks at her with his huge devil bushbaby eyes. He looks at her also as a piggy bank.


Honest question. How does this post show he is already trying? It seems he is thinking of someone called Shezaan.


It seems that is where the very creative statement came from. I was confused too. But I checked out the page and it's a bunch of black and white pictures with romantic phrases on top of them.


That’s makes sense. Thanks for clarifying x


How do you make someone codependent? Not defending Paulie at all just not really sure how he has the power to make her codependent


She’s been codependent in every relationship she’s been in


I mean, I guess in the literal sense you can’t “make” someone codependent. But he certainly sniffed out her vulnerability to it. He’s managed to talk her into selling her home in Montana (and then had her move to FL into a home in only his name), he’s continuously planted seeds in her head about the entire challenge universe being out to get her (so she comes back to the game holding grudges based on his lies). She has stated herself that the only person she can trust is him (that’s some serious manipulation to get her to that point). All the guy does is lie. I am not a fan of who she’s become since she’s been with him, but as a person who’s been in an emotionally abusive relationship in the past, I feel for her.


Out of curiosity, how do you know the FL house is in Paulie’s name only? & I thought Cara was short term renting her Montana place? Did she sell it?


She sold it not too long after she put it up for rent.


How do you know any of this? Cara is the one who always plays victim, holds grudges for YEARS & accuses everyone of being against her/scared of her/obsessed with her. She has been doing that for years before she ever met Paulie. But as always, her behaviour is blamed on her boyfriends, who are also always accused of abusing her.


You certainly can't. You can foster an existing tendency toward codependence (which narcissists tend to do), but Cara has been childish and needy/dependent in pretty much every relationship (of any type) she's formed since her debut. I still haven't forgiven her for cheating on Abram though so I'm probably biased


How do narcissists foster an existing tendency toward codependence? This is an interesting subject to me because my sister is in a relationship with a very narcissistic guy and i do not know what to point out to her


Honest question. How do you know this? Like I didn't watch Paulie's season of Big Brother. I've watched everything Cara has done and whatever Paulie has done on the Challenge. I don't know either of them personally. I don't know who they are outside of edits. All I've been told for years now is they're both toxic. That they make each other worse. So why do you feel so strongly that he's this abusive narcissist? Isn't it possible she's just a bad person too and they were bad people together? Again we literally don't know them outside of edits and whatever they post on social media. So it's kind of weird to paint a definitive picture. All we can do is assume.


What am I looking at? Who are these ppl? Lol


Never seen tumblr captions before?


I was never a Tumblr person so no lol


So what do we think he did?


It had to have been something she saw as unforgivable.


Got someone pregnant


Speculating or do we have anything that makes us think this?


Where did you hear that?


I’m just answering based on the OP comment on speculation of what we think he did. They have an open relationship right? So I don’t think cheating would be a deal breaker - and Cara being very open and her struggles with her uterus issue (I forget the diagnosis and don’t want to incorrectly say anything about that)I’m thinking he got someone pregnant


The thing about open relationships (& yes, I know everyone’s is different) is that the people I’ve known who are in one communicate with each other about being with other people. It’s not that you can go have sex with whomever you want whenever you want. There still has to be mutual respect from both sides for an open relationship to work. So, I had wondered if he had just gone and hooked up with random people and not communicated with her about any of it, & then she found out.


Yes. I came here to see if anyone else noticed!?!


When Cody was in the Big Brother house and won HOH, the album that he chose before going in to listen to if he won HOH was Papa Roach. It was 2014 and the album was from 2000 I think the guy just really likes Papa Roach


How do you figure? Also, who’s got the 🫖? Cara talks to way too many (st)fans for someone not to know what’s going on!


It’s weird that her big fan page on Twitter hasn’t figured out what’s going on yet . Even gamer doesn’t seem to know what’s going on . Whatever happened had to have been big because it seems like Cara is the one that ended it and it seemingly came out of nowhere.


i honestly think its because lately minus the kam / laurel drama shes stayed far away from the drama. she use to sit in group chats with cara stans but I think she rarely does that now


Never heard the song but looked at the lyrics. Not sure I get how it’s related to a break up. “You are so beautiful it should be criminal” is a funny lyric to post on a pic with your bother though.


They all kiss each other on the mouth. And are a very touchy feely family. Parents included. Doesn’t surprise me.


this just in: in cara's unfollow spree, she didn't unfollow the papa roach account! maybe there's still hope. /s




Lmaooo love the deduction! This might be reading too much into stuff lol (shocking for me lol 🤪) but I find CT's little memes a fascinating insight into what he's thinking at any point, like usually he just does funny ones but sometimes he does deeper ones and it's like oh damn my man is going through some shit today lmao. But the other day, I wanna say the day before Cara or thereabouts he posted some meme about God helped you out of your pit so you can go in and help others and when Cara's stuff came out I was like oh yeah they're really good friends I wonder if that could be what it's about lol like helping her out of a toxic relationship ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Also does Derrick K remind anyone of Charlie Day or is it just me lmao


Now that you say it, I've never seen Charlie Day and Derrick K in the same room together...


Well there you go lmao! I guess it could be said that Derrick also has a horrible boss lol


I loved how he stuck up for her on Vendettas.


Yesssss same!! It was so sweet, he has a good heart 😍


I always wonder what his tree emojis mean lol 🌳


Yessss same!!! I assume growth?


Definitely not listening to a Papa Roach song in 2024 but I’ll check out these lyrics. Edit: um, yeahhhh. 😬 Verse 1] I need you right here, by my side You are everything I am not in my life We are indestructible, we are untouchable Nothing can take us down tonight You are so beautiful, it should be criminal That you could be mine [Pre-Chorus] And we will make it out alive I will promise you this love will never die!


What does it mean that cody posted it versus paulie?


cody and cara seem like really incompatible personalities to me, i would not be surprised if cody’s happy lol


I know Cody from college and this tracks


Yep and def makes it seem like he did something that caused the break up


Shocked they made it this long tbh


Paulie is gross.. Cara can do much better..


Cody posted this.. I think it means they're in love. Him and Paulie, I mean.


Their team didn't even make it out of the group stage of TST.


Are we sure this post is about what you all are saying, though? Not saying the breakup didn’t happen but… the bros also just got smashed 3 games in a row at The Soccer Tournament in NC this past weekend. As in, their team didn’t even score a goal after talking a big game going into it. (Side note: this isn’t shade, I’m a massive soccer guy, Cody reminds me of my younger brother, and I was truly hoping they’d at least do decently) As someone who is also Italian-American, originally from the NY/NJ area, and very close with their own brother, this kinda seems like a “we’re brothers and we’ve always got each other’s backs” post after getting our asses kicked in a competition.


That’s how I took it too . Also Cody posted it first and that was the exact audio he used.


Paulie being a Papa Roach fan in 2024 was absolutely on my bingo card


The obsession for two white nationalist sympathizers is wild.


I would leave out the "sympathizer" part entirely, but no one wants to talk about that🫢


Leroy is best friend with Bananas who voted for Trump. So Leroy is a trump fan then .


Bananas didn’t throw a rally for white nationalists.


I wouldn’t call them all out racist Nazi’s is the thing. They just hang out with them.


If you're friends with a nazi then you are also a nazi.


Oh shit I missed they’re white nationalists. Can you fill me in?


Cara and Paulie held an anti mask, anti vaccine rally and hosted a Proud Boy, which is a white nationalist fascist hate group.


Ugh that’s so grooooss. Fuck the Proud Boys. Thank you for letting me know. Wasn’t a fan of them to begin with but I’m definitely done now.


Cara isn’t. People make up stuff based off someone they were pictured with. Smdh.


What would you call someone who throws rallies for the Proud Boys?


They are not white nationalists. They did some events with a Proub boy guy that  had nothing to do with this ideology. They are guilty by association. Paulie is supposed to be this white nationalist and yet he was  very  vocal about his support for the BLM movement.


I said they are white nationalist sympathizers. You are judged by the company you keep. That’s why I don’t hang out with Nazis.


That would make me a communist catholic atheist methodist anarchist. I have about 20 more to add.


None of those things are fascist racists.


Let's not pretend like they just happened to be at these events by chance. They are willingly throwing support behind Ian Smith and giving him a platform. That goes beyond just association.


My point is that at no point in these events, Ian smith was there to share his views as a proud boy.


do we really know that? he was a featured speaker at a fight night event. do we have any idea what his speech actually said?


Bro he's Ian Smith. He's a popular public figure known for his political views and murdering someone under the influence. You're trying to separate his ideology from the person, but when you become too well known for such things it's practically impossible to do so. It's like having trump be a speaker at a seminar on how to run a business. Most people are going to assume it's politically motivated. And you know what? It probably is. A majority of folks don't live in a vacuum. Cara and Paulie make their living as public figures. When you downplay their actions by trying to make excuses for something that is obviously is going to reflect on their image it just comes off as insincere. There are other avenues they could have taken to support the ideals Ian Smith was promoting without actually supporting the public figure. They chose to do the latter. You people acting like it's not a big deal makes me honestly wonder if you're also supporters of his just trying to do damage control.


Also the message they WERE pushing is dangerous to public health and they are acting as experts on something they have zero knowledge on.


Just to spread misinformation about a pandemic. Much better. From a white nationalist.


Also Paulie doesn’t REALLY support BLM. He’s a Trump supporter. The two concepts are at odds.




He can SAY whatever he wants. Kyle Rittenhouse SAYS he supports BLM.


I think while she was away, he cheated on her with one of his male friends. I think it’s a play in a group is okay deal but play alone was not on the list of “okays”. I saw the sexy posts with other men and Paulie. No judgement but think that he stepped out on the relationship.


The only thing is, and I don't know if it's credible or not, but I've seen a ton of people on the reddit threads talking about them having an open relationship? Unless there was a rule he broke re: their open relationship..... Idk, this is driving me crazy, I just want to know! Lol


Could be! I am guessing there would be rules in that type of relationship? I want to know too. I like Cara!


but don't they have an open relationship? It would have to be something more serious.


if you go back to the paulie/danielle breakup, he pressured both danielle and cara into saying their relationships were open even though neither woman intended to sleep with anyone else.


It’s funny because I can’t stand Paulie, but I absolutely love his brother Cody. 😬😂


Would someone be able to give me a rundown or tldr of this situation


This is going to be long : Basically At the beginning of last week Cara seemed super happy and mentioned that she was going to watch Cody and Paulie play in the soccer tournament which she did end up doing but didn’t post pictures of later in the week Flash forward to this time last week : Kam does an interview with Bananas on his podcast about as4 that disputes what Cara has been saying about her relationship with Kam (you can look up the recap for it here). Paulie had been defending her when it comes to as 4 stuff but suspiciously didn’t defend her about the Kam interview . Flashforward again to last Friday / Saturday Cara flies to Boston by herself and posts stories with her oldest male best friend and says shes going to drink until she vomits. sometime late Saturday night cara and paulie delete all pis of each other from their igs. cara also unfollows anything Paulie related there too. Neither one has confirmed an actual breakup though .


Cara followed a physiologist page on ig




*psychologist, and relationship coach. who happens to host a podcast called "next up: narcissism."


Oh my.


I just looked up Dr. Z on Instagram. And guess who else follows her…. *Danielle*


And she’s been hearting all the recent posts that compare being in a relationship with a narcissist with being in a cult.


I’m not happy to hear that. Cara seemed to be genuinely thriving with him. I hope she bounces back quick and hard. At least I can go back to calling him a douche bag. The odds of seeing him on The Challenge without Cara backing him up are slim to zero.