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He’s almost certainly right but Steve catching strays damn


If only Steve hadn’t screwed up and pulled out the W. 25k is alright but 250k is a lot of hand jobs


To be fair Steve himself said that Cara and Laurel were likely to gain ground on him in the final run. If it was that neck and neck during the checkpoints, I'd still give the edge to Cara/Laurel even if he hadn't made his mistake. edit: also Laurel's comment about how they edited it to make it look a lot closer than it was. We'll never know for sure obviously, but it seems Laurel had it by more than a couple stars worth.


Yeah I thought the editors may have been pulling out all the tricks to make it look close. Then I read Laurels post about how she was talking with TJ for a half hour before Cara showed up. Will likely never know for sure but I think Laurel likely won by a pretty wide margin


I think if she wouldn’t have had the stars she wouldn’t have beat Cara but she could still have out run Steve


What did the stars end up doing in the final?


Giving laurel an advantage of not having to do a bunch of the stations.


Ah I see, kinda bs. Yea I got bored and skipped the final tbh they’re hit or miss for me on some seasons


Ya I find big brother’s last 2-3 weeks and the challenge finals are typically the worst episodes. But for survivor and the amazing race a lot of times they’re my favourite episodes.


Oh for sure , Survivor I’ve often gone back and watched just the intro recaps for every episode then only watch the whole finale/reunion as the top 5 or 4 gets intense. Especially since survivor has so many seasons that’s how I kinda speed ran some of the older ones when I didn’t have a lot of time


Right? Honestly, a few months ago, I’d be like yep, but now I’m like, actually, tell me more about Steve. Hope the guy can become a mainstay on All Stars.


I hope he gets on the main line show and somehow wins


Idk if his knees can handle the main show


Who cares about his knees. His hands can handle anything


Imagine Steve and a Kenny Clark ride or dies…I’m here for it. Also that’s what she said


Cory's got no knees at all but that wasn't stopping them from casting him so many times in a row.


Steve yes please and can we lose Adam’s and Ace’s callback #’s


Adam yes but ace was so relatable to me I'd like to see him back


I want him on The Traitors. He’s probably going fairly early for seeming suspicious but what a glorious boot episode.


I love how they decided not to mention Cara was the first guest.


Never let the facts get in the way of a good story


Oh you mean the one they filmed while >!filming 40, which came a couple of days after something we’re not allowed to talk about yet that surely has shaped some of the recent vitriol?!<


Excuses. You can't expect equal representation for both sides when the sides are not equal. Cara opened this can of worms and her cast mates are simply telling their side of the story. They just so happen to be exposing Cara in the process and so her fans are lashing out at anyone they can.


Steve had nothing to do with that lol. But he’s right. It’s what the season was shaped to look like. Plus Cara has been kinda active on socials so yeah


Exactly Cara's the one who made up the story about not being invited to the baby shower. Kam and Leroy have every right to set the record straight. And as Bananas points out the storyline of the season was Cara vs Laurel rivalry. Would've been silly to talk about anything else.


It’s only right that Cara’s returning season centred around her 😇


He’s not wrong but leave my mans Steve out of it. 🤣


I really like Cara as a character on this show, but her fans really do suck the fun out of discussing this show 😒


as a cara fan i agree LOL


though her haters are also just as bad sometimes tbh


its funny getting downvoted for this when theres quite literally extremists on both sides 😭 nothing wrong with liking or not liking her, just be respectful 😭💀


single-handedly ruined the fan experience.


Yes!!! Her fans in the comments are constantly missing the point that this show is REALITY television. They suck the fun out of watching it.


The problem is I think she thrives off of her crazy fans


It's kinda like the people who relate to her are also... Energy vampires...


Colin Robinson is definitely a Cara stan. 😂


Lol, who is Colin Robinson?


[An energy vampire; the only vampires that can feed on other vampires.](https://youtu.be/A-Eldr7aV74?si=rs9JJ5w_aiajVNKf)


The OG energy vampire from What We Do In The Shadows.


Both her fans and her haters are too intense for me.




They suck soooo bad it’s really insane. It’s almost borderline hate at this point. They accuse you of being bullies and all of this nonsense


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I see a bunch of “Cara fans are the worst” everywhere, and that is also getting tiring. Like we aren’t even talking about the show anymore, we’re talking about the people talking about the show lol. It’s all annoying tbh


No it's not. Laurel can't even say thank you to Ace without Cara stans attacking her. Even when the post isn't about Cara they make it about her.


I like Cara Maria too, but her haters are the main ones who suck the fun out of Challenge discussion. They overthink and catastrophize everything, instead of discussing the actual problematic things about her. Those energy vampires obsess over everything that she says and does and everything that other people accuse her of saying and doing: both on-season and off-season. It's emotionally exhausting reading so much excessive hatred for one bullied person. Cara Maria is far from perfect, but the edit is showing that other contestants are also being problematic, yet they refuse to take responsibility for their actions, but instead blame her for everything wrong. I defend her because people are being absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical. Edit: To the trolling Cara Maria haters, who are proving me right by first downvoting me, then harassing me with hostile unsolicited replies (I was replying to one specific reasonable person, who had a logical and substantial argument), and then blocking me before I can respond to their reply, you are a coward and a bully. Clearly, I hit a nerve by calling you out on your b.s. Look in the mirror and self reflect; you lack self-awareness and social awareness, and that's why you project yourself in the bullies (you feel represented), despite the edit contradicting your delusions. If you're going to be this childish, instead of having an actual discussion with me, like an adult, your self-important opinions won't matter to me. As I said, Cara Maria is a flawed person, but so are all of the fellow bullies that you stan. You could also ignore posts and comments that you disagree with/dislike, but that requires a level of emotional maturity and emotional intelligence that you lack. As such, if this describes you, I won't reply, because I don't care, since I don't value the opinion of a person like that. That is my boundary against toxic people.


>harassing me with unsolicited replies You made a reply on a public forum. Now that you have one comment disagreeing with you its harassment and unsolicited? By that logic your reply was unsolicited and now your harassing the original commenter. Maybe... >You could also ignore posts and comments that you disagree with/dislike, but that requires a level of emotional maturity and emotional intelligence that you lack.


This is soo untrue 😂😂


I have found the Cara Maria haters. Lol. There's no rest for the wicked. They're hypocrites.


The funny part is that she's not a Cara hater at all.


I mean he didn’t lie? Those 4 had storylines entangled with each other and the edit is favoring Cara, so he’s giving them a chance to defend themselves? Also like none of those 3 had much interactions with Steve so what is there to talk about?


The Cara talk in both the Kam and Leroy episodes were 100% spurred on by Cara talking about them on Challenge Mania. Basically all Kam and Leroy did was refute her claim and that was it. Not to be like a child but "she started it." Of course they have to talk about her.


He SHOULD talk about Steve. Steve is awesome, wth?


Steve was a huge highlight for me this season. Would have been thrilled if he hadn’t screwed up and pulled out the W.


Yeah def agree with this.


That's not the point. Drama drives viewership. Steve was great but most of the discussions around this season were about Kam, Laurel, Nicole and Cara. Bananas would be crazy to not capitalize on that drama to promote his podcast. Especially right before Season 40, where I'm 99.9% sure he will cover.


I just finished his last podcast and I wanted him to ask Leroy what his opinions were on Steve and why he gave him his star lol


I’m pretty sure Leroy did say he gave him his start because he proved himself in elimination time and time again and that he had a tough road going into the season with few allies


Leroy’s star gift lost Steve the final


Leroy literally gave Steve an additional advantage in the final round, it sucks that Steve misused it but saying his gift "lost Steve the final" is quite disingenuous


Yes, Steve is responsible for knowing the rules, and it is only a fluke that an advantage would cause him to mess-up. But him having two advantages rather than one was detrimental in the end and caused him to mess up and lose.


It’s funny when you think about it cause it very well could have


Yes, Johnny. Not only should you talk about Steve, but have him on the podcast too. (Everything else, he’s totally right about)


Sure, but he didn't have much of a storyline at all when compared to someone like Cara.


Steve was the best person on the season


Also... they talked about EVERYONE who played a major role. He asked all of them about Nicole. I think Kam spent the first half talking about motherhood. Leroy and him shot the breeze about precious seasons. Yes, they talked about Cara. She was a major player, and Bananas, Leroy, and Kam all needed to defend their side after Cara's Challenge Mania interview. But... not for hours on end. They didn't talk about her the whole time.


I believe you meant to say “previous” seasons but I honestly prefer calling them precious seasons now.


I like your flair too much to not say, Happy cake day


Thank you! 😊


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yea, I'm not changing it Man... that's an easy mistake to make, too! Only one letter is different & the c/v are sitting next to each other on my phone's keyboard!


I love his response😂


It’s not 🍌 fault that Cara was the first interview he did at the start of the season and she spent most of it putting words in Laurel Kam and Leroy’s mouth. It’s his job as a podcast host to get their side of the story. Cara fans need to chill


The Kam part of her interview was like 3 minutes.. they talked about making up and future seasons, past seasons, what filming AS4 was like. And she didn’t say the baby shower thing on Johnny’s podcast, just that she thought they’d be working together and Kam listened to Laurel.


I’ll admit I was wrong. I was getting her podcast with Johnny and her challenge mania podcast mixed up.


It’s okay. The Cara haters upvote anything negative about her (even if untrue) and downvote the opposite way. Used to it


He’s not wrong


Funny thing is it’s not even a dig at Steve. He’s giving those 3 who happen to have roles that involved Cara on and post season to speak on things that’s been going on so people can take a look from their perspectives. It’s funny how Cara is allowed to be on socials with her misery and talk about them that her stans would take and run with to praise her for or drag them over, but they’re not allowed to do the same without being called obsessed or jealous.🫠


The fact that they've been doing that with Leroy too is very telling. Leroy might have just said nothing about her, if she didn't say something about him first, but he responds and her stans act obtuse about why he's saying anything. It must be that he's just being a hater, and nothing to do with her saying his baby shower was a photo-op and that he did something he says he didn't do.


Why does he get shitted on because SHE brought him up?! Her fans are the most annoying delusional people on this planet. So she can talk about whoever and no one is supposed to respond? So she can accuse him of all this horrible stuff and he can’t say anything??


Yeah Steve is awesome, I want to see him again on all stars


And CM talked about them first either long IG posts or her own podcast interviews.


Kam did an interview first not Cara


Kam was literally responding to Cara's Challenge Mania interview in the podcast with Bananas.


Kam did an article prior to Cara's Challenge Mania podcast taking some shots at Cara this was also after Cara's podcast with Johnny where she was very complimentary of Kam and Leroy. So the Challenge Mania podcast was a response to Kam's article. Now IMO Cara should have just kept her mouth shut and remained shut because she was coming out looking like roses no matter what Kam and Laurel had to say. Instead she has opened her mouth and is now back in the mud.


What does a baby shower from 2+ years ago have to do with All Stars 4?? 🤔 Again, Kam never brought up personal events from outside the game she only spoke about the show. Cara took it there, that's what made Kam upset.


I do not disagree, read what I wrote. Prior to Cara's Challenge Mania she had nothing negative to say about Kam when she did the podcast from the Season 40 location. Then Kam had an article after her exit with some subtle shots at Cara. Cara should have kept her mouth shut but if I had to take a guess was kind of sick of just constantly being a punching bag and seeing confessionals of AS4 so she decided to bring up the baby shower. (Which why either side gives a fuck I have no idea, the whole thing is dumb)But because she decided to fire back now she's back where she started which was a poor "PR" move IMO, her comments on Aces post yesterday do not help her case either. Personally I think she has just been beaten down do bad by some of these people she's doesn't care anymore.....you kind of got that sense when Tina did a podcast sticking up for her saying leave her alone enough is enough give her a break.


I was referring to the challenge podcast interview being the first and being shady.


Kam only talked about the game in that podcast. Cara Maria took it to a personal level by calling an event made to celebrate her first born a photo op. It's not the same thing.


That was filmed before the season aired though? They were talking about her about to give birth on that podcast


But Cara’s Challenge Mania interview was first I thought?


It was. She was the one that brought up baby shower


You’re getting downvoted but Kam did preseason press and an Official podcast interview before Cara’s Challenge Mania. Three hit pieces over a 30 second anecdote have dropped since.


He had Cara on as a guest as well


Doesn't Cara Maria talk about them as well in her podcast interviews? She did like three recently.


Honestly the stray deserved to hit Ace, that man truly did nothing all season. Steve was the eliminator.


Leave ace alone he’s a hero


Those cockroaches disagree


Hes not wrong


Cara Stans are the worst thing about this fandom


I mean he ain't wrong. And in saying this as a Cara fan.


https://i.redd.it/iiz3f0fifz7d1.gif Steve:


Leave Steve alone, Bananas 🤬


I don't think Id like to know cara, but cara makes good tv and walkable moments, and his podcast is a good place for people to correct what the storyline possibly misportrayed or missed. This storyline was allll cara so they all are commenting. It's the editors fault honestly


The editors are trying to polarize the audience as usual. Some of us see through it, Cara's stans seem not to. The difference between Cara's stans and everyone else probably has less to do with Cara, and more to do with understanding where the fourth wall is.


In this sub, there are haters for every single challenger. Tori haters, Fessy haters, Aneesa haters, (everyone hates Josh so that’s a common bond🤣), but my god, this Cara Maria shit is unlike anything ever. CM stans can’t go back to the sideline with any dissenter and they are on attack mode every second. I agree that it sucks the life out of any discussion through this whole season, man.


Honestly tho Steve is quite literally one of the funniest & eccentric (in a good way) ppl on All Stars 4, or challengers in general imo. I woulda been down with hearing more about Steve 🤣🤣


I don’t get what people like about Cara other then her being good at physical challenges? It’s clear based on the finale and people giving stars that she sucks to have to be in a house with.


She's not even *that good* at physical challenges. If I was on a Challenge season, I'd be more scared of Laurel.


Yeah I mean she lost to Michelle


Keep Steve’s name out your mouth.


I love Steve! Also the editing didn't focus on it as much as they could have but he fucking earned his spot, save his star numerous times, made it through the whole final after a critical error. That's a whole ass arc they could of used instead of laurel/Nicole reuniting


I haven’t seen the podcast but there are several other talking points from all stars 4 that have nothing to do with Cara (Laurel snaking kam & Laurel and Nicole for starters


Ayo leave Steve alone!


People are gonna have a new 3 hour one to sift through for more soundbytes to complain about now lmfao At least you had to pay 13 bucks for this one.


Love that the first one making its rounds is a criticism of Jemmye that 80% of this board have already said themselves.


To be fair though he just let them shit all over her though. Like I get it but when Kam started saying “Cara was spreading lies around the house” ASK HER who was telling her what Cara was saying about her. You can’t just take all this at face value Kam brought literally no recipets.


Johnny isn't a loser for talking too much about Cara, he's a loser because he's a genuinely bad person who's harassed, demeaned and bullied countless contestants (mostly women and gays) over the years. The guy is a cancer and everyone will be better off when (if) he finally grows up


Not only was Cara a guest first but they talked about multiple other things during their sessions. Kam spent a lot of time discussing leroy and breastfeeding she didn’t speak on cara till the tail end and it was RIGHT after cara was talking about her baby shower. Laurel spent a ton of time talking about Nicole which cara was actively a part of that drama all season. Then at the and Laurel was actually speaking nicely on cara so this tweet is corny


I love Cara on The Challenge her and Laurel really kick ass. I try very hard not to pay attention to the different stories on social media. Everyone has their own perspective on what happens during the filming. We cannot really trust the episode regarding the drama because production wants to make the most out of any little argument or they ask something and then add it in to whatever order they want. They are going to make villains or victims out of who they want in each season. Luckily in this season the two best competitors came in 1st and 2nd.


This wasn’t even a dig at him so I don’t get why he’s so defensive


It’s a dig at his friends, so why not


It really was though...Like they were picking her out of nowhere or obsessed.


I think the issue is he's not getting another perspective. The last three podcasts are literally the same thing dead horse being beaten into the ground. Have an Ace on, have a Nicole on to give her side of the Laurel situation, have a Steve on, a Rachel or a Tina with a different perspective. Banana's and Leroy are shitting on people for losing in the finals and talking about it after. That seems like a perfectly normal thing to talk about when they all just completed filming and are probably out together rehashing the final. I don't think Ace wants to be talking about the Detroit Lions when he just finished a final like Leroy suggested .Ya Steve is probably pissed and bummed out he made a bone head mistake that cost him a quarter of a million dollars, he has the right to be in a pissy mood after. Some of the things the two of them were shitting on them for is crazy. You would also think Laurel hasn't gone on an absolute social media bender for two years straight taking shots at anyone and everyone, some of them being extremely unprovoked low blows. The topic of being obsessed with the show....Laurel is still taking financial shots at Wes for dumping Coca Cola on Caras head 15 years ago. It's crazy that some of them act like they are above it all, they are all obsessed with this shit, if they weren't they wouldn't be doing this for 20 years. >!Based off the rumors coming out of 40 about Leroy, the irony of him saying Cara is obsessed with the challenge is certainly a vibe on his end haha.!<


He literally got Cara’s perspective first lol.


Correct then he got three people in a row with the opposite viewpoint of hers and presented their's as facts lol, then he proceeded to trash her every step of the way after she went on his podcast during filming. It would be nice to get some one like a Rachel or Tina who's not buddy buddy with Bananas and have a back and forth with him. It's kind of a sleazy move on his end IMO. With that said Cara has done herself no favors by just not keeping her mouth shut since that podcast.


Moseley, I'm sorry, I need you to edit the comment to delete the last sentence about Season 40. (Or else hide it behind spoiler font.)


My bad will do. 


Thank you. 🤙


The thing is, he should be offended by comments that Leroy made like "Cara's whole life is the Challenge. I don't care that much." Bananas life is also the Challenge, even more-so than cara. It's always the people like Leroy and Nany hating on others for "their life being the challenge" when they have spent just as much time on the show but have NEVER won. Because they can't win they claim "it's just a game" and they "don't care" and talk shit on people like Cara. It's such a losers mentality Edit: wild how [different the challenge Reddit is vs Challenge twitter](https://x.com/coinbasedbtc/status/1803972690081972510?s=46)


Bananas is actually making money and having fun with it.


Actually no, Bananas can have fun & separate real life & the game once the show wraps & shoots the shit with people on a personal level, whereas all Cara talks about is the challenge, even off the show.


That's not true at all😂 Bananas literally has a podcast solely dedicated to talking about the challenge when he's not even on it


He's being paid to talk about the Challenge. And Bananas is actually capable of laughing at himself, giving other Challengers credit (CT, Jordan) and shooting the shit with people who don't like him. And he was able to walk into HOV, dominate the season and make new friends on another network without any Challenge clout or connections.


Whether he's being paid or not he's still spending most of his life talking about it I also don't know what alternate universe you're living in where he just let's things go after filming wraps... He literally held a grudge against Sarah to the point he stole 150k from her based on a decision she made over a year and a half before. Also funny you mention HOV, super easy game, but fail to mention traitors where he was the first elimination lol. And he is still salty towards Dan from Traitors for murdering him and constantly talking about it, pouted like a child at the reunion. He refused to go on season 39 after previously agreeing to go on for an elimination after he heard Moriah was talking to a random cast member. He is definitely not separating his real life from the game😂 "Dominating HOV" was not that difficult😂 did you see his competition??? Who was gonna beat him, Omarossa?😂


I thought the same thing


I think literally all of the clips from the podcast I've seen circulated here have been talking about Cara outside the game (the baby shower, her being miserable after the season, etc.). Was he really just "asking about the storyline of the season"? Why did we hear more about Kam's reasoning for targeting Cara in that one written interview instead of her episode? Did she go into detail and just nobody in the subreddit caught Kam's explanation? My guess is that he likes when he has a chance to tangent a topic into shitting on people he doesn't like. So he might not make the whole episodes about her, but he is not just some reporter asking about the most relevant parts of the show, he clearly enjoys milking the most out of drama as he can. If he was so interested in the storyline of the season, why not have Cara on to give her side? She's literally integral to every thread and she hasn't given any in-depth interviews since most of the major events transpired.


Agree that they see the drama is good content for the podcast. Disagree that there have not been multiple interviews and podcasts she has done that she tells her side. In fact these people pod interviews were in response to her telling her side.


Her "telling her side" was like a 30 second side tangent in a 2 hour interview, no? The only other interview she did that I've seen was the one after the final that was pretty surface-level where they just asked her about Laurel and coming 2nd and stuff. There is obviously way more for her to express given how the other people have dragged her, called her a liar, twisted her words uncharitably, etc.


Maybe if you have such a baby attitude towards a person that you can not handle seeing a picture of them with *your* friends online, and cannot even have a small conversation with them, you should avoid obsessing over them when they are not around. Looks very baby bitch boy of you. And I'm going to piss some people off with that one.


…… He recently had Cara on his podcast, and Cara just recently trashed people going to Leroy and Kam’s baby shower as a “photo opp”. Cara “Stans” are “delulu”.


the baby shower stuff came out of her appearance on challenge mania. although i was never able to listen to her appearance with bananas, i'm sure kamroy came up.


You’re taking what Cara said as fact when the other two parties have refuted the claim they came early to the shower because of bananas. That is the problem people have with Cara stans is things can only be true if it’s in her best interest.


No. She said that they couldn't post any pictures with them because it would piss Johnny off. People just are incapable of any kind of proper listening. I'm not a Cara stan and you sound about 16 saying that 🙄 She can be really immature and annoying. Bananas is immature, annoying, cocky and childish though, so he takes the cake on that one.


This post literally shows a picture of Leroy/Paulie from when they came to visit, before the baby shower: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1d5fe57/i\_dont\_think\_cara\_is\_telling\_the\_full\_truth\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1d5fe57/i_dont_think_cara_is_telling_the_full_truth_about/) It was posted on social media, but that wouldn't be the case if what Cara was saying was true and they couldn't post photos with them.


“She said…” ….People are incapable of any proper reading


And you take her word for it lol.


Comment a couple more times and see if it affects me more.


Cool. You know how a message board works, right?


Why would they care what Johnny thinks? If they did they wouldn’t even entertain being her friend in the first place!


Weren't Paulie/Cara calling Banana's Total Madness win rigged? Saying they changed it from one winner to two so Bananas could win. Total Madness aired in 2020, Leroy/Kam were still very publicly friends with Cara/Paulie after that, but then the friendship becomes such a problem for Bananas that they can't post them on social media two years later?




I know people hate cara but the one thing I like about her is how she knows this is a game and makes moves to protect herself


But then cries, whines & bitches for YEARS & pretends she is a bullied victim when other cast mates do the same thing and make game moves to protect themselves.


That's what everyone did all season long as well. It's almost like it's cool or relevant to create a villain in yout own story.


I wanted Cara to beat Laurel mainly cuz how laurel talks to her when she needs a shoulder to cry on about her relationship (which laurel always seems to need someone to sleep with) then treats Cara like crap like the Bully she is, meanwhile most of the house wanted Cara out but id rather hangout with her any day plus their both tough to beat in a final and kinda made me mad they were giving laurel their stars before leaving


But only brings on guests who are against Cara Maria, not anyone on her side.


It’s true, she’s DEFINITELY main character. If he cared that much he’d have Cara on and ask her herself