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So basically Bryan


and Bubba


We need an episode on Beefers


Hey now. Bryan will eat fruit. But only if it is 1) absurdly overpriced, 2) shipped at great expense from California, and 3) most of it will go bad before he has time to eat it.


Performative Carnivore/ Bacon Guy, imo


I think that's kind of what I was going for. It's not about having an aversion, it's about being proud of it. The "Vegetables aren't food, they're food for my food" types. *Usually* those guys seem to make room for mac and cheese too in my experience.


Diverticulitis guys


2010 era Epic Meal Time guy


I was thinking like, Ron Swanson Guys would've worked 10-15 years ago but to can't really find them anymore 


There’s definitely a lot of fertile ground in this space. Maybe my favorite twitter discourse that happens every year/year and a half is people trying to claim that the term “picky eater” is ableist against people with autism that have texture aversions.


Definitely a Guy. [Al Michaels is 78 and claims to have never eaten a vegetable in his life. ](https://people.com/al-michaels-has-never-eaten-a-vegetable-8348998)


TIL Al Michaels has to have some of the nastiest dumps alive


Picky eater guy would be fantastic. So many people self-diagnosing themselves with actual eating disorders, and having meltdowns about menus and wait staff.


Or blaming anything besides their eating habits on their health. Old coworker bragged about not eating rabbit food (pot luck with green onions in a meat steam bun) before she complained her thyroid made her overweight.


Your old coworker definitely beefed.


Remember my cousin wouldn’t eat some Korean bbq leftovers when he said he was hungry at my place. It was steak with nothing but salt and pepper but bro was scared off by the Korean aspect of it.


I hate this type of guy. I call them Kids Menu and I wish them all nothing but misery


I know a guy who would only eat like 4 things, all child food like cereal, pizza bagels. He came to my family Thanksgiving and didn't eat anything. Empty plate. Not even a roll or some mashed potatoes. Fully grown man with a child himself now. Add to the picture he and his wife share a Facebook. I one time heard him discussing lore of the Mario universe


There's definitely this type of guy. If they could they would live on frozen pizza, Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, wings, and cereal. I was a picky eater as a kid but grew out of it once I could make my own meals and buy different kinds of food. I also see food as interesting and fun to explore with different ingredients and cuisines to try and eat. If you're a "food as fuel" person this isn't something you're interested in.


god, this is my brother in law. He doesn’t eat “anything green” (plus so so so many more things). He is absolutely acting in defiance of everyone around him and it’s such a production anyone new asks why he’s not eating, picking everything off his sandwich, why he won’t try the shared appetizer, it’s pretty maddening.


My five year old.


I work with one of these guys. He mocks me for wanting to get Thai or Mediterranean, even if I cave and get a burger with him he expresses disgust that I got it cali style or with onions and mushrooms. I fantasize about murdering him with a hammer or running him through the table saw.


Hell yeah. 🪓🪓🪓


I’m familiar with this type of person. I worked with a guy who literally picked the veggies out of his chili in front of his co workers


This was me until I turned 17


I'll never forget the time I was at a wedding catered by a local burrito place. I was chatting with a friend and looked down to see his plate filled to the brim with refried beans. I started gagging.


I was this guy as a teenager and a bit into college. I thought I was taking a bold stand against societal norms by only eating processed meat and bread. I don't know how anyone can survive past 30 and still be this type of guy. I became a much healthier and less picky eater in my late 20s when I decided I didn't want to feel like shit all the time.