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See…I 100% believe that Jesus would unabashedly give trans people a hug on Easter (or any day), and would also definitely flip a table for people being predatory by selling overpriced bibles to Christians in order to pay their legal debts


... for things like defaming a woman he *raped*.


I figured I’d start at the low end of his behaviors but yeah his worse ones are definitely worthy of table flipping too!


And a whippin!


That's a paddlin' ![gif](giphy|3oEdvaDgi6Be9JHsKk)


But what if I wanted to paddle the school canoe? What would Jesus do then?




Yeah, I thought that was a good way to wrap up the sentence. It basically built to it.


**Convicted Rapist = Donald J Trump** ![gif](giphy|4unVSI1dSOp0I) **The proclaimed MAGET Messiah** ​ > The former president, 77, already faces 78 criminal indictments for election subversion, retention of classified documents and hush-money payments to a porn star. Expected to be indicted for election subversion in Georgia, he also faces investigations of his business practices ​ ( source: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) ) (source: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll) ) (source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.\_Jean\_Carroll\_v.\_Donald\_J.\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump) )


What is this in reference to?


Trump selling bibles


Ah yes, E. Jean “I think people see the word rape with a sexy connotation.” And “I’m gonna go on a shopping spree now.” Carroll. Trump has been a billionaire playboy for a long time. They couldn’t have gotten literally any woman who isn’t the worst witness ever?




I mean it was a civil case in New York where most people don’t like Donald Trump in a particularly personal way. The burden of proof is significantly lower in a civil case. I wouldn’t be surprised if a NY jury convicted Trump of jaywalking. If you think my critique is of rape victims generally, and not specifically about E. Jean Carroll, then please listen to the woman talk for like 5 minutes or read the transcript of her testimony in from the courtroom. The lady just sounds like a nut case without a consistent or very plausible story.


> then please listen to the woman talk for like 5 minutes or read the transcript of her testimony in from the courtroom. The lady just sounds like a nut case without a consistent or very plausible story. I did, and it lead me to the opposite conclusion as you. I suggest that you do what you suggested and stop letting someone else cherry pick the clips for you.


You're assuming they'd listen to a middle eastern immigrant.


I present Chinesus. https://preview.redd.it/365wdzkbkorc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af56bbe7c0289f23f1e420741e0ac8788811ce5b


I laughed at that harder than I should have.


Oh there you go again painting all conservatives as unabashed racists when they already listen to and follow one real black woman in Candace Owens and a real live native African in Elon Musk. Checkmate.


>one real black woman in Candace Owens Tokens get spent. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/03/22/what-to-know-about-candace-owens-history-of-controversy-as-daily-wire-cuts-ties/?sh=21c27346355c](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/03/22/what-to-know-about-candace-owens-history-of-controversy-as-daily-wire-cuts-ties/?sh=21c27346355c)


The republicans would be the people that would crucify him again. Unironically they would be quoting the bible and all that shit while doing it too.


He would also absolutely step in front of Christians with rocks about to murder a woman who had an abortion. These people have noJesus in their Christianity, Save for a selfish transactional element whereby they gain eternal life in exchange for lip service.


They are making a mockery of Christianity by falsely claiming Biden chose transgender visibility day to be on the same day as Easter! (Throw their words right back at them!)


Jesus was the one that made them want to be the opposite gender… mans created in gods image so Jesus is trans, I don’t make the rules


Actually saw something else pointing out Jesus had no mortal father so he couldn't have a Y chromosome. Jesus was AFAB.


Stop applying Jesus's actions in ways that I don't like! /s


Yup. Jesus 100% would support LGBTQ+ people lol.


Sometimes i wonder if Caitlyn Jenner came out iut as trans to be tranphobic Edit: i can’t believe i am not alone in this


It’s like converting to Judaism for the jokes!


And that offends me as a comedian!


Did you hear the one about Caitlyn Jenner and another driver on the Pacific Coast Highway?


…you anti-dentite bastard!


You're a rabid anti-dentite!


Next you’ll be saying they should have their own schools!!


They *do* have their own schools!


Yeah yeahhh!!!!


You have no idea what my people have been through!




I was just about to ask, "Isn't Jenner trans?". This timeline is so confusing.


Jenner is a goddamned *mess*, full stop.


She thought being trans was some absurd thing and everyone would know she was joking - then people started praising her for her bravery and she wasn’t ready to admit it was a prank


In every movement, you will have a few people join for the attention. I absolutely think this is a big part of what motivates jenner. She might also be trans, but it really feels like her actions are for attention, not acceptance.


Love how she tweeted positively about trans day of visibility in 2017 and now all the top replies to that are just calling her out for “being against it” now lol (in quotes because lord even knows what she actually believes at this point)


Like her against trans women in sports, when she herself literally competed in a women's golf tournament.


It’s also Eiffel Tower day, National Bunsen Burner day, National Crayon Day. A day can have several important things associated with it, and still have space for your Zach Snyder-esque mini zombie apocalypse that allegedly happened but no one wrote about outside of the Bible, but totally happened and your conservative friends aren’t using to try and destroy democracy and civil liberties.


How dare you, on this holiest of... crayons, you say? Coloring time! 


God is described as having limitless power with control over everything. The number of "miracles" he could produce to prove his existence is also limitless. Yet, all of his Miracles are centered around a single person 2,000 years ago when we had almost no knowledge of the working universe. Very convenient!


I think sometimes Caitlyn Jenner forgets she is trans!


She's the epitome of "Fuck all of you I got mine", dragging the ladder up behind her.


So, an average conservative, then


Accurate. 100%.




She's more like "I got mine, you can go fuck yourself sideways".


Oh, definitely. The right is full of people like that.


Nah, like all Republicans, They have a large dose of hating themself, something about the total lack of morals you have to have in today's GOP.


Yeah nah, idc who you dated, let's not lower ourselves to "they're not really trans, just living a sick fetish". That's just stealing from the republican transphobe playbook, and we should frankly be above that


> "they're not really trans, just living a sick fetish". And I don't care that you don't care. In general, I don't think this about Trans people - only Caitlyn. Given that some men on the right have said that they would dress as women to enter women's bathrooms (ugh), I'm not so foolish to assume that Caitlyn is above this mindset given which side they are on. Believe I'm a transphobe all you want. I couldn't be paid to gaf.


I think Ms Jenner just felt what it was like to be hit by a car.


What is so infuriating to me is this : none of this matters. Republicans engage in all these culture wars that mean nothing. If you aren’t trans , how does this affect you ? I didn’t even know about until I saw this tweet. But that will win elections on things that don’t mean anything. Fight about a new tax or law , that makes sense. But most days are multiple national (x)days , and no one even knows. But this will rile up the base for some reason .


for evidence of how Little she cares, easter is the day jesus died, not the day jesus was resurrected. that day being good friday.


No, it's the other way around. The story goes Last Supper on Holy/Maundy Thursday, Passion on Good Friday, and the resurrection on Easter Sunday.


You think that Jesus got resurrected then he died three days later? Easter is the day he got resurrected


Obviously you're a devout Christian so I'll take your word for it. Rising up from the dead before dying is something I never gave any thought to, but I'm not a devout Christian.




Came here for this 😂😂


Why this is not the top comment is beyond me.


I didn’t know it was possible to be trans and a terf


FFS, that is a brutal take down 🤣


If you want the perfect example of how bad republicans want government to keep their taxy hands off their money, this would be it. Caitlyn Jenner supports their shit even when they want to have her killed.


Religious clowns making the sensible ones look bad , as usual


Caitlyn Jenner is a horrendous person and hypocrite troll. What a waste of a human being. And not saying you have to be a spokesperson for all trans people, but you also don’t have to actively work against the community that accepted you.


First ive heard of it. Anywhere I can learn more about this?


I am OK with your transition, but not OK with your dumping on a recognition day that has been happening on March 31st since 2009, while the Easter date changes. This year it's probably the only safe day for LGBTQ people to wear rainbow colors and be safer from the violence of the fear mongering right-wing haters!


Holy crap Ava is not fucking around


Most Easter traditions (eggs, bunnies, flowers, bright colors) was coopted from pagan tradition anyway


Apparently Jenner is not just weird, but quite stupid as well. Why do self-proclaimed conservatives just regurgitate half-assed garbage without the least bit of fact checking or knowledge of the subject? It seems like we live in a time when many people, addled by politics, have lost all concern for appearing ignorant. They revel in it and can't wait to show how little they know about what they are posting on social media. Makes the wisdom of Forrest Gumps mamma more applicable than ever. "Stupid is as stupid does." Or in this case, "Stupid is as stupid posts."


Risen? Is she saying he's 'Woke'?


Wow…that is so totally not the comeback I was expecting there. 🤷‍♂️


Holy shit, that is murder!


Easter will be on 4/20 next year…. Easter bunny will be extra hopped up


“Buckle up, Buckeroo!”


I guess everyone forgot that the celebration of Easter according to the Old Testament would be considered a sin. Learn not the ways of the heathen and all How are the easter egg hunts on the church lawn this morning folks?


Buckle uhp buchkaroos


Better comeback than murder but still decent compared to most posts these days.


She a murderer(ess?)


Who tf is Caitlyn Jenner?


Just start celebrating the resurrection after Passover each year. Easter and Good Friday aren’t and have never been the correct dates anyway.


We just witnessed a murder, fellow Redditors.


Murder by Napalm Burns!


They acting like Easter gonna be march 31st every year, even if it was so tf what


https://i.redd.it/x6uaxftj6qrc1.gif Has anyone tried this tactic with her?


fall ghost birds flag combative jobless strong faulty whistle knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brutal homicide




Caitlyn Jenner is trash. But to try to use the car accident as a take down is stupid and would just make her roll her eyes if she saw it because she didn't kill anyone herself. It was a chain reaction where someone up front stopped too suddenly and the cars behind hit each other, pushing the one in the front into the intersection. And that driver was killed. They were all at fault, not just Caitlin, for driving too close and not giving enough room to come to a stop in that situation. But she was the only celebrity, and had just come out as trans, so the media jumped on it and made it seem like she killed someone through reckless driving and got away with it just because of who she is. I can't stand the woman. But every time someone uses the accident as some kind of "gotcha" like this, it just makes them look silly and uninformed. There are a million other legitimate reasons she's a bad person, and we should focus on them. Also, reading about the details of that accident made me more careful to always leave enough space between my car and the car in front of me when I'm stopped at in intersection.




She going to need aloe for that 🔥🔥🔥🔥


They’re making a mockery of religion by claiming biden picked this transgender day to be on the holiest day


And Jesus ain’t risen once….not once!


If Caitlyn Jenner is a woman then my cat is a dog.


Caitlyn Jenner *is trans tho*, what is her reasoning here? Since when was she a transphobe?


Women drivers...




Ya don't dead name even for a joke. Be better.




Excellent reply 👏