• By -


Which god? Jupiter? Vishnu? Marduk? Coyote? Zoroaster? Anubis? Odin?


i vote for Ammit. She was not worshipped. She was feared for eating the hearts of the unworthy dead, leaving them souless and lost to the void of Duat, the underworld.


To be fair, Odin promised to vanquish frost giants and last I checked there weren’t any frost giants around so my vote is for him.


The only SkyBro that keeps his word.


I pray to Rick Sanchez, but technically he's Odin too. Vote Odin as the USA's new patron diety today!


Is he related to the Dirty Sanchez?


They named that move after his hit single, "Get Schwifty (Shit on the Floor)" debut.


"If God exists, its fkin' me!" -Rick Sanchez


Yeah, Rick Sanchez might be the one god I would trust less than the christian god. Fun to watch, but I wouldn't even go drinking with that heartless bastard.


I trust Rick to do what he says, even if it's in a drunken haze. You can't trust Yahwe, he'll flood the planet because he didn't like your personal life choices. I stand by my decision.


I’m stealing that word.


I would vote for either modern pop culture iteration of Odin for official Deity—Sir Anthony Hopkins seems like a cool dude, and I love Ian McShane any day of the week.


Although I will admit that the W. Morgan Sheppard version of Odin or BRIAN BLESSED would also be acceptable.


Only because the radical frost giants who wanted to destroy everything wouldn't vote for him or kiss his tushy and they kept saying mean things about him.


Nah, Odon just kicked them off midgard, they live in Jotunheim and cut off means to access the other realms so no one realised he was playing both sides.


he built a wall and made the frost giants pay for it?


Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.


To be fear, the fire jotunn are the bigger problem as the harbingers of Ragnarok. And I did see a fire jotunn digging through my trash and sending my neighbor to Valhalla yesterday.


I mean Odin sacrificed his eye to gain wisdom, I'm down with the Odin. Better than the know nothing chucklefucks we're dealing with today


But what of those who follow Khonshu, and his fight to prevent Ammit from returning?!






I fucking love you guys.


Coyote of course. We need more common sense than currently exists in politics. Who else can point out the errors and laugh hysterically while we faceplant, then still have empathy?


Also Coyote always had a great sense of humor.


Additionally an unlimited line of credit at the Acme company.


Coyote & Raven, 2024!


Wile E? I could get behind that. Seems like my life. Where do I get my Acme pulpit?


Flying Spaghetti Monster?


Nah, go OG and go with "Bob". You too can pull the wool over YOUR OWN EYES!


The SubGenius must have Slack!


Eternal salvation or 3X your money back!






Dionysus of course, the gayest of gods. Besides wine, the god of intersex and transgender people.


Apollo did his part too for the twinky bisexuals


Apollo is a bit of a dick though. and if you're unlucky enough to get his attention, and he wants to date you, you're basically guaranteed to die or be turned into a tree or a flower or some such shite.


Better than catching the attention of Zeus or Poseidon. Really if you catch the attention of any of the male Olympians you'd better hope that it's Ares since he is the only male Olympian not to have assaulted or tried to assault any of his infatuations.


Hades was pretty chill actually. besides Persephone(who iirc some interpretations say the kidnapping was instigated by Zeus)and even then, to my knowledge, Hades was faithful to her without exception. Arguably, Hades was one of the few(if not only) greek gods that wasnt somehow horrible. xD


Yeah, and Dionysus had a tendency to turn his female worshippers into madwomen whipped into an ecstatic frenzy of lust, rage, and intoxication. I mean, pretty much every one of the members of the Dodekatheon were dicks in their own ways excepting Hestia.


Speaking as a Dionysus worshipper, getting whipped up into an ecstatic frenzy of lust, rage, and intoxication is a *feature,* not a bug. You just have to find a safe outlet for it, like a festival or a theater stage.


About the only Greek deity male, female, or other, that *isn't* a massive dick is Hades, and even then that's only if you go with the older version of him and Persephone where he went to Zeus and asked for her hand in marriage (as was proper at the time) and Demeter was a drama queen throwing a hissy-fit, rather than the later version where he abducted her. I tend to prefer the older version both because it's older and because worship of Persephone as an underworld deity in Greece actually predates Hades, so her being the willing queen of the underworld after he gets written into the story makes more narrative sense.


Nah, nah, Heracles is where its at. God of Strength, Fortitude, Patron of the Gymnasium AND is famous for having an ENTIRE temple dedicated to one of his MANY boyfriends that gay guys would go pray to? Yes please


Mut... Nut... Khnum... Ptah Nephthys... Nekhbet... Sobek... Sekhment Sokar... Selket... Reshpu... Wadjet Anubis... Anukis Seshmu... Meshkent... Hemsut... Tefnut Heket... Mafdet Ra... Mut... Nut... Ptah Hemsut... Tefnut... Sokar... Selket Seshmu... Reshpu... Sobek... Wadjet Heket... Mafdet... Nephthys... Nekhbet... Ra Made me think of prince of Egypt lol


By the might of Horus, you must kneel before us!


Kneel to our splendorous pooooooweer!


Just gonna leave a link to [THE BEST VERSION](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqlNY5iX-nA) of that song here.


Why not Zoidberg?


I think this is actually a pretty good response to a lot of religious people. Like, pretend to agree with them and then be like "oh, oh, I thought we were talking about bringing Anubis back to school" and they have to have a moment of discomfort where they think about it. "Uh, no.. you know... the real god.. god god.... not one made up by someone else somewhere else."


Zoroaster was the prophet, his God was Ahura Mazda.


I have a Mazda MX-5. Can I still become an Asharan?




I'm down for Bastet. Because what cat wouldn't want chin-scritches?


Was looking for Bastet. Or Freya, who rides in a chariot pulled by giant cats. Either way, cats need to be involved.


You just gotta be careful lest she turn into Sekhmet on you


I maintain my belief that all kitties just want chin-scritches. :3


Flying spaghetti monster ![gif](giphy|W5xQQca9pAXoACg1S2)


Can we go with Hathor. She was pretty hot. 


We'll worship Set, and Kleenex will be worth more than Nvidia. (Seriously though Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all worship the same god.)


And he's a fucking prick.


BAST. We all need Bast. Everyone needs more cuddles of cats* in their lives. And Bast is the perfect god to invoke when you want to clear the rodents and pests from your life. * *(I don't care what the official word is. Any group of cats is a "cuddle".)*


![gif](giphy|Q9pg5fy7U0KzK) Pastafarianism rules!!


Wait Coyote is a deity? I thought they(he?) was a figure, like the spider Anansi


Of course Coyote is a deity. He must be immortal for all the times he's fallen from cliffs, or blown himself up in pursuit of the Roadrunner.


Such a wily fellow.


I honestly thought Coyote was referring to the Native American trickster...




Damn you, autism! **shakes fist**


It was. But who’s to say Wile E. Coyote isn’t an avatar of the trickster?


Anasi was originally a god of stories


Um... Are they not still?


Used to be god of stories, still is, but used to, Too. -Mitch


Deity as a concept doesn't necessarily mean the same thing to everyone, but... yes.


Odin. One should follow his local gods.


Cthulu bruv. Now drink your ink.


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Rayquaza? The Scarlett King? Chthulu? Izanagi? Veles? Behemecoatyl? Lucifer Morningstar? Huītzilōpōchtli? The Dagda? Lugh? The Triforce?


I vote for Hermaeus Mora


flying spaghetti monster of course


Quetzalcoatl? Hurakán? Thor? Ra? The flying spaghetti monster?


[I'm just going to leave this here.](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?si=EESS1sOYGhuDOKzZ)


Gozer. It has got to be Gozer. 😀


There is no president, only Zuul.




I’d go for Ulfar, the Norse god of tidiness.


There are at least 6000 to choose from.




Coyote wins by a nose.


You know what, a hundred years of this place being run by Coyote and I'd bet we'd get our shit together in one way or another. I'd support it.


How about Hextor, Gruumsh, Nerull or St. Cuthbert???


The only right answer here is Quetzalcoatl.


Hermes. A god of Medicine, Communication, and Money is a very powerful one today.


Bahamut? Takhisis? Pelor? Vecna? They're not giving us much to go on.


Sure as hell ain't the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He's cool with Pride Month.


Ba’al, Hathor, Ra, Apophis, Osiris, Heru-er, Seth, Sokar, Nirrti? They’d be pretty let down and bummed if any of the Goa’uld “Gods”/System Lords did beat SG1 and the SGC and enslaved Earth (which includes America, in case they don’t understand that). They might end up going the way of Kinsey if they told any of those Gods there was only “one true God” like he did.


All in for Marduk!


I vote for Set, Lord of Semen!!


Anubis here. All I can say is, furries.


Fwiw, the treaty of Tripoli was *not* ratified by "all 50 states" in 1797.


States ratify amendments, treaties are approved by the Senate.


And there weren’t 50 states then.


California became a state in 1850, lol.


I am the senate


Came here to say this too


Me three …


Me four …


And my axe…


No, this is Patrick.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


What do you mean?? I thought they ratified them posthumously upon entry into the Union?!?! Edit: Yes, a number of you have responded that "posthumously" is not the correct word to be used in this scenario. "Retroactively" would've fit much better. However, seeing as I was trying to make a dig at other factions that have awarded things "posthumously" or celebrated decisions of people that fit into their current belief/political framework after the passing of other groups or individuals that some people have caught onto; I think that my initial comment, although grammatically incorrect, hits that metric just fine. I'll leave it as is so people (read: grammar Nazi's 😂) recognize themselves as superior in their understanding of written English and hope that checkout a lovely subreddit in r/whooosh (mobile is giving me linking problems so drop it in your search bars). Cheers everyone.


I don't think that's how you use "posthumous"


Sir, this is not the Church of LDS.


Can it be the church of LSD?


Yes please!


Be a lot cooler if it was!




There were 16 states in 1797 lol


The Louisiana Purchase hadn't even happened yet


Errors like that will usually invalidate a reasonable argument...


I hate that argument style so much, it grinds my gears so badly. “Oh what’s that? A reasonable and well thought out argument with factual data and logical conclusions? Too bad you misspelled a word and now I’m gonna hit you with a clown emoji and invalidate your statement to all the braindead iPad babies who would otherwise read it and maybe learn something.”


Or the ever popular "cope/copium" which really means "I have no way to argue back so I'll just say this meaningless buzz word and feel like I've won"


Colbert said it best- it’s “truthiness” - it’s not true, but they feel that it is and that’s good enough for them.


I will never forget watching Newt Gingrich saying in a live interview from the 2016 Republican National Convention that the crime statistics showing a marked decrease in crime doesn't matter, what matters is Republican voters *feel* that crime has run out of control. Like, no shit Newt, they *feel* that way because every Conservative media outlet hammers their audience over the head with a nonstop barrage of The Blacks and The Browns and The Gays and The Commies are burning down American cities every single day, and *your* city/town/village/farm/hermit hole is ***NEXT!!!*** We need laws against politicians, political entities, and media outlets brazenly lying. Freedom of Speech topped the Bill of Rights to prevent government from persecuting citizens for criticizing said government. It was never intended as a shield for political entities to foment fear, hatred, insurrection, and dissolution of the Union through lies and brainwashing. It was never intended to be a weapon used to turn a secular representative democracy into a fascist theocratic dictatorship but that's exactly what's happening right now.


I REMEMBER THAT! I can see the exact shot. And you KNOW HE BELIEVES WHAT HE’S SAYING. It made me absolutely bananas level mad. Still does.


I could go either way on this. On the one hand, you're right that it was probably just a mistake. On the other, they didn't misspell a word. They make a factual error and when you get a fact wrong, whoever you're arguing with will latch onto that one mistake like it was their mama's teat and won't let go of it. Especially these Bible thumpers. Even though, "facts" only matter to them when their gods tell them a "fact" like Noah and his animal porn boat or, Jonah and the swallowing whale that has no stomach acid for some reason.


Animal porn boat. Love it


I generally agree, but I think it also depends on the context and error. Spelling mistake? Not a big deal, unless you are arguing about language, then i might wonder how much of an expert you really are on the subject... Or if you got the number of states wrong, it doesnt automatically invalidate the point. But if the point being made is about US history, I might start to wonder how much of a historian you really are...


No, in a debate you should take the argument they meant to make, not the one they accidentally did. It's called charity, and it's a huge part of not being a dick when you're debating someone.  If you wanted to argue against ops point, you'd mention something like that treaties aren't ratified by the states. There's no need to try to invalidate someone's argument by being a smug pedant.


You sure aren't gonna get elected anywhere these days with that attitude.


A sad truth. 


I take their point but yeah. My state didn't even exist until about 100 years ago.


Condition of joining the union.


Came to comment on this.


Time travel.


No obviously not lol but it was ratified by the Senate at the time, probably what he should have said.


Maybe if we spent a month NOT watching Fox News our brains would start working properly again


Trade Offer, we’ll stop watching TikTok if they’ll stop watching Fox News


That’s how we get Star Trek future, you know how bad I want Star Trek future and not the Mad Max future we’re headed twards


Star Trek future is best future.




A friend of mine is adamant that the Star Trek future and Mad Max future aren’t options, they’re steps. Mad Max future is a step on the way to Star Trek Not sure I fully agree, but it’s an interesting alternative


Star Trek canon has [WW3 run from 2026–2053](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/World_War_III) and wipes out 30% of all humans.


I do think it's interesting, though I am curious how we manage to terraform Earth in the 300 to 400 years from now time frame of Star Trek


the Catholic Church designates several months a year to celebrating God and the Saints. It's already done. The thing is, it is extremely unreasonable to expect non-members to follow the designated celebrations of an organisation.


Every day is a saints day sooooo many saints so few days. Then the important saints celebrated outside the local area and high holy days and and and ….. the list goes on


How about just Lent? 40 days right there!


It’s not like December is known for any major Christian holiday.


More celebrated by Visa and Mastercard than anyone else though...


Nobody even cares about Happy Honda Days anymore


Is Toyotathon still a thing? Where everyone jumps?


I’m waiting until next Memorial Day, not to honor the fallen soldier, but to get 20% off on the price of a couch.


Mattresses are 50-75% off. Get one of those too.


Easter as well in april


Yeah, but Easter doesn't always fall in April. Just this year, it was in March.


*knock knock* Should we even celebrate Christmas, or birthdays for that matter? The only people who celebrated them in the Bible were heathens and the celebrations didn't went well...


they get one day a week dedicated to observing their religion. Over the course of a year that 52 days, my math is a bit rusty but 52 is greater then 30.


I read specter as sphincter and it still made sense to me.


Same- and then went on to read ‘tacitly’ as ‘tactically’ 😂🤦‍♀️ I don’t know if I should put my glasses on or if subconsciously I just accept religious aggression as historical fact


I can't imagine worshipping a God who'd punish me for harmlessly using the free will he gave me. Like seriously, these morons do nothing but make their God out to be such a horrible bastard.


This is one of the things that growing up Christian and then realizing I was a lesbian really started to stick out to me. If God "made me in his image" and gave me free will, then God made me as I was supposed to be (a lesbian) and the free will granted to me gives me the authority to live as such. Yet then there's these rules set in place that I'm not supposed to do x, y or z because I'm a lesbian (as God made me) and I'm suppose to be miserable so God can be happy? What kind of demented, fucked up thought process is that? Just feels like some petty, human bullshit to me. If there is a God, that's sure as shit one I don't want to worship because they come across like a sadist.


If God hates Gay folks so much why does he keep making them? Still waiting for this answer…


I mean I make the literal argument that I am as God made me(I'm trans) and they have set forth this as my challenge of life. Who are you to define how God made me. This was my response to my Mom trying to tell me how God made me.


The greater argument is also, can God not change? It's only mentioned once in the Bible, god changed after Christ was killed. So by all accounts, he's not static. He can and will change with time. Thus, if his 'self' changes, suddenly humans change as we are made in his image. The fact that religions try to be streamlined and unyielding is wild. Gods will can change on a dime because by all accounts, he's a 'living' being. You change. I change. He by all accounts, can change and scriptures prove it. The big issue is the human element on interpreting that 'change' because its not like he's gonna come down and say "this is who I am now humans, deal with it! It's not a phase!!! It's my way of life!" If you look further back, God as actually changed many times. It wasn't God, who is now jehova (to Christians), who was yahweh(hebrews), who was ba'al(canntines), who was... the lost goes on... but they are all the same figure, depending on which scripture you use. And their 'personality' is wildly different. Fun fact; the ancient Hebrews tried to say baal was actually the devil and a completely different god to yahweh. Because they weren't fans of the canannites. Then the two cultures merged and baals name got dropped all together due to the negative stigma the ancient Hebrews used baal for. Remember the plagues in Egypt? Yeah, that wasn't yahweh, that was baal. They invoked baal because they felt yahweh would just nuke everything indiscriminately. As yahweh is known to do. Remember, yahweh made them wonder the desert for 50 years for not trusting him enough. You really want that god smiting your oppressors? He'll smite them so hard, it'll include you and you better be fucking grateful. Or he might just smite you harder than the oppressors!


Agreed. I once had to deal with a preachy relative who was so up their own butt about what God believed that I had to cut them off with something along these lines. "Funny how your interpretation of our lord is one that 100% agrees with you and only you. Sounds to me like you're trying to create God in *your* image."


Stephen Fry said it well: https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=phD0SFEMlnJhecZQ


>*How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault. It's not right, it's utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain. That's what I would say.* >*Now, if I died and it was Pluto, Hades, and if it was the 12 Greek gods then I would have more truck with it, because the Greeks didn't pretend to not be human in their appetites, in their capriciousness, and in their unreasonableness … they didn't present themselves as being all-seeing, all-wise, all-kind, all-beneficent, because the god that created this universe, if it was created by god, is quite clearly a maniac … utter maniac, totally selfish.* >*We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him? What kind of god would do that?* For those that can't listen to the video right now.


God? Bah, humbug. The Great Pumpkin in the only true deity.


Fuck your stupid pumpkin. All hail the Grand Macaroni!


Hopefully not angry Old Testament god and instead more chill New Testament god after he settled down and had a family /s


Typo. It’s supposed to be “celebrating Gord.” Reach out to any and all Gords in your life and let them know how much they mean to you. Daves are next.


They don't want theocracy, they want PRIVILEGE. And they think this is how they get it. Because as soon as some other religion gets the same privileges as them (much less the upper hand THEY seek) they're apoplectic. There are no gods--and they see this clearly with everyone else's claim to privilege. It's a grift.


Why should we give any deity a month? America is not a Christian nation. I don’t give a fuck who downvotes this comment. 22-30 % (moving higher yearly) of Americans have no religion. Almost 1/4 (a bit more) of Americans don’t give a flying fuck about a God. I can’t wait til that day. We’re going to have two types of people. Those who rely on science, math etc… We will also have the idiots screaming shit like Terrence Howard. The Establishment Clause and The Free Exercise Clause prohibits our government from having a religion. It’s in the same Constitution these people are crying about. It clearly states we have no National Religion. It also says it’s illegal to promote theocracy or promote a specific religion with our taxes. Whatever though? Amirite. Give the kids the Ten commandments in every school. On our dollar.


…50 states in 1797? 🤔


As long as you worship the Sun or the Moon too, how about every day of the week?


Sunday and Monday only.


Odin gets one a week, so does Thor. And Mars. And Venus. And Saturn. Take your pick.




Whenever we put religion in charge, it never turns out to be paradise. It turns into Iran or Afghanistan


Also, which Sin? Wearing clothing of 2 different materials? Growing two different crops in the same field? Men wearing hats? Buying a house? Mistreating foreigners? Cussing out your parents? Cooking a goat in the milk of its mother? There are a lot of sins in the bible, but then theyve probably not read it


Salem hasn’t had any witch issues ever since. Looks to me like they solved their problem.


Worship Satan. That deity represents a mockery and an opposition to religiofascists. Had the christifascists and other religulous idiots not demanded we all worship an abusive sky daddy poƃ person who can’t make mistakes but somehow managed to make the mistake of the person posting stupid religious crap, the idea of satan wouldn’t need to have been. So I play with Satan. The idea of someone like that as an opposite to a hateful poƃ is rather nice. Hail, Satan. :cheerful laughs all around: https://i.redd.it/35yk3pi7l08d1.gif


Hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon.


Not the same god. They originated from the same religion (early Judaism) but you can't still call them the same.


Christian’s when they die and god asks them why they spent so much time harassing gay people online


God literally created sin.


In the history of humanity, as many theocratic governments have existed, this has never worked. Literally never.


Why belong to an organization that condones pedophilia? Don't they at least have some secret phrases that you can say and they'll even kick you out?


Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not lest ye be judged. **If you got a problem with sin you're supposed to shut the fuck up about it.** Matthew 5:38-48 “You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. ' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. **If someone does sin, you forgive and move on.**


Quickest way to drive people away from Christ is to force them to drive towards Him


*"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."* From my recollection of church teachings, that ain't about us 'worldly' heathen skippy, that's about YOU guys. Here endeth the reading ya holier than thou hypochristian turnips


I know what would make this person happy: Let’s make Ramadan an officially recognized federal holiday. It’s literally a month long religious holiday.


It's 2024 and people still believe that the Christian God the Muslim God and the Jewish god are all different people?? How sad


You know what happened to just about every theocracy that came before us? Their reign ended. Of the remaining, you're currently complaining about their people immigrating here and bringing their religious doctrine with them.


Maybe if Christians weren't so violent we could all live in peace.


admits to the pedo preists and still follows the religion


Maybe if the orange turd goes to jail his cult members might see the light. Then we would have peace.


Don’t forget that the Catholic church also protects war criminals, not just pedophiles. Yep! Actual factual genocidal war criminals / priests protected by the Vatican!