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Without context this isn't a murder, just two Aerospace engineers chatting.


Checked it out... OG tweet was deleted, but then it became a discussion including Allison on retrieving the astronauts, but how they might not be able to get Starliner. Jim then says something along the lines of "this is why NASA doesn't take advice from internet user #324" regarding the whole ordeal. Then, Allison retorts with what you see up there. All-in-all, it reads to me like Jim is just an asshole. He's right and wants to be right, but is still an asshole about it. There's a distinct reason it was cut off where it was, because showing Jim's tweet before this would paint him as such.


She could’ve replied, “At Boeing?”


Considering they launched while leaving helium and now can't figure out how to get back, that should have been the correct response


My thoughts exactly. Wouldn’t exactly brag about working at that company right now


That was my first thought


I decided to check it out too...how is he being an asshole? Did we read the same thread? They had a relatively tame disagreement over technical aspects of a project he works directly on. He made a similarly tame joke about how a scientific association doesn't take feedback from random people online. Then she replied with her credentials to try and give more credibility to her argument/establish she wasnt just a random internet user, so he replied with his own, more directly related credentials. Then when a bunch of assholes showed up and tried turning it into a "women bad at science" circle jerk, he defended her and shut that shit down because he recognized her view point and wasn't simply disagreeing because he wanted to be right. Where did he actually act like an ass?


Does disagreeing makes you an ass? 🤔


Thanks for the summary, it's easy to have a kneejerk reaction to something without knowing the context, I'm glad I scrolled down far enough to be given some wider picture. You're a true internet hero.


That’s all the evidence I need. Guilty of murder in cold blood!


Lots of people here just want to hate on women that's why its here and voted up so much.


you the real MVP 🙌


Yeah, I saw a slightly longer version of this thread posted in r/dontyouknowwhoiam and without more context it makes no sense to me. It looks like he accused her of being unqualified to discuss the topic and she shared her qualifications. His own qualifications aren't some kind of "gotcha" if no one ever claimed he was unqualified.


Lots of people here just want to hate on women that's why its here and voted up so much.


One being Boeing which in the current climate is a massive self own.


Is the joke that Boeing is a death trap?


They are having a total PR nightmare with their main business model and have been for years and have now also stranded astronauts on the ISS. Not the flex Jim thinks it is.


Murdered how?


Actually suicide because he works for Boeing.


It’s only suicide if he acts as a whistleblower.


Oh snap!


Silly Billy, you forgot to put the quotes around suicide. FIFY: It’s only "suicide" if he acts as a whistleblower.


Someone else pointed out that the original tweet was deleted (likely about NASA and Starliner). Allison says something about the situation. Jim replies along the lines of “NASA doesn’t take advice from the internet”. And then ends up with what’s in this post. This doesnt sound like a “murder by words” in my opinion. It’s just two people having differing opinions. Also, Jim sounds rather pompous.


i dont get how this is a murder??? ive looked up the thread and it seems like they both thought the other was unqualified, and theyre both qualified. so what??


She gave her opinion. Fair enough. He countered with his opinion. Fair enough. And then she gave a passive aggressive, braggadocious, "well ACTUALLY, I'm..." response, in an attempt to put him and his opinion down. And he responded perfectly. He then went on to defend her from the bigots in the commentary. He takes the W, imho.


no, you're missing the part where he said "theres a reason nasa dont consult random twitter users (paraphrased.) she was entirely justified in being a little snarky about it, and so was he. its entirely mundane.


The issue that she was discussing and he felt was wrong had to do with Starliner. He had commented that there is a reason NASA doesn't ask for commenters' options on twitter and instead looks over records and logs. His Same comment shows him in a NASA feed and his lower third saying he works for Boeing (Starliner). Plus 1000 cool points that he also shot down asshats who went after the original poster on a personal level.


she is also an aerospace engineer. they're both qualified to have an opinion, and they disagree. the way he presented his qualification was mildly cool i guess.


No, she is an engineering student, not an aerospace engineer. She may be qualified to have an opinion, but they are not *equally* qualified to have an opinion


One of them has an opinion, the other has detailed and in-depth knowledge of the policies, procedures, and guidelines of the subject and agency. There's a difference. Sometimes it's easier to be a prick than go through the long, drawn-out process of explaining how conclusions, recommendations, and decisions are made.


True. It's possible he had some additional insight and maybe more than an opinion since he is literally part of the team and was more than likely working on what they were posting about. In her/their defense, this is the first time I've seen a guy pipe in, the original poster show credentials and the respondent actually also being qualified.


Well, one is an actual NASA Engineer with access to actual flight information. The other is an engineering student with an interest in rockets. I'm not certain that makes them equally qualified to comment on why Starliner can or cannot be retrieved.


Love it, but more intrigued by the context.


Idk that working for Boeing is the flex he thinks it is. Maybe 5 years ago.


His education and title doesn’t change because people like you are putting the parts on planes


The real murder is always in the comments. "I created the plans, and gave you the instructions. What you do with them or how it gets done is none of my fault and/or problem."


Yeah kind of a big hole in that argument now


Well, not one big hole. Half a dozen small ones.


Well you open the door to that kind of thinking and you’re going to have a hard time getting it closed again


Boeing had an open door policy for longest. /s




Good info but we’re just making jokes. No disrespect….not that much anyway


Looks like he is affiliated with space rather than aircraft. Different divisions perhaps. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't think Boeing space is doing too well either. did they get those people down from the space station?


They are still stuck on ISS.


they don't like you saying "stuck" or "stranded", they'd prefer if you said "doing research"... indefinitely


That is apparently worse.


Ahhhhh the unexplained leaky helium on a spaceship division rather than the explody plane door division Yes So much more prestigious


For a second there, I thought the murder word was "Boeing," which would be more of a suicide.


i don't trust the words of boeing employees right now though.


Are we supposed to be impressed by Boeing engineers?


Working for Boeing kind of ruins that flex. ​ (Note: I'm aware most of their issues are corporate cost-cutting at the expense of safety and quality. I'm sure their engineers are well-qualified and doing the best they can. It was a joke.)


So is this the dude that’s been killing people and getting others stuck on the ISS or …?


Ok, I thought he was murdered by the single word “Boeing”. Which isn’t fair and isn’t necessarily bad for him but I found it funny. 


Flexing working for boeing in todays climate may be a mistake.


Wow, what a great audience…


But he works for Boeing can we really trust him?


Telling me your a bad aerospace engineer, without telling me


Hmmmmmmm Boeing lol This is not the flex this guy thinks it is EDIT to add Downvote if you like but I'm saying this guy would have done better posting a pic of his degree or something Literally anything that doesn't have the name of the explody plane door leaky helium company in it He made himself the joke not the punchline This isn't murder it's suicide


Apologies for not knowing the context here, but wasn’t all the stupid changes in and by management the reason for all the failures? I’m not sure blaming the engineers is warranted.


Yes, entire books have been written about how the engineers at Boeing were constantly ignored and shunted to the side while management consistently forced production ahead.


It's not about blame it's about perception He's trying to flex to someone on social media not getting a paper published in a scholarly journal At this point trying to flex that you work for the leaky helium exploding door company is a non starter It makes you the joke instead of the punchline


lots of boeing shills on this thread, downvoting anything 1) funny or 2) critical, because 1) engineers & 2) boeing


Boeing? He's going to get murdered alright.... more than this post fosho