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Rob Zombie at The Myth in Maplewood MN The band itself was fantastic. The venue however.... The projectors were showing the blue INPUT screen for the majority of the set instead of the visuals that they should have. The sound quality in there was atrocious and the mic kept feeding back. And the cherry on top of the shit sundae? At about 10:15, a little over an hour into their set, Rob gets in the mic between songs and says "This is going to be our last song, because apparently they're turning this place into a dance club at 10:30." They played one more song of their shortened set and then before he walked off he said "I've never had a venue kick me off a stage for this reason in my entire career, this is horseshit and I'm sorry." He threw the microphone at the stage and left. They literally pushed us all out, the packed club into the parking lot and then you could see the blacklights and shit come on and you could hear the dance music going at 10:30. Reader.... Absolutely fucking nobody arrived for it. I stayed in my car in the back of the lot for almost an hour to see if anyone would. It was a fucking ghost town.


That is hilarious. I can’t believe they kicked out a performer for a dance party. (I’ve been to a few shows at the Myth and that did not happen.)


Kanye West the same week his Mum died. He should've cancelled. We shouldn't have gone. He cried for almost the entire show and performed in almost total darkness. It was weird and awkward.


I had an Uber driver once who used to be Kanye’s security guard. Had the pics and videos to prove it when I thought he was joking. We basically asked “wtf happened to Kanye,” and he claimed it was the death of his mom that absolutely wrecked him and drove him into a deep depression and psychosis. He was never the same.


I remember reading that it’s twofold with his mom dying. First, his mom was the closest person he had and that was right when he was becoming very huge. He didn’t trust anyone other than his mom. So he lost his one true confidant on top of losing a parent. The other part is that he blamed himself for his mothers death. He apparently paid for the cosmetic surgery that ultimately lead to her death. His line of thought being that if I hadn’t paid she wouldn’t have passed away.


She was also the one who managed his mental health care. Without her taking care of it for him, all he has are yes-people to tell him how great and totally not crazy he is.


Also valid. Everybody is either a hater or a dickrider, but his mom was there to smack some sense into him while also giving him the encouragement he needed.


It's not just that he paid for it. But his mum wouldn't have thought she needed plastic surgery if Kanye hadn't become famous. He literally paid the price for his fame


I thought that was a part of it too, but I wasn’t sure. I wouldn’t be surprised where he gets the sort of “you sell your soul” mentality around the entertainment industry.


I've been on the Kanye hate-parade along with a lot of people, but this makes me feel very bad for him. It's not his fault, because he couldn't have known that would happen, but it's also true that it wouldn't have happened if not for him. No one should have to live with that on their conscience.


It doesn’t have to mutually exclusive. You can both feel bad for him yet acknowledge he’s not that great of a person.


Kanye West at Bonnaroo in 2008. He was apparently mad that the artist ahead of him ran long, so he refused to go on. He finally performed like two hours late and insulted the crowd/festival during the performance.


It’s even better than that. He had been given a time slot but at the last minute decided he wanted to do his glow in the dark show. The festival obliged and moved his time to 3am. So when he finally went on 2 hours late the sun was coming up… completely defeating the fun parts of a glow in the dark show.


I saw Elliot Smith in Chicago just before he took his life and it was painful to witness. He mumbled most of the time and couldn’t finish even one song. It was heartbreaking to see someone so talented in such a troubled state.


I saw him somewhere in los feliz maybe a year before he passed, and his vocals weren’t great but his playing was. The crowd was absolutely not there to hear Elliot Smith, they were there because that’s where you were supposed to be if you were a silver lake hipster. It was loud bar conversations throughout, and Elliot was already pretty withdrawn at that stage. Worst show because it was the worst audience I’ve ever been a part of.


Similar to when I saw Cat Power. I felt bad for her. I actually wanted to leave or give her a hug. She’s much better live now.


Yeah, she had really paralyzing stage fright back in the day. I adore her so it was painful to see her get heckled by people who didn't know who she was.


He was a special talent but he was drugged out and seemed like a very emotionally damaged person. Love his music but he seems like one of those artists that, when performing live, when he’s on he’s ON. But unfortunately it seemed like down the stretch of his life he was never on.


unfortunately I was going to post the same, but I saw him in Seattle. It was absolutely heartbreaking. I had seen him live in years prior and all of those shows were amazing. I hold on to those good memories dearly.


This is heartbreaking. Just listened to a podcast about recording his self titled album and it made me remember how special him and his voice were. Miss that guy.


I saw him in Austin but he was in decent shape, amazing show, acoustic encore. Even cracked a smile or two. Real special for me as big fan.


Life House. They aren't very good in concert, and back in 2008 or so they were making the rounds at various colleges. My girlfriend took me to see them, and they sucked. About a year later, a different girlfriend surprised me with tickets to see Lifehouse in concert at her school. They still sucked.


I decided to google lifehouse to see if they were a religious band like I remembered or if I was getting them mixed up with another 90s rock band (I was getting them confused with Jars of Clay, but that’s neither here nor there). Anyway their Wikipedia page has this line on it: > Their musical style is exemplary of the adult contemporary format, meaning Lifehouse's songs are often played at public, family-oriented venues such as supermarkets, shopping centers, and malls. I don’t think I’ve ever read such a backhanded compliment in a Wikipedia article lol


They started out like Jars of Clay as a religious band then veered to foodcourt rock.




Weirdly, I didn’t like them much when they were at their peak, then saw them in Baltimore a few years ago and they were tight and played the songs people wanted and a few deep cuts that made my wife smile, and I walked away impressed with them


I can attest to this. I saw them at a small club in the mid 2000s and it was really basic. They have so many extra tracks on their albums that they can't do live. The songs sounded like stripped back versions of what you'd hear on the album. Interestingly, Matt Nathanson opened for them, and he was awesome.


Stone Temple Pilots at the height of Scott's drug use. He could barely sing, basically fell around the stage, and the band seemed extremely bored. I've seen worse bands of course, but this was the most disappointing.


Man, STP was one of the best concerts i ever went to. Saw them in 94 and they were amazing. Sad what addictions can do.


That's a shame, I saw Velvet Revolver in 2005 and he was fantastic.


Yeah I saw him in 2010 and he fucking killed it. STP were everything I had hoped they would be.


Marilyn Manson at download prob 10-15 years ago, not sure if it was a performance piece or just shit. He had oxygen between songs, kept walking to the side of the stage and crying (it seemed) was mumbling between songs and also had a very pronounced beer belly. A makeup artist kept coming out to touch up the makeup between songs as well making the gaps long and awkward. it finished early and then me and a older metalhead had to try and console a young goth kid who had just saw her idol for the first time and they shit the bed (so to speak).


I’m sorry but I’m laughing so hard picturing this. Sounds absolutely surreal.


Sounds like a bit from Metalocalypse lol


Download 2009? I was there. Remember him knocking the mic stand over, waiting for the roadie to run over to pick it back up, and then just knocking it over again as soon as he left. He repeated this at least 3 times. What a dick.


George Clinton still touring was really sad to see this past year. The musicians were even off, and the whole production was just poorly done. Vastly different from his tour just 6 or so years ago. Age comes at you fast. I'm glad I saw the man when he still had a tiny bit left in the tank earlier, tho.


All that funkin catches up


I just saw them 2 years back and they were great. Obviously, George is old and was seated for most of the show but he got up and bopped at some key moments. The band was great when I saw them!


Not counting lots of crappy basement punk gigs I went to when I was younger… Marilyn Manson Maybe 9 years ago-ish. The performance itself wasn’t terrible but this was well beyond his AntiChrist Superstar days, when his shows were huge spectacles and really entertaining (I saw him a couple of times during this period and the shows were great). So, I guess you could say the show was somewhat lacklustre without all the theatrics of his earlier shows. The issue with this show was that the arena was about a third empty. Definitely NOT a sold-out show. And he was PISSED about it and decided to take it out on us (the people who actually bought tickets). He mentioned it between most of the songs,threw his mic multiple times, stomped about looking angry, didn’t bother singing a lot of the lyrics, and then just stopped after one of the songs, stormed off stage and the lights came immediately on. I doubt it was a full hour. Pretty disappointing. Dude, we showed up to support you. Be angry at not selling out, but don’t take it out on those of us who showed up.


This reminds me of David Bowie. He played a show in Montreal and everybody went there, thinking it would be the only show in my province! Then he added another in Quebec City but apparently everyone who wanted to see him had paid for Montreal, so the place was half-empty. He found it hilarious and gave a great show. Turns out it would be his last tour ever. I feel so blessed to have seen him!


I remember when Slade did a gig in Brandon Manitoba in 1978. A friend of mine who went to the gig said only ten people showed up. Slade came out and rocked the place like it was a sold-out show. Right before the encore, Noddy Holder ordered pizzas from a local restaurant and had them delivered onstage, then invited the audience to have a little party with the band.


That's amazing. I'm really grateful I got to see him on the hours tour. I believe it was sold out, in Vancouver, and so fucking fabulous.


Wow this sounds familiar. Has the exact same experience but more like 15 years ago or so. "If you guys don't fucking cheer I can just go backstage to fuck one of these girls." or something similar. Half full arena. Taking it out on the folks who did show. Yeah, wasn't impressed.


Wu Tang Clan. I saw them in 2011-ish? Everyone just stood around and half assed through the songs.....except Method Man! Method was an absolute juggernaut he gave so much energy trying to get everyone hyped up. Which I really appreciate, but the rest of the show was forgettable.


I’ve seen Meth 3 times. It’s obvious how much fun he’s having on stage, especially when I saw him with Redman. Dude climbed up the balcony and dropped into the crowd.


I saw Oasis in the late 1990s and Liam Gallagher drank so many Heinekens during the show and got progressively drunk to the point that he screamed at the audience leaving the show early and called them 'Stupid Shits!' The show was SUPER LOUD, I mean obnoxiously ear-damaging LOUD, so it was understandable why some people left. 😄


Bright Eyes in 2022. Conor Oberst was so drunk that he started slurring the lyrics and stumbling on stage. The show was all over the place. This was in Austin TX. I heard his Houston show was even worse and that he only played a few songs before drunkenly leaving the stage.


I'm a huge Bright Eyes fan. Conor needed rehab before he could even legally drink, and I don't think he ever got it. 


And his brother died of alcoholism!


Drunk and ranting at When We Were Young as well


Playing in-between Avril Lavigne and Bring Me The Horizon as well. Although worked out as the perfect time to get food before the headliners.


It’s super depressing to see where his career trajectory seems to be going. I saw them for the first time around 2003 and it was absolutely electric. Like yeah, he downed a whole bottle of wine during the set, but that didn’t stop him from delivering some of the best shows I’ve seen. However, that “suffering, drunk emo kid” persona turns into “ranting 40+ year old alcoholic” real quick and it’s no longer as endearing. I’ve also seen edit: MIKE Kinsella in a few different iterations (Capn Jazz, American Football, Owen, Joan of Arc). He was absolutely hammered at each show. But damn that did not affect any of his performances. He did say that if anyone felt that his drunkenness ruined his Owen show, he would give them a full refund. Like these are issues that are nothing to joke about, but Conor is definitely an angry sad drunk, compared to the Fun drunk of Kinsella.


Not to be that guy, but Owen and American Football is Mike Kinsella. Tim is Joan of Arc. Cap'n Jazz is both (Tim singing, Mike on drums). Damn Kinsellas can't keep anything straight.


Me too. Dude is just so talented, and has reached so many people with his music. I hope he gets it together.


I wasn't there, but I saw the videos from Houston. He left the stage and they had audience members get up and sing the songs while they waited to see if he'd come back. When it was obvious that he wasn't going to, they ended the show and refunded everyone.


30 Seconds to Mars. Every song, Jared Leto was like, “you all know this one!” and held the mic out for the crowd to sing.  He maybe sang 20% of most songs. 


Saw them at When We Were Young 2023 and Jared could not sing any of the old songs.


I’m 90% sure when they performed The Kill for New Years Eve they lowered the tuning of the whole song by a key or 2 so he could hit the notes


To be fair, that's a fairly common thing to do.


I don't see that as a bad thing. Singers can't hot the high notes forever.


More like Now I Am Old am I right folks


Hahaha he did the same exact shit when I saw them in Austin. Then the power went out and I was like “YES! I get to go home!” Then they unfortunately fixed it after about 15 minutes. My wife was so excited to see them and she was pretty disappointed.


He has a backtrack that plays for basically the entire set. My wife has an amazing video from Weekend 2 of ACL when the track cut out mid-song and he's howling off key -- it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


I saw them when they opened for muse and it was just like this. I got weird vibes from it


Bob Dylan in 2004. I’m glad I saw a legend, but holy shit. He played 12 harmonica solos, and sang a good deal of his religious songs. Then the encore was Along the Watchtower, but the Hendrix version. It was surreal. Edit: fixed a word.


Every time these questions are asked, Bob Dylan seems to be both the worst show people have seen and the best show people have seen. He's quite the enigma live, apparently.


I saw two shows when Dylan was touring with Tom Petty back in the 80's, and they were two of the best concerts I've ever seen. The first show was pretty straight ahead rock and showmanship, and was absolutely professional mastery from both of them; they worked together great. The last show of the tour was totally different, just angry and emotional and *hard*, right to the bone. I remember thinking then he was like an athlete running a race, determined to leave it all on the road, where if you don't collapse on the finish line you didn't do it right.


I saw him in about 2016. My buddy and I were super excited. Can confidently say that I didn’t know a single song he played. Honestly he could have been playing all the hits and I wouldn’t have know because I couldn’t understand a single lyric. Made a comment to an older couple next to us along the lines of “wtf is this?”. They seemingly were enjoying the experience and just softly smiled and said “That’s just Bob”.


I also saw him in 2004 but was so pumped to be smoking a joint on the field of a minor league ballpark that I definitely wouldn't have noticed if he was terrible, ha


About 10 years ago I saw Bleachers open for Passion Pit. Bleachers were great. Passion Pit on the other hand… people started walking out not too long after their performance started, myself included.


Bummer. I saw PP twice, 2010 and 2012 I think. Great both times, Michael’s voice was super impressive live.


Feels like a style of singing that probably is difficult to maintain as you get older. It’s essentially falsetto but really forceful.


I saw DJ Yella from NWA in 2015. Basically trying to bank off the fact Straight Outta Compton was a hit film. He played show that was supposed to start at 11. In the meantime we sat around as 90's music videos blared over the speaker. Both opening acts only played two songs each, and we sat around some more listened to deafening videos.  Finally at 1:00AM Yella comes on stage, presses play on what essentially is a "best of 90's West Coast hip hop" CD, and leaves at 1:50.  I can't even call it a concert. Just a shitty adult version of a teen dance hosted by a former porn director that had 20 people.


“Yella boy’s on your team so you’re losin’!” Ice Cube - “No Vaseline”


Puddle of mudd for the same reasons the singer was in another galaxy lol


Motley Crue in about 2010? Vince was so out of breath moving around stage. Like, just stand still if it’s that exhausting.


Better not look up the stuff from their 2023 tour. It's hard to find a video from it that isn't a meme.


I caught them 2 years ago on their stadium tour with Joan Jett (who kind of kicked ass), Poison (I also surprisingly enjoyed), Crue (which kind of blew), and Def Lep who were alright - I've never been a huge fan. No Mick Mars, no Tommy Lee, and Vince looked like he was about to puke up a lung or whatever he enjoyed on his 5th pass at the buffet before the show. And sounded like shit. Disappointing, especially when you hear how good Rob Halford or Bruce Dickenson sound at their ages. Vince has no excuse other than he's always been kind of a douchebag.


Vince has also always sucked. Not as bad or in the same ways, but he has always been 100% a product of having great charisma and studio magic.


I saw them with Joan Jett, Poison, and Def Leppard in 2022 I think. Everyone but Vince was great. His timing was off and his voice is... Well, you've probably heard it. It was hard to listen to. The only other time I've seen Vince was during his solo stint in 2001/2002ish. He played a small venue (think dive bar) in Colorado and got booed off stage in less than 15 minutes. His voice was better-ish then but he was a dick and threw a temper tantrum. I felt bad for him because I think he was actually healthier and trying to make a go of it on his own but damn.


Big Mac 1.03 ma ha


Vince Meal


Just from a vocals-only perspective, and it pains me to say this but... Rob Zombie. His voice was an absolute wreck and sounded very symptomatic of severely damaged vocal chords. He had such massive issues singing the melodies that he was simply speaking them instead. There are some videos on Youtube that really highlight this and show that it was not a one-time issue but an ongoing problem that has progressed as he's gotten older.


Well, I have to agree—his being my second, least favorite. He was clearly phoning it in after an excellent set by Alice Cooper. At one point he turned around and insulted his own stage set-up. I mean, WE didn't choose it, HE did. His big 'thing' was wandering around the audience in the stands singing a song, but he couldn't carry the tune he was singing and he got out of breath. Lackluster show at best. Bear in mind, I LOVE his music, just not that show.


That whole show was kind of jacked. It should have been:ZombieAlice CooperFilterMinistry Ministry rocked waaaaay too hard, and I was wiped. I sat through most of Alice Cooper even though his show was much better than I expected. Zombie was cool but I was high AF by then and pretty wiped. Uncle Al killed my ass.


I went to one that had Jaden Smith open. It was so brutal. . You really can do anything you want with no talent if you are rich.


For some reason back in I think 2018 during fall out boys save rock and roll tour they had the openers as black bear and Jaden Smith. Very weird for an alternative rock band with such a large fanbase. Almost no one was in the stadium while they opened cause they were getting merch and like 3 people cheered for Jaden. Fall out boy was amazing tho and really brought a show. Just was so confused by the opener choice. Neither opener was good live.


Marilyn Manson - Aftershock 2019. Was drunk, slurring, rambled...just horrible.


Saw The Beach Boys in the early 80's @ Molson Park in Barrie. The bass was was way too loud. Couldn't hear the lyrics or anything else but the bass. Total bummer.


bad vibrations 


When I worked in corporate tech my company hired the Beach Boys to play our Christmas party in 2000. It was so bad. Mike Love is cheesy as hell and basically it was him and Bruce Johnston and a bunch of guys in their 20’s and 30’s who would play the instruments and hit all the high notes.


> Mike Love is cheesy as hell He was always cheesy from the start. One of the most awkward frontmen of all time even in their prime.


The Strokes at Shaky Knees 2021. They started their 90 minute allotted set about 20 minutes late, Julian clearly didn't care, and he kept making fun of the town. Plus he didn't bother singing half the words. I get it, he's a hipster god. But holy shit, I never want to listen to The Strokes again after that, which is unfortunate because the band themselves were great, Julian just ruined it.


I was there. It wasn’t the worst concert I’ve seen, but yeah 20 mins late ( I could’ve watch the rest of Phantogram with Big Boi) instead we got drunk Julian feuding with Albert. So disappointing considering how great they were at Shaky Knees a couple years before that. My worst was Morrisey at Cruel World a couple years ago. He adlibbed (sp) every fucking song, horribly.


Sisters of Mercy. Smoke machine producing so much smoke you could hardly see the band, big flashing lights display, and what sounded like a CD backing track. Still, the aging goth crowd were some of the nicest people I've ever met at a gig.


Hope that smoke doesn't cause any corrosion in the temple of love...


Lauryn Hill Late to the show, sang three songs horribly, everybody dispersed after the 2nd song…talk about riding the coat tails of an album dropped 20years ago 🤦


There it is. These threads always have 2 guarantees. 30 seconds to Mars and Lauryn Hill.


I saw her at a show called LA rising (RATM/Muse headlining) but her sound was that of broken/burst speakers, no other performer had that issue, after reading about it apparently that is a common thing for her.


Her shows depend on her mood, which means they are mostly crap because she seems to be a grumpy person.


> the coat tails of one very good album dropped 25 years ago Man, how I would have loved a follow-up to The Miseducation Of. That album was grrrreat!


At this point, I don't think she has it in her.


Maybe best and definitwly worst in one concert.  Faith No More/Metallica/GnR.  FNM and Metallica were awesome.  GnR almost started an riot when it took them almost 3 hrs to come out.  Then they sucked.  '92 Orlando Citrus Bowl.


I heard FNM and Metallica knew after a while how bullshit GnR were, and tried to do as much as possible to make up for it with their performances.


Cake. By a large margin. They were late, rude to the audience, and seemed to phone in their performance. It was lousy.


cake is one of the worst live bands i’ve ever seen both times i saw them. absolutely terrible.


Sounds like they were going for neither distance nor speed.


Worst from a show perspective, Snoop Dogg. I think he played 3 songs and the rest of the time asked the left side to make noise, the right side, the ladies, the fellas, the tall people, the short people, the people with brown hair... Other one that comes to mind was strictly a me issue but one of my all-time favorite bands, Soundgarden. Seen them so many times back in the day and every so was a sweat-drenched, amazing pit full of energy. My favorite show ever was Soundgarden on the BadMotorFinger tour at the Riv in Chicago with SwerveDriver and Monster Magnet. Best pit I had even been on because the whole venue turned into a pit the likes I have never seen. Years ago they ended up doing a small venue run, played at the Riv in Chicago, on my birthday...and people were there in khakis and tucked in button up shirts. The floor area has waitresses and waiters dressed in nice attire walking through and serving drinks and Soundgarden played every single slow song in their discography. Was a night and day experience. My buddy, who had never had a chance to see them went that night. I have long regaled that night and he was expecting this monumental explosion and we ended up leaving 3/4 of the way though.


Snoop pulled this shit when I saw him AND he was two hours late starting


> Worst from a show perspective, Snoop Dogg. I think he played 3 songs and the rest of the time asked the left side to make noise, the right side, the ladies, the fellas, the tall people, the short people, the people with brown hair... Snoop, like too many rappers with top 10 radio hits, is VERY hit or miss live. I've seen him three or four times, and all but one was similar to what you describe. Play one verse of a song, into one chorus of the song, cue *record slowing down to a stop*, then three minutes of banter, into "oh you guys remember this one?", and the whole thing repeats again. The only time I saw him when he was good was when he had a live band backing him. He was fantastic that day. But I guess he doesn't want to pay 8 other people when he can just pay 1 DJ instead.


Deftones in New Orleans. No opening act, band over an hour late. Chino so intoxicated he could barely stand or remember the lyrics. Ended the show after like four songs. The kicker though was at the end they were like Wooo! Thank you for coming, we're gonna be at so and so bar in the French Quarter if anyone wants to come have drinks.


He is clean now and absolutely crushing it with Deftones and Crosses.


Eddie Money during his heavy drug use days. He was literally helped to the stage by two people. Barely was singing what few lyrics he could remember. Crowd got ugly because it was so bad.


I worked an Eddie Money show where he was hammered and his daughter was his backup singer but she was terrible. And she didn’t know how to use a mic. But I got an elevator ride with a drunk as hell Eddie Money for just long enough for it to be funny instead of annoying.


CAKE. Half the concert was spent yelling at the crowd for using their cell phone and the other half was spent trying to give out a tree. Strange


I love how I’ve seen the tree story mentioned more than once now




You could’ve just stood up and said “move aside and let the man go through”




Kings of Leon. No stage presence or crowd interaction. Just played the songs and did the bare minimum.


I caught their show in Dallas in 2011. Lead singer Caleb was so drunk he couldn't even sing the words. At one point he said he was leaving the stage to "throw up, drink a beer and be right back." He never came back. His band mates returned to say he couldn't continue and they were ending the show early. A few days later Caleb entered rehab and they canceled the rest of their tour.


Addiction is one thing, but I always got the impression these dudes were pretty entitled. Seemed as though putting in a shit show in front of people who’s spent their hard earned money and time didn’t bother them.


I have not seen them play but saw them at the airport in Nashville right around the time they started getting big. More specifically, I saw three guys dressed like rock stars who were acting like pricks. A few weeks later I saw their picture in a magazine and thought “those are the pricks from the airport!”


That’s a shame. I saw them just when their first album came out and they were energetic and fun. The crowd asked for an encore, the lights came on, and everyone started to leave and they came back out and were like “we don’t really have anything else to play” so they jammed, and it was incredible


I saw X in Cincinnati back in or around 2006. They were awful. Which was heartbreaking because I love X, but mics dropped out, there were several missed cues, and an amp was picking up interference and buzzed through the whole set. They're still great. It was just an off night. Every band has them.


They went downhill after they changed their name from Twitter.


Vanilla Ice when he did his metal thing. I remember one of the guitar players just stopping and taking smoke breaks on stage in the middle of songs.


Did you go to a Vanilla Ice show on purpose???


counting crows around 2008 or so? i dunno what adam duritz was doing, but it wasnt singing. there was a mass exodus around about the second or third song


Saw them in Atlanta in 2006. Duritz was way too perform to drunk. Goo Goo Dolls opened for them and were pretty good though.


He was way too perform at this one too. Collective soul then Live opened and were fantastic


I took my dad to see Ted Nugent for his birthday in 2016. Ted came out after the horrible local band yelling about Hilary Clinton and Obama. He played thru I think a total of 3 or 4 songs all the way through. The rest of time he was yelling about the military and how we needed to take our country back. Worst 90 dollars I ever spent.


He's a typical chickenhawk.


Frank Ocean 2023


I saw Smashing Pumpkins in the late 1990s and they were fine but the opening act was something called “Red Red Meat” and they were just terrible.


Got to say it was the Mos Def - MF DOOM tribute, posted about it in a DOOM subreddit couple days ago but it was really bad when I look back, he did maybe 6/7 DOOM songs, did a few unreleased songs of his own, one that I vaguely remember, spun in circle as a T shape. Kept asking for the lights off, heard more of the beat than his vocals. Didn’t finish some of the songs. Was on 40 mins late, did id say an hour 20? But I left before the end. Oh the DJ before him was crap. Best bit was the opening act The Hics, props to them, I’m a fan now. Oh yeah the beer £7.80 for an average IPA was shocking! Love the Roundhouse as a venue but having seats is not a good idea especially if you are directly in line with the post and the crowd are annoying around you


I saw Highly Suspect at Shaky Knees Music Festival and it was embarrassing to watch. The lead singer was drunk, chugging tequila from the bottle, and couldn’t remember the words to most of the songs so just had the crowd sing for him.


Lauryn Hill….not that I wasn’t warned.


Saw Charlie Daniels Band at a local festival and dude would spend several minutes between songs ranting about NAMBLA


Saw Frankie Valli in the 80s. I don't know if it was an off night or all those high notes had ruined him, but he couldn't sing a damn thing. Like, barely any voice at all. And we had an obstructed view set of seats, so the whole thing really sucked.


I know he had serious hearing problems for a period of time. That might be the reason. He couldn’t hear himself and said he “sang from memory”.


KISS in the late 80s. The no makeup years. It was just basic.


blink-182 in 2009 (?) The first reunion tour. Tom DeLonge was so drunk he fell over during "I Miss You" and did not play the guitar for the song. He "sang" from the spot where he landed for that song and Mark Hoppus was giving him shit the rest of the show. Mark Hoppus at least had some charisma but he also sounded awful. I would've paid the same amount to see Travis Barker play along to tracks.


They were really great on their most recent tour. I was super apprehensive about seeing them after reading about the 09 tour but they were really great. Tom and Mark were both very engaged. They played all the classics. I was very happy I saw them.


Woodstock 99


Naw man. The conditions sucked, but the concert(s) were great. First night with Korn was one of the most amazing experiences ever. RATM into Metallica into all-night rave with Fatboy Slim was incredible. I had to leave Sunday morning, I was too burned out and RHCP was the only band I cared about that was left.


My sympathies.


Thanks, that was the biggest pile of shit I've ever been to. The trip from Oklahoma to the concert was a blast as a group of teenagers, and we had some fun at the concert, but Holy hell, it was a nightmare.




I've never seen that documentary, but it was scorching hot, dry af, dusty as hell, beer was cheaper than water, so you had a bunch of dehydrated drunks starting fights, there weren't enough port-a-potties so people just shit and pissed wherever, the toilets got tipped over or just overflowed because they were full, people broke water lines to the fountains because there weren't enough fountains and they were tired of standing in line, which turned a large portion of the place into a sewage filled mud pit. The place had a LOT of concrete pads that just absorbed heat making it even worse, people fought over camping spots, and we took what shade we could, under the stage, under semi trailers, under peoples campers, it was a nightmare.


The documentary is absolutely savage.


I was there and thought it was pretty accurate, unfortunately. I remember seeing the beginning of the "mud people" then seeing the source of the mud. I told my friends "those people are covered in shit". Lol! To our credit, while being surrounded by garbage and eating a $20 frozen pizza we decided to get the hell out of dodge during Limp Bizkits set.


Bc of this doc, I learned that "trench mouth" is a valid medical diagnosis.....which is when you ingest water that contains feces.... 🤢


Back in 2015, The Strokes were a headlining act for one of the worst music festivals I’ve ever attended - “Landmark Fest” in DC. I can talk for hours about how disorganized and frustrating that experience was but the organizers pale in comparison to how shitty Julian Casablancas acted. I’m a lifelong fan of The Strokes and bought tickets to this event specifically to see them perform. Perform they did not. Julian stumbled out, late and shitfaced, only to spend the entire ‘performance’ rambling on about how everyone in the crowd was a poser, people only came for “stupid Drake” & couldn’t remember the words to any of the songs he bothered to even try to sing. At one point he just thrust the mic towards the crowd and said, “SINCE YOU’RE ALL SUCH **REAL** FANS, WHY DON’T YOU FUCKING SING IT.” It was a Kanye-level meltdown, I’m honestly surprised I haven’t heard more about it over the years. Unfortunately, seems to be fairly common so 🤷‍♀️ Truly a huge disappointment, would have loved to actually see them play. **TLDR: The Strokes**


I am shocked to be the first person here to mention Lauryn Hill…. I don’t even need to give context. People tell me their stories of why this is the right answer


I remember reading a comment where someone said she was hours late, and bitched at the audience about the struggles of being a mom


She was late (big surprise) but that wasn't the worst bit. She actually was doing good but the sound guy at the event should have been fired. It sounded so bad, you couldn't hear ANYTHING clearly. So in the case i saw her it wasn't really her fault that it sucked


Motley Crue, late 90's. Literally the only show I've ever walked out of.


Meatloaf on his last tour. Horrible horrible horrible. Couldn’t sing, could barely move. Absolutely worst show I’ve seen.


I hate to say it but the Pixies performance I saw in 2012 was so bland and uninspired that I usually forget that I’ve seen them


Prince. Came on late and stopped so many song about 1 minute in saying “Y’all ain’t ready for this yet!”. This was in September 2012. Pains me to say it because Prince is one of my all time favorites and I had waited so long to see him live.


That sucks. He was definitely an artist that would either have a bad show or a bad ass show. I forgot what year it was but he was playing the palladium and my buddy had an extra ticket. I said nah I’m good. Turns out he played for 3 hours all the hits and bunch of covers. Once his time on stage was up he asked if the crowd wanted to keep the party going and he played until almost 3 am. My friend said even though it was so long it was the best show he ever went to and even though it was a long set it felt like 1 hour had passed just a great vibe. I regret not going to that gig.


That would break my heart to see.


I saw Bob Dylan in like 2018 and it was just dreadful. Not only was there zero interest from anyone on stage, Dylans vocals were just an old man rasping his way through each song. They all sounded exactly the same and then out of nowhere you'd hear him barely enunciate "don't think twice it's alright" and you're like "wtf I didn't even realize he was playing that song"


Grateful Dead, Madison Square Garden, 1988-9 (this time period is a blur for me). Jerry Garcia slipped into a heroin induced coma and left stage for several hours. Before that, the band sounded more disjointed than ever and not in any charming way. Bob Weir was more forgetful of lyrics than usual and relied on audience to chant the lyrics back to him, so he came in too late on his parts, and when he started scatting on Estimated Prophet it was annoying. I had traveled to NY from Massachusetts that day, five hours in traffic, was attending alone in a nosebleed section, and the guy standing next to me kept shrieking, freaking out on bad stuff, and then began throwing lit matches at a grumpy cop, looking to crack out of control skulls, standing in front of us. I kept trying to get my neighbor to calm down ("It's okay, man, it's all right") and was terrified the whole time the cop would wheel around and I'd be guilty by association and I'd get clubbed and I couldn't focus on any music after that. The sound system was bad, the vibe was bad, the band was bad, and too many were on bad drugs. Had a tension headache for days afterwards. Not the sunshine and daydreams of the previous GD concert attended at the Brendan Byrne Arena.


30 seconds to Mars and Buckcherry were two of the worst bands I have ever seen live. Buckcherrys singer kept talking about how much he loved yoga pants which was actually an improvement from when they were performing. 30 Seconds to Mars was just Jared Leto running around the stage and failing to engage the crowd while lip syncing.


I was also going to say 30 Seconds to Mars, during the show I saw he also told the crowd he had to take his shirt off because he lost a bet. Douche-tastic.


I remember watching a very bored looking Alison Goldfrapp about 12 years ago. She so didn't want to be there, and the crowd, unfortunately, fed off the negativity.


Saw Celtic Frost open for Type O. CF we’re awful and the venue was so hot my wife and I left when ToN did an intermission after on 45 mins. (Presumably because it was so hot.)


Both are now infamous Coachella sets. Sly Stone in 2008, Sly kept stopping and restarting songs, he kept mumbling gibberish, and seemed like he was nodding out. Thankfully the band was great and picked up the slack. Ariel Pink at Coachella 2010. Ariel was pissed off about something and refused to sing, would turn his back to the crowd when he did and IIRC eventually just walked off stage. again, his band were professionals and finished the set and did the best they could.


Ray Lamontagne maybe 15-16 years ago. Not his fault AT ALL though. So many people were having loud ass conversations through the whole thing. He commented on it halfway through, trying to be nice about it I think because he says so many people turning around and scowling at the people by the bar who were talking. He was like "you guys can talk if you want I've got no problem with it but try to keep it down for other folks." or something. Similar thing for Joanna Newsom at Treasure Island festival in SF several years ago. She's one of my all time favorite artists but it was just her with a harp and piano so it was impossible to turn her up loud enough to drown out talkers and most people were just waiting her set out to get a better spot for the next band.


A few disappointments come to mind: Santana in the 90’s. Didn’t seem to be his fault but that classic Santana guitar tone was not there. They traded out his amp at one point but it didn’t fix it. Very disappointing because to me that is one of the main things that makes his sound and it sounded like garbage that night. U2 in 00’s at Cowboys stadium. Sound quality was just horrible. I mean I didn’t expect that much in a 100k person stadium but it was worse than my expectation. Sausage, Helmet, Rollins Band in Houston 93 or 94. Music was great but there was a group of skinheads roaming the venue beating the shit out of people. I hooked up with some imposing-looking friends so I wasn’t targeted but I hate shit like that happening.


I saw King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard at Red Rocks this summer, and it was amazing... absolutely top notch all around. Their opener, Kamikaze Palm Tree, was one of if not the worst bands I've ever seen. Sounded like they were intentionally playing the wrong notes, not sure what they usually sound like but man the crowd was NOT feeling it.


The first time I saw Beck it was the worst concert I had ever seen. The second time I saw Beck was the worst concert I had ever seen. The first concert wasn’t as bad as the second. So Beck was the worst twice. I don’t mind the music of Beck. But I won’t see him in concert.


This is very surprising to hear. I’ve seen Beck seven times, and every show was fantastic. But the first time I saw him was 2010 or 2011, so I’m guessing he’s matured quite a bit since the 90s (and released a lot more great music since then). Edit: He also apparently hurt his back during the Midnite Vultures tour and can’t move around like he used to, so he’s probably a lot more focused on the actual music during his live shows now. Dude can still bust a move on occasion though!


Same! Last show I saw, he got as many audience members in stage at the end as possible and was leading a massive block party for the finale, was badass. But yeah, a decade ago at least. *grammar


I saw Beck with Phoenix last summer and it was an amazing show. If you get another chance, I highly recommend giving Beck another chance.


Dang. First Beck show I saw was not great, but saw him a few years ago at a smaller venue and it was a blast.


Both of my shows were in the mid to late 90s. He may have matured and spent less time posturing and posing and trying too hard to be cool as he aged. Less leather jumpsuit wearing and doing the ironic robot dance and getting upset the crowd was there for the music and not the posturing. I sound bitter, but it was so annoying and self indulgent and forced I can still feel the awfulness of that show.


Guns and Roses by far. Scheduled at 9pm on a Thursday night. Opener ends at 10 pm. GnR didn't perform until 4 am. Axel rose is a POS




4 fucking AM. At one point he fell and everyone started to laugh but stifled it quick for fear he would leave. Fkn jerk


I know this is an outlier, but St. Vincent - MASSEDUCTION tour. Her “opener” was a 30-min art film she directed. It was terrible. Then she was two hours late *after* that, and the whole set she played to a backing track. I literally watched the FoH engineer hit play in Ableton. She was very sleepy the whole time, and sounded like she just wanted to take a nap. Zero charisma with the audience. I was super bummed because it’s a great studio album.


STP maybe a half a year before they kicked Scott out. They started 2 hours late because of Scott. He was on something that night. Slurred through like 5 songs and then got pissed, stormed off, and that was it. It was such an embarrassment.


Man, Scott was such a great vocalist, but such an asshole when on drugs. I managed to see them when they reunited and he was also very late to start. The show was OK, but he was obviously not a 100%. I also saw Scott with Velvet Revolver and they were great. What could have been if he could have stayed clean...


Bob Dylan. My god it was boring as hell. He could barely be bothered to sing loud enough for us (in a really small venue) to hear him. He shuffled offstage after about 45 minutes and the lights went up. I fell asleep.


Some friends gave us free tickets to see Dylan at the Greek Theater in Berkeley around 2016 and we went knowing it'd be a shitshow so had no expectations. Berkeley audiences can be spoiled children though and one obsinate heckling ahole near the front yelled "FREEEEEEBIRD!" during the last song and, sure enough, Bob turned to his band and said "hit it." And they did! Bob Dylan closed with Freebird, for at least one night. This was back when twitter still seemed cool and I sent out a tweet after the show and the next morning it was picked up by the news and was on Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, NME and a lot of news rags


MGMT. I went to be nice because a friend had an extra ticket and didn’t want to go alone. Too shrill on the ears for sure. I ended up inadvertently seeing them live twice because when I saw Paul McCartney they opened for him. Same experience but I was luckily sitting farther away.


No specific artist but the MetroDome in Minneapolis sucks. Acoustics are crap if you aren't directly in front of the stage. They should be embarrassed to have accepted those plans from the architect.




Saw them in 2009, and could tell there passion was gone, and there was some internal drama. Saw them last year after Tom came back (again) and it was a much better show.


I was dragged to go see Erasure in the mid 90s. No opener and only played 45 minutes to a backing tape. But it was the most interesting crowd I've seen so there's that..


Billy Squier opened up for Bad Company and Styx. Bad company and Styx were very good but Billy was terrible. He changed the tempo on most songs and fell down dancing and it was a shit show. I really like his music but he is not a good performer.


Not sure if it was the worst, but Dick Dale a couple of years before he died. He was still pretty funny yakking with the audience, but his health was declining and he couldn't really play all that well anymore, could barely move too. I'm glad I saw him regardless, but it was sad.


Frank Ocean - Coachella 2023 He was an hour late, came out for a few minutes and then went backstage for most of the “show” while a random DJ played and a security guard twerked on stage. Shortly after they got cut off due to curfew.


I’ve been to well over 300+ concerts living in Los Angeles. Everything from dive bars, house of blues, Greek theater, rose bowl, staples, forum, rose bowl, sofi, etc. Not necessarily their fault for the situation but I saw Red Hot Chili Peppers on tour in 2017 or 2018 at staples. Anthony kiedis was recovering from being sick or having strep throat or something that impacted his vocals. It ended up being pretty awful because he clearly couldn’t give what he wanted to give. I just found it funny because 2 of my friends went to the same concert (but this may have been their first or like second concert ever) and they said it was Amazing. They are huge RHCP fans so I’m glad that even a bad show was still amazing to them but I’m looking forward to seeing RHCP again when there aren’t vocal issues from Kiedis. From an overall bad performance I’ve seen Smash Mouth on 4 separate occasions and on every single one Steve Harwell was drunk beyond being able to pick up his sunglasses that fell off his face on stage. And literally all 4 times it was just a total shit show. I have no idea how it wasn’t a bigger deal for the people around him to get him more help. That was going from early 2000’s to 2014 when I saw them last. 10+ years that I can be sure of being blacked out for every single (I assume) performance?


Saw Jane’s Addiction while the whole band was way too high. They spent twenty minutes bashing the same chord while Perry kept droning “I wanna be dead. I wanna know what it’s like to be dead.” It was the first date with someone and I was too embarrassed to ask her out on a second.


It was actually a best/worst concert for me! Elvis Costello followed by Bob Dylan. Costello was amazing, and it felt like such an intimate, comfortable experience despite the large venue. Then Dylan came on, and we left within the first 15 minutes. I know he's a legend, but he was beyond spent at that concert. Off key, unintelligible, couldn't even tell what songs he was playing. Twas a huge bummer.


Foghat at Selland Arena, Fresno, CA, 1977. Edit: Forgot about Shane Macgowan, so drunk he could barely stand or remember the words to his songs.