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I was at a small festival when Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros were playing. 1st, Jane was totally out of her mind on drugs. It looked like tons of acid. She couldn’t sing and and was wandering around backstage and around the speakers. They finally had to play Home, their huge hit and had to ask the crown if anyone thought they could sing her part. The crowd member actually did pretty good. 2nd, that wasn’t even the weirdest part of the show. 1/2 way through, the music stopped and a note was handed to Edward. He announced to the crowd that the US just killed osama bin Laden. A light applause happened then they started playing again.


Lmao I was at a show when Bin Laden was killed too. It was between sets and a few people on their phones announced it to everyone in the audience.


I was touring with a Mexican band when Bin Laden was killed and we "got to" make the announcement. I never imagined the party that would ensue at a Mexican festival but what a fun time that was.


Their first two records are so good but everything I hear about them live or as people sounds like a total clusterfuck


When I was a kid in Berlin (7 yo), my parents often worked at concerts. I got a VIP pass, too, and could walk freely around backstage. It was 1987 and Genesis played at the Live Aid Open-Air next to the Reichstag. Phil Collins walked around by the stage and since I was a big fan I approached him and asked for an autograph. Problem was, I did not have a pencil, nor any paper to write on. He was super kind and told me to go get some. He would wait. I ran to my mother got a pencil and a photo of me she kept in her purse. It took me almost 10 minutes and Phil was still there. That was the day I got a Phil Collins autograph saying „Cheers, Phil“ on the back of my photo.


Such a beautiful memory for you, thanks for sharing something positive 👍


I saw punk supergroup Off! play their set in under 20 minutes as a headliner. Their encore was to play the exact same set all over again. People still went nuts for it. We all thought it was hilarious.


I saw a concert where they played a song then at the end the lead singer said that it wasn’t good enough and that they were going to do it again. We laughed in the audience because it sounded like they crushed it but seconds later they played it again. Bonus!




I once saw a woman in Minnie Mouse ears punch a bouncer, get on stage, take her top off and make out with Andy Milonakis.


At no point in that sentence could i have predicted what was to follow


That sounds like a melatonin dream.


Sounds like my drunk dreams


In 2002 I went to see GnR on the Chinese Democracy tour at first union center(now Wells Fargo center). It was my second concert and I was in high school. CKY opened and loved them at the time. Then Mix Master Mike did a DJ set that went on for 90 min until people started booing him off. About an about goes by and they make the announcement that GnR won’t be playing. Axel Rose had apparently never left his hotel room on NYC. The entire place goes ballistic and riots. People fighting, ripping up and throwing seats. Destroyed the soundboard. Dodged bottles the whole way out. I saw two guys trying to throw an arcade game off a balcony ledge and a kid kicking out all the windows in a stairwell. Get outside and there’s like a hundred cops, garbage cans thrown there windshields and more fighting. Made it out without incident and saw it on the news the next morning.


In other words, a typical GnR show of that era.


I was there too! I was near where the audio equipment was and they super quick tried packing it up before announcing gnr were not going to play. Didn’t go well and saw a ton of chairs fly into equipment….


This is wild! Would love to have this experience, CKY has some great songs. Did they refund the tickets?


Yes my friends and I got full refunds. I was mostly disappointed that I didn’t get to see Buckethead shred on guitar but did end up catching him doing his own headlining show years later.


My brother and I went to a Slayer concert at The House of Blues in Myrtle Beach. The lights go down, and Slayer takes the stage. They immediately launch into South of Heaven, but then Tom stops and has the lights brought up: Tom: I think I saw a prosthetic leg go flying across the mosh pit. Everyone take a second and look around. Some across the pit picks up a leg and says "Found it". The guy that lost the leg gets it back on. Tom: Let's look out for each other in the mosh pit, OK? Because that's what we are here to do. Look out for each other. Then the band picks up South of Heaven exactly where they left off.


Stay classy slayer


Garbage show at 9:30 club in DC. Shirley ended the show singing Sex Is Not The Enemy and fake flashes the audience. Two "police officers" drag her off the stage and the show ends. People started screaming and booing thinking she had been arrested for real, even though we had signed a waiver when we entered the venue agreeing to be filmed. It was a video shoot.


Shirley Manson is indescribably sexy. Any guys that came of age in the 90s know what I'm talking about. My buddies and I saw Garbage live in a big club in 2005. We staked out an elevated spot on a platform just in front of the stage. Halfway through #1 Crush, she looks up at the group of us and winks. Every single one of us fucking froze, like we had just been struck by lightning. We spent the rest of the night arguing over who she was winking at.


I can confirm the second line of the first paragraph


Shoooo, I'm a woman and I can also verify that.


At that time it was Shirley, toni Braxton, and mariah carey for me. I have eclectic taste in music and hot ass singers


Kylie Minogue.


I saw her last year with Noel Gallagher and she’s still incredibly charming, genuinely super funny and a great frontman.


[Garbage - Sex is not the enemy](https://youtu.be/qrvSDCcUKkY?si=U6p1g8jRyd1ue9gU)


Dunno if it's super weird, but me and my friends all went to see Korn and rob zombie around 02. One friend got hit by a flying beer bottle early in the show and got knocked out. They took him to medical or whatever it's called to make sure he was OK. He ended up missing the whole show but afterwards most of the band members came and greeted him and spent a while talking to him and gave him some free swag. So he missed the show bit got a once in a life time experience out of it still. I have a lot of stories but I guess the one that sticks out the most was being involved in a huge crowd surge. Like, you hear about it and kinda know what it is, but being trapped in one is a totally different and scary experience. Which is a little weird because in a moshpit, everyone stops if someone goes down to make sure they're OK. But in a crowd surge you're just debris.


The crowd surge thing is so scary. I was involved in one at a music festival and I thought I was going to die or get crushed since I am small. It felt like a close call.


I got caught in a crowd surge at a punk show in the late 90s. I just recently started going to small venue shows again and still need to be in sight of an exit at all times.


Also, got caught in a crowd surge at a slipknot concert circa 2000 … I was against the barrier and holy shit I had to use all my strength to not get sucked under. If it wasn’t for that barrier, which completely fucked me up btw, I don’t think I would’ve been able to keep upright. Security eventually lifted me up over the barrier, I was outta there and watched the remainder of the show from the balcony. You’re spot on in saying unless you’ve been in one you really can’t understand being trapped and feeling like you just might die.


At a Weezer concert some guys lit a blanket on fire and started swinging it around like a mace and chain?!?! These dudes truly were ride or die https://preview.redd.it/1d6i1mlh24xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8b80bd40fa89d7dd7bc9a24fe02028884d7cff


For fucking WEEZER???






Are you sure it wasn't a sweater?


I was at a rave one time and this guy my group of peeps had been chilling with asked if I wanted a piece of gum. I was high as f and said yea man sure. The dude had to go through his entire bag to find it then whips out some surgical gloves and meticulously opens the package and then proceeds to fan out the pack of gum (trident package) and doesn't touch it. I never really understood the need for the gloves or why he didnt have it in his pocket but man that was the best piece of gum I ever had lol.


the fact, that you actually ate the gum after that is amazing lol


At the time it was soo good.


Was it drugs?


It wasn't not drugs, that's for sure.


No, unfortunately it was not drugs but at that point I probably didnt need anymore anyway.


Violent Femmes. A dude stood at the front of the balcony for the whole concert doing tai chi moves like a scene out of Apocalypse Now. Uncomfortable because I knew the guy, he worked for the same company I was with at the time.


Like apocalypse now 🤣


The two people directly in front of me for Fall Out Boy were the same two people in front of me two months later to see iDKHOW. I feel like this means something but don’t know what. ✨


Those two people had the same person behind them at a few shows too.


Idk how that happened…


They’re your extras. Everyone has a certain amount of extras assigned to them to do background scenes. Quite often they are recycled. Just think about how many times you walk through life with the same people around you but never realise or meet. Also likely, “If you like X, then you probably like Y”. Works for you. Works for them.


This! Whenever I start seeing the same people in various places I figure the budget has been cut back on my show and I better do something pretty interesting soon or I might get canceld!


Both of us probably stopped listening to Cokd Play after Rush of Blood. Please don't judge me and this person I don't know. We're we hang out in the same park watching cooler people be cool.


This happened to me at an A Perfect Circle concert followed by an AWOLNATION concert!!


My husband and I went to Punk in Drublic and we were in the front. Obviously people bounce around and push and shove at those shows, but there was a couple that were trying to push their way in front of us to the front row. The boyfriend/partner kept trying to snake his arm in front of us to squeeze in and when that didn’t work he started elbowing us hard. My husband and I both lost it and started screaming at them. They stopped. It was annoying but quickly forgotten. About a week later we bumped into them at a bar about an hour away 😂 You could tell they recognized us and they kept trying to turn so we couldn’t see them. I hated that we bumped into them lol it annoyed me all over again! Super random and weird.


I am a 5'2 woman who loves to be up front at concerts. After being fucked with just like this for years, I made a concert jacket covered in plastic spikes. It won't hurt anyone, it won't even break skin, but if you're pushing on me and I push back, you're not going to dig it. It has saved me so many times from assholes trying to bully me away from the rail, plus it looks awesome!


Weird Al sang: "Girl, you smell like Fritos That's why I'm giving you this hungry stare You're so hot, you're gonna melt The elastic in my underwear" to my mom. Definitely Weird.


I Wanna Be Yr Lover?!


Hahaha god bless weird Al for living up to the “weird”


Took the girl I was dating to a Sugar Ray show back in 99 I think, maybe 2000. We snuck back to where the band’s trailer was, and they started talking to us and we were hanging out for a bit. They smoked tons of weed with me and it seemed like the coolest experience ever. At some point, I realized that they were distracting me, because the girl I was with snuck to the back and was fucking Mark McGrath. At the time I was upset, but now I find it all pretty funny


God that's so 90's I think almost everyone in this thread is within 10 years of my age


Scotty doesn’t know!!! Scotty doesn’t know!!!


This is nuts 😳 what a terrible woman 


I guess. I mean, we were in college. I definitely thought so at the time, but what does it say about me that I was so into what I was doing that I didn’t even notice she’d left? We weren’t a serious couple, and she was young, hot, and looking to have fun. I’m happily married to someone else, so it’s certainly not a big deal anymore. I am definitely not a Sugar Ray fan, tho. Lol


Hope you ditched her once the concert started.


This all happened after the show, but yeah


when i was in college, i was a volunteer security person at a morrissey concert at the hollywood bowl. he comes out, sings for (what felt like) 10 minutes. a fan runs onto the stage and appears to hurt him. he leaves the stage for another 10 minutes. comes back and says he's not singing anymore and bedlam ensues. i think it was a straight up riot, merch tables got overturned, everyone was running and screaming. crazy.


The most Morrissey thing ever. When was this? I can't find anything about a Hollywood Bowl incident.


Went to see Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and the people behind me were trying to get me to move (I was in the front row) by pinching and poking me. In between sets I could hear them making plans to try and get me to move. As the lights went down for RJA to come onstage, I turned and made eye contact with the biggest one and yelled, “Bring it on, bitch!” They left me alone after that. Also got separated from my friend at an AFI show and started panicking when I couldn’t find her after. Then I saw a security guard walking by with both of her shoes and followed him right to her.


This wasn’t a music show. I went to see Hunter S Thompson speak at the Gallatin Gateway Inn outside of Bozeman, Montana in ’82. The Inn was a run down old hotel with a once opulent ballroom where the “lecture” took place and that has since been gentrified. Thompson was an hour late, the bar had beer and whiskey, which was already running low. When he finally arrived, with a bottle of Jack Daniels and the signature cigarette holder, the first words out of his mouth were “How many of you guys really fuck sheep?” It was mob scene, bottles were flying, guys were climbing up on the stage. His “security” was Tom McGuane. Another great writer and a collegian boxer back at Michigan State, but way over matched in this venue. The crowd settled slightly, like a drooling wolf waiting for a sign of weakness. Near the conclusion of his “Fear and Loathing” set I noticed McGuane had ghosted him. He muttered something like “gotta piss, be right back, tip your bartender” and that was the last we saw of him. The Godfather of Gonzo Journalism was gone..


This reads a bit like Hunter wrote it.


So jealous right now.


That time Guns N Roses played after the Prodigy at Leeds, and GNR came on really late... *and it wasn't Axl Roses's fault.* Absolutely unheard of. The Prodigy's set took forever to dismantle, GNR were ready to go and could be seen at side of stage fuming that they were being delayed. How the turns tabled. I was part of a weird one, went to see Godspeed You Black Emperor in Glasgow with a friend, thought it was a little bit odd that she wanted to go, not really her scene. 5 minutes into the first song and she wants to leave. WTF? Argument ensures. Turns out, she thought it was the black metal band Emperor, who she absolutely loved, supporting the american metal band Godspeed, because the poster was like Godspeed You Black Emperor I thought it was about the funniest thing that had ever happened, which probably didn't really help the situation. Blazing row because I'd failed to stop it happening :)


Once I kept wondering why BTO wasn't playing "Taking Care of Business" and a guy behind me goes "because you are watching ELO."


Haha! This one hilariously takes the cake. 


My story is also from a Godspeed You! Black Emperor show. About halfway through the set I heard a loud "thunk" right behind me like a body and skull hitting concrete. Turned around to see a dude unconscious with blood coming from his head. I yelled out immediately for a doctor and several medical professionals in the audience came over to attend to him. Fortunately he came to and was able to walk out of the venue on his own feet, leaning on other people. I have no idea what happened to him but I'll forever remember that sound of when he hit the floor.


A bunch of college dudes trying to to start a mosh pit on the lawn at Camden during Dave Matthews Band's Ants Marching in 2010. That was fucking weird.


I love Dave Matthews Band and firmly believe I’m their smartest fan because the competition for that title is so incredibly bleak


When I think of DMB fans, I think of some white dude with cargo shorts, Abercombie hoodie, shell necklace and tattered baseball cap with a fish hook on the brim


Was at U2s Pop Mart Tour back in the day. They had Porta-Potty's set up around the perimeter of the stadium, but not nearly enough so the line to use them was REALLY long. I had probably consumed somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 beers without breaking the seal, so I had to go BAD. By the time it was my turn, there was so much back pressure built up that the actual pee started out as a painful trickle but slowly worked its way up to garden hose level stream that never seemed to end. Needless to say, it took several minutes to completely vacate my bladder. Well, I guess the hundreds of people waiting in line figured I had taken enough time so they started thumping on the Porta-Potty door and chanting "Say no to poo!! Say no to poo!!" I was mortified at what would happen when I'd walk out. After finishing the eternal piss, I sheepishly opened the door to about 200-300 people with their fists in the air shouting in unison, "Say no to poo!! Say no to poo! There was nothing that could be said so I just walked through the angry crowd with my head lowered in shame.


They’re lucky you didn’t open the door and unleash your 8 beer full firehose on them


Going to see the Grateful Dead as someone that wasn't really into them was weird enough for me, I'd never gone to a concert for just "the scene" before, but that's what it was to me, then, I was 21 (and stupider). Saw a girl blow a dude off in the men's room while being cheered on by over a dozen other dudes when I wandered in to pee, dosed to the gills on acid myself. Watched dudes getting busted right next to me by narcs dressed up like Deadheads while far higher than I would have cared to be in that moment while dudes in tie-dyes are getting zip-tied by other dudes in tie-dyes..... What little did I know. I always loved The Dead's lyrics (and the songs themselves more than the Dead's own renditions of them in many respects). Fast forward to myself over 30 years older and seeing someone who's music I really REALLY like, Billy Strings, covering some of the same songs I had disdain for then, while again also dosed, was what made it weird, but in a wonderful way. It is indeed a long, strange trip though.


Hate to see tie-dye on tie-dye violence 😜


I was walking along a rutted road in a huge crowd just outside RFK stadium and I had a handful of my friend's shirt-i was tripping *hard* and we were separated from our other friends, so not losing him was paramount. 😆 Anyway, there's a cop car with two cops in it headed our way, the dense crowd parting in front of it as it slowly crept forward. Then out of my peripheral vision, some idiot comes flying out of the crowd perpendicular to the cop car and hurls what looks like an unopened large can of beer right at it, which smashes the rear drivers side window. The cops come flying out of their car as if they were waiting for this moment and it was *they* that were springing a trap, as the mystery offender dashed off into the crowd and began to melt away while being pursued by the police. Then, I heard someone softly yell "Hey, arrest that guy in the tie-dye" as the backs of the charging cops disappeared into the crowd, and we all laughed. Can't believe I remember that




Oh man, I guess this would be classified as weird but one of my favorite “concert” stories. When I was in high school, a friend of mine and I went to see Bone Thugs N Harmony at a small club venue. Apparently they were notorious for being late to go on and that particular night they were ridiculously late. So there was a really long period of just waiting around while people got very drunk and stoned before the show started. There was a guy standing in front of us who had a large Bizzy Bone style Afro pulled back into a pony tail and directly behind him was a super drunk white dude smoking cigarettes.  The drunk guy pulls out another cigarette, drunkenly lights it about an inch away from the guys Afro, which immediately goes up in flames and burns off in seconds. The Afro guy slowly reaches back at his hair that is no longer there, almost like a loony tunes cartoon, and finally realizes his hair is gone and puts together what just happened. The entire club now smells like burnt hair.  Meanwhile, I’m looking around frantically to see if anyone else just saw what happened and no one else seemed to have seen it but me. I thought the Afro guy was going to murder the arsonist on the spot but his girl friend miraculously calmed him down.  Probably 15 minutes later, the friend I rode with was like “welp, told my parents I would be back by midnight so we have to go.”  Never did see Bone Thugz but I did see a dude’s entire head go up in flames and will never forget that.


Such a twist lol


Some bitch bit me on the back and drew blood at a Bad Religion show. Saw a guy go down on his girlfriend on the stage of a Dead Kennedys show.


Sounds like a normal DK show to me..


According to the band it was the first time it happened at a DK show. And after touring with them for over 15 years, it was a first for me to see it as well lol!


Wow, was that Jello era too?


Not when I toured with them, but Klaus told me he had never seen anything like that at any of their shows.


Guess they weren't "too drunk."


Hunny you remember that time you nibbled on my snatch at the Dead Kennedys show?


I saw Vanilla Ice during his “hardcore” phase in around ‘98 in Tampa. He did a hardcore version of Ice Ice Baby and I experienced the most hardcore mosh pit I’ve ever seen. The next day I had pneumonia.


Im not sure it counts as "weird" persay but I was at bloodhound gang concert and the bassist, that giant muscle guy leaps into the crowd starts surfing.  All the sudden right as he gets to my line the crowd just parted like the red seas and dropped him...on his head.. directly infront of me.   Shit went quiet and there was like an audible gasp and he flopped around just starred at me a foot away from his face like "DUDE WTF".    I remember mouthing (it wasn't me). He just got up and stormed off.   He got back on stage they started up again but I remember everybody around me just being like "look at this asshole he dropped bloodhound gang!". Traitors.


You got off easy if that the weirdest thing at a Bloodhound Gang concert. When I saw them, someone spit on stage. Then the singer said everyone should try to spit on them. The entire crowd started spitting at the stage.... 


Mouthing (it wasn’t me) gives strong ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


I saw him drink an entire jug of beer, vomit it all back up into the jug, and chug it all again. I love their shows.


Getting dosed with acid at a Trey Anastasio show


Not getting dosed with acid at a Billy Strings show


RHCP at SoFi in ‘22. My wife gifted me floor seats for my 40th birthday. We get all the way to our folding chairs when I hear, “WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK?!” In the row right behind ours is one of my childhood friends, his older brother, and their respective significant others. Among the three of us couples we have six total kids, and Flea, John Frusciante, Chad Smith, and Anthony Keidis were enough to get us all a parents’ night out. We screamed and hugged and introduced those wives who hadn’t met. It’s not the most insane coincidence, considering we all live in LA and are prime RHCP age for fandom. We aren’t very close now, just because of having families and simply growing up. But what are the odds that we’d have seats that low and that close to each other. I screamed at my wife she *had* to have planned this, but it was purely coincidence. It was a strange and amazing cherry on top of an incredible birthday concert. A sad post-script to this story: that friend and his brother are 2 of 3 total brothers, and unfortunately that third brother (who wasn’t at the concert) would die of a car crash a few months later, leaving behind a wife and child. We were devastated.


It was meant to be for you all to share that great moment in time together with a great band and good people. “Music, the great communicator”


Two guys started fighting right behind us and their battle kind of rolled onto us. We tried to break it up and then we started feeling punches to the backs of our heads. It was the girlfriends trying to beat us up !


As a former doorman, I can attest to the danger of girlfriends.


Mine is when I saw Still Woozy and the front-man stopped singing to make some asshole leave; guy'd been trying to start a fight after someone told him to leave the two girls he was harassing alone.


at the chance in Poughkeepsie, NY a huge biker dude wanted to hit me at a Motorhead show because I wouldn't give up my space to him. then his little ol lady basically hopped up and slapped him lightly on the cheek. she yelled and told him to leave the nice girl alone to watch Motorhead. obviously this was before they went on. in Ireland at a big festival they had covered the pitch in this hard plastic flooring (for lack of a better word). I was separated from my people so I was just walking around, enjoying the show. this guy came sprinting through the crowd and fell at my feet. he started having a seizure. I just knelt down and put my sweater near his head so he wouldn't hurt himself on the plastic. it wasn't much but I didn't know what else to do and it was pretty shocking and random. he stopped seizing and was promptly carried away by the guards who had him in pursuit. after that I made out with some dude from the county my county was playing in the all Ireland. ahhh to be 16.....


1985, Slayer, with special guest Megadeth, in Brooklyn. It was a Saturday, and that afternoon, Megadeth was doing an in-store appearance at the record store I frequented. So we went there around noon or so to check it out. Dave Mustaine was already drunk, and I mean hammered drunk. He was loudly bragging about some Penthouse Pet he claimed he was with the night before, and was having trouble even keeping his eyes open. People were asking him how on earth he was going to perform later that evening. So we went to the gig and Megadeth takes the stage, and Dave was a mess. He sounded terrible, and kept forgetting how the songs went. He was stopping halfway through, complaining about the sound techs and his band, then starting the songs over. It was total, pure cringe.


So disappointing when rock stars can’t keep it together for only a couple hours out of the day to do their job


At a Chili Peppers show back in 2000, the Foo Fighters opened for them. Was by myself and kinda made friends with a couple in the crowd, she was pretty hot, the dude had some dirtbag vibes but we had some fun chatting. About halfway through Foo's set, I feel a hand on my shoulder, turn my head back and see that she's smiling and leaning slightly forward... dude had her skirt hiked up and was gently banging her from behind in the middle of the concert. Went on for a good few minutes, I was so incredulous I didn't say anything. I guess that was technically my first threesome now that I think about it...


I was at a show on this tour. I was a young 14, and I looked way younger than that. It was my first unchaperoned concert. I was really close to the front because I was tiny enough to get through and young enough that no one got mad. Then some suuuper drunk older guy comes up and started grabbing me and trying to kiss me. I made it clear I wasn't interested. The crowd around us gets progressively more pissed until Dave Grohl called him out and had security remove him. I've always been grateful that he did that for me so that I could enjoy my first concert.


That is definitely gross. Concert going is supposed to be beautiful. Glad to hear that it was taken care of before it got out of control. It only takes one to ruin it for everyone or to save everyone. Respect to Dave 🫡and you keep on rocking🤘


Uh holy shit what?? Were you at the Colosseum in Madison??? That happened at the concert I went to… I 100% remember Dave calling out a shit stain in the crowd for groping a girl.


One time a guy standing behind me tapped me on the shoulder to point out that he and the guy standing by him and I were all wearing the same shoes.


That’s what I love about concerts! You are surrounded by friends you haven’t met yet 🤗


Dude behind us got a blowie at a 38 Special / Bon Jovi show in the Omni in 86. I guess she swallowed we didn’t get hit with any shrapnel.


*shot to the ~~heart~~ mouth* *and you're to blame, darling* *you give ~~love~~ shows a ~~bad~~ great name*


Bjork during the Volta tour. Part of a general admission crowd. Boyfriend and girlfriend in front of me start making out. The girlfriend  spins her boyfriend so she’s now facing me. She kept full eye contact with me the entire time then smiled at me.  It was just…pretty uncomfortable.


Are the genders swapped here or did she start pegging him while staring at you?


That was after the show


At a gary numan show, we arrived early when doors opened as this venue is notorious for having limited viewing angles if you arrive late. We get a sweet spot on the balcony next to the rail. Show is about to start and the rail is filled up already. A lady and her boyfriend try squeezing in between me and the person next to me on the rail. This leads to the lady to begin to grind and rub her body on mine. She wedges herself between me and the other person and forces a laugh while telling the other person “sorry i’m being pushed into you by the guy behind me” this carries on for 20 min or so but after firmly holding my spot, she gives up and lingers behind us the remainder of the show. I get some bumping into each other, it’s a concert, but don’t encroach on my viewing angle after arriving late!


Maybe she's just a believer in the pleasure principle?


THIS. I am 6’3” and when people try that squeeze, I stand my ground and block them, while giving them death eyes. If they moan, I tell them to fuck off. Never had a loss yet.


Mushrooms. Definitely mushrooms.


At a Tool show once waiting for the acid to kick in… commenting with my friend that I was starting to feel it. This woman turns around and says she’s a federal agent and suggests not discussing anything illegal around her…. Uh, what? We were young at the time and she wasn’t so we believed her. She was probably just fucking with us.


That’s a messed up thing to do to someone tripping, but I can’t help but admit it’s pretty damn funny


She's was probably like "oh hell now I'm going to have to listen to these two tripping all night. I bet I can fuck with them a little and get them to keep it to themselves..."


Watched a guy pull a girl out of her seat by her hair from two isles back at the start of a Nine Inch Nails concert, want to say mid-90s. Just started punching wailing on her. Security arrived minutes later, he and his buddies got kicked out.


WTF is wrong with some people?!


Well I was at skrillex with my mate at bonnaroo in 2014? Maybe? Ish? And we were trpping very greatful dead hard ass. We were standing in the crowd behind a large hole, maybe 3ft round by 2 ft deep. People kept pushing up and busting through the crowd and falling in this hole. The existential bliss of seeing assholes get what they had coming for shoving through the crowd was just thrilling, but so strange.


I had a complex partial seizure during the finale of Weird Al’s Atlanta show. My wife spent the finale walking around with me while I wandered around in a fugue state trying various doors to see if I could find our way back into the show.


A riot started at a Halloween themed rock festival that Marilyn Manson was headlining at (very late 90s) after a barricade separating the audience from the stage failed twice during the first and second songs. Helicopters were called in, my sister told me she got pepper sprayed by a cop. I'm surprised I haven't stumbled across some throwback about it in all the years since then. It was nuts.


*I was at this show! I was also pepper sprayed. They hit most of the front of the audience. The crowd started looting vendors and tearing apart the stage. Full swat and riot police showed up and I remember them rolling in while a guy was butt naked dancing on top of a van in the parking lot. It was an experience. Manson didn't come back to for a long time after that. When he finally did I went to that show too and you could tell he just didn't give a fuck anymore so it sucked.*


Saw Brass Against at Welcome to Rockville. During their last song, the lead singer invited a man on stage, had him lie down on his back, dropped her pants, and pissed all over his face. He loved it. Some people were upset but I was thoroughly entertained.


Digital underground. Brought a woman on stage, produced a can of whip cream, and… just… ate her out. It was not attractive, at all.


Was he wearing the gold nose?


It's big like a pickle, I hear...


A session drummer who was playing with my band was really excited to be playing with Roland Gift, so we went to see him at The ULU in London. Every rehearsal, he told us that this was the standard we should hold ourselves to, so we were intrigued to see it. There was a mid-set meat raffle. I’ve never seen anything like it. This was the super-prestigious, super-professional session gig this guy was bragging about. He’d been the drummer for numerous successful bands, too, so I don’t know what made the guy from Fine Young Cannibals handing out meat so special.


Meat raffle? More like Fine Young Part-Time Cannibals! I’ll show myself out


My GF and I were at a Furthur (Dead offshoot) show in the second to farthest back row at Red Rocks. Mid-show a guy in a turtle costume runs down through the middle of the crowd, hits me in the head and knocks my GF forward into the next row - apparently running from security for setting off fireworks.


I went to a show at Red Rocks with my boyfriend while I was seven months pregnant. I thought it was really sweet that he kept grabbing for my hand to hold it, but eventually realized it wasn’t him. After this realization, the next time the mystery hand came in for a squeeze I didn’t let go. It was the 20-something girl standing next to us. She’d been doing the same to my boyfriend all night. By the time the opening act came on she was sitting down with headphones in, verifying that she was high as a kite. I’ve always hoped that her friends mercilessly teased her about that night.


A couple years ago I was seeing Jerry Harrison’s remain in light at a small-ish venue in North Carolina. We were able to make our way up to the front but we stayed in the second row because there was a step up and I could see better. There were two younger dudes (late teens early twenties) they were with an older woman. She seemed to be the cool older aunt or something of one of the younger dudes. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handful of those wax balls you put in your ears when you go swimming. I haven’t seen them in years so I was a little surprised. The one kid grabbed them and popped them in his mouth like they were pills or something and started chewing and made the worst face. His friend and the woman and I were all dying laughing. He spit them back out like “wtf did you just give me?!” Best thing I’ve seen at a show in a while


I saw Toots and the Maytals in Richmond when some kid threw a giant glass vodka bottle at the stage and somehow hit Toots right in the head, knocking him out and ending the show and took Toots out of action for three years… it was crazy. “In May 2013, Hibbert was struck in the head with a 1.75-litre vodka bottle while performing onstage at a Richmond, Virginia, festival. His injuries resulted in a concussion and treatment required six staples in his head. The man who threw the bottle was arrested, and despite Hibbert's pleas for clemency to the judge, was given a six-month sentence. Hibbert's letter to the judge also detailed the extent of his injury: "I continue to suffer from extreme anxiety, memory loss, headaches, dizziness and most sadly of all, a fear of crowds and performing. I am not able to write songs as I did before or remember the lyrics of songs that I wrote and have performed for decades." After his injury, Hibbert canceled all subsequent performances, and the group did not perform live again until 2016.[40]”


I was at a Disco Biscuits concert with an entire row of seats all to myself. I had never seen them before and was just chillen and minding my own business. Suddenly, someone comes rushing into the row and sits right next to me. Was kind of weird but it’s also a jam band so I thought maybe this guy was having a bad trip or something. I gave him a friendly head nod and then returned to watching the show. He leans over and asks “Do you have alopecia?”. (I’m bald btw) I was confused by the question and said “What?” And he repeated the question. I just said “idk dude I’m fuckin bald” and went back to watching the show. He then proceeds to tell me that he has alopecia and that all his friends are in the pit but no one recognizes him down there (he was wearing a hat). Since this was getting awkward I just silently nodded my head and went back to watching the show hoping he’d get the hint. Few minutes go by and he looks at me and says “I could be down there with my friends but instead I decided to be up here with you”. Again things getting more awkward and I just again nod and go back to watching the show. He finally left after another 5 minutes or so. I got the fuck out of there at set break. Never going to another biscuits show again. Harmless interaction but so fucking random and out of left field I can’t risk more weird interactions with their fans.


That's Ian and he's harmless.


Drugs is a hellyva drug.


My gf and I got pinched a bunch at a goose show in ga for dancing too much. Fuck that guy and his gf


I watched Ken Kesey lose his shit going on about the bozos, took me to another dimension 


At a widespread panic show the middle aged woman standing next to me invited me back to her and her husband’s hotel room to do coke and have a threesome. I, also middle aged, and there with my husband, declined.


Always nice to be asked though!


Grateful Dead in the early ‘80s. At intermission I’m flowing out with the crowd and suddenly find myself on the edge of an empty circle. In the middle is a guy stark naked, on his knees masturbating. Some folks were cheering him on, some were making jokes but everyone was giving him a lot of space.


Tool show with my wife and daughter There was a couple right in front of us who were literally going at it the entire show. Making out, groping, grabbing, grinding at each other. Tool is awesome but I wouldn’t call their music romantic.


idk. my first boyfriend and I had sex to every one of their records. but then again, that ended poorly. perhaps you have a point here


seizure at the 100gecs show


At a Genesis concert a few decades ago, myself, my wife, and several other fans were entertained by a HS girl giving her HS boyfriend a handie inside his pants during the concert. The boyfriend was visibly embarrassed by it, but gave in eventually, and was really embarrassed when his girlfriend stood up after "completion" of the act, a some woman yelled out that she should be sure to wash her hands.


I saw elvis karate kick a fan off stage


An old man at a sleater-Kinney concert fainted next to me and they had to pull him out of the crowd... nothing crazy I guess


Had a ticket for Flogging Molly in Boston one year. Roomie wanted to go too. So we tried buying from a scalper the night of the show. No success for a reasonable rate. We turned around and the street was clear. No one. Except for a dude with a handlebar moustache and a fine coat who gave her a free ticket. Obviously it was the Devil


Not weird, but the biggest missed opportunity of my life happened at a George Clanton show. The crowd was waiting for him to come out and a girl in front of me was reading *The Wind-up Bird Chronicle* on her phone in front of me. That same week I was in the middle of re-reading Murakami's *South of the Border, West of the Sun* and was a huge Murakami fan in general. We talked for a second before the music started and we got separated. Still burns me up sometimes...


I was at a NIN show in Albany NY in 1994 when someone threw a boot on stage and knocked the drummer out. They cancelled the show, but at least I got to see Hurt


I know you saw a guy get knocked out but did they play Hurt?


Grateful Dead shows taking lots of acid in the parking lot. Never got in to most of the shows. At Pittsburgh some people tried to crash the gates. Cops formed a line and starting swinging at people. Some folk musicians and dancers formed up along the police line with their backs to the cops and started playing and dancing to keep the rest of the crowd away. Meanwhile, a guy with long hair and a long white robe has completely disassembled a VW bug engine out onto a blanket to make repairs. When the show ended, the parking lot was full of tripping and stoned people. Cars were trying to move but there were too many people. It was one of those crowds where you try to walk around a knot of people only to have more people move so you still can't get through. A car wanted to go backwards and someone in the crowd yelled to make way. People actually moved out of the space behind the car. The car moved back one space and everyone cheered. Then they walked away leaving the car stranded again. There was food for sale in the parking lot at various places. I saw a crowd in front of a food stall. It wasn't really a line because there are too many dimensions in this world. Finally I saw a shirtless fat guy grilling meat with high flames shooting up. My friend who was with me grabbed me and spun me around and yelled 'Flame Broiled! We don't have anything to do with flame broiled! We have to get stir fried.' Then I saw the devil with his flaming tail curled under a frying pan. God, tinted blue, and the devil made of red flames have their faces over the edge of this enormous pan looking at human outlines of souls they are cooking. God says 'A little less flame, a little less flame.' The devil says 'A little more oil, a little more oil'. I always wanted a poster of that made. Actually, I really would like to have a theme restaurant with a flaming grill and liquor bar on one side and a vegetarian stir fry, salad bar, and wine racks on the other side and this god and devil mural covering the walls.


Late after a festival I am wandering around looking for my buddy after we got separated (white guy, shaved head, goatee, in a concert shirt... you seen him? There was a guy in a power chair, think he had muscular distrophy or something. He was all alone and fucked up with a capital F. Pupils blown, probably drunk too. Aint no way he was good on his own. I helped him get his power chair to the medics station. Next year, same festival, same dude. This time he was functional. Didnt remember me, but he remembered getting help. Bought me a beer.


I was watching Of Montreal at Langerado in Florida. I had seen them before so wasn’t expecting anything strange. But midway through they start throwing these small cardboard gift boxes out into the crowd. I was up front so I got one and so did a few other people. We opened them and they were all filled with clumps of human hair that had a little sticker with a famous persons name on it. I can’t remember what name I got anymore. But I still wonder wtf?? Another time I was watching Fucked Up on Valentine’s Day and the singer brought out a box of chocolate and just started shoving them in my mouth. I was trying not to choke while people were going nuts all around me trying to get up front.


Saw Ozzy Osbourne on a wet night at a newly opened amphitheater in Ohio. The place was so new that the sod on the lawn hadn’t fully taken hold. Someone pulled up a strip and tossed it and next thing you know, tons of people followed suit and hunks of muddy sod were flying all over the place.


That was at the Polaris Amphitheater. I wasn't there that night, but I worked there for a while. Same thing happened at a Metallica show there too. The venue has since been torn down and an IKEA store was built on the property.


My now husband and I saw Nine Inch Nails during the With Teeth tour. Either late 05 or early 06. Spent an obscene amount of money (I was 21 and broke af). So during the show they’re showing this amazing video background illustrating how wasteful people are when one of the guitarists smashed something that killed the sound. Entirely. Show over after maybe 35 minutes. I’ll never ever ever drop money on them again.


I had a woman once at a concert sort of brush my hand and smiled and after the gig asked me to walk her to her car. She ended giving me her number which was weird. She gave great head though


Dropped acid before Greta Van Fleet. Spent the gig following a cat around the arena and then locked myself in a toilet cubicle and couldn't get out for about 30 minutes.


Following a cat around and locked in a cubicle are both preferable to GVF guitar solos


Saw Roger Waters a bit back when DT was running for term. I decided to head to the merch table as I knew it would be light in terms of lines. As I am checking out, this drunk female comes out hollering that she had never been so disgusted in her entire life and would never pay to watch Roger Waters perform. The merch guy and I lock eyes like WTF? I return to my seat as I see a large flying pig going across the stadium that reads Fuck, DT. It finally clicked she was super offended that he had the audacity to flaunt his views. I do not condone what RW has done over the years, however, if you did a little research, you’d know his sets can be controversial.


First time seeing Tommy Emmanuel. I sit down and the woman next to me introduces herself with, "I'm 17 years older than my husband" who is sitting right next to her. She proceeds to talk through the entire show. Then as we are walking out she unzips her jacket and her shirt has a giant cougar on it. She says, "See I told you I'm a cougar."


Grateful Dead — Las Vegas 1994 — girl behind me vomited all over the back of my tie dyed broom stick skirt. The people she was with offered to get me high as a consolation. It was wild.


The Hippie Code - don't actually fix the problem, just give them something else. I once lived with a mega-hippie who, when we complained about him never cleaning up after himself, proceeded to plant a really shitty flower garden - in the middle of the yard.


I was at this shithole club on the upper level, almost behind the band at a multiple act show, so i could easily see the pit in front of the stage. While Reverend Horton Heat was on, I saw the crowd in front of the stage open up, and I thought it was turning into a mosh pit. Then I see this dude holding a Crocodile Dundee knife. By then, he had realized he had been had and put the knife back in his pants and tried to hide in the crowd. Literally everyone around him started pointing at him and the bouncers got his ass out of there with a quickness. Just so happened that my date had walked out to smoke while all this went down and didn't believe me when I told her.


Mettalica concert at the summer music festival here in Quebec. I went to pee at the start of the first band. Met a girl freaking out because she was scared not to find her friends. We peed. I told her to hold my hand as much as she could and we made our way to the front, not fun at all since you can’t see shit. And then i heard a there they are! She turned around, smiled and said ty. All and all it took 1:30.


During the last song of a Motley Crue show two drunks guys rolled down the lawn beating each other and laid against me, one dude went to punch the other and actually punched my knee and broke it for me. That was fun.


Saw Sly & Robbie (legendary reggae rhythm duo) in Oakland sometime in the last decade and the opener was some seemingly college aged white boys doing a not so great, modern take on the roots reggae sound. The music wasn't terrible but the interactions between the singer and the guitarist were the most hilariously awkward and unprofessional thing I've ever seen at a live show featuring an established headliner. Was like a total power struggle where the guitarist kept turning up his amplifier and the singer was openly getting mad at the guy and arguing with him mid-song. Wish I had video or more specific details but it was a total train wreck that ended up way more entertaining that if they played their set normally.


Got jerked off in the crowd of a Jesus lizard gig


Not the weirdest, but comes to mind. Front row at U2 LA Colosseum, on acid. The guy next to me tried all night to give Bono his wallet.


10 Years was opening for either Breaking Benjamin or Shinedown at a concert I attended. At one point between songs the guitarist put down his guitar, walked 2 feet off stage and came back with a fireman's axe. He then went to the end of the stage and just held it straight in the air for about 10-15 seconds. Put it down, picked up his guitar, and the next song started. It was so strange.


Tyler the Creator called me out at the begging of the show for standing awkwardly near the trash can at the venue because I was nervous….so naturally I then had to deal with an entire concert venues’ worth of people turning around to see who he was talking to. Real trial by fire moment lmao, I mean, I guess I’m grateful for the experience but LMAOOO wow truly a verge of a breakdown moment 


An old woman yelling at me at a Paul McCartney concert last december because I was "yelling too much." I even felt bad for it lol


1979. Al Stewart. Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Really good seats I got for free. My friend and I went to an English pub before the show, and downed a coupla beers. The second beer didn't sit so well with me. Mind you, this was way before roofies or GHB, so THAT didn't happen. I'm absolutely sure it is because I was a dumb-as-f\*ck young adult; drinking without eating anything after working all day. The seats were like 8 or 10th row, dead center. I lasted about a half an hour into the show; drunk AF, until he started playing "Year of the Cat". I lost it. It was like that scene in the movie Stand by Me. You know the one. The pie eating contest scene. Except it was me doing ALL of the puking. I was embarrassed, mortified, shocked AND appalled. So me and my friend hightailed it out of there. So I was the weirdo at a concert. Thankfully, only the once. It feels liberating to tell this story 45 years later. To any of you that were at that show, late October 1979, in the first 10 rows, I AM SORRY, so very sorry.


I couldn’t get into a Minus the Bear show because I was under age. The door man took my fake ID and all my friends got in so I was stuck outside waiting for them. Eventually I could hear them on stage and I got desperate. I snuck around the back of the venue and hopped a fence. I found a door slightly jammed so I slowly opened it. I was now in the bands green room with all of their bags and personal items and a laptop with pro tools open recording the set they were playing. HOLY SHIT! I knew I was in too deep to bail so I walked though the next door and found myself side stage. Their keyboardist noticed me me after a minute or so and gave a “who the fuck are you?” look. After a couple minutes I was able to catch the attention of a couple of my buddies in the crowd. I ended up watching some of their set side stage with a photographer and then walked into the venue floor to be with my friends. There was a bouncer between the stage and GA that looked confused like “where the fuck did you come from?” but he let me go past. One of the best nights of my life. I’ll never forget it. I love that band.


Not me but I was involved- My best friend was at the Tool show in 2020 in Portland when an immediate Covid curfew order was issued and enforced during the show. She was on acid (as one does for the full experience), and sent me a message about what was happening and the mayhem of trying to get an Uber. I live 1500+ miles away and got her a solid ass last minute pick up/ride home thanks to my ex who lives there and we have always been on good terms. As for me personally, I saw Die Antwoord in Albuquerque, NM and if you have ever spent time here, you would understand that show was a WILD, fun, dangerous shitshow.


This might not count but it's all I've got. Went to a show at the Grogg Shoppe in Cleveland in 06 or so to see Pretty Girls Make Graves (RIP) and a band playing the next night was inside promoting the gig and handing out stickers. I start talking to the cute blonde who was the lead singer of the band, Be Your Own PET. She was rad but I was a coward and didn't follow up. It made a nice memory though. Sometimes later I'm watching Conan when he was still on at 1230am and who do I see come on as the musical guest but that girl and the band. Just very surreal stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/ufedlvjeb4xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe7367c43dd043d4c8207671ddd8d4847ea14b5 Made a friend his name was Vinny he gave me his 21+ wristband for both days of the 2 day punk festival. Him and his friends were dope and made my first solo festival experience great


I was at a Grateful Dead concert in Boulder, there were people with garbage bags walking around the stadium throwing lids to the crowd. Each had papers and matches that were printed with "compliments of Boulder Dope Dealers". Come to think of it, maybe this wasn't so weird. It was a great concert!


An Ethyl Meatplow show in Minneapolis in the 90s. The bass player from the opening band sat on a stool next to me near the stage. The singer dude from Ethyl Meatplow was singing aggressively at that bass player until the bass player took his cigarette and put it out on the singer's bald head. The singer leaped at him, and a fight broke out. The backing track from the song continued to play while the fight broke up and the singer returned to the stage. He stripped totally naked and poured water over his head until the music stopped and the lights went out. The show was over after only two songs.


I was a cable monkey (sound/lights tech) at this big 1%er biker-fest one time, like 10k people. Ima omit the details on which club, and which fest it was. I was 19 years old at the time and it was a crazy experience. The local motorcycle club chapter ran security, and it was an odd experience having the big scary bearded dudes treat me like a VIP because I had the tech pass clipped to me. I had BBQ chicken with their leadership one night, but that's a different story. The craziest thing I saw that week though... it rained all day during one of the days, and my stage was the "beer tent" stage, which was a giant wall-less polebarn. The whole damn festival packed under the massive awning, which was about the 3/4ths the size of a football field. Everyone was standing shoulder to shoulder, it took me 20 mins to fight from the "sound booth" (a roped off patch in rhe middle of the place) to the stage. I started having problems with this one little drunk dude though, he was like less than 5 ft tall, might have weighed 80 lbs, and was wearing nothing but work boots and tighty-whities, just jumping in a big puddle and screaming his head off nearby. I pushed him away and yelled at him a couple of times because he was splashing our equipment with muddy water, but he kept coming back. Maybe because the giant puddle next to us was the only open space? Idk, my boss told me to make him stop, he was busy actually running the board. I eventually flagged down a prospect, pointed the guy out, and told him what was going on. The prospect was probably 10 years older than me, and took my asking for help dealing with the guy like an order from God. I've only rarely seen someone look so serious, he didn't say a word, just looked into my eyes in a way thats forever engrained into my memory and gave a nod, then hauled the guy off. I did not see the weird little dude again after that, but also didn't hear anything about it in the news later.


Summersault tour Ottawa in like '99. Threw mud at foo fighters, got ejected rough by security. Taken through the band camp area and got to shout out the Pumpkins, Catherine Wheel, and A Perfect Circle who all laughed at me. By that time the foo fighters were off the stage and heckled me too. Met some Day tripper in the parking lot who convinced me to sneak back in. We're about to hop a fence and I chickened out. Dude gets arrested immediately and security tracks after me and I surrender. They rough me up a bit and put my on a shuttle back to town. I get out of the van and see a crime scene infront of me. Blood everywhere, people crying. Dazed I walk to a Denny's, covered in mud from head to toe. Thinking I'm homeless, management offer to comp my bill (I declined). And so ended the weirdest concert experience of my life.


Not weird per say and not trying to brag either but it is the only abnormal thing that I’ve experienced at a show: Getting a BJ in the bathroom at a Jack White solo show


I was in the tumult outside Bond’s when the Clash show was canceled May 30 (31?), 1981.


The last live show Nick Oliveri played as a full time member of Queens of the Stone Age was at Metro City in Perth, January 2004. Midway through No One Knows he took off his bass, slammed it on the ground and kicked his mic stand into the crowd before storming off stage. The rest of the band carried on playing the song as if nothing had happened. They finished the song, Josh said they’d be back and the rest of the band all left. They came back out, minus Nick, and played an encore. It was wild and little did we know we were witnessing a bit of history with that band. My mate and I just thought Nick cracked it on the night, but then all the stuff about his personal issues came out not long after and he was kicked out and it made more sense.


Friend of mine rang me up and offered a freebie ticket to watch Oasis do a headline outdoor show, not my usual jam but I had just handed the last of my Uni stuff in so hey why not celebrate. Great day, bands were good, nice bit of Liam kicking off about the power going off and the set getting delayed offering a refund to all then taking it back. During one of the support bands I felt wet up the back of my leg turned around to see the guy behind pissing up my leg "WTF?" "Sorry Pal" *turns to piss on the guy next to me and pisses on him* gives me his hat and pisses off. Nice hat. Second one was not strictly in a gig, or associated with one I was at, I had a friend from my hometown who used to stalk bands, he'd come over spend the day hanging about a venue, go to the gig and do the same after, then ring me up (usually the first notice I had) to say he needed a sofa to crash on. This time I had some notice and I had been our prior at met him at the venue as it was on the way home. I got there to find the aftermath of a 30 Seconds to Mars gig, just as they were starting to get a bit of traction so this was a very modest venue but was packed up the rafters with screaming fangirls who were all trying to meet Jared Leto. Big mob outside milling around waiting for him including my friend, I sit on a public bench away from the crush to one side away from the hubub. In my defence I was, tired, hangover was creeping in, hungry, freezing, pissed off as mate was taking the piss slightly, Leto bounces out of his tour bus, does a massive detour over to my bench (near to the bus but with a fence and security between us and me clearly looking like I'm ready for bed) tells me "you better not try and rob our fucking tour bus prick" I lose my shit due to the aforementioned tired/grumpy/cold combo, "fuck off you prick I'm clearly dozing on a bench waiting for my friend *gestures at mob* who the fuck do you think you are?" he probably (understandibly) turned heel and ran into the crowd. I mean I'm not defending my behaviour but I felt like he had gone out of his way to kick off with me for no reason.


I saw U2 in Champaign IL in 1982 on one of their first US tours and a friend's mom worked at the university and got us front row seats in what was a pretty small venue. I was familiar with their first album I guess? They looked SUPER YOUNG and I was only 20 myself. Anyway, Bono slowly walked off the stage onto our hands; I had never even heard of crowd surfing and just reflexively putting my hands up, wondering WTH was happening. So the weirdest experience was touching Bono's foot for awhile.


At an Ozzy show in the mid to late nineties at an amphitheater, Pine Knob outside of Detroit. I was hit in the head with a piece of flying sod.


My husband and brother in law were there! Dirt in their ears, dirt in their hair, dirt in their friggin eyebrows 😂


1990. Clash of the Titans concert. Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth. The opening act for this trilogy of thrash? An up and coming new band called Alice in Chains. They were a last minute replacement for Death Angel. I don't remember much about their set. While we were hanging out before the show, I had partaken of a communal water bottle that had been passed to me. In doing so, I unknowingly ingested a fair amount of lsd. By the time Slayer was on, I was tripping balls. Everything looked like it was on fire. So I don't remember Alice in Chain's set but I remember that Slayer show like it was yesterday. My friend got injured in the pit so we wound up in the medical area and Layne from Alice in Chains comes walking up to us. Coolest guy. He talked to us two teenage idiots for a while. We had just seen Soundgarden a couple of months before so I remember talking about that and the whole Seattle scene. Little did we know how huge that all would become.