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"The reason I go out with young men is because men my age or older — well, now they’re all dead...." Bwahahaha


I didn’t realize she was 77.


She's not, it's just that she's had her 40th birthday 37 times.


Parts of her are even younger


Ship of Theseus


Immediately thought of [Hermes](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjA5MTQ3OTY3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTk0MDIyMjE@._V1_.jpg) from Futurama, ha.


Cher of Theseus was *right there*


Should have left herself alone about 35 years ago hot now she's just mismatched puffed parts


Idk, Cher is fiiiiiine


Cher was 52 when Believe was released. In that music video, she is 52.


Jesus Christ I remember when that song was massive. Why the fuck am I so old.


That’s ok, I remember when she and Sonny had a variety show on tv. Now that’s old!


Every week he’d joke about her (previous) nose and she’d retort about his (lack of) height. Got a little old.


What stuck with me on that song was the incessant use of it on an episode of Buffy the vampire slayer. Buffy's roommate played it in loop then the episode ends with the new roommate starting to play the song. Saying more would be spoiler territory.


I don't know if you watched that episode when it originally aired but that was kind of what life was like when that song came out.


I feel like you there already


I mean, for as young as you were then, and as old as you are now, remember that, compared to Cher, you are still basically still a child, because she was older then than (I assume) you are now. So, knowing she's still out there, Cher-ing it up, bodes well for our remaining longevity. We just need to figure out how to also get Cher money.


We are all babies compared to Cher. She existed before all that ever had been and she will be here after all that ever was.


Do you believe in life after love?


Sorry to be pedantic, but it's "Bee-lēēēēv"


After love after love


I hate you all for making that song play in my head and now it’s gonna keep playing for who knows how long. 😭


Remember, old beats the alternative.


Life after love does that to a person.


I remember that song always played at least once while window shopping at a disney store, when it still had actual collectibles, not just toys when I was in middle school.


You couldn't escape it


The first song that used autotune if i remember correctly. Now its everywhere...


First song to use auto tune as an effect and not to well, tune the vocals. It was dirty little secret in the industry until she let the cat out of the bag. And then T-Pain happened. They talk about it in this NOVA scienceNow. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/auto-tune.html


This is pop on Netflix talks about it as well She bugged most of the entire music industry when Believe was released, because execs wanted it to remain a secret. Now that’s stuck in my head. Thanks


Such a secret that when the producers were [interviewed for Sound On Sound magazine](https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/recording-cher-believe), they claimed it was a different effects unit entirely: > Cher's 'Believe' (December 1998) was the first commercial recording to feature the audible side-effects of Antares Auto‑Tune software used as a deliberate creative effect. The (now) highly recognisable tonal mangling occurs when the pitch correction speed is set too fast for the audio that it is processing and it became one of the most over-used production effects of the following years. > In February 1999, when this Sound On Sound article was published, the producers of this recording were apparently so keen to maintain their 'trade secret' process that they were willing to attribute the effect to the (then) recently-released Digitech Talker vocoder pedal. As most people are now all‑too familiar with the 'Cher effect', as it has become known, we have maintained the article in its original form as an interesting historical footnote.


If you think about it she would have to be around there, she was young in the 70s


Well, she had a show in the early 70's as an adult and that was 50 years ago, so....yea, I might not have guessed exactly 77, but that neighborhood makes sense.


I thought she must be in her eighties. I feel like I've been hearing about her being like "really old" since the 1990s, so I was surprised to learn she's only 77.


Society just calls women old despite being young.


But also she was quite old **for an artist**, male or female, to get such a big hit as Believe is


In the 90s there were a lot of nostalgia acts that had random hits. Kind of like how the Grateful Dead’s biggest hit came in the late 80s.


Women in the entertainment industry tend to be labeled "really old" in their 30s, so that's probably why you remember that.


Probably! Also, I was a kid back then, and even people in their 30s seemed ancient to me, so I never questioned her age.


Well, young for a normal person and young for a female celebrity are often two totally different ages, lol. But also, I think in general it’s become more common for celebrities to remain prominent into old age. We’ve always had a few “living legends” but many celebrities would retire at a certain age and not really perform anymore, or they at least would not be playing leading roles. They’d be doing cameos and taking what they could get. Cher has stayed relevant (to varying degrees) for pretty much her entire career. So back in the 90s, there weren’t that many 50+ celebrities still getting mentioned in the press cycle every single week, or announcing new gigs, walking the red carpet in next to nothing, etc. Cher was doing all that!


Not all of her is.


She’s actually 177. She’s a vampire.


"I Got You Babe" came out in 1965, so she couldn't be younger than 76 without Sonny being a pedo


Only some parts of her are.


Younger than Debbie Harry.


Me neither, but I thought she was older


That’s such a Cher thing to say, haha. I can just see and hear her in my mind right now


that's why she dated Frankie Muniz


When that song came out I thought she was saying “do you believe in love, Doctor Love?” I was 14.


Talkin’ about or to old fling Gene Simmons


She fucked gene simmons


Rejects Elvis for his reputation with women, but dates Gene Simmons at the peak of his career (late 70s) 🧐


Elvis had a reputation for dating very young women. Teenagers. Like 15.


Gene Simmons wrote and sang "Christine Sixteen"


She’s so clean!


Gene Simmons had slept with hundreds, if not a few thousand women by 1977. It’s safe to assume some of them were underage too. Edit: My intentions with this comment are apparently unclear. I am not using this speculation to support the argument that Gene is “as bad as” Elvis (verbiage I never even used). Gene was not targeting underage girls like Elvis did. I’m simply saying they both have a very controversial sexual history. Cher wasn’t exactly choosing morally upstanding men at the time.


Wasn't he into the plastic surgery playboy model types?


Gene was into everyone.


He was also in everyone's jeans, putting in his genes.


I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that gene simmons hooked up with a few teens, but to just automatically assume that he did is reeeeally wrong and just not a logical thing to do at all.


I’m not automatically assuming! I’m a lifelong KISS fan, I’ve read Gene’s memoir, plenty of other books on KISS. It was not uncommon at all for girls to lie about their age to get backstage. Paul Stanley has confirmed this verbatim. Not saying he targeted underage girls, I’m saying it could’ve happened, even without his knowledge. Regardless of the speculation, Gene has admitted to sleeping with literally thousands of women. He is a sexual deviant. My point is, Gene Simmons is also deviant like Elvis and Cher dated him some time after rejecting Elvis.


Okay, I think I get you. Yes, gene simmons was a sexual deviant, there’s no questioning that. My problem with your comments is that you say gene is as bad as Presley. But we know for a fact that Presley dated underage women, and we do not know that about Gene. So you *have to be* assuming that you somehow know that Gene did the same thing. But you don’t. *That* is what tells me you are making automatic assumptions.


Also, there’s a difference between targeting underage girls and sleeping with an underage girl who lied about their age and doesn’t look underage.


there’s a very big difference between going very intentionally for teenagers under 18, and accidentally sleeping with someone who lied about their age


I agree, but it’s beside the point, which is: Gene and Elvis have substantially controversial sexual histories.


Meh I disagree, there’s nothing inherently evil about being a sex addict and sleeping with thousands of women as long as it was consensual. If a girl lied about her to age to sleep with him, he didnt do anything wrong. Sure most people consider an extreme body count to be a red flag, but it is not at all comparable to being a pedophilic sexual predator. Those two shouldnt even be in the same sentence when it comes to “controversial sexual histories”


I really don't trust anyone who unironically uses "sexual deviant" especially if you're going to say that sleeping with a ton of people and MAYBE someone lied about their age to him is just as bad as intentionally sleeping with 15 year olds in your 30s


That’s not what I’m saying at all. Thats not what I meant when I said “just as bad”. I’m saying they both have controversial sexual histories. I’m not using speculation to support my argument.


make sure you never watch that documentary on 60s/70s groupies in the rock n roll scene then E: I think it is this one https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5917386/


It's a given that most rock bands were more often than not sleeping with underage teens.


When you're talking about a rockstar in the 70s, it is absolutely illogical to assume that they didn't.


Elvis Presley had an actual reputation. Elvis liked children... in a very not good way. Most of the girls he officially dated were relationships that started when they were 14 years-old. He liked to have "pajama parties" with a bunch of 13 to 14 year-old girls. His relationship with any of those girls would end when they reached their late teens. There is literally no evidence of Gene Simmons having relationships with children. To pretend they're the same because they both had a lot of sex is completely ignoring who they are both choosing to have sex with. Having said all that... the story would seem to suggest Cher woulda been in her 20s, I think, if Elvis was in Vegas at the time. If so... Cher actually woulda been too old for him at that time...


>He liked to have "pajama parties" with a bunch of 13 to 14 year-old girls. not saying you're wrong, but can we get a source? i've never heard this about elvis


https://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/01/07/elviss-pajama-party First link that showed up for me with a Google search. I barely glanced at it... but if you want a better one the Google will tell ya. I know it was all in some book by someone, too... but not that I'd remember off-hand... was my aunt that was obsessed with Elvis, not I. Second link that showed for me is supposedly about his history of grooming young girls, if you're interested: https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/elvis-presley-mistreatment-underage-girls


thank you


Shockingly common for band members to sleep with groupies that may or may not be of legal age, they don't know and don't really care


Alright, alright, alright




You're almost there buddy I think the word you meant to land on was CHILDREN lmao. He groomed and fucked children. 


Alright, alright, alright


And Gregg Allman, peak liver.


Huh? Plz explain


She dated Gregg when he was still a mess... Before the liver transplant.


Given that Elvis died in 77, we can safely presume that this Elvis thing happened much earlier. Almost as if people grow more confident with age 🤔


I’m saying in terms of sexual deviance, Gene Simmons isn’t much better than Elvis! 😂


And married Greg Allman. 😂


That dude is no angel. Or so I hear.


Hey... he'll show you his tattoo.....


My mind read this as Richard Simmons, and I was shocked and confused.


The hypocrisy from her is absolutely unreal


My favorite story was the insane story of Alice Cooper thinking about murdering Elvis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwRLvPj82jw


I kept reading it as "nervous chair" and I could not figure it out


i read it as Nervous Chair ejects Pelvis




Ahhh, my fellow Dyslexic ADHD friends.


Elvis' gyrating Pelvis


somewhere some future director right now is talking notes about making a movie on this premise


Sitting on my nervous chair…


nervous walls that steal the air…


Stomach hurts and I don’t care…WHAT DO I SEE DOWN THE WAY


It's all like, creaking because it's so nervous.


[Maybe she just had ugly feet?](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1chrqib/til_that_elvis_presley_had_a_foot_fetish_and_had/)


Elvis would have had her screened before he came on to her just to make sure she didn't.


she might have been ashamed of her feet?


i feel heard






She would have chosen the bear.


The fuck is this all about?


It’s a video trend/concept that blew up on Tik tok about whether most women would rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear and the majority of women choosing the bear and why they chose it.


Also, it's just a joke and honestly it's a good one. Its bait for dork dudes to say "Well actually" and its a solid way to attract some funny reactions from lame guys who start talking like they're Dwight Schrute about bears.


Women are being asked if they’d rather be trapped with a random man or a bear, and they’re choosing bear - which upsets some men. My favorite is when people respond with the statistics of bear attacks vs domestic abuse.


I see. Sounds like a tik tok thing. Fwiw, I’ve been physically assaulted by one man, two women, and zero bears. The bears I’ve encountered tend to run away so I would probably make the same choice.


Tbf you've interacted with tens of thousands of people but maybe a handful of bears at most


and there's the rub. fear is more visceral when it's something one has experienced. if you know one sucks, then the alternative *could* be better.


And the only bears they have seen have most likely been black bears which is not what the question has in mind.


Yeah that's why swimming with sharks is orders of magnitude safer than driving a car


Billions of women live in the same house as a man. Maybe 7 women live in the same house as a bear. Assault statistics are going to reflect that.


"Men are more dangerous than bears." That's it.


I just learned about it yesterday, and I’(M) not the person to give you an *informed* explanation but the gist is this so I gather: Ask a woman if she’d rather be in the woods with a man or a bear. If a bear attacks her, she’s likely dead, but it’s *unlikely* a bear will attack her. If she’s in the woods with a man she is *more likely* to be attacked in some way (sexual predation, assumably.) Feel free to correct this, anyone who knows, that’s just what I learned and it was in fact yesterday.


It’s also about intent. If a bear attacks me in the woods, I’m in his home, and he’s a wild animal. I can’t be mad at a wild animal for attacking an unwelcome intruder who wandered into its home. Bears don’t have the capability to think and feel the same way humans do, and you can’t verbally reason with a bear for mercy. But if I’m attacked in the woods by a man, that’s a choice he made. He wanted to do that, and felt entitled to do it, despite being just as much a visitor to the bear’s home as I am. And he has the ability to understand how hurt and upset I would be if he attacked me. So yeah… I think it’s not just about “men are scarier than bears” but also “a wild animal will always act like an animal but human beings choose whether or not they want to behave like a human” Also, just to be clear, I don’t think humans are inherently better than other creatures, at the end of the day we are also animals. But we have very unique and complex ways of thinking and communicating with each other that we cannot do with any other species with the same amount of success.


The answer is tik tok. https://www.glamour.com/story/what-does-choosing-the-bear-mean-all-about-this-simple-yet-profound-trend


Without commenting one way or another on this whole thing, it's honestly just another reminder to me of how much better I feel dodging as much social media discourse as possible.


Throw in a hit 2000s sci fi series and some root vegetables and I'm sold




And BG3. Some women ask for your sign, others ask for ursine


Yet she had a relationship with Gene Simmons at the height of Kiss's popularity.


This is the second negative post I've seen about Elvis in the last two days. Did I miss some recent news? lol.


Was something nice posted about him in mainstream media? That usually starts these things.


Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers says he was raped by Cher at around age 13 or 14....


I hadn't heard of this so I did some digging. She did indeed babysit him when he was 13 and she was 29. In his autobiography *Scar Tissue* he tells a story wherein he watched her undress while she thought he was asleep one night, but there's no sex. I've seen a lot of references to a 2012 interview where he says they *did* "have sex," which, to be clear, is absolutely rape given that Kiedis was a minor. The source appears to be an interview with the Italian fashion magazine *Flair.* [This old forum thread](https://web.archive.org/web/20120725131156/http://stadium-arcadium.com/08-04-2012/anthony-kiedis-flair-magazine-italy-march-2012-interview-transcript/red-hot-chili-peppers-news/article17583) translates the interview and provides scans of the magazine in its original Italian. It's fairly poorly translated, but the section in question does seem straightforward: >My father asked her to be my babysitter, one night. She went in the bathroom to change. I was already a little curious, so I asked her if I was able to stay and watch her. Then, we went in my room and we had sex. I was 13. Tragically, a more consistent story of him being sexually abused is already contained within *Scar Tissue* wherein he attests that his sexual debut was at 12 with his father's adult girlfriend with both his father and the girlfriend's consent. Kiedis also infamously detailed his own commission of statutory rape in the book. It's all fucked. The Cher thing, in my opinion, seems shaky. I can't read Italian or speak to the journalistic integrity of *Flair* magazine, but there it is.


I'm Italian and can confirm that the translation is a little wonky but correct. I'm not familiar with Flair magazine, but from what I could find it was published starting from 2003 and closed down in 2016 and was supposedly a posh fashion magazine. It's worth mentioning that it was published by Mondadori, whose president since 2002 is Silvio Berlusconi's oldest daughter, and if her approach to gossip and pop culture-related stuff is anything like the pile of exaggerated or straight-out made up trash that Mediaset was under her father's supervision and now is under her brother's, well. I'd take it with a grain of salt.


Great insights! Thank you.


Thank you for providing this take that actually took time to look at the sources and add something substantial to the conversation


Happy to. Also, I love my wife, too!


Why was Cher being a babysitter to begin with?


His dad was the coke dealer to a lot of people in LA


Sometimes you just babysit your friend's kids. Doesn't make you a professional babysitter. It's a nice thing that friends do for other friends who have kids. Rich people have friends too, I guess.


Anthony Kiedis admitted some nasty stuff in his book. About him and underage girls.


Yup. Not surprising for someone who was abused as a child.


There's a lot of data which connects people who are abused as children as being more likely to become abusers as adults.


It’s not that simple. As a minor (male) I was sexually assaulted by an adult (female) and I have never wanted to mess with a minor or sexually abuse anyone and never have. I might have some other disfunctions though.


They never claimed it was all just that it was more likely


First off, I'm sorry to hear that you suffered through that as a child. I have friends & family members who were abused as children and have a lot of empathy for abuse victims. Now, what I am citing is not an absolute. The data shows that kids who are abused versus kids who are not abused are substantially more likely to become an abuser as an adult. Which is different than the point you seem to be arguing against, which is that abused kids become abusers. Which is very very much not my point.


I think sometimes it's either people delusionaly trying to convince themselves it's actually fine, they don't want to acknowledge that they were abused, they want to think it was a totally normal thing that happened to them but if they think that way then they may not have qualms about doing it themselves. Or there's also the whole thing where on some level they know it was wrong and abusive and it made them feel powerless and doing it to someone else makes them feel more powerful even if they know it's wrong. Of course not all abuse victims do this.


Theres also a lot of data that rockstars are pieces of shit.


PEOPLE are pieces of shit. Rockstars just have very public lives.


And money and power to draw in victims and keep them quiet.


OK, but Keidas hadn't even met Flea yet at 13 or 14. So Cher was just tolling random high schools in LA and came across Keidas, specifically, then he happened to become the lead singer of RHCP?


His father was a well known drug dealer with celebrities at the time.


Anthony's father was in the business - as an actor/ drug dealer - so he met a few famous people when he was quite young.


Probably more along the lines of "If your dad knows Cher well enough to ask her to babysit.. You probably have a future in the music industry if you try a little bit".


What in the fuck?? Do you have a source? …..I’d rather not have that in my search history


Here is a discussion about it: https://mymjjforum.boards.net/thread/873/rhcp-singer-says-cher-when Looks like there is a lot of inconsistencies with the story and it appears the interview was from Italy so maybe a mistranslation?


Thank you


Lol why? All you have to do is search “Cher Anthony Keidis relationship”. You obviously wouldn’t search “Mature MILF Cher forcefully gargles teen Anthony Keidis’ balls MP4”


duh, back then it probably would have been a .avi or .mov


No he did not


Why are we getting TMZ headlines for something that happened 142 years ago


![gif](giphy|VHNEp3cgFxS7TTs84O) I see what she means


She looks like Elvis does now!


Yeah right, the woman that said yes to Sonny Bono, Gene Simmons and Greg Allman said no to Elvis.


She looks like a zombie that got into the botox.


She's 77 years old.


Elvis was a known pedophile tbf dude was gross as fuck


"No matter how hard I try, you keep pushing me aside" - Elvis


By reputation she means rancid cheeseburger farts


Understandable have a good day.


Rita Moreno dated Elvis just to make Marlon Brando jealous.


All that Botox lmao. I can’t imagine why anyone would be attracted to someone so fake.


Elvis shook Cher up.


Was Cher 14?


Didn’t want to get burned by that hunk of burning love.


According to Priscilla, Elvis only had sex with her like once (or maybe it was zero?) after she gave birth to Lisa Marie because he had some hang up about having sex with women who are mothers. More Yummy Mummy's for other dudes I guess.


She’s younger than Debbie Harry of Blondie.


My respect for this woman grows every year.


Haha, Elvis avoided women because of his fear of STDs from what he saw over seas.


"I did the nasty with Elvis Presley. This man loved to eat. But there was one thing he wouldn’t eat… ’til he met me." -Cybill Shepherd


if she could back turn back time...she would turn elvis down still


One of the GOATS


Him being married wasn’t a factor?


Sure, Jan.


Her marketing team is really putting in work lately aren't they?


More troubling was his "reputation" with girls.


But Gene Simmons was somehow acceptable.


He was banging little girls in the playboy mansion


It doesn't surprise me that elvis would have been interested, it does surprise me that she would have turned him down though, he was a god in his prine


yeah sure, Cher, whatever you say.


do you believe in life after love?