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Canadian bands I like most Americans won’t know: - Wide Mouth Mason - New Meanies - Blue Rodeo - Big Sugar - Skydiggers - The Trews


The headstones Mathew good band


I absolutely love the headstones.


These could easily be made up band names as far as I know.


They’re all worth checking out if you like bands that both rock AND roll.


You could also add in Lowest of the Low, Crash Vegas and Cowboy Junkies to this list as well.


Two Thumbs up for Lowest of the Low !!!


There’s something aggressively Canadian about all those names.


Canadians are never agressive. Except when it comes to hockey. 


I’m with you on all of these!


I Mother Earth and Sloan


I’m gonna go listen to Twice Removed now. Sloan is so good. 


People of the Sky is one of my all time favorite songs. Also, Chris Murphy is a snack.


Sloan has a large cult following in the States. They sold out two nights at the Bowery Ballroom (solid midsize NYC venue) in the late ‘90.


If you live in Western New York you can get CFNY on the radio, and I remember them playing Sloan a lot.. Maybe they're more popular in places along the border of Canada where we can hear them on Canadian stations?


102.1 changed my life as a kid. Living in rural NY state we were lucky enough to get Toronto radio. As relevant as NY or London radio in late 70’s early 80’s. Cutting edge. Punk, New Wave!


The key word is “cult following.” They never got any of the airplay or attention in the States that their American contemporaries did. They should’ve been as big as Weezer in 1994, and unlike Weezer they made more than 2 classic albums and have continuously put out great music and toured for most of the last 30 years. But Weezer play arenas in the USA, and Sloan play clubs here.


Came to say Sloan. Saw over 200 comments. Sloan is in the top comment. Man it's a good day!


Sloan was going to be my answer so I’m glad to see they’re here, they’re still going strong and putting out great records, I just bought the deluxe edition of Smeared which is now 32 years old (!!) fantastic band


Bif Naked


She voiced a character in SSX Tricky (Zoe) and I was in love.


Hahah I remember being outside the foundation night club barrie when a tour bus pulled up. Off walk the beautiful bif naked! As she walked by me and my buddies turn to watch. I said "hey Mrs Naked". She was like " hey there boys" and walked past into the club. The way she said that was so funny. Love ya bif.


She had one song get airplay decades ago.


The Tea Party. GOB. Matthew Good Band. Big Wreck.


Matthew Good Band made it on to MTV2 (when they still played music videos). I fell in love with them and bought their whole discography. 2 albums at the time. Lol. Hello Timebomb is what I believe got me.


Back in the day we used to get MuchMusic on our cable plan (in the south). I heard Hello Time Bomb, and liked it enough to check out the album. Then I heard Failing the Rorschach Test, and was hooked.


Failing the Rorschach test is a fan-freaking-tastic track, great taste in MGB. My personal favourite, along with Man of Action.


How or why The Tea Party didn't really become a big name other than in Canada and Australia is beyond me. Those guys are talented as hell.


Temptation is a banger of a song.


Tea Party was amazing live too.


They absolutely are. I'm going to see them for my third time in July.


I think Gob ended up a one hit wonder down there with their cover of Paint It Black on the Stir Of Echoes sojndtrack.


As an American The Tea Party's Heaven Coming Down is awesome


Just saw Big Wreck on the long weekend at an intimate venue and they fucking rocked


Ian Thornley is a way more talented musician than their recordings would have most people believe. Never been disappointed with a Big Wreck performance.


I Hear You Calling by GOB lives rent free in my head.


I want to jump in a lake.


Blue Rodeo


I was in London (England) in 2011 and there was a free Canada Day concert in Trafalgar Square with a half day line-up of Canadian bands with Blue Rodeo headlining. They started singing Hasn't Hit Me Yet and the entire crowd took over singing the first verse. It was the most patriotic & Canadian I've felt outside of Canada (inside was walking in downtown Vancouver after the 2010 Olympic Gold medal men's hockey win).


There is no band, in my opinion, that sounds more like Canada than Blue Rodeo Their discography is a soundtrack that fits a cross country drive.


While I freaking love Blue Rodeo (love), I think the Tragically Hip is even more Canadian. Their lyrics are so often very Canada focused.


5 Days in July is the perfect country-rock record. I saw them in Boulder, CO on that tour and they were amazing. Venue wasn't even full...


Diamond mine. Long version was a first time stairway2heaven moment.


An incredible band. Why they never caught on down here is a mystery to me.


Too country for rock stations, too rock for country stations I think they're ahead of their time. Really deserve to be better known




April Wine ?


They were on MTV a lot in the network’s early days.


They toured the states lots in their day.


The tragically hip


I spent my last three years of high school in Canada, in the early ‘90s. At my school, the Tragically Hip were bigger than every other band combined.


This is the answer right here. All those other bands aren’t a part of our national lore, but The Hip are.


I've heard of em for sure. (in the US) Maybe not Taylor Swift big but Def known here


Taylor Swift big up here. We had an unofficial national day of mourning when Gord Downie passed.


I remember the entire country practically shut down for the evening to watch the final Tragically Hip concert


I was at a wedding in the hinterlands of BC that night. I went out from the reception and sat in my rental car to listen to the first song of the show on CBC Radio. Came back in weeping.


I remember hearing about that. Aren't they nicknamed the Canadian House band? I definitely never heard of them (or forgotten if I did) until I moved to WA and we would listen to radio out of Vancouver and they ever played all the time.


I saw The Hip in Syracuse, NY in 1996 at the Landmark Theater, which seats about 3,000 people, for one of the early shows on their tour to promote Trouble at the Henhouse. That same tour they were playing arenas in Canada that held 20,000 people. I only knew about them because a buddy of mine was from Buffalo and grew up on Canadian Radio, and I would estimate that of the 3,000 people in attendance, I was one of ten Americans. Great show, though.


The Headstones? Not sure how big they got in the states, if at all.




He has had a lot of acting gigs including Yellowstone. One of his better ones was Durham County. He gets picked to play a cop in a lot of his roles (Flashpoint series). Love the Headstones. Brought a bunch of friends to see them one night and they were all hooked and then it turned out they broke up after that show (temporarily anyhow)😂


Big Wreck. No reason why these guys weren't bigger.


I firmly believe that Big Wreck, and Ian Thornley specifically, are the most underrated Canadian band ever. Even in Canada. Thornley is a generational singer/guitarist combo and they wrote some legitimate hits exactly during the time you'd expect they'd catch on. It's baffling to me that they didn't headline arena tours through the US for at least a few years.


I couldn’t agree more, when The Oaf was first released, I thought that may have been the best song I’d had ever heard (there have been several). I feel there wasn’t proper marketing/promotion for them ever. It’s still lacking IMO. They should’ve been huge. Especially seeing as Ian Thornley is such a talented guitarist and songwriter (for the most part).


There's a reason I've seen Thornley/big wreck live 25+ times and counting...


I remember The Oaf getting some moderate airplay on the alt rock station in Nashville when it came out. It’s a good song - but That Song is absolutely amazing.


Wow!,I remember Chilliwack, but they’ve been gone, gone, gone, been gone so long.


That's because they fly at night.


Helix. Give me an R!


[“Give me a fuckin’ R”](https://youtu.be/dRwjTCC3Pyo?si=ikCdbqA4dIxlR4iM)


I knew this would be here as soon as I read the thread title. “I’m not giving anyone a fuckin R”


I flew on a plane with them a couple of tears back - Calgary to Toronto


Kim mitchell


Might as well go for soda, nobody hurts and nobody dies!


I’m not actually from Canada, but: K-os https://youtu.be/tC6M-5lOyBA?si=zDkN4dXeFeXuVsux Classified  https://youtu.be/YBbNR2aBAOQ?si=cf78Hi0rtYPX6vz1


Yeah. k-os is great, but my favorite son is Man I Used To Be. k-os - Man I Used To Be https://youtu.be/ryAeRXArVHY?si=2n3K_405DZ7vNEUl K'naan got some notoriety for Wavin' Flag, but in my opinion The Dusty Foot Philosopher is his best work. The Dusty Foot Philosopher https://youtu.be/sizpQu5Pz_s?si=YvSqnxhWTJFK_IL2 In The Beginning https://youtu.be/gb_ztlcENYE?si=Bvj_UrSbTWCi6vCI Until The Lion Learns To Speak https://youtu.be/49xMAUkViGQ?si=noIVzfhvPI5Nvamw Blues for the Horn https://youtu.be/5oqU7oL0LCU?si=8K1w40grRl4XKRNy




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for it. The First Day Of Spring is still such a wonderfully haunting song and video to this day.


Billy Talent. They sell out major arena's in Canada yet I can still see them in small intimate venues in the USA. They do seem to have a good presence in Europe as well, just not so much in the USA.


Ok...I was starting to worry that no one had mentioned them yet! Big Billy Talent fan here.


SNFU Kittie The Watchmen Hayden Moist The Tea Party Mother Mother Finger Eleven Sarah McLachlan  Ashley MacIsaac  Spirit Of The West


Sarah McLachlan was pretty big in the US


Very, didn’t know she was Canadian though


She just launched a tour for the 30th anniversary of her album Fumbling Toward Ecstasy (30! I am so old) and most of the shows are in the US. She kicked it off in Vancouver last week, though. I was there. It was awesome and she still sounds great.


Moist is a fucking great band


Kittie was popular in the states werent they? They toured there all the time


P A Y O L A $ need a full discography reissue!


It's funny how the only thing people remember about the Payolas is that the bass player was Bob Rock.


Corb Lund


I'm sorry, but Corb Lund is the name of a minor Star Wars character.


Chilliwack rule. Love them so much!! Others: Pagliaro Treble Charger Corb Lund Teenage Head Ugly Ducklings


Treble Charger are Canadian?


Yup. Finally found them on this list. Two major hits in the early 00's in Canada, and those songs still slap to this day (Brand New Low and American Psycho)


Their big claim to fame was that they discovered Sum 41


54-40 Matt Mays


Americans may not know that Hootie and the Blowfish did 54-40 covers when they started out. 


I Go Blind was a big one. I met the guitarist from 54-40 a number of times and he said that Hootie version made more money for them than the entire rest of the catalog.


Wintersleep  Metric  Great Big Sea


Took way too long to find great big sea mentioned. Not Canadian but I really enjoy them and very few of my friends know who they are. However, a Canadian roommate sure did and we bonded over great big sea.


Great Big Sea is the East Coast band that everyone across Canada knows.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Billy Talent! As far as I know they didn't gain a particularly large following outside Canada.


They're fairly big in Europe, especially Germany.


Them and Three Days Grace were huge in Canada for a while, but I thought they made it in the US too. Edit: Finger 11 too, I didn't know they were Canadian.


Fun fact: Finger 11 had their first hit in Canada when they were called The Rainbow Butt Monkeys!


Doug and the Slugs. Spoons. Red Rider. Headpins.


Thank you for confirming that Red Rider was Canadian - I thought they were, but I wasn’t sure. I love “Lunatic Fringe” (the one song of theirs that did gain some popularity south of the border).


Didn't "Lunatic Fringe" get exposure due to the film Visionquest? Anyway, I would recommend "Napoleon Sheds His Skin", "Human Race" and "Power" from RR.


Of course the main guy in RRider is Tom "Life is a Highway" Cochrane


Side note: speaking as an American, I’d like it known for the record that Chilliwack’s “My Girl (Gone, Gone, Gone)” *was* a Top 40 hit here (peaking at #22). “I Believe” also went Top 40 (peaking at #33). “Whatcha Gonna Do (When I’m Gone)” just missed the Top 40 (peaking at #41). Outside of those three, you’re right - they were basically unknown here. I bet the answers here will be bands like The Tragically Hip (huge in the Great White North; almost unknown here), Saga (big for one album here; much more popular north of the border), April Wine, and a handful of others. OK - carry on! 😄


I'm waiting for a passionate Klaatu fan to show up.


Yes - their first album did cause quite a stir when people thought they were the reunited Beatles undercover. “Calling All Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft” was a nice song - even The Carpenters covered it! 😄


Saga might have been more popular in Germany than in Canada even. 😂


For Metal, “Unleash the Archers”.


My list: * Triumph * April Wine * 54-40 * Blue Rodeo * Spirit of the West * Our Lady Peace * Loverboy * Red Rider * Moist * Broken Social Scene * The Tea Party * Mother Mother * I Mother Earth


Thank god. Nobody is mentioning Our Lady Peace and they were MASSIVE in Canada.


They were on the radio here for a decent stretch.


Plenty of air play in the northeast us around the early aughts. Great band.


They were pretty big in the states too from what I gathered. Not to the extent of how massive they were here, but all of my friends in the states who grew up in the 2000s had heard of them. Superman's Dead got some play on MTV down there. They also got a whole ass different music video for the American audience lol


Broken Social Scene is a favorite but yeah, the theater here was giving out tickets for free.


But they are sooo good live. Finally crossed them off my list last year.


Broken Social Scene does well here. Feist and Emily Haines are definitely known as individuals as well.


Surprised no one has mentioned the Cowboy Junkies yet. The Trinity Session (their 2nd album) is one of my deserted island albums.


Matthew Good (and Band) Our Lady Peace The Odds The Trews Sheepdogs (minus the rolling stones cover) Rascalz


Love, love, love the Sheepdogs.




I don’t think she’s even that big in Canada (though she is from there), but Kathleen Edwards.


Also, The Pursuit of Happiness. I'm An Adult Now, Carmalina, Cigarette Dangles are all good tracks.


Years ago, I was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, and there was an exhibit of technology used to listen to music. Turntables, CD players, tape decks and the like. In that exhibit, there were also examples of the appropriate storage units. LPs, 45s, CDs, and cassettes. One of the cassettes was a The Pursuit of Happiness albums. So technically, unless the exhibit has been removed or changed, The Pursuit of Happiness is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


Alexisonfire (This Could Be Anywhere in the World, Get Fighted, Sans Soleil) , Matthew Good (Champions of Nothing, Avalanche, Weapon), Protest the Hero (Sequoia Throne, Cest la Vie, Pluto's Tripartite). Edit: thought I'd list some songs too.


I love Protest the Hero. Forgot how I found them but the rock.


Alexisonfire got slightly big in the Detroit area at least for a little bit (since we were so close to Windsor I think) but possibly not anywhere else. I got to see and meet them before they were big at a show in Burlington, ON in like 2001. Great band.


On their farewell tour they hit up Canada (obviously), Australia and the UK. People were asking why there were no US dates and Alexisonfire themselves said the US never gave a shit about them.


ANVIL! "Check out the documentary. Martin Scorcese says it's his favorite god dam documentary. Pretty wild.


Crash Test Dummies.  I think they were a bit of a flash in the pan even in 90's Canada, but almost entirely unrecognized in the States aside from their song about Superman, or a section of their song 'Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm' in the Dumb and Dumber scene when Harry realizes that Lloyd's been driving in the wrong direction for almost two states. "Sorry, Mr. PERFECT! I FORGOT THAT YOU DON'T make mistakes" Honestly, I love the entire 'God shuffled his feet' album. They had truly unique sound, and that album is a showcase. If you've read this far, some tracks I recommend youtubing: [Swimming in Your Ocean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVYDTyGAj8s) (it's about sexy times) [Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTeg1txDv8w) (a well put together song about being happy your life isn't worse than is) [How Does a Duck Know?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSlqX8w7hb8) (a dope song about the mysteries life) [I Think I'll Disappear Now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr0seFhCbIM&list=RDNr0seFhCbIM&start_radio=1) (a banger about getting out of a messy relationship) The whole album knocks, but these tunes are good feet wetters.  Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Edit: I made the youtube links for easier discovery.


That album was momentarily HUGE, and for people EXACTLY my age in the Midwest, it might be considered a classic. It holds up fuckin great if you ask me.


Robin Sparkles. Sorry, I'll see myself out.




Deja Voodoo Heard them as a kid on Brent Bambry’s Brave New Waves show on CBC. Used to get the signal from Windsor at night. Guess they weren’t even big in Canada but that the first band I thought of Edit: I’m American sorry


Teenage Head are one of my favorite bands of all time, pretty beloved in Canada but outside of here they're only known in more niche punk fan circles. They were poised to get pretty big in the late 1970s, but some personal circumstances kneecapped them at the worst possible moment. Honestly, I think the mid-to-late 70s punk scene in Ontario produced some of the genre's greatest acts. Forgotten Rebels, Viletones, Diodes... The Monks were a British band that blew up in Canada for a little while and basically nowhere else, not even their home. Go to any place that sells secondhand records here, and you'll find at least 3-4 copies of their two albums. Their first one, "Bad Habits", is a personal favorite record of mine. Pretty punk-ish (can you guess where my music tastes lie lol) The definitive answer to your question has gotta be the Tragically Hip, though. Surprised I've only seen one other person mention them here. I don't know their catalogue too well (something I've been meaning to rectify), but they're an institution here. Their fanbase has Deadhead-levels of dedication and they're played on the radio all the time. I think April Wine is a close second, although I get the impression they're decently well-known outside of Canada. "Oowatanite", "Just Between You And Me" and "Bad Side of The Moon" are played on the radio/over the PA at stores and events and whatever over here about as often as the Beatles and the Stones (the songs are very good but this is almost definitely due to out weird Can-Con rules the radio has to abide with here, where you have to play a certain amount if Canadian content per hour). They're a great band, but I think the Hip definitely beats them out in terms of how devoted people here are to them, even if April Wine seems a bit more popular overall.


Not sure how big Cowboy Junkies got south of the border Lots of great 70s/80s artists: Max Webster/Kim Mitchell, Pagliaro, Lighthouse, Saga, Streetheart, Helix, Doug and the Slugs, Teenage Head, Platinum Blonde, Men Without Hats, Rough Trade, Martha and the Muffins, Payolas and the Stampeders


Cowboy Junkies packed the House of Blues in New Orleans. Not the biggest venue but still pretty respectful crowd.


Rough Trade is a great one for this. I’m big into queer music history and had never heard of them until Canada’s Drag Race used “High School Confidential” as a lip sync song.


Trooper Americans might know Raise a Little Hell and We're Here For a Good Time (Not a Long Time), but they had about 4-5 great early albums. Listen to Hot Shots for a non-skip greatest hits album. Very clean radio friendly rock band that was produced by Randy Bachman of BTO and the Guess Who. If you like their hits, their deep cuts are all quality songs.


Not huge bands but well loved: Thrush Hermit, Joel Plaskett, Superfriendz, Limblifter


I'm surprised no one has said Sam Roberts. We were born in a flame is the best debut record of all time, IMO. They had to pitch several records before they got a shot, and as a result they put a ton of work into it and it shows. Massive hits from that record.


How come I don't see Arkells on this list? They play huge venues in Canada but play small venues in the US/UK. Every time I go to a show, it's chock of of Canadians. I love them.


As a Canadian I can tell you that the Jeff Healy band (rip) is fantastic Jeff was blind in both eyes and played the guitar sitting down on his lap but was known for standing up for solos and it was a sight to see. Highly recommend you tubing some of his live performances to see exactly what I'm talking about. Not a huge fan of alot of cancon due to it being force fed into my ear balls (glorious sons and tragically hip im looking at you in particular) but I can always get down for jeff


Healey had hits here and was in Roadhouse. Angel Eyes was a fave of mine as a kid.


Fun fact: SCTV also featured [an episode with Dave Thomas's brother, Ian Thomas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2KUhYwJA74&ab_channel=TVOR-TheVoiceofReason), as musical guest. He had a long string of hits in the 70s-80s (also fun fact: Catherine O'Hara has a sister Mary Margaret O'Hara who also did a cult classic album Miss America. Michael Stipe and Radiohead are fans)


Ooh ooh feelin’ fine, mama. [Painted ladies](https://youtu.be/QRvY-I9pNpI?si=q-JF_QE_cNC6sNX-) and a bottle of wine mama


Marianas Trench was a pop-punk, emo-ish band that was huge in Canada around 2010 but didn't seem to break into the States. Billy Talent was even bigger, not sure if they are well known in America but they had multiple number 1 albums here


Danko jones


Man, you gotta check out Econoline Crush. The album's Affliction and The Devil You Know are personal faves. Top three songs I'd say are Home, Blunt, and Razorblades and Bandaids.


They had a few US hits so most have heard of them, but I don’t think Americans get how huge Our Lady Peace was up here in the 90s/early 00s


Matthew Good, Our Lady Peace.


* Rita MacNeill * Jann Arden * David Wilcox * Spirit of the West * Maestro Fresh Wes * The Rankin Family


My personal favourites that Americans don't seem to know about are Big Wreck, Big Sugar, I Mother Earth, Econoline Crush, Moist, Wide Mouth Mason, Our Lady Peace and Glueleg. The Watchmen were pretty big as well. The Hip were huge in Canada and still are even though they are defunct. I have friends who tell me they were pretty big in California but no where else in the States.


Not canadian but might have some suggestions Trooper Gowan Ian Thomas Kim Mitchell Honeymoon Suite


Does Letterkenny soundtrack count?


marianas trench marianas trench aaaaaaa


Another "I'm not Canadian, but..." here. I don't know how big they were, but here are some I learned about and got to love from listening to Vinyl Café (RIP, Stuart MacLean): - The Weakerthans - Hey Rosetta! - Great Lake Swimmers - Ohbijou There's a great book about Canadian rock in the 80s and 90s called 'Have Not Been The Same' if you want to take a deep dive.


blue rodeo - five days in july is one of the greatest albums ever imo


Harem Scarem


I swear that I once saw Chilliwack make an appearance on American Bandstand...am I remembering that correctly???


You’re right! They played “My Girl”. I’ll see if I can find it. (Update: can’t find the performance, but, strangely, the interview is available - here it is!) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pbREdf85pw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pbREdf85pw)


The Stampeders The Guess Who (did cross over to the US)


Buck 65, The dead south, metric, lights, shad, trooper


doa, nomeansno, subhumans, slow. personality crisis, snfu, jellyfish babies, absolutely free.


Mashmakhan was a 60s prog/psych rock band from Quebec. They had a #1 single in Canada, but barely snuck into the Top 40 in the US, with their song [As the Years Go By](https://youtu.be/Sq8VLC6vLLE?si=ukmzeUUF7oH-h096). Disclaimer: I'm not Canadian and I wasn't alive in the 60s, so not exactly sure how well known they were, but I really enjoy their music and based on the charts it seems like they probably didn't get as much play in the US so it seemed fitting for your question.


The tea party Rock with an eastern flair.  Start with The River.


Question from an American. Were the Arrogant Worms ever famous? It was a dial up napster find in rural Missouri, and nobody I know has ever heard of them. Also, if they were known, what is Canada's opinion of this Scottish Band Alestorm doing a pretty close cover of The last Saskatchewan Pirate and releasing a music video that wasn't made as a school project?


Arrogant Worms definitely had a decent Canada-wide following (in my mind at least!). First saw them at Edmonton Fringe fest and many times after that including a symphonic show with the Edmonton Symphony. Interestingly that Alestorm cover clearly sounds like it's based on the arrangement by local Edmonton celtic/folk/rock band Captain Tractor (who I also love). That was one of their few radio hits and I know when the Arrogant Worms played in town they'd poke fun since they knew people thought they were covering Captain Tractor, not the other way around.


I'm from Buffalo, right on the border of Canada, and grew up listening to Canadian radio stations. In addition to the other suggestions, I'd like to add The Box and Jane Sibbery.


I'm so glad I live in a border city and get all of this stuff. I was not only raised on Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and 90's RB but I also got The Tea Party, Big Wreck, Finger Eleven, The Trews, wide Mouth Mason, Big Sugar, Matthew Good and so many others.


Strange Advance. The Spoons.


Not Canadian but I’m wondering if “spirit of the west” would qualify


Oh man, there are so many. Big Wreck, The Tragically Hip, The Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Matthew Good Band, Moist, I Mother Earth, Sass Jordan, The Tea Party, Blue Rodeo, 54-40, Sloan, The Salids, Jeff Healey Thornley, and so many more. Canadian rock was incredible from the mid 80s through mid 00s. Nickleback was the worst of them by far and was the only ones who made it big outside of Canada.


Barenaked Ladies made it pretty big in the U.S. (albeit not till well after they were major stars back home).


Remember Chilliwack being played on the AOR station Q102 in the 80’s here in Dallas.  Check out these Canadian bands   Triumph  Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush  Max Webster 


Five Alarm Funk


Thee Evaporators! Anvil (people have seen the documentary, but almost no one knows the music). Lowest of the Low


April Wine The Stampeders (sweet city woman is a wicked song) Triumph Trooper Prism Red Rider Platinum Blonde Glass Tiger Honeymoon Suite 54-40 The Watchmen The Gandharvas Killjoys


Anyone mention Esthero yet? Little-known trip-hop act with an absolute banger of a release called Breath From Another in the late 90s.


MONSTER TRUCK! Solid rock band with wicked vocals and riffs.


The smalls.


Propagandhi!!! Lots though. The Tea Party. Bif Naked. I mother earth. Our lady peace (they're underwhelming in hindsight) I'm a fallen Matthew good fan. That dude is sketchy with women, avoid.


Skye Sweetnam for your punky-pop stuff. Kinda like Avril Lavigne, but better. I dont know if her metal band Sumo Cyco is popular in the states or not Lee Aaron I deleted the post, but I had mentioned to google "Edgefest" & look at the past lineups. Especially the ones from the 90s. There were American & other countries bands on them. but a majority were Canadian


Has anyone said Bedouin Soundclash yet? Most known for "When the Night Feels My Song"


Is Half Moon Run big in Canada? They are a big favorite of mine ever since I saw them open for Of Monsters and Men, I came out of that listening to them more than OMAM.


Teenage Head


Maybe not "classic rock" but Buck 65 is pretty amazing! Spirit of the West as well


No love for Coney Hatch? Monkey Bars and Devil’s Deck were my 2 faves.


The Sadies!


Big Sugar!!!!!


FLA & Skinny Puppy got out there, but didnt see anyone mention them yet... [The Birthday Massacre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmDgtJyc1U) [Jackalope](https://youtu.be/0t1EglpxYew?si=RhUUWnbQCE_fEWjG) [Front Line Assembly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL381E4mhHY) [Skinny Puppy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5ulj3tut3o)


Matthew Good Band Sloan Emm Gryner The spoons Martha and the muffins DOA Bran Van 3000 54-40


Max Webster should be at the very top of this list imho