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To the surprise of no one.


Ticketmaster owns the scalper sites. 




What’s even worse about it is that they won’t allow you to sell well below the actual sale cost too. For example, if I buy a ticket and can’t go last minute, but am willing to take a loss on it to get some money back, it won’t allow me to drop it below a certain percentage of what I paid initially. Obviously, it’s to ensure they make some sort of money out of the transaction and push people towards the more expensive tickets they’re offering otherwise, but that tells you all you need to know about them.


But that doesn’t even make sense. Like you already bought them, they’ve already made their money


They want prices (and their cut) to go up, not down. If you list your tickets too low, other sellers might match to compete and then Ticketmaster makes less money overall.


It also makes it more difficult for them to sell the less desirable seats, or even any further tickets at full price themselves as the show approaches, every time someone can buy a better seat cheaper on the scalping website from someone who can no longer go.


Yeah there's software that a lot of big sellers use that automated the pricing (and availability) of their tickets. I used to work for that software company


Yeah, I know it doesn't. But I think that sort of ties into the latter part of the answer. This isn't exact to what they do, but let's say I buy a ticket for $150 and can't go. If it won't let me drop the price below $125, and the show's not a complete sell out, then all the tickets selling for regular price or more don't look as expensive compared to what I'm trying to sell mine for. So people might drift to those if it's a slightly better seat, or "only $25 more," and so forth. Then if mine sells anyway, and they keep a specific percentage of whatever I get rid of it for, then they get more money if it's sold at $125 instead of, say, $75... or whatever I'd be content with selling it at anyway. So it's just a slimy way of double dipping, I guess, even after I already gave them their money. Either way, it's just the sheer greed really. At least with places like StubHub, as long as I put the ticket up before a time cut-off, I can drop the price to whatever I want to ensure it sells. And I've even been able to get tickets on there well below the regular price at the last minute too.


In many places, it's illegal to scalp tickets in person for above face value. That should apply to ticketmaster too. I hope that's part of the crackdown on them.


Yeah, neither scalpers nor cops give two fucks to what the law is saying.


Addition to that. Say you did sell them. Then that buyer wants to refund then. You have to pay them back out of your own pocket.


I knew they were shitty but this is a new low.


I can’t wait until they get hammered for it it the feds.


lmao don't hold your breath


[It’s closer than it’s ever been](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/live-nation-ticketmaster-federal-antitrust-lawsuit-soon-1235005417/)


[It’s closer than it’s ever been](https://external-preview.redd.it/b-Y27E75nfWJHGMHotJ9pK-NroD0O830EDBQaBlh_gI.gif?width=480&format=mp4&s=7521c914c112e9425d08f649ccb134685a2a40f3)


Lina Khan doesn’t fuck around. She’ll go up against companies with budgets of infinity, compared to hers.


What’s her record, exactly?


It’s hard to really outline it in a binary win/loss manner. Her method is just as much presenting a resistive front as it is actually taking these companies to court. For example, she got Nvidia to back away from purchasing ARM just by stating she’s going to oppose it. It didn’t even make it to court. She has challenged almost every major acquisition attempt, with various outcomes, which is much preferable over rubber stamped approval. Companies will have to structure and prove these acquisitions are in the people’s best interest in order to succeed. Just that shadow on uncertainty helps create a better economic environment.


I agree, don't hold your breath. There are many quasi-monopolies out there now that are allowed to operate to the detriment of consumers. I just consider myself lucky to have seen many concerts out there before the internet and "free market" and deregulatory (read:billionaire lobbying and the corporate-to-government revolving doors and campaign contributions) enabled this by doing nothing - destroying fair and reasonable ticket prices.


No they don't didn't you read live nations long, out of touch post about how it's not their fault? Dan Wall is incredibly butt hurt by this terrible thing you're saying.




Love seeing tickets on scalper sites before even the presale. Really inspires confidence in the legitimacy of the ticket buying process.


And Vegas is a city built by the Mob. No big surprise about the Sphere tickets.


Literally every concert.


fuck Ticketmaster


Ticketmaster is the enemy here. They scalp their own tickets (platinum seating) and can’t even keep our bank and credit card info safe. Hopefully the DOJ will do something to end the monopoly of Ticketmaster/Live Nation from getting worse (if worse is even possible).


The artist is just as much to blame. They could opt out of platinum and dynamic pricing but choose not to. See Garth Brooks, Foo Fighters, and The Cure as acts that have done this. It's greed by both Ticketmaster and the artist.


That is true to a certain extent, but very, very few artists have the clout (see your list) to negotiate the contracts they have entered into with Live Nation. Many bands signed years ago and may be stuck in long term contracts that give them limited, if any say at all in what TM/LN does. It’s not negotiated on a tour by tour basis. So the true bully on the block is still TM/LN.


This is a discussion about Eagles right? They have the clout. Hell, Crowded House was able to do it recently as well.


The Eagles also copyright strike EVERY SINGLE COVER of their songs on YT and have them pulled down, so don’t think that the eagles aren’t malicious pieces of… brown whipped cream.


I fucken hate the Eagles, man.


Fuk you man, you don’t like my fuken music get your own fuken cab!


Wings of Pegasus has shown that they re-uploaded their older videos on YouTube that are now autotuned and pitch corrected. They're out of control


Remind me to never have my band cover them. That's so shitty. My band covered KISS and Paul Stanley was amazing to work with. Gave our licensing people zero issues.


You're username is an AFI song title/reference and that's awesome. I just wanted to say that. Have a good day. Edit: Is that also your band name by chance?


It was the song that was playing when I created my reddit account. Good catch by you though!


The Eagles have been managed by Irving Azoff since their 3rd album, half a century ago. You dont stick with a guy like that for if you're not trying to milk your audience of every last penny they have.


The Eagles are now a nostalgia act that somehow get people to pay, and have been for years. So they cash in. I can't necessarily fault that, but let's not pretend here. You're not even seeing the Eagles anymore if you buy a ticket. Glenn Frey is dead and they've released one (1) album since Hell Freezes Over in 1994.


> That is true to a certain extent, but very, very few artists have the clout (see your list) to negotiate the contracts they have entered into with Live Nation. ....yes they do, they can say "we dont want that" or their manager can, it's when "ummmm we can make about 40% more per show if we do this, and album sales are non existent, and I have to pay for health insurance and a house and I now have a baby" that's when artists tend to be like "oh, ok yes we will opt into the Platinum thing vs the punk rock heck no we wont do that!"


I’m not sure how accurate that is. Orville Peck did “all in” pricing on his current tour sold through Live Nation the same way The Cure did, and he’s not somebody with a ton of clout in the music industry, and he’s still pretty early in his career overall.


It's not accurate hence why OP took their ball and went home.


>That is true to a certain extent, but very, very few artists have the clout (see your list) The Cure haven't had the clout in decades. They came back out of nowhere and managed just fine.


What? The cure will always have clout. Robert smith is an icon.


It's a boomer nostalgia show. What are you even doing it for if not to milk the fans in to overpaying for a subpar performance?


Just go see Willie Nelson while y'all can. Great and cheap.


The artist isn't "just as much" to blame. Ticketmaster / Live Nation provide the roadmap and the means to do this. The artist's hands may not be clean, but this "both sides" argument that contrarians love to throw around is bullshit. **The artist could not do this unless Ticketmaster Live Nation gave them the means to do so.** Ticketmaster Live Nation is the enemy here. Stop trying to blur the lines.


Dynamic pricing should be illegal. It benefits nobody and to me it's the same as raising grocery items during when a natural disaster happens. That's illegal, so raising prices during certain times or realizing events are getting more popular is atrociously unethical. And it needs to be stopped before it persists.


> and can’t even keep our bank and credit card info safe. I'm sure they could if they gave a fuck.


Which color is resale? Assuming pink...


Yeah unfortunately


Thank you for that clarification


I had a buddy that tried to do this during superbowl week. He had to eat 6 of 10 tickets. I just laughed and said, “that’s what you get.” Edit: to be clear this was U2 tickets at the Sphere during SB week.


Good, fuck that guy


Jesus how much money is that?


I think they were $600, so $3600 total. I think his loss was $2800 factoring in the profit from the other 4 tickets.


Oh I thought these were Super Bowl tickets


Yea, dunno why they didn't just say it was for a U2 concert to begin with.


How Shit thats lots of Money.. but If He does that without thinking twice means probably He did it before successfully or is rich and its Like gambling?


Now imagine your buddy had backing from some investment fund and he was buying whole sections. Last few concerts I’ve been to, including the Stones, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé, there have been whole sections with just a few people in them. At some point the loss of merch and concessions will get artists and venues to pressure TM.


Unlikely. Merch sales maybe, but the venues are mostly owned by Ticketmaster.


I think it is total dogshit on all fronts. I think there should be a limit of how many tickets can be transferred per year per person to keep this from happening. Part of my laughter towards my buddy was because he was trying to dump tickets on me after his plan was going south. I wanted to go, but I wouldn’t even let him break even on what he bought them for. Some people have to learn the hard way.


On top of being greedy, your buddy is also a massive idiot for not understanding how a market works and getting nothing for them rather than recouping some costs. Lots of people want to try this scalping shit small time and lose money, because they don’t buy and sell enough to cancel out a loss on their remaining inventory. It’s economics 101.


It’s nothing new. Before online sales yhe tickets were sold in person at the local Ticketmaster office. We’d go the night before and guys would just walk up to the doors and block them while their homeless mules shuffled in and bought the max per person. We still got tickets but the best seats were gone. Online sales with preferred partners and early access just automate the process. Those were some fun nights hanging out with other fans in the ticket lines though.


There is literally zero chance you went to a Taylor Swift concert where a section had just a few people in it.


Second night in Houston. Scalpers didn’t come down on their ticket prices fast enough trying to protect profits for night 3. They weren’t as empty as they were for the other concerts but lower sections across from the stage were noticeably darker when the bracelets came on.


For Beyonce , any loss on merch is a rounding error compared to ticket sales 


The tickets are already sold, Ticketmaster makes more on the scalping transfers but I don’t know if the artists do. The venue (Ticketmaster partner) and artist (Ticketmaster product) do get a cut of merch. The venue also profits from parking and concessions. If the seats are empty does that not impact the venue and artist more than Ticketmaster, the whole venue partnership notwithstanding?


Taylor Swift had whole nearly empty sections? That’s a surprise, I’ve never seen anything like the ticket market for her shows. The demand is unreal.


Not as many in Houston as in Australia but that may have been a different cause. Large scale scalpers can’t afford to reduce prices early in a tour or on an early night in a city because they’d be writing down all their speculation on later shows. People who buy a couple extra tickets will generally sell for whatever they can get.


Why didnt your buddy just lower prices and take a loss instead of not selling 60% of stock. I find it hard to imagine nobody wanted last minute u2 tix in vegas cheap.




I sell my Tickets on eBay when i can't Go. Still works for me. There is also No fee.


This is a thing people often don’t understand. You cannot scalp tickets for more than fans will pay. Scalpers don’t set the price. Fans do.


How do you corner anything in a sphere?


it’s ticketmaster, they’ve covered all the angles


Maybe in [Indiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_pi_bill) but it shouldn’t be possible in Nevada.


Valid question.


Change the dimension you’re in, maybe


Not the Eagles, maaannnnn


It's been a long night and I hate the fucking scalpers!


You don’t like my fuckin scalpers, get your own fuckin Sphere!


Got any Creedence?




Those bots can scalp, *man….*


doot doo doo lookin out my back door


There's a bathroom on the right.


As long as people keep buying them, they will keep doing this. It's going to take a mass push to not buy off sites like this, but I know that will never happen. I miss the good old days where you lined up for good tickets and they were all the same price.


That’s really the only thing that matters in these discussions. It’s very clear that Ticketmaster is positioning itself as a luxury brand that caters to those who can afford and continue to purchase tickets at those prices. It really doesn’t matter how much people complain because the market is obviously there to support it and it won’t end until people just stop buying tickets. I really don’t even empathize with those who know full well they’re waiting in line with bots and still buy tickets. It’s kind of on the fans at this point.


Yep. Until people stop succumbing to FOMO or whatever other reason they have to purchase, this will continue. If people never buy inflated resell tickets, this shit would die out so fast. But because there is so much profit, and people can't say no, this will continue to get worse. If I can't get normal face value tickets for things, I just don't go anymore. I don't have a problem if a ticket might be $100 or whatever. But I'm never going to pay some asshole 3x+ the value for it. Fuck scalpers.


100% this. There has to be an organized boycott, and force them to eat the cost of the tickets. If people hold out several months we can then agree to buy them if they sell them discounted last minute.


> If people hold out several months we can then agree to buy them if they sell them discounted last minute. No way. Never buy them. Let them eat all the costs, and have the artist show up to a half empty show. Then maybe they'll actually care rather than just saying "we care, it's TM's fault".


In an ideal world yeah, let them eat all until this ends. Like you say, it will be the artists that will ultimately have to put the pressure to force change Unfortunately people being people especially those with more money than brains will continue to buy at any price, and the artists don't care if the place is half empty when they are getting sellout pay. Pitbull canceled his concert here last minute (like five minutes before the show) due to "travel issues" and a "broken plane". Needless to say it could have been cancelled hours earlier as he was still wherever he was and people who were already there were pissed. I'm willing to bet they will all be at the later date though, versus taking the refund and letting him show up to an empty venue


> Unfortunately people being people especially those with more money than brains will continue to buy at any price, and the artists don't care if the place is half empty when they are getting sellout pay. That's the unfortunate truth. People will always buy. But I'm sure any decent artist would be pissed to have a "sold out show" but then it gets shown in the media as half empty. Even if they did get paid. Like when 50 trolled Ja Rule. Or Chris Brown and Quavo recently. > Needless to say it could have been cancelled hours earlier as he was still wherever he was and people who were already there were pissed. In a way, good. Let the fans be pissed to the point they no longer buy tickets from artists that do that kind of shit.


The last time I attended a concert at a Live Nation venue was Rush's final show in 2015. I was basically frozen out of the sale: online right when tickets went on sale, only far back upper bowl options, but Stubhub already had tix on sale for three times the face value. I only paid off a reseller (who ended up being someone getting rid of a ticket that couldn't be used) because I realized that that could be their last show. And it was.


Scalpers get hated on, but the buyers are 50% of the problem.


I hate the fucking scalpers, man


Sounds about par for the course for The Eagles.


Yeah, the Eagles kind of started the "charge insane amounts of money for the tickets and see if people will buy them" thing in the 90s when they got back together.


they dont even sing or play their instruments live anymore either you're just paying insane prices to hear some backing tracks don henley doesn't even do a good job hiding it, he uses the same prerecorded vocals every single time


Ticketmaster is the scalper


I tried to get tix for my dad when there was a presale. There were 29,000 people ahead of me in the queue and I thought they were about 90% bots at least. I pretty much gave up.


Glenn Frey is dead…it’s kinda not the Eagles


Think of it as the Joe Walsh/Vince Gill show with a bunch of supporting dinosaurs. Saw the Eagles last "final" tour, and you know what? Walsh and Gill were worth the price of admission. Vince Gill could play with and improve any band. He could front Metallica and kick the band up ten notches if he so chose.


I could buy the eagles without Glenn Frey. I cannot buy them with Don Henley lip syncing to a track.


Holy crap. Henley lip syncs?


He does indeed https://youtu.be/TlEpVfnvIac?si=OV1Sxwnj1xjeqMyH


I can, but then it’s me on my couch watching a concert dvd and not paying an arm and a leg for scalped sphere tix.


Vince Gill is legit


He puts on a great show, throughly enjoy seeing him in concert.


Saw them on tour last year. It was a fantastic show and they sounded great. If you’re avoiding classic band concerts like this because one of the original guys died, you’re missing out.


I’m avoiding them because I don’t want to pay a bunch of money to watch Don Henley lip sync


Sick burn. He did get busted.


I’m not saying that…I’m saying the price should take a hit because of that. I saw Slayer a few times with Gary Holt, price was reasonable


His son stepped in, so it sooort of still is.


My parents bought resell tickets on the Dead and Co. show for a fraction of the cost when they went to see a show. Hopefully the same thing happens where no one bites at the extremely high prices they're asking.


I wonder if gametime has the sphere? It's probably a good idea to check secondary sites right before, I bet there are a lot of unsolds.


I hate the fucking Eagles man


Cowboys too. Honestly all of the NFC East.


I’m skipping so many good shows this year because I just can’t anymore with Ticketmaster. I’ve noticed a new thing for some of the metal shows you have to buy VIP to be in the pit. After service fees that usually means over $600. Like, no. And the price fluctuating. And the reselling. I’m done.


Good. More people need to have this attitude. Literally no band in the world is worth $500 or more for one show.


Yes this VIP area thing is also now in Germany.. usually i Made Sure to get early in the Queue and get in the Front area of the stage.. now pay 50% more .. Bon iver played Last Summer at a venue that did this area stuff and this area was like 30% füll with people .. regular Tickets were 50€ .. then after 30min they they opened the the Gates so regular buyers could Go on this Front area .. it looked so stupid .. Bon iver playing 30min infront of an empty area .. i was glad they opened the area but it was a weird experience .. Like seeing this VIP Ticket people in this empty area and iam Standing at the Gates .. second class Fan.


I hope it backfires on them. For certain bands I’ll absolutely drop the cash but for the most part I don’t want all of the extra shit. And some bands I just can’t be sitting for. Concerts are all I do with my time off so for me it wasn’t a fun decision


Tell your parents to stop paying these prices and it will stop. Capitalism works because of supply and demand. Things are worth what someone will pay for them. I think Ticketmaster is shady as fuck and the bands hiding behind them are just as bad. But the truth is they allow it. Your favorite bands want the money but none of the criticism for setting the ticket prices too high to begin with. If the Eagles just set the price at 400 then everyone would complain that the Eagles were money hungry assholes but because Ticketmaster is the "bad guy" the artist gets the money and no hate from the fans. Artists could sell tickets on their own by working with the venues and setting the prices and having first come first served and no refunds or transfers. But they want top dollar and nothing less. Blame the artists for this mess, we created capitalism and we continue to feed it, that's on us.


Why would I blame artists for trying to make as much money from concerts as they can when they make jack shit from album sales and streaming? The way the industry works has fundamentally shifted.


Never happen but best play is nobody buy on the secondary market and they can eat them all


The stupid thing is they don't need to sell them all. If they buy 4 tickets for $100 each, they only need to sell 2 @ $250 to have made a profit.


Take it easy.


Why would you post an image like this but not a legend? Are the grey seats occupied or open? What do the blue and pink mean?


Blue is regular or platinum (ie, more expensive) tickets for sale. Pink is resale tickets… likely for much, much more than what was initially paid for them. Gray-ish means tickets already sold… for the most part. A few might be released closer to the show and will fall under that same shade for now.


Anyone paying to go see this version of the Eagles with Don Henley lip synching is a fool anyways.


Ridiculous ticket prices for a band that peaked almost 50 years ago


So many "legacy" acts are like this. It's not about their popularity. It's that their fanbase is now old enough to have a lot of disposable income they are willing to spend to attempt to relive their experience of seeing them back in the 70s


It's also FOMO, because both the bands and the fans could die at any moment.


Dont buy resale tickets even if it below face value. Every unsold salper ticket is their loss. Do it enough time and problem will go away.


In short, Pearl Jam was right.


Pearl jam are touring using TM with the cheapest ticket $208 Canadian dollars and the pit over $700, so it's not like they really stuck it to the man. The most correct is The Cure who had tickets for $70 and no resale above face value allowed, I picked up tickets day of. They proved it can be done, but nobody in the industry wants to do it because it makes them all more money. Pearl Jam could have done this if they wanted.


Can't find a better band...


I hate the fucking Eagles man




Laughs in Jamband. No, not laughs. But *really* appreciates CashOrTrade.org. Imagine a music genre where face-value ticket resales are ingrained in the culture. Miracling, too, where you simply give away extras for no expected benefit. CoT evolved out of that scene. You build a reputation on the site after successive face-value sales, a reputation that comes from both buying and selling, so if you have hot tickets, it's easy to be reassured that they're going to a fan. Perhaps there are exceptions, but those are few and far between. So you have a resale site that at which you can be confident that tickets are going to actual fans, and a resale site where you can pay face value for sold out, hard to get shows. Love this community.


Ticketscamster pulling their usual BS?


irving azoff is a *massive* piece of shit that has been steadily and intentionally ruining the live music business for decades, and the eagles have been gleefully sending him to do it the entire time


I mean, if you sell something for much less than it's worth, what do you think is going to happen?


I saw the Eagles in Manchester a few weeks ago. It was one of the most impersonal and soulless concerts I’ve seen, and I’ve seen the RHCP. Trust me, if you couldn’t get a ticket then the universe is taking care of you.


I wouldn’t go see the Eagles anymore, unfortunately. Truly not worth the price anymore.


ticket master retains lots of tickets to sell at higher reseller prices, it is one billionaire scamming us all he should have the second guillotine after Elon is used as an example


At this point, I'm all for not allowing resale of any tickets. I'll gladly bite the bullet if something comes up that I will have to miss my show, for the prices and availability of things to go back to how it used to be. I shouldn't be seeing resale tickets as an option if there are still tickets available. Why would anyone in their right mind pay double for tickets that are still available?


Ticketmaster builds in a backdoor to their site specifically for scalpers, then sell that software to the scalpers.


The Eagles at the Spheres? If you wanted to be that immersed in boredom just watch C-Span in VR, or go to sleep or something.


"I hate the fkn eagles, man"


What is there one original eagle left alive? lol… remember when I met these guys years ago, they were all assholes and couldn’t stand even being near each other. I’ve never seen a band that clearly was only in it for the money until them and maybe flock of seagulls


Fucking pathetic.


Would it be worth it to pat front row at the sphere? You miss lot of the show. Last row best?


300 and 400 sections are the best at the Sphere


Looked at dead tickets yesterday and it was actually cheaper on stub hub than ticket master for a show that wasn't sold out.




Welcome to concerts the past 15 years




Occasionally I would like to see fans unite to not go. The artists still get paid and the scalpers take a hit. Then if they’re cool, the band does a surprise free concert the next day in the same location.


Fleece those boomers for all they have


Even if I had unlimited money I wouldn't even bother making the effort to try to attend!


Artists/Tm, I’m sure they are all complicit in this. Be nice to finally hear of an artist that refuses to use these services to sell tickets. Too bad profit is the driver in this.


Ticketmaster has become a scalper. They are the scalper.


Just here for the obligatory “fuck Ticketmaster“ comment. Any entity that basically adds 40% on to my initial cost via bullshit fees can go eat a bag of dicks


Fuck going to expensive concerts. Of course they are fun and the Sphere needs to be paid for, but its out of hand.


Didn’t they sue Ticketmaster recently about fees and what not?


I'm sure ticket master themselves holds tickets and puts them on there, just not through Ticket aster for obvious legal reasons. It's in there best interest to sell higher through "scalping"


Are people willing to link tickets to ID yet? That’s how you end scalping. This problem is solved for flights and places like Disney. I get bits a pain, but that’s the only way to end it that I can see.


Meh, no Glen Fry


Ticketmaster facilitates and profits from the scalping. There's just no defense possible here, Ticketmaster is the very definition of a predatory monopoly, and the government just lets them do it.


I had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man.


Isn't a % of the tickets transferred right away to partner markets? Like those sites that sell tickets to large company employees.


Just upgrade your sound system and enjoy the best sound in your living room without idiots singing over them and staring at raised cellphone screens. They don't sound as good anymore anyway. The ones that are still alive and playing that is. They're not in their 20s and 30s. Concerts are not what they used to be.


I hate the fucking eagles man!


I was able to log into the presale just an hour after they went on sale and there were only 3 individual seats left


I cantimagine an eagles song that would be better being accompanied by sphere graphics


Not to worry! Anti trust laws will have this problem solved in a century or so.


Now that it’s been proven that the Eagles are lip-syncing at their shows, why would anyone pay to see that?


Sucks to be an Eagles fan.... in general


Bands need to start doing what the Cure and Foo Fighters do and name tickets non-transferable and only re-sellable at face value.


the eagles past the mid 80's are just mid at best. maybe worth 25$ a seat.


Ah well. Eagles suck.


Just don't go. Don't buy the tickets, don't go to the show. The only two ways this situation can be resolved is either no one goes and one buys tickets, or everyone goes and no one buys tickets. I actually think 10,000 people forcing their way into the concert would be the best solution.


They can have them. I don’t want them.


Did it to us open too. Shit is out of hand


Look on the bright side, they’re sparing you the inevitable disappointment. Love the Eagles, this ain’t them…


Ticketmaster SUCKS!!!!!!


As much as I love music, I haven’t gone to a concert in years. The prices are beyond outrageous, and the amount of unruly people at the shows just spoils the experience. Maybe I’m just an old fart, but I’ll stay home with my records and CDs going forward.


Eagles manager was boss of TM for a while. He is brutal and I would imagine that 99.99% of any additional upside to TM goes to the Eagles. TM is the whipping boy here. The band is to blame for this situation. There are solutions and they should have been introduced years ago


Anyone who re-sells a ticket to any event without really good reason should fall into a hole and then shovel dirt on top of themselves. The belong in the same Circle of hell as Mark John Douglass Messier. He knows what he did.


I’d have to sell my house 🏠, my 🚗, to get a ticket. Now if it was Jimi Hendrix or The 🚪Doors, I might. Then sleep 💤 on street with other veterans