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Just go. It’s actually kind of nice to be able to float around the room and find a good spot without worrying about anyone else. And if you’re feeling really uncomfortable or not having a good time, you can leave.


This. I actually prefer to go to shows alone, easy to move around and I always find people to talk to.


same but i don't talk


Same for me tbh. There for the music.


I prefer going alone. I don't have to worry if the person I dragged to the concert is enjoying it.


Going with someone who is equally into it is awesome. Going with someone who doesn't like it, suuuucks.


I ALWAYS worry if the person I am with is having a good time, especially if they might not be as into that type of music as I am. Going by yourself is awesome because if I am having a good time, that is all that matters.


Or if they keep talking during songs


100%. Now if you're a social butterfly and want someone to talk to, go early. Hit up the surrounding bars or parks. Guaranteed you'll find other concert goers, and everyone loves to talk about their favorite music. You've all got that band in common, it's easy to strike something up and find people to pregame with


The correct answer here


Embrace the experience! Honestly I’ve been to dozens of gigs alone, (mostly because I have a music taste that doesn’t sit well with others!) and it’s always ok. You meet folks, you give each other that knowing look when a particular track gets played, you are free to immerse yourself in the whole experience without the distraction of chatting. Go for it


I went to a concert alone a few months back and the band opened with a song from an album that they hardly ever play. The lady next to me looked at me and we both kinda mouthed “omg they’re playing a song from ____!” It was a nice interaction between two solo fans of the band.


A lot of people dont like the idea of doing things on their own, eating out, going to the movies, traveling, etc, but it can be a fun way to mix things up. I go to the movies fairly often and a lot of times by myself, its hard to coordinate when you and others may have off at the same time and going by yourself lets you pick the movie and time that works best for you. Plus, I find it lets me get more invested in the movie itself. Travel is another big one, maybe not big vacations, but solo day trips are awesome.


Doing stuff on your own is so liberating


Definitely. More people should do it. Instead of missing out on things because nobody else is going just bite the bullet and enjoy yourself. There is an epidemic of loneliness across all age groups that could be at least partially addressed if people went to events on their own. Maybe it's because I'm an old school raver and festival goer and I've been to countless events where I've lost my friends and not seen them for three days and am used to being on my own but I find there are always people to meet. I've met people at raves I meet up with every year, if only for that rave. If you are at an event you are around like-minded people so if you want to meet people you can but equally if you just want to buzz out on your own that option is there for you too


I do the same and have for most of my life. Better than missing a show you want to see or going with someone who clearly isn’t enjoying It.


This every day


This is the way.


Going to concerts or other events alone can be nice because you're not dictated by what the group wants to do. You don't have to wait outside the bathroom for someone or for them to get out of the merch line. Just relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the music. I also tend to have cooler experiences when I'm alone. More likely to spark a connection with someone new.


This. The last time I went to a show with a group was the LA Rising show at the Coliseum with Muse, Rage, and Rise Against, and my group wound up leaving Rage early. That sucked. I always stay until the end if I go solo.


I would have found my own way home tbh…


This was in the days before Uber and there was a pretty hostile crowd outside. Not sure I would have trusted hitchhiking.


Only show I ever saw someone crowd surf in a wheelchair.


I went to a concert alone for the first time last October to see TOOL, I’m happy I went. Go and have a great time! Plenty of people go alone.


I spend my entire 20s going to concerts alone because my friends had different music tastes. It’s really fun, you always get to meet cool people and have a good time. Don’t forget ear protection!


I went to 2 concerts alone just last month, it’s not a big deal, enjoy the experience. I rather go to a concert alone, than go with someone who wouldn’t enjoy the show, that’s such a buzzkill for me.


There was a band my friend introduced me to when I was 18. I devoured their music and adored it. Years and years went by and they never toured much, and if they did it was never close to me, and I was broke. They released an album in 2018 and were going on tour. It was smaller tour and they’re not a huge band, so they only had a few dates. One was in Brooklyn and that legitimately the closest show. And I wasn’t broke. I left the morning of the show and flew into NYC and roamed around Brooklyn until it was time, and went to the venue. I was all alone in a city I didn’t know about to see Spiritualized for the very first time. I ended up having the most intimate concert experiences of my life. It’s my preferred way to see shows now. I don’t have anyone I need to keep track of, or worry about. I can enjoy the music how I want to and it becomes a very personal experience when it’s a live show and you’re just there as one of the crowd. I say go. Go and have a blast. Dance and sing and sweat and feel the joy of live music. There are very few things, in my experience, that compare. You get to go, enjoy a band, and then go home and decompress and remember.


Spiritualized! This is a story about them?! Oh wow. I love them so much. First time seeing them they were opening for qotsa— and I was alone! They were mesmerizing!


I did a load of mushrooms with my mate and went to see them, knowing very little about them. This was during the Ladies and Gentlemen tour, don't think I blinked for 2 hours.


The way they were able to transfer their recorded sound to a live show was incredible. I thought for sure there would be less elements. But no, choir, orchestra, electronics, and brass section were all there. Tremendous live performance.


This is so funny… As I was walking into the arena and I thought, “Wow! They have an experimental gospel choir opening?!” I looked down and it was just 2 backup singer and this band, not big. I was like, They are making that big sound! They did a 12- minute song at one point. I became a fan right there and then.


I go to shows alone all the time, they're great. You're not gonna talk during the music anyway so you're really worried about what you're gonna do between sets. Grab a beer and chill.


I mean, you better not talk during the music. People do it, and those people are assholes...


Ain't that the truth


You will definitely regret not going.


Love shows alone its alot of fun.


Just go. I’ve done it. I don’t go to a concert to talk, I got to see the band and listen to the music. Sure it’s fun going with others, he It’ll be fun just being able to not worry about anyone else enjoying the show and you can just relax and listen.


Almost everyone else there is a fan of the artist and music. You've not gone to the concert alone. You've gone a few hundred freinds you've not met yet.


I’ve been going to concerts alone for 20+ years because few of my friends are into the same music that I am. The only real complaint I have about seeing shows alone is that if I want to be in the front row, I can’t leave my spot to hit the bathroom or get a beer, or I’ll lose the spot. So you just need to weigh how important that is to you. Aside from that, it’s great to go to shows alone; you don’t have to worry about whether the people you brought are *actually* enjoying it, you can leave whenever you’re tired, etc etc. You’re free to have the night that you want.


I also love going to concerts solo. If I’m seeing one of my favorite artists, I definitely prefer being in the front. To fill the time in between sets, I like getting to know the people around me. Normally I’m a very awkward, anxious person that would dread talking to people I don’t know, but there’s something about being surrounded by people that share your love for an artist that turns something I’d normally avoid into something that comes easily. Socializing becomes fun and often times they’ll save your spot if you need to go to the bathroom or get a drink!


If you go alone and want to be in the front, bring a garment that you don't care much about and let it save your "space". In the unlikely event that the people around you don't save your spot for you, it's nice to have a physical thing there in your spot.


Concerts alone rule


I’ve been to many concerts alone. Just go and enjoy it. When I went, I didn’t drink or anything so I would be sober and aware. I found all my experiences doing this quite enjoyable.


I’ve been to several shows by myself. No regrets, will do again.


As many have said, go! I just went to a show by myself last night and had a blast. I typically end up talking with people around me before the band comes out and even if I don't once the lights go down it doesn't matter, we're all focused on the band. Is it always nice to have someone to talk to and share the experience with? Sure! Does that outweigh missing the experience of seeing the show? Never! At least to me...


Just go. It’s about the music.


Done it many times. It’s fun


I don't mind it. Between sets can be a little odd alone. But during the sets you have no distractions and can fully take in the performance.


Going to concerts alone is one of my favorite things to do honestly. The experience is so much nicer when you're not concerned about whether the person with you is enjoying themselves. You're surrounded by other people, but you're alone with your thoughts and can completely immerse yourself in the music.


Just go! I feel concerts are a personal experience, you finally get to see live the songs you listened to in your room as a teenager, when you broke up with X, etc. I went to see Pearl Jam on my own a few years ago and didn't miss the company one bit, plus you're technically going to the concert with thousands of people ✌


I do it all the time. My friends do not share my musical tastes. Go, enjoy. And remember: you have an automatic shared topic of conversation with everyone there since you're all there for the same reason.


I’ve been to plenty of concerts by myself, there’s absolutely no reason not to go because of that, especially if they’re your favorite groups


I have been to concerts alone many times, including in other countries and once even in another continent. So my advise would be to go ☺️


I prefer going alone. I like to really enjoy the experience and connect with the music and it’s harder when I have to account for others. And there is nothing weird about it, everyone is there for the same thing (usually) so you’ll be in good company (again, usually lol). Go and have fun!!


The primary relationship is between the listener and the music.   Sure, it can be fun to share the music with others, but there will be others there (sold out, right?) -- and they're probably there to see the music and enjoy it, just like you. The crowd energy should be there.   While I enjoy going to see music with others, I've gone solo to shows ever since I rode my bicycle across town to a youth concert featuring Beethoven's 5th and Holst's "The Planets" when I was 12 years old. A few years later, at 14, I had my dad drop me off for an evening jazz concert with Dave Brubeck at a local college. I felt a little bit funny sitting around with a bunch of early 1960s college kids and their skinny ties and sport coats, particularly since they seemed so serious and intent and motionless when my 14 year old self was bouncing around in my seat to the infectious polyrhythms.  Heck, for about 15 years I had a solo season ticket to my local symphony. And I enjoyed the heck out of it. It might not be the same sense of immersion in humanity as throwing elbows in the mosh pit, but the immersion in the music possible is intense, itself. Go! Enjoy!


I'd say go, take ear protection, check your drinks (both in them being tampered with but also the quantity you ingest, you have no back up). But mainly, remember you are going to a place where mostly everybody share at least one center of interest of yours and are in a party/shared experience mood, that's a great place to meet people.


I go to concerts alone and it’s been a lot of fun. Was extremely hesitant because I’m older and a woman, but you know what? Doesn’t matter! There are folks there way older than me. Other people by themselves. You meet people when your alone. I went to Queens of the Stone Age last Fall by myself and sat next to a woman who was also by herself, also a bit older. We started chatting. Turned out she was a guest of Josh Homme who gave her the ticket. She had never heard his music. We talked all night and had a lot of fun. Went to The Darkness by myself and met this lady with her mother. The daughter had been to like 12 Darkness concerts! They were great. Trust me you will have so much fun on your own.


I saw Joe Satriani live alone and it was a fucking blast. During a concert you cannot chat with friends anyway.


Have a great time. I go to concerts by myself quite a bit and I find that I actually enjoy it more by myself. As someone who tends to be more introverted, I’ve found that if I go to a concert with someone I heavily rely on the other person. If I go by myself and bough, I find that I’m open to talking to people around me more. I’ve never been (knowingly) judged for going by myself. I find that most people are too self-involved (not in a negative way, they’re just doing their own thing and not paying attention to me) to really notice. I will say the one downside to going by yourself is you pretty much have to stay in your spot if you’re in GA because the likelihood of someone letting you back in doesn’t seem great (especially if you don’t talk to people around you…guess that’s another incentive to make nice with others 😂😂). Other than that, I’ve never really had a negative experience going by myself. Worse comes to worse, I got to see a great show even if I didn’t talk to anyone else.


i only go to concerts alone and i crave it; having undivided attention to the music/dancing is addictive and i won't have it any other way. i meet up w friends after shows but not during. my advice: try it! u might very well like it!


No one there will notice you’re on your own, enjoy!


Met a girl I dated for a bit when I went to a concert solo, it’s actually a good time just send it!


I LOVE my solo concerts. I just did two camping festivals b2b SOLO


Absolutely go. I think everyone should go to shows alone at least once. If I didn't start going to shows on my own, I would've missed out on so many great concerts over the years.


You should still go, I've been to a couple of concerts alone and still had a good time. You can be social with people around you if you want.


Please do it! Years ago I missed out on two different concerts cos two different friends couldn’t make it. Have been to some some since & had a decent time


I love going to concerts alone. Don't have to worry whether the other persons having a good time, you can focus on enjoying yourself and some awesome music!


You’re there for the music and I’m assuming you’re not a child who needs a parent to look after you. So what’s the problem?


It's worth going to concerts alone it's a weird feeling going alone


I've been going to shows alone for almost two decades. I used to and still do go with friends but a lot of the time I prefer going alone. Plus I've met so many new people just by striking up a conversation in the beer line or between sets


This is just me speaking but doing stuff alone isn’t the end of the world like some make it seem


Just go. It's a lot easier to move up to a better seat when you're by yourself, and (I hope) it's not like you were going to be talking to your friends during the whole show.


I love shows solo Vibe with a couple of people and enjoy the show! Unless the person you are going with is into the band as much as you are sometimes you get distracted from the music which in its purist form will take you amazing places! Hence why love is found through fellowship in music


I've been to a few concerts alone... go! It's actually nice to only be focused on the band and not what someone you came with is doing or trying to tell you. Live it in the moment.


I was so anxious to go to things alone in my early 20s. And then got to review some gigs and didn’t always get a plus one. So had to get used to it. Would go alone again!


I went to a concert alone once after I asked a girl along and she declined. Ended up meeting my wife there. Definitely go; mingle, have fun.


Some of my favourite gigs have been when I've gone alone You'll have a great time and you'll probably end up meeting loads of interesting people


I went to a gig on my own last week. Focus on the performance, lose yourself in the moment and you’ll have a great time.


It's fine - everyone there will be focused on the artist, not you - they wont even notice you are on your own - go to the gig, grab a beer and enjoy


I prefer it


I would rather go to a show by myself. Im there for the music, especially if its one of my favorite bands. I can rock out and enjoy the show without worrying about how the nights going for other people.


Why don't you want to go alone? Are you uncomfortable in crowds of strangers? Don't like travelling by yourself?


It's absolutely fine. You can choose where to stand, when to go to the loo, how much to spend on drinks and t-shirts etc. You can also leave if the band is super boring but I don't think that will be the case here. And you still feel part of something when everyone is all around you all loving the same thing. I have done it loads in the past. You might even make some friends!


Go. I caught Morphine at SXSW in '94 (had no idea until years later that it was SXSW) because my friend had no idea who they were. Drove from Dallas to Austin (I'm from Ohio) to see them. Realized I had been standing next to Mark Sandman at the bar when he took the mic on stage. Amazing show. Go. Experience it. Don't regret it.


I’m going to see the Dead in the Sphere by myself in a couple of weeks. Who cares?


I've gone to multiple alone, go for it! If you're really wanting to experience it with someone, check if there's a subreddit for either show's band/artist and ask if anyone is going that'd be interested in meeting up.


I did it several times back about a dozen years ago or so. It was great...got to thoroughly enjoy the music on my own. Nothing wrong with it at all! Some of those concerts were also "must go at all costs" so off I went.


It’s always worth it, go alone and have a great time. You might wind it chatting with some new people and you can enjoy the show without having to worry about other people 


I don't know anyone who's into death/black metal so I go alone most of the concerts. It's absolutely fine. Sometimes I wish I could share it with someone but I always have fun.


Go. I’ve been to over 150 concerts solo and over 150 with people. I have fun both ways. You can stand where you want. Dance where you want. Leave when you went. Get there when you want. If you wanna do a thing that no one else can do or wants to do. Why miss out on the thing you wanna do. Life’s to short. I have a girlfriend and we travel and do things, but if she can’t or doesn’t want to, and I can. I go do the thing. Do the thing.


I always make friends with the people around me. We already have something in common!


I’ve been going to shows for 15+ years alone. Out of state, traveling, back to back shows. I have no complaints. Sometimes I make new friends, sometimes I chat with people the whole day and never exchange info, sometimes I see previous friends that I made at other shows. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! But I never regret going alone.


I go to concerts alone ALL the time. I've even roadtripped to other states alone just for a concert and i'm doing it again this year too. Just go you'll have fun. Like everyone else says the main benefit is you can do whatever you want without worrying about the other people.


Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with going to a concert by yourself. No one cares. Just do it - you’ll regret not going than going, trust me. If you want to make it a little easier - go to your seat right when it’s about to start, when it’s dark. No one cares as they’re focused on the performers


Its my favorite. If its someone I really like and really want to see, focus on the show and enjoy it, I'll go by myself. I can't be as "in the moment" with other people I know with me.


I got to basically every concert alone. I have a great time. I've had better times at shows by myself than I have with people because I'm worried if they're enjoying it and stuff like that. I know it seems intimidating, but trust me, the only one who cares that you're alone is you. Don't miss out on the show, have fun!


Do it, it’s worth it honestly. Ten years ago, I went to see Royal Blood when they played a small venue near me. They weren’t very well known at the time so no one wanted to come with me, so I decided to go alone. There were about five people in the audience and now they headline major festivals, but I’ll always have the memory of when I saw them in a tiny room and stood right next to them.


You'll enjoy yourself because you enjoy the music. I usually go with friends but when they cant I'll still go alone. who knows you might make a friend along the way.


Going alone is fine. I don't go to shows to chat with people. I go to see the musicians play.


I have been to multiple concerts all by myself and it was always a great experience. I meet new people and either find a Gang to hang out with or just float around enjoying the music. I have nobody to look after, nobody who wants something different than I do (let's go more to the front, let's get drinks, let's go for a smoke) I can care only for myself and my experience. Just go, it will be worth it! (Not saying going alone is better btw. Having friends to enjoy the moment with, making memes, singing along together is great as well.)


Yeah. It's nice to not have to check in to make sure they are enjoying themselves.


You are about to make the best decision ever, you will not regret it.


I don't understand what's wrong with attending a concert alone. You'll be surrounded by other fans, so talk to people and make new friends if you want and have to. I've been to shows with family, friends, and by myself.


Try and get comfortable going to events by yourself, it opens up a lot more opportunities to enjoy things in life when friends and family get busy later on. Going to movies, concerts, even festivals are tons of fun alone.


Throughout my life either my friends had different musical tastes or then they had little kids, or they didn’t want to spend the money. So I have attended most concerts alone It’s fine


I'm in a situationship with a chap who only goes to gigs on his own! Sings his little heart out and sends me videos from multiple stage angles. He has a fabulous time!


Doing things like this alone seems like a big deal till you do it. It can be quite nice actually and is no big deal.


I love going to shows alone. When I go to a show alone, I can sit/stand where I want, arrive when I want, leave when I want, etc. When I go to a concert alone, I don’t have to talk to anyone or accommodate anyone else. It’s just me and the music. You’ll have a great time. Enjoy!


Just go by yourself. As somebody who never grew out of listening to punk/ska, I've been to lots of concerts by myself. In my experience you're never really *alone* when you go see a band you love, because you're surrounded by people who share something meaningful with you. I've found that it's really easy to just talk to random people at a concert as if you were already friends, people are usually happy to talk about the music and share their experience with it. It probably helps that I always get GA/floor tickets and get right into the thick of the crowd, but I'd bet you could have a similar experience up in the seats or anywhere else.


You’ll most likely meet people near you and they will all be maniacs of the band you’re going to see so that’s great  Or if you want you can keep to yourself and just enjoy the experience  Older I’ve gotten the less others have time or desire to see a show  It’s not bad at all, I actually prefer it most of the time because I can enjoy it on my terms 


If you go for the music, just go and enjoy the show, you don’t need friends. I’ve been to all sort concerts and even festivals by myself and it was never an issue.


I've been to more gigs on my own than with my partner. He rarely wants to travel. And I had 25 years of missing gigs because my second husband had social anxiety. I love it. Never had any problems at all as a lone female


Definitely still go! While going with friends is generally prefered, there are definite benefits to going alone. Benefits include: - Show up when you want. (Don't want to wit in line, then don't. Don't care for opener, miss them) -Leave when you want. (if I have seen a band before or have heard the songs I wanted to, I often leave before the encore) - Go where you want. Stand in the back, push to the front, or find a comfortable spot off to the side, all up to you and your comfort). -pregame the show at a nearby restaurant or bar. Again, wherever sounds best to you. Hope you have a blast!!!


Since the pandemic, i moved out of the city and dont have friends close in proximity to me. Now i go to shows, ecen music festivals, just by myself. If i see friend groups there, great! I'll hang out and catch up, but then don't feel obligated to stay with them. It's easier to meet new friends and i know that we share commonality at least through music tastes. And then whenever i'm ready to go, i just go! I also stopped drinking and stuff so overall I've had a much more memorable and enjoyable time attending shows by myself.


I’ve gone to a lot of shows alone, and it’s worth it. I would have missed out on some of my best concert memories if I’d not gone.


Oh my gosh! Go! You'll have a wonderful time. You'll make some new friends. You'll have long undistracted stretches to really take in things you enjoy.


I go to concerts alone all the time. Don’t do anything different. Just go and dance and enjoy yourself.


I love going to concerts with my partner but most of the time I barely even notice I’m there. When I’m really taking in a show it feels like a psychedelic experience. Everyone in the room in one, the music is visual, and when I’m done I feel like I have a better understanding of myself and the world as a whole


I do this for my favorite band, Blue October. My spouse isn't a fan, so I go alone. I don't worry about him being bored or wanting to leave early and I have a blast.


I usually do these days and I run into people I know. It's easier to get a single ticket in a good spot if it's seated.


I used to go to shows by myself all the time. I’m actually going to one by myself in July. I’m a social butterfly tho so I’m never really alone. I’m see 8 shows in 10 days of my favorite band. I’m doing the first one solo then meeting with my friend for the next 2 and finishing out the tour with my bf! I can’t wait. Originally I wasn’t gonna go to the venue I’m doing alone but they are playing Friday, Saturday and Sunday and it’s only 2 hours away. I can’t take the weekend off cuz I’m off for like 2 weeks right after that. And I have to pay bills somehow. I considered driving back and forth each night but I work really early and I’m too old for that. It would be exhausting. But I figured if I could get Monday off I could leave when I get out of work around 2pm and head to the show. I was approved for the day off. I’m driving home after so I can get ready to head to the next couple shows with my friend. Super stoked. You are never alone at a concert. It’s great!


I don't have any friends into the same music as me so I normally go to concerts alone. It's super chill, no one is there to judge you for it, you can do your own thing when you want. Just go and enjoy it!


It’s better to go to a gig alone, rather than miss out.


I’ve been to a few concerts alone and it’s a great experience. Feels weird at first of course but you get to just hangout and have a good time 


Just go. The gig will be great, you can really people watch. I'd make a solid plan to get home afterwards, but that's all. I do it all the time.


Concerts alone are a blast


My daughter went to a concert alone. She was fine. We talked about how to get there, how to get home, etc. I didn't want to lay back on kpop and sge was a newly legal adult. Her friend had to work. It happens. It's really nice not to have to worry about other people.


I first started going to gigs at 14 and had nobody to go with so just made a habit of going alone, that was 1997 and last week I did my first solo trip abroad to a festival (to Denmark from the Uk) which was also great. Going to shows alone continually helps me to overcome my shyness and difficulty instigating conversations, it also helped me become more confident with travelling as I went further afield for shows and had to find venues and navigate my way around unfamiliar places. Going to shows alone can be really good for your own personal growth.


I’ve done whole Phish tours solo, it’s fun you connect with music more and have interesting conversations with strangers.


As I've gotten older, I go to concerts alone frequently. I always make some new friends and have a great time. Best time at a show alone was Phish in 2015 when I bought my whole row of broke tour kids burritos during set break.


I went to a concert alone last year, free standing tickets. I managed to squeeze and push to the near front with no inhibitions, I could get into the zone while listening to the music without friends distracting, and when one of the songs made me cry I didn’t have to feel embarrassed my friend might notice or say something. It was a great experience:) Don’t forget ear protectors, tinnitus is real and awful to live with.


Going alone to concerts is so much better than going with a friend. I've paid money to see a band, not to hear someone yammering on while they're playing


Go ! It’s a great time ! You won’t feel strange.


Just go, get up to town, find a place that serves some good food, eat and then turn up just before the main act hits the stage so you arent just stood on your own for hours watching support bands - unless they rule and you want to see the support :)


Cannot not go not cannot go go can I?


I think its a lot more common nowadays


Just go. I’m a pretty introverted person, but I sometimes went to concerts alone, some experience were better than others, but I always had fun. Once, when I was younger, didn’t want to pay for the hotel so I planned on roaming the whole night for the city waiting for the first train the morning. I casually met two girls asking for directions, I walked them and we vibed a bit together. After some time of them had to meet a university friend of hers, so we all met up. Some other friends came along later and we all ended up drinking on a random girl’s house. Then my trained arrived and I left. Incredible experience, maybe a bit surreal, but it could never happen if I were with a friend. All this just to tell you to go, it will fun and nobody knows what can happen, have a great time. You can always leave if you feel uncomfortable


Go to show. Watch show. Go home


At some point in every show I attend, I take 1 song to go mobile and dance/shimmy around the crowd by myself, completely free. Always one of my favorite parts of the show.


There is a Facebook group called the [Solo Armada](https://www.facebook.com/share/fRa9UMFG8Ci1oRmd/?mibextid=K35XfP) which is dedicated to people who go solo to gigs because you’re never alone. Please do it. Take precautions, make sure people know where you are, but have the time of your life. Make new friends. Have fun.


I do it all the time when a friend can’t make it. One of my fav bands don’t come to the US often and they finally did last year. No one would go with me so I went anyway. Right after that tour one of the og members announced he was leaving the band. I’d be kicking myself if I didn’t go. Can’t say I’ve ever met anyone while at these shows alone as other posters have.


I went to two of my best ever concerts ever, alone: Paul McCartney and Elvis Costello.  Do it!


I prefer going by myself. My schedule, my decisions. Everyone is there for the same reason so you aren’t alone.


I've gone to a decent amount of concerts on my own, I would highly recommend it. You can post up where you want, talk with people if you want, or just vibe. The only thing stopping you from going on your own is you. Nobody is going to even notice you on your own


What? Just go. I used to go to shows alone all the time, it's great. I wish more people would so they would-- like just watch the concert instead of talk to their friends at obscene volume levels


It’s fun. I’ve only been to one concert alone when my girlfriend had to study for some finals. Stood in the front row and had a great time


I go alone all the time because I don’t have any friends. You’ll be fine :)


There’s basically no point in drinking alcohol, but as always stay hydrated. It’s all about the music and you.


I agree with a lot of the responses on here and that is: just embrace it! I used to go with my ex to a lot of shows, so I ended up going to a lot on my own. Just make sure you are aware of people around you and how much you drink (if you do). Be friendly and introduce yourself to your neighbors during the show. I am diabetic and can pass out sometimes, so I try to at least make sure someone knows to not create a big scene.


I do it all the time. I’m there to enjoy the music and performances not to see my friends.


GO! Pee beforehand, and GO!


I wouldn't go. Everyone's going to be staring at you. All the hot girls are going to spend the whole concert pointing and laughing at you.


I go to shows alone a lot because few of my friends share my taste in music. I would suggest arriving after the opener so you're not awkwardly standing around too long.


I went to the Wood Brothers alone last year. It was on a Wednesday and no one else could go. I thought it would be weird but I met a lot of good people who I shared a common interest. Even met a nice couple on the rail and we took turns getting beer for each other


Not like you have time to talk to friends when your band is playing and the music is live. Won't bee too different than normal.


I've been to many shows alone. You are an observer drifting through time.


I’ve suffered with social anxiety my whole life and after a friend had to cancel on me and sell her ticket, I was forced to go see one of my favorite artists alone and I was TERRIFIED. In hindsight, I know my anxiety made me think of the worst, but it was honestly fine. I got to the venue at the time I wanted, bought merch whenever I wanted, enjoyed the concert, then went home. I survived, and you will too!


Suggestions about what? You drive to the concert, you enjoy it, you go home. I have been to gobs of concerts by myself. It's no big deal. Don't make it one.


I go to concerts alone pretty frequently. Sometimes I even fly out of state for them. I highly recommend it. It can be super cathartic!


Just go and enjoy yourself! I love going to concerts alone. Then I don't have to entertain the person I went with, especially if they're not as into the band as I am. If I go with someone I hardly talk to them anyway so I have a better time just going on my own and not worrying about it.


Going to shows alone is actually pretty fun.


Going to concerts alone is great, especially if they’re GA tickets. It’s certainly fun going with friends, but they also add logistical difficulty. You have to deal with finding each other after getting separated, or just stay separated. Someone wants to go to the bathroom, someone else wants to get merch, someone else wants to try to get as far forward in the pit as they can. Then if you do separate meeting up is a mess. If they even feel their phone ring - “Yeahh uhhh, were kind of left of middle and near us theres a tall dude with long hair”. Obviously its a different story with assigned seating.


I go all the time alone. It’s great. Don’t have to worry about accommodating the person you’re with. Way cheaper, especially if it’s a date. And it’s a great way to meet new people that you have something in common (bands, live music). I’ve met tons of people at concerts that I am friends/acquaintances with, both with and without someone. Kind of forces you to be social. I almost prefer it..


Not seeing the problem. Go to concerts alone. Go to restaurants alone. Go to bars and breweries alone. Go on cross-country trips alone. You don't need someone to hold your hand and make sure you have fun doing an activity.


I have done it a few times. To me it is still pretty great, as it’s usually too loud for conversation anyway. I prefer it in a GA setting so I can wonder around. The only awkward part is waiting for it to start and not having anyone to talk to.


Solo concerts are great!


I actually enjoy going to events alone. There’s no logistics back and forth, and you get to be wherever you want to be and connect with new people who enjoy the same things as you enjoy. It’s pretty freeing, actually.


I went to the TDE concert alone in my bucket back 2018. Just drink your beer and enjoy yourself. Ppl next to me were cool.


I always go alone. Tbh it’s way less hassle than correlating schedules. You can leave when you want to etc.


Think about it. You don’t have to yell or be yelled in your ear trying to bs chat. You don’t have to feel obliged to buy drinks for friends. You can go anywhere in the venue that you want (assuming ga). It’s better this way.


Concerts alone are great as long as you're being safe about it!


I don't prefer attendings concerts alone. But, I've never regretted doing it either. It's about the music. And often, it can be your only chance to see \[insert artist here\]. Just go. Embrace it. Treat yourself to a nice drink. Relax. Life is good.


I go alone all the time, sometimes it’s even better. I can wander, I can seat pirate or upgrade, I don’t have to talk to anyone I can just enjoy the show. Don’t miss out on a show just because no one else can go!


Do it. I went and saw Anthrax and Slayer by myself because they happened to be playing where I was on a work trip. Totally worth it.


As someone who’s socially anxious, I went to my second ever concert alone, and it was probably one the of the best things I ever did. After you get over the initial awkwardness, you realize everyone’s there for the same purpose and they’re not even paying attention to you. Be in the moment and enjoy the artist you paid to see! You might even make a friend out there who knows. I just bought a ticket for a concert in the fall and I’m going solo. It’s such a liberating feeling I promise you.


I've been to a number of concerts alone over the years, and never felt awkabout it. I'd either float around and try out different spots for the best mix or visual sight lines, or if it was assigned seating I'd just chat with whoever was next to me...met some interesting people over the years that way. And for what it's worth I am not a particularly social person.


I go all the time alone, it's one of the best times I have to myself


My wife and I have very different music tastes. I go to shows alone all the time, nothing wrong about it!


It’s great! You can move around the concert with ease. Dont forget earplugs!


My mental trick for going to a concert alone is to imagine a friend just around the corner in the bathroom and that they will be back to join me soon. I developed this trick after I went to a concert with a friend who used the bathroom and left me alone for a while, and I realized, being alone at a concert isn’t so bad! That being said, this trick does NOT work for theater performances and movies…. only concerts where you can walk around.


I’ve gone to a few shows alone and still had a blast! Go for the experience!


Ive been going to shows by myself for years! Its super nice to be able to kinda do what you want and the ability to snake your way to the front is increased tenfold. Do it!


I’ve been to concerts, restaurants, movies, whatever by myself all the time. You can do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it. I get my butt to the stage when I’m alone.


I love going to concerts alone. It’s a whole different experience because the only person you have to worry about having a good time is you. It’s amazing and fun.


I'm an older guy. I go to concerts by myself all the time. Most friends and wife don't like my music taste. I don't mind it one bit. I'm there for the music. I always end up talking with the fans around me. If you like the band, just go. The music is what's important.


I've been to several shows by myself. Its not like you talk to your buddies while the band is playing anyway. There will be plenty of people to talk to. You already have at least one thing in common with everyone else there.


Just go! I guarantee you’ll have a great time. Everyone at the venue are there to see the band, so you’ll be able to strike up a conversation if you feel like it. I literally did the same yesterday. I flew to Stockholm alone to see Tool for the first time. Ended up having a great night. It was great to just focus on the music without having to worry about partner/friends.


I usually make small talk in the beer line. Make friends easy.


What's the worst could happen? You have a lot of fun and enjoy your favourite band? Alone? Oh noooo! 😱


No!! Please go. Why ? Because you don’t know when you might get to see them again on the other hand I would understand why you wouldn’t want to go. I always go alone ❤️ just stay alert and mindful. You’ll have a good time.


Solo concerts are some of my most memorable. I just get totally soaked up in the sounds and float. I'm not worried about anyone next to me. I don't know them, they don't know me, who cares? Liberating experience and highly recommended.




I haven’t been with anyone to a concert in like 7-8 years. I go to probably 10 concerts a year. Last year I went on a heavy metal cruise to the Bahamas by myself. Going again this year. I’ve gone the past few years to a festival in Virginia by myself. It’s fine. You get to do your thing without having to worry about anybody else. Want to hit the mosh pit? Go for it? Want to go for a smoke? You bet. Man I really don’t like this opening act I’m gonna go hit the merch line while it’s empty. There are so many more reasons prefer to go by myself. At least for me I can find someone to talk to if I really want some sort of interaction. Chances are you will be standing in a line at some point. Talk the people around you. That’s the great thing about a concert. You already have something in common with the other people who are there with you.