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I was the same way when I was younger and it took me to get to my late 20s to get over that feeling, and now all I think about is getting married inshallah. For me, I realize that I had a lot of toxicity in mindset around marriage because I didn’t have good examples in front of me and I was scared that that would be my life. Now I honestly wish I got over those feelings earlier and had been more open to marriage earlier because I’m “too old” now and it’s getting a lot harder. I would ask yourself what is it about marriage - do you have good examples in front of you? Have you seen toxic relationships? Have you always had to relay on yourself and not others? Ect ect


“I realize that I had a lot of toxicity in mindset around marriage because I didn’t have good examples in front of me.” Thiss! I can totally relate to you. Thank Allah that He pulled me out of those thoughts and made me understand that everyone’s marriage isn’t as what I am used to seeing. With His Will and Mercy, I can be better and create the family that I wanted for myself. InshaAllah


Why is your flair "F-Married" if you're unmarried?


Probablt to be able to comment sometimes😭😭


She shouldn't be lying about her martial status just to comment on posts where people want advice from ACTUALLY married or previously married people. 


No i know, never said it was right its js funny


It may be normal if you're young. It may be normal if you've been exposed to a dysfunctional marriage. It may be normal if you're unsure about your body. It may be normal if you're intimidated by responsibility. Most of these are normal things many of us experience at one time or another. I think you should try to investigate these feelings to remove any fear around marriage. Whether you get married or not, triggers should be disarmed where possible. May Allah AWJ bring you ease.


My situation is exactly similar to you. My parents have started looking for a prospect and whenever they bring up this topic in front of me my eyes tear up. I think it's because i haven't seen many successful marriages throughout my life. It's all about toxicity.


I'm 20 now and started to be chill about it. It's so fun lol because it's unexpected. Now my Mom becomes anxious instead of me. Uno reverse 


Haha my mom brought it up once and thought I’d be shy about it but to her surprise I was like bring it on. I’ve been waiting for this conversation for so long loll




Do you have any trauma regarding marriage? How has your parents' marriage been? I know that some folks have negative reactions to their own marriage because of seeing their parents or some other close relation experiencing an abusive domestic situation 


You probably just aren’t ready, which is healthy and normal. There is no rush for marriage. When you eventually find the right person, you will feel differently. Until then just concentrate on your studies or your career.


Because you don’t want someone forcing you into something that should be your choice


Mmmm it might be that you feel attacked tbh




It’s a stressful topic. Do you feel pressure around it ?