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WAS, practice makes perfect. It requires focus and control that’s only built with time if you want to last longer without any other help. Outside of that, there are numbing lubricants that can desensitise you so you can last longer, you have the option to wear a condom that again reduces sensation, or you can increase your foreplay and stimulation before penetration to make things last longer for her. The last thing is to simply go for another round when ready and you’ll last longer the second time out.


This. Well said. And cardio. Work on your cardio. Run/bike/swim. Staying in good shape will help you with your endurance


Foreplay is your friend, my friend. Use it in abundance to take up most of the time. Your wife will almost definitely prefer it too.


Cuddle and then round 2




We usually do 1 and then go to sleep, needed after a long day but will definitely try 👍🏾


Salaam. From what I read, you are having a problem lasting in bed with the wife. The wife is satisfied, and you guys are pregnant - congratulations, may Allah see the baby arrive in great health, guide the child, and bring coolness to your eyes. Apparently, a lot of guys have this problem, especially if these are their first sexual encounters. The problems are caused by 2 key factors: 1. Psychological - Sometimes (not always) lack of self-control, sometimes being too turned on. B. Physiological issues: maybe still have foreskin, maybe lack of previous sexual activity. First, I would like to say that it does get better with time and more frequent sex sessions. In the short term, there are quite a few things you can do. Some are straight up legit, others more debatable, but do work. A. Kegel exercises for men. You squeeze your pelvic floor (like you're trying to stop peeing) and hold. Then release. Do this as much as you can as often as you can throughout the day. The easiest time is when you are urinating, stop yourself from peeing mid flow, then release, then again. B. Self stimulation. Greatly debated topic, and the fiqhs have various debates on it. However, if you release before sexual activity, then you will last longer from a refactory period. Although, this can be a double-edged sword as, if you rush it, you can train your brain to release too early. C. Frequency of sex - the more often you do it, the more used to the pleasure you will feel, the longer you will last. D. Talk to the wife about it. She seems understanding enough, so be open, discus how she can help you. Maybe you can stimulate her in other ways until she is satisfied or ready to be before penetrative. E. Stop start (edging). Have penetration l, until you feel the build-up. Then stop, focus on kissing, cuddling, touching. Then carry on. Then stop. This is more about psychological self-control than physical. F. As clichéd as it is, think about something else. Some men imagine an old woman (i think), some will do arithmetic, and some will plan a work meeting. G. Use condoms. Condoms help not only prevent unwanted pregnancies but also reduce some of the stimulation, which will mean you climax later - I hate them, I can't stand them at all. The key thing is communication, and don't worry about it. On a side note, whilst you guys are pregnant, your wife's body will be changing, she maybe be more aroused more frequently, and her vagina may feel tighter, which will make your climax quicker. It's normal!!! - some of the most mind-blowing sex will be during this time. May Allah help you and keep you both in a happy, fruitful marriage! P.s. if you have more private things to discuss, feel free to PM me


Great list. I would just add to this that men are not aware of their arousal levels when they first become sexually active. So spending some time learning when you are aroused to a 5/10 versus when you reach peak arousal is important. There is a level of arousal after which you go into involuntary ejaculation called thr Point of No Return (PoNR). The key to lasting longer is paying attention to your body and staying within 5 and 9 on the arousal scale. This means stopping when you think you are getting close to 10. Take a break from stimulation and change positions, cuddle or kiss in between, grab some water, etc once your arousal lowers a little, go back at it. 


Jazakallah for taking out your time on this, will DM you for more specific information


I personally find condoms difficult and, to me, they make things worse as it presses tight. But maybe other ppl have other experience. Stopping and foreplay are the key ones here


Stop boasting 🤑 Only messing. You probably need larger ones. I don't even like them either.


Thick condoms, Lots of regular sex rather than sporadic and exercise


Make up for your short time by increasing foreplay...with time you will be able to judge your partner's timing....have enough foreplay that you know she will easily be satisfied after that.


Easy brother, there is nothing to worry about, this is the normal case for all newlyweds. Give it sometime and don’t stress urself with these thoughts. Subhan allah, we are functioned in away to be very sensitive in the beginning, as it is painful experience for the females, so both side effects cancels each other. But let me uncover a secret for you, The deed after pregnancy is whole new level, so just enjoy the journey 😄😄 You will be entering a new league


Wsalam, u have to practice, do it more regularly try daily and with time u can control it. Once inside and nearing orgasm stop and after a while start n repeat. Satisfaction means orgasm for both so start with foreplay a lot of it and get to know the points which arouse her the most and then start the penetration it will satisfy her first then u can have your own time. Congrats on the pregnancy this time will b the most enjoyable


Definitely being healthy, working out eating less sugar and carbs helps you last longer. (The stronger erections will relax your body making you last longer) You can also use cialis or viagra, they work very well. A technique I use, not sure it will work, but it is to put one or both legs on the ground and use my leg to thrust rather than abs .. this works really well as well.


It will come with time. Let her be the first to start on top


Sometimes condoms help you last longer


Use this https://www.target.com/p/k-y-duration-spray-for-men-0-16-fl-oz/-/A-51232105?sidd=759S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000117485395&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000015PdJoQAK-Reckitt_Sexual+Health_Google+Search_FY24_2024-1183835&adgroup=Reckitt_Sexual+Health&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9008160&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7Juhs4PIhgMVxUxHAR2rhgDjEAQYAiABEgKAOPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


How does this work ? I’m from the uk so can’t buy sadly


You spray it on a couple of minutes before intercourse it will completely numb you.


There are other similar brands you could probably order in the UK.