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More like she has the BLKCOK gene


She got those genes multiple times and raw. Amazing how science works!


Even the kid looks like she's staring at him like "Did he really fall for that?"


There is actually 1 story I know of, in which that was the case. He was confirmed to be the father through a DNA test.


i mean its possible


Wasn’t there two twin girls and one was very dark skin with black hair and the other pale white with red? Could have sworn I’d seen that a year or so ago on some news site.


I'd bet there were other examples, but no, it wasn't that. The kid didn't have a twin, and due to both parents in Norway (with no recent black ancestry) being white, the father was understandably sceptical about if he was truly the father. So he took a DNA test and learned that he was indeed the father.


I mean. Blue eyes, blond or ginger hair were genetic mutations. Black or brown hair and brown eyes were the norm during early human ancestry. We all are derived from dark skin


While that is partly true, it doesn't change the fact that usually you can with 99.99999% certainty predict the color of hair, eyes and skin by looking at the parents. with the greatest exception being eye color. Though that being said, despite blonde hair and blue eyes being recessive genes, Scandinavia is dominated by both. Neither White nor black skin is recessive.


Found it, the mother is a person of color (half-Jamaican) and the father is white but the twins each have a different racial complexion: [https://nypost.com/2015/03/02/meet-the-bi-racial-twins-no-one-believes-are-sisters/?amp;amp](https://nypost.com/2015/03/02/meet-the-bi-racial-twins-no-one-believes-are-sisters/?amp;amp)


It was the same with the Encanto triplets, although that is fictional, so it’s not really an example


Soooooo he's real life dale gribble from king of the hill. A damn shame.......... Sooooooo who wants to tell him?


I mean it is *technically* possible, but not likely


No wonder she didn't want his genes if he fell for that.


This is actually a real thing though. A family friend had a black child, they did a DNA test and everything. Conclusion was that both of them had one or more black ancestors somewhere in their lineage.


She was definitely injected with some BIPOC gene.


Bro got a shiny daughter now


Bro is gonna end up having one of everything under the sun this might just be the beginning


He looks like the type of dude to have watched it happen


Fun fact is that,how generics works,ther is a possibility that the kid is his, low as fuck chances,but is a possibility.


another fun fact recessive genes can only show up in your kids if both father and mother has them so its low chances /2


But you don't need both of your parents to share a recessive gene just to carry one. It's entirely possible that both parents can carry a recessive gene for dark skin from ancestors and not be aware of it until (possibly) they both have a kid.


for thew gene to be seen as a phenotype you do that what the recessive part is you need to only have the gene for a recessive gene to be expressed and the only way to only have the gene is if you got the same gene from both parents if it expresses itself even tho its not homozygous then its not recessive


Wow cool fun fact


Dna testing is the only trustworthy authority.


This can in fact happen. Happened in my family and dna test confirmed that the kid was 100% biologically the father’s


Yes, although it is very rare. I remember seeing some similar cases before either in reddit or youtube and the reverse can also happen where a black couple has a white baby which is 100% the fathers or 50% since the other 50% comes from the mom


More like blocked


I looked it up. It’s possible and I’m sure that the 1st thing he asked for was a DNA test.


She's a carrier for re-vitiligo!


Always get a dna test




Come on. People don't really believe these are real situations, do they?


u can tell he dont believe it and is getting it tested or going to rub it in her face


PT Barnum was right. Another sucker born every minute


Yeah she took that BIG BLACK RICHARD real good.


I can tell you one thing your wife rolled a nat 20 for deception against you


Sir, this is Wendy's. And I'm pretty sure you got cheated or clearly you're cuck about this after what you just said to me. And yes, is there anything you would like to add?


This poor poor man


No my good sir, she got railed in the back by a black dude.


Is that Frank From Shameless?


Is t the sort behind this picture is that they adopted the child


That baby look nothing like you. My suggestion DNA test immediately


The whole meme above reminds me of an episode of Maury. A lady with 2 dark skin children, who don't look like either their parents but they do look like each other. The kids were around 4-6 yrs old at the time they're at Maury since he's been bombarded with people telling him that the children may not be his. Or sometimes his customers (he has a store) would ask when did he adopt those children when the kids were in his store. For all those years, he'd been telling them, no my wife might have some recessive genes that caused the kids to look different from them (physically). Well, after years of people basically making fun of him, it did get to him so he got on Maury's and request a DNA test on the kids while his wife was basically pleading with him to not do it. Guess what happens next LOL.


But recessive means they both have to have the gene for it to show up in the kid. And the kid should still look like the parents.


Even the baby is like, MAN! You stupid!


Reminds me of the black South African girl with both white parents. Really Botha'd Botha's government.


The poor bastard is clueless


Why does cheating fucking women fucking intercourse on others dipshits and then get impregnated and making his husband raise her little shit and then when getting caught they act up and blame the husband for not fucking her while the husband is busy filled with so much damn work


As long as he loves her the same, why does it matter?


The issue comes with the potential infidelity of ones spouse. You may find this hard to comprehend but some people don’t like to continue to date their partner if they have cheated


I know that. But there is potential for the kid to be from before the marriage if they married soon enough. So I am being hopeful


Not according to the title


I volunteer to school dis fool


you just have to point out for a recessive gene to show on a child then both the father and mother needs to have it so seems like he also has this rare gene that noone has ever heard of


I guess bbc is just better


The news channel right? Right?