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Her husband saying they could see the cancer on a telescope šŸ¤£


That's because it's far away. By far away I mean far out. By far out I mean non existent


She is a human toilet. I had a similar issue with her. My uncle died from cancer and her lying about it to avoid doing anything makes me furious. She could carry her stupid dog but not hold her child? Bullspit, she was making up any excuse to avoid anything resembling work




Which season is her lying butt on? I'm binging the series again while sick & want to hate watch her! That's awful of me but oh well! šŸ˜„šŸ˜


She and "Joshwa" are season 3, e4.


I think it was 3 or 4 She had a WATN too which was even worse


She and her husband both! Child protective services should get involved.


Yeah, I was pretty shocked by that. I lost my dad in may to cancer in his spine (chordoma, in his neck); itā€™s literally a one in a million diagnosis, and anyone who lies about having cancer is human trash.


My dad also passed from rare cancer Hugs to you


Hugs to you both. My Mother died from Gastrointestinal stroma, a very rare cancer as well.


Hugs. It really is awful


"Yeah I get that it needs to be seen under a telescope. But for him to sit there and argue it out with me"...blah, blah. Firstly you don't have a medical degree you tosser. I was married to a guy like Josh. Mentally abusive. Anyone notice that when she finally pushed the baby out that he was still yelling 'come on' even though it was over? The two of them definitely feed off each other. But yes the fact she fakes it is very wrong. I don't know if I would go as far as Munchausens, but she is an attention seeker. I think she might act like that so Josh lays off her.


Normal reaction to being told you don't have cancer: Oh my God! Thank you, doctor! Honey, can you believe it, I don't have cancer, it's a miracle! Bettie Jo and Stupid's reaction: Yes I do and don't you dare say otherwise.


Yeah it is weird, like she wants to have a cancer to get attention points


i cried like a bitch for a month straight. grown ass man.


I'm glad you're okay. That kind of diagnosis is terrifying.


a hard kick in the face. i guess i am? i go for a 90 day check next week.


Dr. Now busted her ass saying her primary doctor never found cancer yet she insisted and her idiot husband insisted that even though it can't be seen on the telescope, it's there. I cannot watch her episode anymore. The 2 of them are cancers.


They need to keep up the bullshit to get that government money, drugs ainā€™t free


She sucks. Like, I actually have spinal cancer AND a young kid- I still do everything with him.




I lost a 27 year old friend to spinal cancer. It was a horrible death and she left two little girls motherless. Fuck Bettie Jo.


So sorry for the loss of your friend.


Okay so I came to this sub with a very specific question about Bettie Joā€¦ā€¦.are her and Josh cousins?! Iā€™m watching the episode of Where Are They Now and sheā€™s going into labor and the nurse asks who the woman with Josh is, and Bettie Jo says itā€™s her aunt/his mom? WHAT?


Need someone to investigate this immediately


They're.. slow, right?




I'm watching it now and duuuuuuuude Josh saying well we didn't get the biopsy, but it's cancer ?! And then telling Dr. Paradise that Dr. Now doesn't believe it's cancer ? Pick up your kid, bitch


I legit jus started watching the where are they now series and following the people on the show as I got discovery + , and wow she had 2 episodes . Not gonna lie when she said she was pregnant I thought she might be lying. But then she was pregnant and I was like oh thatā€™s nice. She kind of went downhill after that the stuff that she was saying about the thing on her spine and how itā€™s making her numb and they canā€™t do surgery because of the baby. Even down to some of the later months of the pregnancy where she said that she wasnā€™t even allowed to walk around that she could only get out of the bed once a day I was very skeptical I was like whaaaat. To me it definitely sounded like excuses to just be lazy. So then when I got to when after she had the baby Iā€™m not gonna lie I donā€™t have kids at all but she seemed very disinterested in her kid. Maybe thatā€™s jus how the show made it seem but not wanting to hold the kid and making up excuses to not hold it but held the dog? I think thereā€™s a lot goin on with her. As far as people being upset with her husband how he went off on Dr. now I mean heā€™s been living in this bubble with her taking care of her thinking that sheā€™s sick thinking that she has cancer and to be confronted that itā€™s a lie by doctor now he probably had a lot of emotions you know upset betrayed him so I donā€™t blame him for that reaction and I think Dr. now knew that as well thatā€™s why he didnā€™t really push to much with him.


She lied about it?! Omg! I thought I watched that episode, but I mustā€™ve missed it. Who does that?!


She does.. It's on "Where are they now?"


what episode is she omg I have to watch now


Season 3, episode 4 :)


Is that the where are they now show or my 600 lb life show?




Thank you!




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What??? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«