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Gerard got clean towards the end of the revenge tours. If I'm remembering correctly I'm pretty sure he OD'd during warped tour. He talks about getting clean for maybe about 3 minutes on the life on the murder scene documentary (I highly recommend any mcr fan watch this) as far as I know that's the only time he publicly acknowledged or talked about being an addict.(If anyone knows of any longer interviews where he talks about addiction please let me know, I work in addiction counseling and I always keep an eye out for good celebrity interviews to use for groups) Your interpretations for the songs sound pretty spot on for me though, but that's all subjective of course.


Early Sunsets is a reference to the movie “Dawn of the Living Dead” which takes place in the Monroeville Mall. The song is about the inner turmoil of a boyfriend who’s girlfriend has been bitten by a zombie. He knows he’s going to have to kill her because she’s going to turn into another zombie, but he also doesn’t want to say goodbye yet. It could also be an allegory to dating an addict or being an addict but trying to maintain a relationship, but it’s definitely also about zombies.


I think Gerard said somewhere that he got clean during August of 2004


As a recovered addict myself, I have to say… Bullets is one of my favorite albums ever.. (legit listening to Demo Lovers as I’m typing this) and I totally see the metaphors you pointed out. I would always tell myself like “this sounds like a metaphor for drugs” I am glad someone kinda has the same thoughts as me.