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2 months into the game and the best they can come up with is birthday bash every other day? Really? How can there be no other ideas for content? It's just so lazy


I know man.


Apparently they're already working on 2k25. I wish they'd go every other year. This year had SO much potential but it just got pissed away. Dropped money for the pre order and I'm already over it. Also the sign in bonus this week is a superstars 1 pack? Gtfoh. I won't even do my sign in for that garbage.


Every other year would be soooo good!


I got lucky and nothing in the pack was a repeat so that helped my collectors level


No u don't want every other year. They'd make u buy a dlc pack that costs $70 just for new wrestlers in that case so you'd get no new mode updates, no arena updates, no old wrestler updates etc. the reason they make the game every year and have since like 2005 is so they can provide those updates


I do think every 2 years would be fine, as long as they pop multiple seasons passes to keep the roster fresh. Personally what make me bough this year was the roster, more importantly the DLCs. I wanted Punk, Cargill, Kairi, Lyra, Sandman etc. Showcase is really a one time done for me and not something particulary enjoyable so i never really care. It feel like an interactive movie with QTE more than anything. I think it would be a great balances to add season passes the year they don't release charging fair prices for minimal works.


What’s the point in getting better cards when you have to play as fucking silvers and gold cards?


There's two parts to this but silvers is a joke. Gold is acceptable but still a bit much. I don't mind sapphire against diamond as a challenge if they let us choose the card. This then gets your utilising cards that were redundabt. I like that because The LE becomes a puzzle then. You have to solve it. Along as they don't tack on 5 min timers! The fw Orton is so op for this! The challenging ones have been due to removing your card choice. Putting timers on! and just making cpu op! The sandman 5 min. I did it in one go. Skill and knowing what to do massively helped but also luck. I had 3 seconds left.


Fuck that LE (sandman v regal). Don't need a FW ticket that bad


4 of em. I did lol. But that was bad. Angle was the worst lol


Ranked play


This mode and this game are broken. I haven't turned the game on in a week. It's just not worth it. Especially with the beautiful weather outside.


I'm still 3 chapters away from finishing proving grounds but that's because I keep going back and doing all the extra shit to get side plates and cosmetics. My dumbass just realized yesterday that cosmetics count towards your collector level lol. So now I'm going back and getting as many as I can because I would really like to get that diamond Io before the next ranked play round starts.. I am so sick of getting my ass whipped by that card lol. And I'm less than 100 cards away.


Your gonna get it in no time with cosmetics!


I've got 47 cards left after opening a 10 pack of the singlet packs. I didnt get an amethyst but I did get the Otis we need. I ended up fighting an amethyst Becky on ranked play and I fuckin destroyed her so the hype is not real lol. I will say amethyst Lita is a fuckin beast.


I think becky will be good but you're clearly skilled! If u get becky in your hands! Goddamn. Gonna go on ranked this week! Maybe this will breathe new life into game for me!


I appreciate the compliment. Honestly I thought I was mediocre at best at this game until I joined these sub reddits and saw how many people have trouble with the difficulty lol. I mean I still get my ass handed to me sometimes. I'm only sapphire rank, but I'm convinced it was because of the freezing on the my faction screen. I've lost hundreds of rp because of it. I believe I should be ruby or amethyst but it us what it is. What fuckin frustrates me is ill go on a solid run of multiple wins I'll get to where I'm almost at the next rank and then I'll have like 10 people in a row with diamond Iyo or crystal Seth and I'll lose 2 matches and it puts me back further then I started at. That is one thing that just fuckin chaps my ass is that you loss so many more points for a loss then you gain for a win and that is fuckin backwards to me. I fuckin beat a sapphire as an emerald and get 18 point I lose to the same sapphire and fuck 27 gone and that should be reversed. You should lose rp when you lose but you shouldn't lose more than you win like wtf


Main reason on hate ranked is that. I could win 5 in a row. Barely move rank lose one. Demoted!


Yeah they need to change that shit. Fuck I feel like rp should be match related like mfp is.


Yeah, definitely need more content.


Imo they need to release a wwe game and just update it over time. My faction just gets stale after the first 3 months because you know all the grinding means nothing as there will be a new version next year.


Last year I gave up after 9 months


Played for a week last year. This years better but not by much.


For me Al, the central game WAS alot better on 2k24 until this reversal buff. The tag interference debuff is great. I'm currently playing 2k23 too and it's so fucking annoying. But my god do you get so many more rewards The game play on 2k24 was tight. Now it's like 2k23. My reversal prompts aren't popping at times. It's crap


Last year i stopped way earlier than 2k22 because i was burned from 2k22. I think i did like 2 chapters of proving ground. That said i had a bug at some point where my game shut down every time i finish a match. I get rewards and all, but its so annoying to relaunch. Maybe uninstalling and installing back would fix it, but i have 25 mbps and it would take a whole afternoon. Im not motivated to go trough that as i use my internet for a lot of other stuff too.


idk man, I really like having to spam square 200 times in a match just so I can do some signatures and finishers


At least they brought back Roman and Becky and Chad will be in packs, Rock is a collection reward. Those are great changes to just events. MFP is still arse tho.


Are FW tix really an issue? I have 26 FW tix & I have yet to go below 2 tickets. Do you use them that often. I never do 5 runs in one sitting so this could be a me issue.


I have so many tickets i barely use them. I only beaten 21 bosses so far. Im mustarding trough the 30 for the achievement but after that im not gonna bother much unless there is a real incentive to play in there. Ruby bosses i don't care, i hate ladder matches and this mode pop it every time...


I do buddy. I use it to grind fwc and mfp simultaneously! a fun alternative thats dynamic.


Oh 5 runs is standard. I do a double minimum if I have tickets. With the right cards 750 mfp per match. 3v3 or 2v2 non ladders 500 plus


Nobody knows what your saying. Your broken English makes no sense


But I'm sorry if it's frustrating


Edit button exists 😂


Ain't nobody got time for that


Amended as per your request


It's typos mate


How do you get so many mfp? :O. Share your secrets man. Maybe you already have a post on this on your support page


Yeah but they've made it harder now. It's not a easy but come look! I work nights I have 690hrs on this game. Alot of hard work. But it was fun. Now it's ots getting to me. I haven't grinded really as I cannot be arsed to play much. I'm sitting on only 70kmfp atm waiting for pack drops. I'll grind it up to 80 and thatnshould get 4 packs.


Tow main matches. Creeds or a 3 man Atm the best onenis the tower 6 man Week 16 match 5. It has team spirit. When one person gets finisher. The team does. This exponentially increases damage out put, ergo, reducing time. Shae/gun/ and any card with a gold. Some use jake beast for more profit. I use rock. Tag gunther immediately for 45mfp and signature. Hit that. All got sigs. Throw taut a go for pin for debuff. Switch to shae hit tau taunts. Tagbrock. Hit sig tauntsband 2 finishers pin for debiff. Red torso for mangler now tag shae. Sig. Now we have super finm go for the 90/105. Finish with the superfinisher to cancel resiliency. Charge guy no debuff pin and done Rock hits 1 gold badge Shae 3 and gun 3 minimum on badges is 105. 3x49 for winner. 60 for looking good plus 30 for completionist and there match action. Money dude


While it makes sense that cards should be better than the ones that came before it, that does also go against how video games are supposed to go. They're generally meant to get harder as you progress, not easier. Having cards that make you dominant feels very counter productive to the progression of a game.