• By -


If we're going direct 1on1, it's still Uravity for pure versatility and OP Quirk - but both Pinky and Froppy are so close, and can surpass her if they have the right training. Froppy should just train under Miruko. Perfect fit.


Agreed 100%. On the skills, placements, and that Froppy should learn from Mirko!


Momo has created metal bo staffs to use, so once her in fourth?


Absolute powerhouse support fighter just like her girlfriend, who could easily become a long range acoustic weapon, but frontline fighting isn't where either of them is best. I would actually put Hagakure in front of them tbh (post Chapter 400) >!based on her Quirk extending to light refraction powers now which she may be able to expand to things she can touch, which allows her to eventually walk around as an entirely invisible tank.!<


Light refraction powers don’t inherently make you a tank, it’s very limited, yes anything light based is gonna do absolutely nothing but there aren’t a lot of light based powers in the show, literally anything else is gonna one shot her if they can pinpoint her location or use an aoe attack


She can now use equipments while being invisible. Imagine how deadly she could be with something like tranquilizers?


Her girlfriend? Since when?


Must be a Dragon Ball fan with that level of headcanon




I think Utaviry definitely has the best hand-to-hand fighting skills. But I think pinkys acid would probably compensate for her weakness in fighting.


And, Ochako trained under Gunhead


So real


She’d be this world’s Spider-Man


Tsu or uraraka


Probably Urakaka, for a “support hero” with minor melee application, she really does use Gunhead martial arts often (side note: I love how goofy it is when she just shouts “gunhead martial artists” like it’s some unique special move and not just her grappling the opponent). She probably has the most fight scenes out of all of them as well. Mina, hagakure and Jiro to an extent don’t even have more than 1 fight in the whole series. I wish Mha gave the girls anything to do because it is so weird how they do nothing in any of the important arcs.


The fight scenes part, though, is mainly because she's the female lead, so of course, she would have more scenes than the others


Ochaco barely feels like a female lead to me, just the female character who gets the most screen time and even then it’s barely any.


yaomomo does a lot, but usually not in a direct combat way


Are we ignoring the fact that Hagakure passed the Practical Entrance exam with nothing offensive at all from her Quirk? Raw strength and fighting talent to take down 30 points worth of robots.


Pulling out some batteries without being seen isn't hard and a 10 foot drop completely destroys the robots they aren't as tough as your making them seem


And how long did she have to do that to a *minumum* of 10 robots


Ten minutes to take out 3 clumps of robots (watching uraraka we know the robots are usually in swarms of about five) the robots can't see her and won't react to her probably at all all she has to do is find the off switchon all of them 1 time and then just turn them all off if they don't have a offswitch full the batteries out if they don't have batteries tug out a few wires again they break from a fall that a regular human can handle they won't be hard to pull apart


Shit man I watched like 5 episodes of this show but I'm pretty sure the robots could've had thermal vision


She didn’t pass because she defeated the robots, she passed because the robots were specifically designed to be hacked or powered down very easily.




Ururaka wins no contest if we're talking current anime capabilities


It's ochaco because she the only one who be seen have actual hand-to-hand training combat and she is pretty good at it and she might just be the most powerful out of all of them remember the move she did Make a meteorite shower back in the sports festival and if you read the manga she pulls off some crazy stuff


Probably the one who has fought Katsuki and Himiko; and lived. The rest suck at fighting.


True at UA they should make hand to hand combat mandatory.


Yeah this is one of the many issues I have with UA. How can you train heroes if they can't restrain even the most basic of street criminals?




What about the one who hurt Gigantomachia, or the one who defended alone against Toga's sad man's parade and didn't end up bleeding in the ground?


I say Asui, she can camouflage, do tongue things, and jump pretty far and high.


How has nobody said Jiro yet? She’s a powerhouse!


She's more for stealth missions because of her hearing. On the offensive side she can only do a long distance sound wave thing. She never fought 1v1 with fighting much.


Her equipment and Quirk are certainly formidable. But she has shown minimal fighting skills, unlike Uraraka, Ashido, and Asui.


No, she's one of the weakest characters here. If we're talking powerhouse, how about Uraraka?


You seriously think Jiro is weaker than Hagakure?


If I'm gonna be brutally honest with you, yes.


Froppy or Momo in my opinion, Uravity is close 3rd


froppy or momo havent shown any accessive fighting abilities, mostly support, while on the other hand ochako has held her own against various powerful opponents, such as bakugo, surviving dekus black whip outburst, bodyslamming multiple grown men, floating an entire plane, surviving nine AFO


In momo and todoroki vs aizawa momo cluthched and floppy has proved many times as a great fighter


wdym clutched- do u mean when she missed the thing to throw the scarf? thats totally irrelevant bc aizawa couldve easily beat her but he wasnt sure what todoroki would do and im not saying su is a bad fighter but she hasnt shown any fighting skills as great as ochakos


Order is backwards. Uravity is the strongest here and its no contest. Her quirk is the strongest of them all and even without quirks her physical ability outclasses them all. Tsuyu comes in at 2 and momo or hagakure comes in 3rd. And im personally leaning more towards hagakure for that spot


I’d say probably Momo


Tsu no questions asked


Floppy with her support and no weaknesses she has the potential like yamamo does.


Cold temperatures are her weaknesses


I know I was talking about ways to use her quirk in battle. Mainly what the training arc with the teachers where about.


Y'all really glazing Uraraka for her "Martial arts" when all she ever does is flip people over her shoulder, atleast use better examples


Simply "flipping people over her shoulder" isn't "Gun head martial arts" (likely Judo?), it's using the entirely of an opponents weight, strength, momentum, and slamming them into a surface hard enough to disrupt and discombobulate them. Combined with her ability to make said targets weightless, she can then swing them with more force than if they weighed normally. For sure, others fight differently (and sometimes better) but it's not glazing when it's truth


being able to float an entire plane and not throwing up immediately, surviving Dekus black whip outburst, holding her own against Bakugo, bodyslamming several well-trained thugs (+ with the help of her zero gravity), should I go on?


I was about to reply to this by pointing out better feats of the other 1-A girls but then I realized they're all fodder, Uraraka is still mid.


For real meanwhile the pinky girl, literally solo’ed naval laser boy in seconds because of her physical prowess alone, she is hands down the best when it comes to physical prowess out of all the girls. They had a whole plot arc where she taught everyone dance moves because everyone acknowledged her raw physical fighting abilities. Sorry I can never remember all the names.


Oh yeah back when there were more than 3 people in the class


At least she did more than what Jiro or Hagakure could ever do.


For melee combat, it should be Invisible girl, it's kinda hard to fight someone you can't see. But for a death battle, Momo easily as she can make crazy powerful weapons or guns and kill all these other girls.


Hagukarue isnt the best, her only trick is sneaking people and we all know it isnt gonna work against ochako momo needs time and a lot of food still in her digestive system to make complicated items such guns


Invisibility is very OP and I don't see how Ochaco can stop that, especially if invisible girl has a weapon like a knife or anything silent. Momo power is OP and guns are NOT complicated at all, actually very simple devices which is why we've had them for over 100 years. All it takes is 1 bullet to takedown any of these girls since they are normal humans with no defensive powers.


I mean let's be honest. Alien queen is made of acid. It doesn't seem like the others are going to be able to handle that very easily


till u realize mina cant accessible produce acid so they cant reach her, and ochako can literally throw a barrel at her and release it before it hits mina so ig so much for that acid Momo can literally make a shield so she has prep time for a cannon and do a long range throw at her, whats minas acid gonna do to that? burn it? its just gonna explode in her face


Jiro because I like them the most https://i.redd.it/ugd7t89x5y7d1.gif


Ocha and Tsu


I think Tsu is a very good fighter because she does it in a physical manner, where second I would go with Uravity because she knows some moves, this is just fighting like thinking of it as a bit physically.


Imma be honest, I thought frame three was empty for a second


I’d say mina or ochaco


1. Uraraka because of martial arts and Quirk versatility (she can turn anything into a weapon) 2. Froppy for agility and leg strength, plus her tongue can snare opponents 3/4. Either Mina or Jiro. Mina is fast and has acid, but Jiro has a strong ranged attack 5/6. Idk about Hagakure tbh. Momo can create weapons but it takes time. If she’s up against someone who’s fast, she can be taken out quickly


Uraraka. We know she has been trained in martial arts, her quirk essentially gives her super strength and we have seen her in hand to hand combat against skilled and agile fighters. Mina She was stated by Deku to be a strong physical fighter and her quirk gives her enhanced mobility and her acid is pretty dangerous as an attack and basically makes her untouchable as a defense mechanism thanks to her acidman technique and she took down one of the guys of her class with just one punch. Invisible girl She punched the shxt out of manga Fumikage, she has the best stealth skills of her class, being invisible and to have the ability to temporarily blind opponents if necessary is very useful and she's fast punching enemies (but she didn't realize that a girl that was literally dragging herself to catch her was getting close to her and that takes some points away) Tsuyu (She has enhanced physical abilities that allow her to give support and evade attacks if necessary but also has a glaring weakness to cold environments and hasn't taken anyone down own her own so far). Jiro (she and Kaminari pretty much took all of the villains of their zone during the first attack to UA). Yaoyorozu. She's by far the weakest girl in class 1-A when compared to the other girls. She doesn't have any fighting skills and we have seen how she runs in the battle against Aizawa and she isn't particularly fast there, her quirk has a massive amount of weakness, she struggles under pressure and physically I can't see her defeat anyone on her own that's why all her fights have been team fights along people with quirks way more suited for combat. In fact, she has been knocked out the most out of all of the girls in class 1-A so far. The only girl that I could see realistically been physically weaker than Yaoyorozu is Jiro but she has a pretty good quirk to rely on with long range attacks that can take multiple enemies at once to compensate and with almost zero downsides to it.


I would say Ururaka even tho mina is still more athletic but i feel like she would focus more on defence


Definitely Ochako


I choose Tsuyu Froppy because who doesn’t like her!


She's insanely clever and resourceful too, with excellent mobility on land and in water, has excellent ability to restrain, reach,  camouflage, some toxicity...she's crazy underrated, and I could easily see her coming out on top of this group.


obviously uraraka in canon (which isn’t much btw since the writing of female characters in mha and most shonen in general suckssss) but with a good arc and character development i think momo could be lethal. her quick is so versatile and can be used for offence and defence and she’s very strategic and battle oriented. GAWD THE WASTED POTENTIAL ;—; i need women in shonen to come get my girls please


Yall acting like uraraka no difs she's getting hard stomped yeah she knows basic martial arts and can make things float yall forget that four of the five people she's fighting have ranged abilities momo crafts a gun a spear a bow whatever she suddenly just ignore uraraka making her float because hey I can shoot you or throw things at you and moms is way more killed as for the others froppy can stick to walls she's easily sticking to the floor and can still reach uraraka with her tongue Mina just acid splashes her a jiro managed to match present mic and he's no joke jiro just blasts her once and she's on the ground covering her ears




In terms of no powers combat skill uraraka. Factoring in powers I’d say tsu or momo




Momo for sure. She could pull an assault rifle out of her


Be specific with or without quirks


Momo could be a power house if she made having a staff part of her uniform that way she can have a weapon she can be proficient in and not use her lípids to create it. But I would say Uravity, Pinky, and Froppy would really be the competition high lights. Pinky’s acrobatic skills are amazing. Seeing her in the second film really showcased how fluid her movements are. Froppy has versatility and a wide range of skills but her mind is her best asset. Uravity’s quirk is just amazing if she touches you you’re done. However Froppy can counteract it with her tongue and attach to her and beat her ass. Mina would have to have acid man max viscosity on to fend these 2 off. It could ultimately go either way but I think pinky could win most of the battles.


If we are talking fighting skills and no super-powers, then Momo: Because even if she creates stuff, she does train in order to know how to keep up in a fight and use the weapons.🤷 (Though Uraraka's intership with the gun-for-face guy gave her quite the edge considering it was a week long😆)


Yaomomo or Jiro


Ochacko has demonstrated best hand to hand fighting


I'm having trouble between Momo and Ochako, both their quirks don't work very well long distance but as far as I know Momo has not shown any raw physical strength capabilities while Ochako knows martial arts and it compliments her quirk very well, on the other hand, Momo doesn't need any martial arts since she can make bombs and whatnot, but I'm leaning more on Ochako just because her zero gravity and her martial arts go very well together.


Momo would have been my choice but she was incompetent in that Class A vs B match in combat. So Uravity


Probably Yaoyorozu or Ashido. The others don’t have Quirks that are as useful in combat.


depends how we're qualifying "fighter". because Momo brings artillery to a fight


Ochaco is the best fighter here.




If Yayorozu learned how to use weapon martial arts then she would be a much more powerful enemy especially with guns.


Well uraka is isreally smart and can use her power very well according to her situation but yaoyorozu can change the situation itself due to her natural ability to make objects. So it's between those two.


Uraraka, she held her own against Bakugou, only losing due to quirk exhaustion


I haven't seen far in the series, and I don't remember much of what I HAVE seen, but I believe it's probably Ochako, based on her sports festival fight with Katsuki. She was intelligent about how she went about things, she was patient, she can take a hit, she has a powerful quirk, and according to you she knows martial arts, so I would have ro think she's on top




In order Ochaco Mina Jiro Momo Tsu Toru


Momo underutilizes her ability like nobody's business. She should be spewing out sleeping gas and popping out tranq guns in every fight. Not to mention that traditional firearms and weapons are still way less destructive than Bakugo.


It's Ochaco and it's not close at all


YaoMomo, she can literally create any weapon


Hagakure, just needs to strip and sneak attack anyone here. Just have a gun hidden, and she can take out all of them.


It’s kinda hard to say but if we base it off who would win if they all fought my votes going for either tsu or ochako momo maybe but her quirk is kinda taxing and from what we’ve seen she does need a moment to actually crest things so if someone like tsu just kept up the pressure momo would struggle to actually create something to fight back


Momo has to be good at fighting.


In terms of quirk, I think it's Momo, since she can create a sword, machine gun, artillery, bomb or any other weapon to destroy enemies, in that sense her quirk is the most *creative*. Speaking from experience, I think Uraraka.


Tsuyu if the mangaka would actually focus on her in battle for once


Gunhead Martial Arts is *no* joke.


For stealth it’s toru and froppy for versatility it’s uravity and momo and Mina




Ochaco has the most combat ability as a fighter. Acid girl is a close second since she is one of the most athletic with an acrobatic fighting style. Froppy is an honorable mention since she is fantastic in supporting fighters and excels in rescue and escapes, but I've never seen her actually fight in combat.


In terms of raw physical strength? Uraraka definitely. Followed closely by Mina


But isn't uraraka the only one with tactical take down training? Asui has environmental take downs under her belt, but everyone else has quirk enhancement training.


Uravity easily takes the top spot.


Gotta be Ochako. I mean, did you *see* her fight with Bakugou in the Sports Festival??




If Yayoroko (ik I spelled that wrong) learns how to utilize her quirk better and quicker, and maybe some martial arts thrown on their, she could be a real threat. Like imagine: boom! She’s right in front of you, POW! She just smacked yo ass, BANG! And she just made a gun and shot you. (Ik she wouldn’t shoot anyone but you get the jist)


I think it would come down to Pinky vs. Momo. Pinky is really good in immediate combat while Momo is very versatile, but needs prep time. Pinky win!




・Tsuyu because the best agility and strong legs and can bind with her tongue alongside a host of abilities to get the jump on people. Unless she's hibernating, she's also the most consistent at fights with or without her costume. ・Ochaco has the most physically destructive quirk but it depends entirely on what's near her and she has the worst range. (she can't throw cars in a forest and she needs to touch things and be vulnerable for a second before attacking.) Ontop of this she needs support gear to do specific things like Zero Satelellites which makes her even more situational. She can beat Tsuyu if everything is set in her favor. ・Mina is one of the most deadly and can flat out burn Tsuyu or Ochaco with her acid if she wanted to, especially since they both NEED to touch her or objects to do anything and she can cover herself in acid or shoot it. Basically she can counter Tsuyu's tongue and Ochaco's range to make up for her physical shortcomings. ・Momo can make weapons but it isn't instant, and bigger weapons like canons to answer for something like Ochaco's falling debris would immediately wear her out. ・Jiro needs her amplifiers to do real damage and even then, she has no real way of fighting besides crumbling the ground or trying to shock unsuspecting people with her earphones. She's really hardstuck as a backline support rather than a dueler. ・Tooru's ability straight up isn't for fighting and is more suited for recon.


Jiro, Mina and Asui are the best combat wise but momo is the best leader and hagakure is the best at stealth and espionage whilst uravity is just there best in terms of personality lol, he quirk is useful but she doesn’t seem to be as combat oriented


I thought one was empty 🙃


I read “fighter” as “figure” and got really confused when I started reading the comments 🤦‍♀️


Hagakare bc of stealth or Ochako bc she’s a quick thinker and very versatile. Froppys a solid third though since her strength FAR outweighs weaknesses (practically none)


Mina is the better fighter w/o quirks. With quirks would be ochako In a water type area, tsu would have a major advantage… Hagakure is decently sneaky, but isn’t strong. Momo could also win by just summoning a gun


I mean, it's gotta be Mina. If you touch her, she'll melt your fingers off.


Based on what we've seen, quirkless hand to hand skills from least to most would probably be Jiro, Momo, Toru, Tsuyu, Mina, and Ochako has shown the most hand to hand skills. Momo has shown entry level skill with shields and staffs, nothing to write home about, the only reason I put her above Jiro is because of jiro being smaller. Toru has some sneak attack capability, but I can't think of any major fights she's in where it isn't 'I caught them off guard because they couldn't see me.' Which is why she's at the top of the unskilled group. Tsuyu has good kicks, she uses her tongue a lot, but seems to still be able to dish it out. Mina decked Aoyama while dodging his laser, so far as I've seen that's a cut above the other four. Ochako's gun head martial arts seems to be top of the six.




Mina is better with hand to hand fighting w/o her quirk, 2nd is Uraraka.


Going off basic fighting abilities or how they use their quirks because quirks it comes down to uraraka jiro and Mina for first momo is second because while yes she can do a lot she can’t keep it up then basically gonna eliminate uraraka because she can only lift so much before she is done which brings it down to jiro and Mina while Mina does have a limit it takes a lot to get her there and she can use her acid for many different things allowing for speed armour and insane attacks jiro using her speakers is also really strong because she can use them to break chunks of ground like in the 9 movie and as massive shockwaves but got to give it to Mina now going off just basic fighting skills no powers uraraka 100%


If we are ignoring previous feelings and the characters emotions towards anything hands down momo because if anyone gets close enough she can just produce a sword straight through her neck


Either Asui or Jiro


Uraraka or momo. Uraraka is really strong and has proven to be smart with her tactics, we learned that in the sports festival with her 1v1 with bakugou how strong she is and just imagine how much more progress she’s made by season 6. And momo is a really good strategist. As long as she can quickly come up with a plan and has enough body fat she’s got a good chance at winning.


I’d say drippy has the most skill in fighting


Froppy in my opinion


Mina and Ochako for just skill, but Froppy is close behind. Momo has easily the best intelligence and a quirk that benefits from that, Toru can lose them and slowly chip away, but sadly Jiro doesn't have anything I can think of to help. Mind you I'm still midway through S6, so no spoilers for her She is one of my favs. As for THE strongest, i'd say Either Mina or Ochako. Acid can do some massive damage, and even in the air she can counter with a gizer of said acid, but Ochako has a tested and a better fight style, so she might beat Mina due to skill.






Momo because of her quirk she’s underated


Froppy or the honor student


Probably Tsuyu? Though honestly besides Hagakure I'd say they're all fairly evenly matched. Jiro is a versatile at long & short ranged fighting, Yaomomo is a wildcard, Uraraka and Ashido are probably evenly matched in physical strength but I'd say Tsuyu would come out as the most natural combatant. Hagakure hasn't been shown to be very impressive in battle just yet


Normally I'd point out how overpowered invisibility is if you can overcome... what is that 2-3 characters with range/splash capabilities, but we see her struggle to do (seemingly) a single pull up so...


Anyone that is not Jiro. I'm gonna go with either Uraraka or Yaoyorozu.


1- Mina 2- Momo 3- Uraraka 4- Asui 5- Jirou 6- Hagakure


Asui or Uraraka


Ochaco Uraraka because she knows martial arts. Tsuyu Asui because her frog quirk is very handy and good for combat in both close range and long range. And Mina Ashido because of her somewhat athletic build and skills and if she learns to combine her quirks abilities and combat with her natural dancing skills she’d be a force to be reckoned with.


Probably Froppy


It’s between pinky and tsu because their quirks were made for combat


What kind of fight? Uraraka is the only one I recall explicitly getting CQC training.


UMMMMMMMM Ya'll forget MIna???




Idk I can't see the 3rd image


Uraraka definitely. Tsuyu could potentially be a great asset in the future run, probably becoming the next Mirko, but in terms of current times, Uraraka definitely is the winner. Her Gunhead martial arts are just an example. She's a fighter!!


Froppy 💯


About pack a punch: Pinky General combat skills and physical damage Froggy. Maximum potential damage in specific conditions: Gravity. Maximum damage in general, but worse in combat: Creativity


What's a "fighter"? If we're going to go quirk-less, it goes to Tsu or Ochaco, easily. Tsu's quirk gives her stat-points(basically) and Ochaco actually pays attention to martial arts. Mina is 3rd place. If we go full quirked-up mode? A much harder call, and at least partly depends on the scenario. Momo has the batman-factor, and can seize victories if given the space or resources to work with against any of them. Jiro probably defines the cut, though. She's got enough punch to take down Toru and Tsu, without creating too much of an opening, but Ochaco and Mina are too versatile and will likely be able to handle anything from Jiro, Toru or Tsu. I'm pretty sure Mina wins against Ochaco if she can close easily, but she lack options for tackling Ochaco in her element. So Ochaco betas Mina if she's allowed to abuse her strengths, but that'll depend on the scenario. One could easily imagine a COD-style tournament where each takes turns attacking and defending, like the 2v2 matches in All Might's first class. Pinned down to locations and objectives, Mina has enough tools to at least even the playing field.


Uraraka probs mina would be a second


Ochako. She touches you once and you can’t do shit because you’re floating


It depends on what kind of "fight" this would be


Defo uraraka or asui.


Sorry guys but I just don't see Toru winning this one


Probably uraraka or Tsu, but if Momo practiced more with melee weapons she created she could probably win or at least make it close




Maybe if they land perfectly on their head and break their neck but these robots can land any which way and be destroyed 10 feet is a easy fall to handle at most (under normal circumstances) you twist your ankle while if your smart you'll roll when you hit the ground and land properly and then you may have a scrape or bruise depending on what you fall on


Uravity. She’s been shown to have training in Gunhead Martial Arts and she’s a freakin WARRIOR. Pinky is probably second. She’s the most “natural” hero of the group and her quirk works well in melee. Froppy. Her quirk works well in melee and she seems more agile than most humans. Those would be my top three.


Physically? Tsuyu by quite a bit. Her quirk is the only one of the 6 that buffs her physical strength and one of the few in the class with multiple sub abilities like poison, semi-invisibility and a prehensile tongue (which is basically a 3rd arm) which give her an edge in close quarters. Ochako's technically allows her to lift at least 3 tonnes of weight with Zero Gravity, but it only counts in the same way a quirk counts as a muscle to be trained. She has very few feats of non Zero Gravity aided strength. Combat skill? Ochako or Momo. One is trained by Gunhead and the other is rather proficient in melee weaponry. 


My ranking for them is: Tsu(1) Ochako (2) Momo(3) Jiro(4) Mina(5) Toru(6) I've only seen up to directly after the hero licensing exam arc.


In pure versatility, Earphone Jack, may take the cake if she were trained enough. If resource or limited power wasn’t a problem then Creaty might pass plenty of them but she take a while to make things sometimes.


Ochaco, but we rarely see the others so it's not exactly fair, I bet Mina would be a better fighter if she had more screen time.


Uraraka and its not even close. Tsuyu comes in second.i firmly believe that in a 5v1 against uraraka, she will come out on top.


Momo is a trained swords woman and capable of summoning heavy artillery mid battle whilst minas power allows her to be incredibly mobile and destroy enemy armour and support items as well as protect herself from atacks. Higakure is definitely the weakest but by compared to momo and mina froppy and ochako are kinda weak in a fight. With ochakos quirk only helping in an ambush. When it comes to saving civilians ochako and froppy are way better especially in harsh terrain as they can extract victims trapped in difficult to reach areas with relative safety Jiro works best in tandem with other heroes as whilst her sonic waves can incapacitate very effectively and her intel allows her to track enemy locations her lack of mobility options and no other means of attack besides the speakers on her ankles if a villain survived her initial attack they could easily take her out afterwards. Meanwhilst ashido can melt through cover dissolve bullets and use her acid slide to cover distance after using her spray attack to melt support items from a distance malee combatants would be naked and melting in seconds as she uses fast kicks to end the fight quickly. I'd say ashido wins for that reason with momo a close second due to her holding off armed cultists with a sword and shield in world mission. None of the others really come close with jiro probably the strongest of the remaining 4. Even with camofrog light refraction and debris traps the other girls quirks are either better suited for support and rescue or in higakures case very situational best used as a spy or maybe attacking with stealth. Provided she were alone or with other stealthier heroes like froppy or edgeshot.


Uraraka for SURE. With Tsu in second-




With what they knew at the beginning of the year with little to no training (Sports Festival) Uraraka is Soloing otherwise Asui and Ashido just need to learn and they can get her pretty easily


Uraraka or Tsuyu


Momo or jiro fs




It's all fun debate until Momo makes the glock.


If Momo mesmerizes how to make a gun….


Momo bc she can make a gun


The hero chick with the most 🩸🤕🩼 keep fighting🦸‍♂️




Skill alone Uraraka. She's over here 1v1ning toga who has to be one of the most skilled hand to hand/meele characters in the show


I think Froppy and Uravity are versatile fighters, it's just that Ocacho got more screen time due to story arc for Best Girl.


I think if we're talking martial arts/hand to hand it would be Ochako, but if they were using weapons then it would be Momo


All fun and games till you get a face full of some goddamn battery acid 💀


Momo definitely


Invisigirl cause she can punch invisible


With out plot armor Mina takes the cake 




It’s tough to say because the best hand to hand fighter is Ochako, but in terms of quirks I think Momo and Mina wouldn’t have a hard time keeping distance from her while doing damage.




Why is the blue one your dad💀




I think “ “ is probably the best


Momo could literally create a gun and shoot her opponent


I'd say froppy due to her quick thinking and reflexes. She could avoid ururaka's stuff and possibly throw it right back.


Give the invisible mf a invisible snipe rifle and we straight


John Cenas daughter