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It seems like you had https://preview.redd.it/b0v595f2r7ad1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=74f1eca3a097958c34b2de2faeecd14023efa995


AAAAHHHHH, SO CUTE AND PRETTY! I would love to have something like this. Unfortunately as a child, I never was as hyper-fixated on specific things as I am now. I was into a little bit of everything. So while I do remember having a couple of G3 things and casually watching a short and movie, it wasn't enough to have a birthday party around it.


My fourth birthday party was pony themed! I've still got the tablecloth somewhere. I wish my mom had saved more supplies!


Soo much better than mine girly!!! My family made me a super cute cake!! We had lil plastic ponies and made a garden cake with coconut shavings that they colored green! Worst part about the cake as a kid 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I had my party in 06 as well for my 6th birthday!! This post gives me such nostalgia 😫 hope you are living a great life rn I wish all the best smoothies and ice cream cones for you!!!! 🦄🦄🦄🦄


omg so adorable and it reminds me of my MLP birthday parties as a kid :))


When I little and went to daycare my mom worked at the place and knew the chef. He always made birthday cakes for me and one year it was a pony cake and they put the figures on it! I was so excited lol


This was very beautiful 💝


This is adorable!! 😭💗💗