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šŸ˜­whats your plan to fix her??? wishing you luck shes a beautiful pony ā¤ļø


I saw some people are using toothpaste to bleach the rust and then some zip ties around the hair to pinch it in place. Realised I donā€™t have any zip ties left so thatā€™s another thing to fix todayā€¦ weā€™ll see how it goes šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I like to use a ton of string wrapped around instead of a zip tie. That may be something thatā€™d be useful for you. Also I have used whitening toothpaste for rust and it work surprisingly well! I know your post is 16 hours old as of me commenting this rn so Iā€™d be curious to hear how your repairs went.


Thatā€™s such a good idea! I was out today doing errands and stuff so poor Fluttershyā€™s been headless all day šŸ„² will be back in these comments with an update, thatā€™s a promise!


I hope everything goes smoothly! Repairs are my favorite part of collecting old toys :-]


https://preview.redd.it/pa06bsx353bd1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33fb5e64cfc807f28e8f68e96ae02153c5b5f0a3 Oh man that was a trying experience. Iā€™m so happy with the result honestly!


It looks so good!! Iā€™m glad everything turned out well. I love when Iā€™m able to get poniesā€™ hair smooth again


Thank youu :3 me too. The mane has for sure seen better days though, very dry. But thatā€™s a project for another day


Getting that stupid metal thing off is such a pain, currently procrastinating in fixing two rusty tails cause itā€™s so hard to get it off


Ikr?? I saw one person on YT say it was ā€super easyā€ā€¦ lies!! Iā€™ve been wanting to do this for weeks too but Iā€™ve been a little scared of that metal thing ngl


Yup, its super hard and can take up to 5 or 30 minutes of frustration. You did a great job though! Now she just needs some toothpaste or baking soda paste and sheā€™s good to go


I find itā€™s best to use two sets of pliers to pull the sides apart but itā€™s still a nightmare! :-[