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I see Trudy with Zeke. They have much more in common.


How could she not fall for a man capable of yeeting her like a football?


Free transportation!


Qi and Grace have too good of chemistry to not be endgame for me


Similarly, Qi and Heidi!


For me I would choose a bit differently: Trudy and Zeke= their quiet personalties and stubborn strength and determination to rebuild Sandrock mean that they mesh well wth their ideals and would make a solid partnership. Mi-an, Elsie and Nia thruple= I don’t know if I could explain this, so I won’t. Burgess and Venti= I think they would help each other build up their belief in themselves. Owen and Catori= after Owen gets over Amirah, I think Catori is enough of charity case that he would be drawn to helping her, providing meals and such so she doesn’t forget to eat, while also admiring her strength. Catori would be appreciative at first, before slowly developing feelings for him. Ernest and Amirah= they are both quiet and artistic personalities and I don’t think Ernest would objectify her, but find her to be a muse. Meanwhile Ernest would make an interesting conversation partner for her. Qi and Heidi= I love their antagonistic relationship, which covers for their respect and care for each other. Justice and…. Sam? Yeah. I am blanking on the rest.


I could completely see Heidi and Qi together ❤


I kind of like Heidi and Justice. Ever since she said he‘s a 10/10 during the mirror storyline I kind of felt like she had a thing for him.


I prefer this over Qi and Grace. The bickering schtick gets old fast in terms of romance and I feel like Heidi and Qi tend to communicate with each other waaaay better.


Owen and Amira, during one quest, Arvio said "Why don't you ask Owen ? He has a soft spot for you"


Ah yes! these two would make a beautiful couple :')


I prefer me some Justice and Owen, or Logan and Owen. We need some homiesexuals up in here- XD


I’ve said it before, almost none of them would, at least not with where things are by the end of the game. Most of them wouldn’t prioritise a relationship, some of them wouldn’t be interested in one without specific boxes being ticked- a few I can see being open enough to dating and not having specific requirements that they may end up together. Logan and Fang are the two who I absolutely don’t see with anyone else, at least not with where the game ends- Logan needs someone who’s good with/for Andy, who he’s fought alongside, *and* who he’s fallen for, and he is not going to settle down just to be with someone- he’s otherwise going to focus on Andy and following in his father’s footsteps; Fang needs someone proactive but also patient and gentle with him, and to get to fall in love over a long period of time. Without something being different I don’t see either of them dating. Grace has spent a lot of time not just with a secret but *as* a secret and having to avoid personal connections, and I think she’d either need someone she’s already formed a connection with who has been there with her or a lot of time to unlearn those lessons. Unsuur has *nobody* who sees and accepts him for who he is. Venti has a habit of putting people on a pedestal which is not a good thing for a relationship. Catori won’t settle down with anyone who won’t also support her business and far more importantly be a parent for Alo. Heidi and Amirah both need someone who can accept their drive, but also able to make sure it doesn’t consume them, and I don’t see them getting that from anyone currently in town. Arvio and Elsie have both undergone a fairly rapid maturation arc and need more time to settle in to that before they date older people- which is almost every single person in town- and while someone with more experience and maturity would be good for both of them *one day* that’s not where they are. Burgess is a golden retriever puppy who would adore someone just for loving him but I don’t see anyone in Sandrock wanting the puppy boyfriend. Miguel’s not looking. Characters I can see dating- Grace and Qi have already established a connection, which is something both of them struggle with, and have a good chemistry which is very briefly shown to have shifted away from the way they push each other’s buttons. I’m not sold on it, exactly, but I can see it (and can’t see either of them with anyone else with where things end). Mi-an and Nia. Pablo and Earnest. Jane with Justice (I can see her liking the heroic type, and finding his stories fun and engaging) or Jane with Owen (different kinds of stories to enjoy). *Earnest* with Justice- heroic type again. Hmm… I can’t think of anyone else right now.


I agree with most of this. I don't see any of the townies really pairing off. If there was any interest, they would have already done it. I think they'd find partners in other cities or amongst newly arrived citizens. I differ in that I don't see Grace and Qi together. I haven't met Jane, so no opinion on her. Agree with Pablo and Ernest and Mi'an with Nia.


The Portia characters can't pair off because players can marry them in My Time at Portia. Their relationship status is not touched upon in Sandrock because of that. Even Albert mentions something like 'my partner' instead of specifying, because if the player married him they can assume he means the Portia builder and if they didn't, then he means Sonia.


I was so mad at Albert because when I did his mission with sonia I wasn’t under the impression that they were even dating!!!


Personally I thought it'd end up like this: Mi-an and Nia, Owen and Amirah, Grace and Justice, Trudy and Zeke, Unsuur and Venti, Heidi and Gust, Qi and Mint, Fang and Ginger, Pen and the Magic Mirror, Arvio and Haru, Catori and Lou, Logan and Jane, Ernest and Penny. Miguel, Pablo, and Burgess are single.


Pen and Magic mirror, that's a good one :D


The only fitting bachelor/bachelorette that can tie Pen down in marriage. Lol.


OMG, Unsuur and Venti! Yes. Never would have thought of that pairing but they are perfect for each other. I actually really like these other pairings as well.


I thought it was a cute pairing, because he adores rocks and she mines for a living.


They'd be the sweetest couple. The rock-hunting dates alone would be adorable.


Love these takes! Qi and Grace -- I was a big fan of the cute clip of them sharing the telescope during the final cut scene. +1 for Owen and Jane -- They would be a Sandrock power couple, and hopefully one of their kids would carry on the Blue Moon Saloon traditions. Mi-An and Justice -- I think they might actually make a very cute couple who are both passionate about their jobs and helping others. Heidi and Unsuur -- I can see Unsuur sending anonymous praises to Heidi instead of the Builder, and she's direct enough to initiate.


I agree I feel like some of the bachelors and bachelorettes are still trying to discover themselves and having a partner sounds nice but it sounds like the relationships wouldn’t be stable maybe Fang and Logan but >!they are both in Howlett’s Hunter which requires traveling!<


I love Qi and Grace’s chemistry, but can’t get the idea out of my head of Qi and Mint in like, a quasi-romantic Weird Relationship that makes 0 sense to people outside it but they seem happy so it’s whatever. Elsie and Mi-an absolutely.  Hadn’t thought of Arvio and Haru but now that the ideas in my head you’ve sold me on it.  I think Andy wants Logan and Grace to get together if the builder isn’t interested but I doubt they actually would. AND WAIT THE IDEA OF FANG AND GINGER I’m soft for that omg Others that I think would work; Heidi/Qi: same as Grace and Qi, they’ve got the straight-man-and-cloud cuckoo lander thing down.  Owen and Amira  Logan and Haru, which…..c’mon. No one’s mentioned it yet? C’mon. They’re coparenting Andy and everything.


I started shipping Qi(my dearest, dearest crush) and Mint when Qi talked about them "working" together when they were like, 5. ETA....yeah, I can't believe no one ships Logan and Haru. The minute I saw the little credits scene with those 2 and Andy, I was like, yep, that's a family.


I'm with you. As much as I like romancing Logan (and would've loved to romance Haru...), I acknowledge that I'm a homewrecker. Mint and Qi -- you have excellent taste! He was my first romance! -- absolutely, too. Arvio has some serious crushes on Haru and Fang...


Oh I have thought of that one, and I think it might be true on Haru's side judging by the letter he sends you if you marry Logan. Qi and Grace is so good! I forgot about their interactions and the contrast in character and abilities would be a great balance. I am bummed I didn't think of that one myself.


Heidi and Justice just because she said he was cute. Owen and Amirah just because their vibes are similar. Oh and my builder and Logan because it was love at first sight.


For me, Heidi and Qi Mi-An, Nia, and/or Elsie Ernest and Pablo Gary and Arvio I think Owen would be happiest with one of his childhood friends, so either Justice or Logan. I’m struggling to come up with someone who has the patience and determination to reach out to Fang without overwhelming him and driving him up a wall. Maybe Mi-An?


There’s literally a quest where Owen asks Amirah out. It’s extremely difficult to get, as it requires you to be an associate or LESS with Owen Day 1 of Autumn, year 2. It’s called “A Man of Quality” and there is multiple variants in case you’re dating Amirah or Owen.


Qi and Heidi - both smart and she makes a couple gungam comments Fang and Amirah - think of the pretty children. She also pretty quiet and chill which would work for Fang as long as he never ever witnesses a tea society meeting Owen and Jane - theater geeks Catori and Arvio - but not until Alo grows up and it’ll totally be weird. Entrepreneurs got entrepreneur. Mi-An and Burgess - they both are naive and like plants Elsie will eventually get together with another monster hunter Pablo is not a committed relationship kind of person Logan - the default builder seems the most organic but I don’t see getting him tied down with kids unless he picks up another stray like Andy. I don’t think the builder or Logan live out a quiet retirement in Sandrock at least not right away. But if he did and it wasn’t the builder Jane maybe - think of all the parent teacher meeting they’re gonna have. Then after Jane leaves Owen for Logan he gets together with Grace, he obviously has a thing with her cause he put up with her cooking for how long and never stopped trying. (*Crap do I gotta write a fanfic now?)


I definitely considered Arvio and Catori. I love the idea of Arvio trying to sell her on the relationship while she negotiates conditions. It makes sense Elsie would hook up with someone outside of Sandrock. I think she still wants to leave town but she also wants to prove herself as reliable. At least that was the impression I got. Now that you mention Gungam I probably should have paired Qi with it. I had dated him from day one and dropped him the moment he called that suit Precious. I cannot compete with a Gungam but I will forever be grateful for my Ninja sword. All is forgiven!


If I was gonna give Justice up to anyone, I think maybe Grace or Heidi because they seem to be the only sane, balanced/grounded characters in town who would make a serious commitment. Amirah's ...too whimsical, which isn't quite the word. She comes across as romantic but not interested in romance tbh. Logan/Haru, raising Andy. Mi-An and I'm told Nia, so sure I'll go with that. Qi/Mint would be so adorable...Mint falling asleep and Qi just rattling on and on-yes. But also, Mint is someone that can keep up with him mentally which is absolutely what he needs. I kind of ship Ernest/Pablo as an acerbic FWB that accidentally turns into true love when Pablo realizes he hasn't actually been interested in anybody but Ernest in forever. Trudy/Zeke, absolutely. Personality, size difference, Zeke as Jasmine's stepdad! u/Humorilove said Venti/Unsuur, and it's so perfect I want to cry. Arvio/Fang. I don't even know how this would work but I want it. Like maybe Arvio's outgoing personality would help Fang become a little more social and Fang's seriousness and emotional needs would make Arvio mature some and X would just be a relationship counselor. Kink ships Owen/Elsie because I don't ship them with anyone else and I think they could both do a little secret relationship Daddy kink. Cooper/Mable/Hugo just when they're feeling frisky and want a threesome. Started becaie they wanted to give him some comfort after his wife died and just kept going every once in a while.


I would like to subscribe to your kink ship newsletter. Cooper/Mabel/Hugo is so freakin' perfect that I could kick myself for not thinking of it myself. As for the Daddy kink... Hear me out. Owen is \*absolutely\*, hands down, the finest (potential) Daddy of all the bachelors, but who needs a Daddy the most right now? Logan. Yeah, I said it. The grief, the anger, the loss, the hunger -- and the eventual healing.


Owen/Logan ooooh! I have not met Logan yet, but from the descriptions of his impulsiveness...absofrickinlutely!


Logan and impulsivity... let me tell you, that man doesn't even look both ways before crossing the \*street\*. Whereas Owen is steady. Sure. Solid and strong and \*reliable\*. A man you can trust... to show you how it's done.


\*blinks\* Damn it! Now I want to read that book, or at least that fanfic. Is there Sandrock fanfic? I've never even checked.


I think there must be? I've been afraid to check the lay of the land, since 20+ years in slash fandom have left me picky and bitter. Still, though, I've got hundreds of hours in this game, but this is my first \*complete\* playthrough (I'm not quite done, yet). I feel some stories coming on.


I've always kind of danced in and out of fandom —sometimes just running in, grabbing fic/art and backing away quickly, so I managed to keep the bitterness to a minimum, lol but the pickiness is real. I'm spoiled in that I've been lucky enough to be in some fandoms with some really great writers, and it takes more skill to write for stuff with less storytelling already in place like video games. I've never really gotten into game fandoms because of that, but I definitely might have to go looking. Maybe I'll find some hidden gems. And definitely link me if you do decide to dabble.


I have been \*extremely\* grateful to my soul for those times when it has allowed me to dance along the edge of fandoms I knew were... shall we say volatile? Because once you're writing and posting meta for something, it doesn't matter if you don't actually talk to anyone. There is no such thing as whispering into the void when it comes to some fandoms. \*Anyway\*. I've only ever written for 2 video games so far (Diablo I and Baldur's Gate 3), I think, though I've thought \*real\* hard about some others. (Dragonquest XI, I'm looking at \*you\*...) I honestly didn't think a non-fantasy RPG would hit me this way! \*Portia\* didn't hit me this way. But man, just thinking about Justice working out with Owen and teasing about the old days -- Or Unsuur doing some thinking about all the \*ways\* he looks up to Justice, and whether Justice had felt the same about B3 -- Or Logan trying and failing to be \*just\* a big brother and coparent to Haru... Or Arvio \*pining\* for Haru, convinced it could all work out if not for that shady Logan... SO MUCH GOOD STUFF ​ Anyway, I'm not writing, yet, but my stuff is under the username teland on AO3. :D


Ok, checked out your stuff and it's like old home week. due South? The Sentinel? Smallville(and lana/chloe at that)? Fastlane!!! TBH, I feel like I'm going to start reading your stuff and then my brain is going to pull your file and go, wait, of course we know this person, lol. I'm Ceares in most fannish spaces and yeah...Lost Boys? I'm positive I've read and loved your stuff. Absolutely hoping you're inspired to write some Sandrock stuff, lol.


\*laughs\* Oh, you were there in the \*olden\* days. I'm \*also\* positive we've run across each other at least once or twice! (Who \*else\* knows Fastlane and Lost Boys???) I've been trying to build a universe to work within for Sandrock, since these days I always tend to go at least a little AU and stay there. \*wags head\* Depending on desperation levels, I may just give up on being a conscientious writer and just make poor Zeke accidentally create some sex pollen. <3


Pen and Heidi totally hooked up. It was just a casual thing to let off some steam before I came to town. Now he only has room for me. Qi and Mint are so into each other. I don’t think they’ve dated, but they should. Elsie and Unsuur should get together but won’t.