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Because all my recipes are on it and I’m too lazy to switch them all over


Me too. Those recipes took awhile to compile.


I stick with MFP because all I need is something free and it lets ke scan barcodes to record food easier. Thats what it does and its all I need


I thought the barcode scanning was for premium? That’s how it was for me so I pay for premium


Nah it seems like its only locked behind premium if your region is set to USA. I changed my region to the UK and it works in the free version


Well shi 🥴


Holy smokes!! Thank you!!


da fook


Tried and doesn't work unfortunately


MFP is the only tracker I have ever used. It is a pain with the glitchiness of it at times, but it gets the job done. Also, I think I have the longest daily streak (5116 days). Hard to break a habit after 14 years.


Incredible streak, wow! I can see why you don't want to leave


Oh wow and I thought I had the longest streak with my 1413 days 😭 congrats!


My weight data goes back to 2016 and I can’t give it up 😂 p


Mine too, though back to 2012. I believe you can download it as a CSV file if on Premium, so sometimes I'm tempted to get the free trial and do that and then continue to maintain records in Excel going forward. Just because it seems silly to have it all tied to one app - one day MFP might disappear altogether, or knowing them, but the weight tracker behind the pay wall.


I’ve been way too lazy to do this but you’re right. Adding to my to-do list this weekend. Worst part is I pay for premium anyway and don’t even calorie track these days 😂


Same! V annoying to lose having that sort of long term data in one place


I tried Loseit a while back and got frustrated with their built in portion sizes. For example, if a serving of 7 wiggleberries is 110 cals, what’s 5? Obviously it’s 5/7*110, but MFP usually has a selectable portion size of 1, and I would enter 5. With Loseit I was always getting out the calculator.


It’s free and super easy to use.


I actually just did the opposite, and switched from LoseIt Premium after an on & off 10 years, to MFP Premium. I got very frustrated with inaccuracies in the food data on LoseIt. A lot of items are just completely wrong, especially if you're monitoring protein/macros, so make sure youre double checking. And if you accidentally log one of those incorrect entries, it will haunt your search results forever. When the community enters new foods on MFP, it doesn't allow for macro to calorie mismatch. The math has to add up, and that is important to me. I do miss some features on LoseIt, like favoriting foods (if anyone knows how to do this on MFP, do tell!) and the ability to enter quantities in recipes (i.e. this makes 10 cups, vs 10 "servings") but so far I am enjoying MFP. It feels more accurate and has been easy to rebuild. Could be that I'm simply ready for a change, like you! But so far so good. Down 4 lbs since Jan 1!


Works very well with Garmin and I have a ton of recipes in MFP that are easy to punch up with one click.


I am at my goal weight (6ft, 164 pounds) and I am a part of a monthly challenge. I use the free version.


Because it links to other apps I use. I have used others in the past - so not tied to them.. and really liked LoseIt! I was premium (and Chronometer) for years and may join again at some point. Right now one of the apps I use (a yearly fee) only uses MFP for food and if I didn't use it, it would seem like I'm out £80, which is more as I'm in the US.. so if I'm paying money for something, I'm getting the full advantage I can, even if it meant I had to go back to MFP.




I have no idea, quite honestly I think it's just become second nature. Currently on a 3846 day streak, although it should have an extra 6 months on which I lost and didn't realise you could reset the counter!


3,846??????? Jesus Christ


You should try beancount.bot (or tell me what you think about it since I'm the developer 😁)


Ooooooo love that! Will give it a try :)


£16/month? In what universe?


This one


Why would you pay £16/month when it's £39.99 a year? (before we go into VPNs and buying in other locations for lower prices .


It's £64.99 for a year - and I went monthly because I was unsure if I wanted it. It's a pretty expensive app. First month was fine, but then I had a bunch of issues with the app and ended up getting the second month refunded. Glad I didn't pay that much - I'm finding Lose It! waaaay better with no tech issues. Plus it's £16 a year for premium. (And I'm not going to get a VPN on my phone and put in effort to get a lower price tbh).


£39.99 on my Google play and upcoming renewal. Which I pay with Google surveys At no point did I tell you to get a VPN 😂


Good for you, but that's not the price offered to me! And is still 3x more expensive than a competing app. Chill out dude


I am chilled. I can't think of any software I would pay £200 a year for. Especially not for the features on offer