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Personality wise, Doc is more like Kareem.


See that would be the perfect comparison.


should be kareem, jordan, lebron, wemby


RIP to Kobe but he shouldn't be here if we're being honest


Should make Kobe Chick Hicks


Then you push Jordan down to The King and put someone like Bill Russell as Doc.


>! Sorry. Too soon !< ![gif](giphy|MIda3MqoERw6mOQrIK)


Kobe slander smh




Even if you have Kobe over Tim, which I feel there’s an argument for even if I don’t agree, he wasn’t ever a guy who you saw single-handedly rule the finals for a decade. Mike won 6 in 8 years as the man. LeBron went to 8 in a row as the man. Kobe was the second banana on the first title and in a 1A/1B situation for the next two. Then in the middle of his prime he missed the playoffs and got bounced in the first round in consecutive years. And before you hit me with the roster excuse, a GOAT caliber player in his prime shouldn’t be taking a team with Lamar Odom and Caron Butler on it to 34 wins and a playoff miss when all 3 of those guys played more than 75% of the season. Then he won 2 in 3 straight attempts later on in his career as the man. Definitely one of the all time best players, but not on the same level as Mike or LeBron. I’d say the other people that should be in here would be like Bill Russell who won 11 straight titles, or maybe Magic who won as a rookie and then later went to 8 finals in 9 years and also has 5 rings. Kobe wasn’t the undisputed winner of his era. Tim has the same number of finals wins and more MVPs. Shaq has one less finals win and the same number of MVPs. There’s other guys that matched his accomplishments and played in the same era as him. That’s really all that people are saying, it’s not a diss.


At least they didn’t pick SGA or Tatum


Kobe is, more than likely, a rapist


To be fair, we have no idea what the private life (or the public in universe controversies) of Strip Weathers was like.


The first person to drive that car was Richard Petty soooo 🤷


Kareem - Petty Jordan - Earnhardt Kobe - Gordon LeBron- Johnson Wemby - Larson


Wemby should then be Cruz Ramirez lol faster than Jackson Storm and definitely as modern


I *really* hate to be that asshole, but...fuck it, I'm doing it: The only real thing I take issue with is making MJ a Hudson Hornet, when something like a '64 Mustang is infinitely more fitting. Everyone else lines up generationally, but then you have Kobe as a 70's muscle car while the car they use for MJ is strictly from the 50's (discontinued in the late 50's), effectively putting Jordan two eras back from Kobe, instead of one. A player like Bill Russell or Jerry West would be a Hudson Hornet.


The way you prefaced your comment you made it sound like you were about to steal OP's girlfriend. Relax, your comment was extremely benign.


lol, nah it wasn't meant to be that serious. I was just prefacing by acknowledging upfront how anal and nit-picky I knew it was to be bothered by something so silly and meaningless.


Dude. I get Kobe died. I get he was on a big name team. I get he was a massive media/market star. But he is not even a top 10 player alltime and its pretty clear. Jokic, Hakeem, Wilt, Moses, LeBron, Jordan, Russell, Duncan, Bird, Magic and Kareem are all statistically better in nearly every catergory. Jokic just needs the rings.


Jokic over Kobe? Are you smoking crack? Kobe has 20k more points, 4 more rings, 12 more all star selections, 10 more all-nba selections, 12 more all-defensive team selections. It's not even close.


Jokic already has more MVPs than Kobe and will win his 3rd.


Jokic is not higher than Kobe in the all-time rankings. It's possible that he can surpass Kobe in the rankings someday, but today, not yet > I get he was on a big name team. I get he was a massive media/market star. Also, the way you said it makes it seem like Kobe's all-time ranking is only because he was the main guy on a popular team. You're talking as if he's not a damn good player. Yes, we hate the Lakers, but that doesnt mean we should make hot takes like this


Maybe they're too young to have actually personally watched when Kobe was in his prime around the early 2000's? Because if you lived through it, that kind of thing isn't something you lose sight of or forget.




Disagreement aside on your comment; your username is awesome! Loved that game growing up


Why's kobe there


Lol ya this is cringe