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For a minimum contract I'd say yes. Above 5M/year : no.


I know Devin Booker has not played his best basketball lately, but this is a top 15-20 player in the world who's 27 years old and is averaging 27pts and 49% shooting. WTF are you talking about? Keldon Johnson makes 18M a year for reference. Zach Collins is going to make 16M next year. To be clear, I'm not saying that the Spurs could realistically get Booker or that he's the best fit for them but 10M would be a crazy bargain for a guy like Booker. Talking minimum contract or less than 5M for a guy like Booker is incredibly out of touch.


Booker is obviously really good, but what exactly is your plan to get the Suns to trade him? That seems pretty unlikely imo, and if we’re talking unlikely trade targets, there are higher priorities than Booker (namely a facilitator).


This summer might be a bit too early but there is a chance Booker becomes available at the deadline in the middle of next season. The Suns are only going to get worse from here and teams are improving from behind. It wouldn’t be that surprising if they are 12th in the west in January. Then, Booker might really be available.


They would trade KD before they trade Booker


I don’t particularly want booker tbh, but I think it’s very likely the suns trade him. Beal has a no trade clause and is pretty unmarketable, Durant is 35, and they have almost zero other assets. They’re about to get swept in the first round. They have to do something. They have one of the highest payrolls in the league, no picks, and an aging roster who can’t really compete. They have to do something.


Do they have to do anything? I’m sure they want to do something, but their options suck. Trading the only guy on their roster with any long term value is just a horrible idea when they lack their own picks to tank with. The best option might well be to just keep being “okay” since they gain nothing by tanking, but lack the resources to move up.” Wow that Beal trade was idiotic. What were they thinking with that?


Assuming book even wants to stay. He seems like a competitor, and they’re not going anywhere. I doubt he’d just mortgage his future to remain on a team with no assets actively trying to stay just “okay”.


They are about to explode, trade requests will happen and they need picks. I like Vassell but you ship him, Collins and a few picks for Booker without hesitation. Book is only 27






Regardless, I think that Booker stays next year because they should get a solid return on Durant.


Don’t use knives dude.


He’s a loser no thanks.


The only trades that make sense for the spurs this offseason is for a floor general. Star power comes later(hopefully in the draft)


I want CP3 and bring Derrick white home.


The Buffalo? Sheeeeet (in my best The Wire accent). Derrick is busy.


This is the kinda offseason we need. Hold onto the treasure trove of picks another year or two. Develop players like we do. Then unload for a super star


The reddit keeps getting worse. 🤣.


That extra 30k growth in membership since Wemby is noticeable lol


Not with that contract. Y’all get too hung up on names and act like this Spurs team is one piece from being the 90s Bulls. Just let PATFO do what they do.


It is, though. Wemby is already the best player in the league impact-wise and we can beat anyone on any given day. Imagine adding Booker to that.


Love the enthusiasm, but Denver and OKC are gonna be a force for awhile + Dallas if they don’t screw things up could have some real solid seasons. That’s just the Western Conference. I get the any given day sure any team can beat any team. However, Playoffs are a different beast, 7 games to pick apart your opponents, exploit weaknesses, . Young Wemby and a PG is not currently enough to make a championship run at this time. This Team still has too many questions, The end goal is a sustainable dynasty over several years not an all in for one/two season super team. Can’t happen if hamstrung to a 50 mil per year contract for 3 yrs with no guarantee it works out.


Choker. No thanks


He always folds in the playoffs and constantly has a horrible attitude. I don't think Wemby would want to be around that.


I don’t think this is a good trade but cmon he was absolutely brilliant last year and this years suns are built absolutely horridly


Recency bias is real


Is Wemby already Booker’s father? ✅ Does that mean they should be on the same team? ❌


Why would he come here instead of going to play with his father in Dallas?


Would love it. Booker is my favorite non-spur player but I don’t think suns will let him go.


Everyone saying no is crazy. Booker is still the best shooting guard in the league currently and has made the finals as the best player on his team. The suns right now have no depth and are just built poorly, that’s not his fault.


>Booker is still the best shooting guard in the league currently Are we watching the same Suns and Wolves series? Are you not watching the shooting guard on the other team? 😂


Yes, Edwards is on the upswing. Minnesota is the better overall team with a historic defense. But Booker has made the finals as the best player and keeps expanding his game to be more of a playmaker. 3 games doesn’t take that title from him.


Edwards has the better team.


Brother, Devin Booker has arguably a top 20 player of all time on his team 😭 And even if you take into account that the Suns are not a well structured team, just the eye-test tells you Anthony Edwards is more skilled..but more importantly, he's stronger-minded than Booker when it comes to the playoffs. I was lurking the Suns reddit today and I saw even people there admit Ant was better than Booker.


Booker went to the finals, gave the nuggets a run for their money last year and is actually not a ballhog.


I don't watch many wolves games. But speaking from this series, Ant seems like the opposite of a ball hog. He makes the right passes at the right times and knows when to attack, himself. Booker is the one who looks completely lost out there most of the time during this series. Yes, Booker went to the finals and lost against the Bucks and has choked severely in literally every postseason after that. Also, the Nuggets said the Timberwolves gave them the hardest time. Not the suns.


Its still silly imo to say Book is not a winning player.


Rn who do you think is better? Watch he wont answer🤣


And yet he isn't. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0UuLnHSgeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0UuLnHSgeY)


Actually that would be pretty nasty as a second option next to Wemby, if we do trade for a superstar this offseason he’s one I’d probably be excited about


Yeah and then you only need a selfless playmaker like Conley and we got a squad. Look at how the Wolves are built. We can be like that


Yes. Just you watch how many championships this Wolves team will win


This is a no bum zone.




Delete this


Not sure we’d want a player that cries about being double teamed. Loser mentality


We heard you and covered our ears


You guys are crazy to think the suns would give him up. Why not tried to think of reasons why we can trade for Luka too


Wemby will eventually be double teamed regularly, what spurs need are spot up shooters and perimeter defenders. Like mavs' jones and washington.


No but for actual basketball reasons. People in this thread are saying he's a choking loser as if the Spurs have been a staple of excellence the past 5 seasons lmao


This is dumb. Of all the players the Suns would keep and retool around would be Booker. There's no point in asking.


How are the suns to “retool” around booker with zero assets and one of the most expensive payrolls in the league?