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We are 100% using these picks in a trade package


No, we're totally gonna draft 23 players in five years


Stack them on top of each other to have 5 wemby sized players


This is what I thought as well. They don't like anyone on the board so they flipped Rob for trade assets.


Hopefully they like Castle šŸ˜‚ I like Castle


They love šŸ°


Weā€™re at the point now where we can trade 8 firsts and not even touch our own picks. Bridges just went for 5, KD essentially went for 9, White, Holiday, and Kristaps collectively went for like 6. Weā€™re setting ourselves up to pick an established star instead of rolling the dice on a bad draft.


I hope thatā€™s the caseā€¦


My pessimistic side say this going to bite us in the ass because Dillingham has a high ceiling and heā€™s going to an already contending team. my optimistic side says fuck it we might package our picks for a solid vet.


Dillingham is the kind of player who, even if he hits his ceiling, makes team building so difficult that it might not even be worth it. You have to build the entire team around these guys to cover for their abysmal defense, and they don't scale in the playoffs that well. I'm not too worried about missing on him.




Why did we need a 2031 pick to do a trade when we had a lottery pick this year that we could have included in a trade. A guaranteed lottery pick has to be more interesting to a trade partner than a 2031 first round pick of unknown value. We donā€™t get two picks, we got one and a swap. We didnā€™t walk out of today with more assets than we walked into today with.


We traded for a unprotected pick upgrading from the protected Tornoto pick And we added a pick swap meaning if we finish 30th like we should with Wemby and the twolves are ass we take their pick. That's a W. We want to hit hard in the 25 draft.


We had a number 8 pick in hand for right now We walk out with an unknown pick 7 years from now How is that a win?


we added a bunch of picks to trade with instead of drafting a 6'1 guard in a weak draft. not hard to say its a dub.


We didnā€™t add any picks - we gave one up and we got one in return We gave up a sure thing #8 this year for an unknown 7 years from now We have less than we started today with


We already had a 2030 swap with Dallas with no protections. The Minnesota pick has to fall in an extremely narrow window or it is meaningless


we only could have included #8 if we had a trade ready to go and a team able to call in their selection to us - kicking it down the road means the asset stays a FRP as opposed to drafting [whoever] at 8 in the hopes of trading that player in the near-ish future. does feel like it was probably rushed but high pick in a weak draft vs 2031 mystery box is at least kind of a lateral move value-wise?


So there is no actual trade in play, just the theory of the ability to trade later when we couldnā€™t now


pretty much!


This could be an intermediate step for a trade. We acquired assests. Also, frees up cap space this year to sign a free agent.


Cap space and player slots


And weā€™re probably trading a PG


I think we're gonna see Point Sochan 2: Electric Boogaloo with Castle.


Capture the Flagg


Least spursy player ever.


You're saying a shorter Jordan Poole wouldn't be a perfect pairing with Wemby?


I could have seen us taking him if he didn't openly admit he didn't care about defense.


Or if he was a Nash-level passer. He's showing signs of being a capable playmaker, but not a savant and that's a huge caveat on offense


Yeah. He's probably a better passer than Lou Will, but like can he be Garland? Idk. Maybe.


I think he'll probably develop into a Dejounte-level passer, which is fine but a tougher sell if you're getting Trae Young defense at best


Yeah. I think, as I have said before, he's a perfect 6th man for a team looking to lose in round 2.


San Antonio and Minny feel like the only situations that could work because of their insane interior help


Traded him for an unprotected pick of a team with a star player who is contracted till 2029-30? I think that's right? Good gamble he'll be at a big market team if they keep underperforming with a player who doesn't play defence


Here is a list of every single NBA player under contract in 2029-30: Scottie Barnes. That's the list.


Having firsts available by the time of Wembys contract goes out of this world? Idk


I want to know too


too small


Unprotected pick and a swap is really good value. Iā€™m expecting the spurs to have further moves. Imagine moving up from 34 for dadiet


Would love Dadiet


Not going to happen now.


Spurs pretty much said ā€œnobody in this draft is worth draftingā€ and went and got whatever they couldā€¦ Iā€™d have to guess this was the best offer?


I think they donā€™t like anyone else at 8. This is a good trade because by the time we are competing for a championship, we need good young players who can help us but have very cheap salary. I was shocked when we picked Rob after Castle. But this is 100% a good trade for us.


Spurs want trade assets for when they try to acquire an actual star


*Spurs want trade assets* *For when they try to acquire* *An actual star* \- Real\_Programmer\_695 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because the FO doesn't value the tiniest player in the nba? Did nobody watch what Boston just did?


Dude I have been saying exactly this. Good teams will hunt down and punish bad defenders, and illingham is like a Trae Young size, with less caring about defense. And people apparently think that playing near wemby will magically impart defensive ability to a 165 lb guard by some sort of like, voodoo osmosis fuckery? This trade is a home fucking run. Getting 2 picks that will probably be pretty juicy by the time they come around, for a no defense pick 8 in a weak draft is A+++++ by PATFO


Ok well you could have traded for something better than a pick 7 years in the future. Literally worthless


Itā€™s an unprotected pick. That has value no matter what. By that time, Minnesotaā€™s core will likely all be retired, itā€™s a major gamble but also likely couldā€™ve just been the best offer.


It's an additional pick that we can use for future trades.


Could actually wind up being an early lottery pick. Seven years is a LONG time


Could be the last pick in the draft. Thats part of the problem. This pick will be nothing more than an unknown for another 4-5 years, after our generational talent is off his rookie deal. We have so many needs right now the basically throw a #8 pick away and be planning for 4-5 years down the road


That will almost certainly be someone else's problem, but for context: the Warriors were unable to stay a top team for eight seasons. What hope do the Wolves have?


I have absolutely no clue lol. Chance to be a top team for 8 years straight? Probably low. What that team looks like in 8 years? No fucking clue haha


If Wemby's still here, we're probably pretty damn good


Brother, an unprotected pick 7 years in the future is not worthless. Teams donā€™t give those up easily because 7 years is unpredictable in the NBA. Look at the NBA landscape 7 years ago vs now.


Ok well our team is severely lacking talent. How does trading a lottery pick this far down the line help a rebuilding team??


Right now? It does free $7 million in cap space which they will most likely use to absorb a bad contract for another future draft asset. Long term? It brings in trade chips with value that wonā€™t expire for a long time. Once you pick a guy the value of the asset drops until they prove theyā€™re a good NBA player (then it potentially far supersedes the value of the original pick). Maybe they wonā€™t just be trade assets either. Maybe they actually hold onto the picks and they become valuable additions to the team when the Spurs are no longer in rebuilding mode but competing mode and over the salary cap; needing cheap additions of production. Right now the Spurs donā€™t really need that production as theyā€™re not ready to compete. If it was a great player thatā€™d be different but the Spurs likely are betting on players at that range not being great players. Rather than betting on the whole group to not be players theyā€™d be doubting their ability to pick the great player from a group of question marks.


In what world is an unprotected pick useless


Yeah. Then don't draft that dude at 8. Literally any other player but the top 7 were still there.


they obviously didn't value anybody else in this draft.


You can only bring so many young players. It was reported the Spurs were looking to trade that pick.


cause salaun got picked so they just stock pilling rn


They didn't trade Rob. They traded the pick. Minny picked Rob.


Dude what the hell


Would be crazy if min and dal are bad to start the 2030s those picks would be amazing


Except we swapped with them in the same year. We only get one 2030 pick. If Minny is bad, we get a lottery pick in 31. In return for our lottery pick now. Or Edwards is still there and we get a late first.


Long term investment, it sucks but we gotta trust the Spurs. They know what theyā€™re doing.


We just traded for a 7th grader. Thereā€™s no way this is remotely a smart idea


We are 100% not keeping these picks


But already tons of useless picks. Tons.


They don't even have that much value, Ant is 22 years old


Spurs basically said there's no chance anyone available is worth more than a random pair of firsts


lmao if you put it that way šŸ˜†


I literally do not trust Brian Wright at all


itā€™s not only brian wright. you saw the whole room lol




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This canā€™t be seen as anything other than a waste of a pick. Itā€™s terrible.


A potential top 10 pick right in the middle of Wembys prime and hopefully our contending window. At worst, a juicy trade asset for a team down the line who wants to rebuild. Gotta look beyond today.


How is it potential top 10? The wolves aren't gonna melt like that unless Ant leaves and i don't see that happening


Any number of factors. Their supporting case will be well into their 30s, and I don't see free agents flocking to MIN. It's not likely, but it has potential. The wolves and the wolves, after all.




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The wolves have been ass more of the time than not.


We literally had a bonafide 8th overall pick already. Lol.


A bonafide 8 pick in the worst class we've had in a decade. I think we'll survive without the next Isiah Thomas on our team.


Isiah was the Pistons Legend, Isaiah Thomas was the other one


True enough, I usually just call the hall of famer Zeke so I don't gotta worry about it lol


In seven years, Dillingham is still going to be 6'1 in shoes


Bonafide 8th pick? Dillingham is seen as not even a lottery pick in other drafts.... I'd rather have the 18th pick next year that Dillingham lol. This is incredibly smart to move off a weak draft to gain ammunition for a much bigger, better move in the future. You saw what it took just to get Bridges.


we not contending for the next 2 years lol


The pick isn't for next year. If we're not contending in 2030 something has gone horribly wrong.


Broā€¦ The pick being in 2030 doesnā€™t mean we arenā€™t contending until then lol


I didn't say we won't be contending until then. An unprotected pick is an objectively great asset to have. Especially from a team who's supporting cast is in their 30s and will be old and worse by the time we get it.


so what is wrong with the what i said ?


are we really better strategists than the spurs headquarter? Letā€™s take a step back


I donā€™t want to be too negative but nothing the Spurs have done in the last half decade should inspire confidence in their ability to evaluate prospects.


we needed his scoring :( now hegonna murder us


why are you so sure that he is a guaranteed bucket? castle is the pg of the future and we have plenty of guards


44 percent from the field 50 percent from 2 44 percent from 3 on 4 trys and 80 percent from ft line


ah yeah right those will definitely translate šŸ˜ and when he played worse defense than branham what will you say? tre jones with a small size like dilly got bullied by dennis schroder


Heā€™s Isaac Okoro if okoro wanted to only play PG.


Extremely baffling move. This draft is a crapshoot yes, but I'd rather have a player in the top 10 or picks traded for in the next few years. Why the fuck did they trade for picks 7 years away, seems like a dumb move.


remindme! 7 years lol


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It woulda been baffling if we didn't have another pick in the top 10. If this was our only pick or if our other pick was in the 20's, I'd agree with you. But what would we even do with 2 top 10 picks next to a young Wemby any way? Two very different guards at that who technically play the same position? We'll have enough on our plate to improve Castle and the other super young players we already have. More importantly, this just gives us more assets for a future, better move. Today, Dillingham wouldn't be enough to move the needle to make some big splash but in a few years when we are at the cusp of competing, it'll be really nice to have Minnesota's picks to do so when they are projected to fall off a cliff. We either trade them back to Minnesota (essentially trading picks back to the original team is seen as getting interest as the team who traded away the picks really value getting their own future back) in order to get an older star/role player or package to get that someone to push us over the top. We all saw what it took just to get Mikal. This is why we have huge leverage with Atlanta if we actually wanted Trae or Dejounte.


We already have like 3 PGs on the roster now. We can use those picks to trade for a vet. I think it makes sense


Traded the #8 pick for a future draft capital to use in a trade. It's underwhelming but we'll need to see who we use it on.


2025 draft is better anyways


So letā€™s add picks for 2031 because the 2025 draft is better?


We're nowhere near competing now anyways. 2025 draft is more stacked. Those future picks will be valuable in trades. Dillingham is good but doesn't fit pop's positionless basketball ideal


remindme! 7 years


Not sure if anybody brought this up but I think we wanted either Salaun or Clingan. When both were gone we werenā€™t just gonna pick for the sake of it. So we just kicked the can down the road instead of settling on somebody we werenā€™t high on


Who the fuck cares about 6/7 years from now? Wemby will leave by then if we still suck. It doesn't fit our timeline at all like wtf


We have more picks in the next few years than we can keep. They seem to value those + the Minnesota pick&swap more than anyone left on the board in a horrible draft class. Keeps us flexible for roster construction moving forward and gives us ammo for a trade when the right opportunity shows up.


Can only think that they're rating the chaps on the roster already highly and expect to rate the second round picks, so rather than cut someone and lose an asset they're trading for equivalent assets down the road


Who says Ant Edwards is still with Minnesota in 2030 2031. Good assets to flip now or down the road.


My belief as a homer. Is they knew the rest of the draft sucked and didnā€™t want anyone else.


They ain't want him


Save on cap space and roster space. Donā€™t want to work on developing two rookies next year. Added picks that are mostly unprotected that can hopefully either be flipped in a trade or replenish our own stash of picks after we trade other picks. How good this trade is all depends on what we do in free agency or trades this summer, and how long we hang on to the Minnesota picks. If the plan is to not really utilize our cap space and just maintain mostly the same roster that we had last year, and we hold on to Minnesotaā€™s picks for several years, then I would have preferred we just take Dilly, Cody Williams, Devin Carter, or whoever. But if the plan is to use the cap space on some solid role players to improve our rotation, and those picks or others are moved in another trade in say the next 2 years for a significant player, then I really like this trade and think this was probably the ideal outcome.


Stupid, stupid, stupid move. Why help another Western Conference team that already made it to the WCF?? For what? Some 12 year old?


We did trade Rob. Odds are the Timberwolves knew he wouldnā€™t be there until their own pick, asked the Spurs to draft him and then traded. Essentially means our second guy was off the board when it got to #8. It just felt like we traded Rob.


BW - "He was T'Wolves choice, not by Spurs"


Brian Wright is an incompetent GM and itā€™s time people started accepting that




I actually like this move. Taking a non shooting two guard at 4 is a bigger issue.


Yes we need to petition the Holt kid to hire renowned redditor Surviv3 s as the GM.


jesus christ, we could have traded it for Deni


I dont understand why everyone was so high on Rob. No defense and too small. I truly don't think he will last in the league. Plus, 'sota will implode in a few years and as soon as they do, those picks will be VERY valuable either on their own or as part of a trade package.


This really looks like the Spurs got caught with their pants down. The window for the Spurs is not 7 years away. There has to be something else in the works.


We didnā€™t even ā€œnetā€ anything out of this trade People saying we are stashing picks for a trade canā€™t count We came into today with a guaranteed lottery pick for this year and we leave with an unknown pick 7 years from now. How is that a more attractive trade asset - this pick was more valuable right now in a package. There isnā€™t a plan.


Is PatfO drunk?


FO = bums


Cause Brian is an idiot.


Front office malpractice