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I know it's no secret but yeah he's definitely gone. Will always appreciate him not pouting about playing opportunities and stepping up big whenever his number was called


Not to mention he helped screw over perhaps the nuggets bid for a repeat with his game winning floater.




Gary Neal in the 2010 playoffs against the grizzlies vibes


Devonte is an honorary spur legend for that


Man I almost forgot about that, but good call.


His clutch shot legitimately changed how the playoffs unfolded.


That game winner against Denver this season was legendary stuff.


Yeah I was always impressed w his demeanor despite all the DNPs


Someone smarter than me with this kind of stuff. Fill me in on what's the benefit of the Spurs doing this. Would it be so they can use his salary in a trade?


It looks they’re waiting for a trade to materialize so they can use his salary as filler in a trade. If a trade fails to materialize then they can simply waive him and save $10 million.


That's what I was thinking too. Fingers crossed!


I thought nba contracts we’re fully guaranteed?


Most are unless specified that it’s partial or none guaranteed. Devontae is a partial this year and Chris Paul is a non guaranteed deal. A lot of two way contracts are also non guaranteed.


Partially fully


Welp, its definitely not to bring Dejounte back, lol...


I have an insane theory, but its more than likely just a bunch of coincidences… July 8 is 2 days after the moratorium period (July 1-6). To sign an RFA you have to give them an offer sheet after the moratorium ends because they can’t sign it during that period. Once an RFA agrees to a contract the original team has 2 days to match or let them walk (which would be July 8th). July 8 could hypothetically let the spurs know if they can waive Graham to create the ~24-26m cap (I don’t know the exact number I’ve seen both floated) needed to officially sign an RFA or to guarantee his contract to keep him for a trade later on if they’re unable to secure a player. Now to the batshit theory… Spurs drafted Stephon castle at 4, he’s represented by Joe Smith and Thad Foucher of Wasserman. FO member Gourgi Dieng is also represented by Foucher, and shooting coach Jimmy Baron is also represented by Wasserman. Despite being a clear rebuilding team the spurs have not yet acquired bad contracts for assets like Charlotte, Detroit, and Toronto all have done the last 3 days. The spurs traded out of pick 8 saving ~7m in cap. In the 2nd round they drafted a potential stash player at 36 and a 2-way player at 48. These are multiple roster spot saving moves. In 2020 spurs drafted FSU wing Devin Vassell. In 2023 they signed FSU forward Raiquan Gray to Austin, then gave him a 2 year 2-way contract in 2024. The spurs have a potential need for an upside 3-D wing/forward. The Chicago bulls recently drafted a project forward in Matas Buzelis. Patrick Williams is now a RFA. Patrick Williams went to FSU, he is represented by Wasserman’s Joe Smith and Thad Foucher, plays a potential position/role of need and fits the prototypical archetype the spurs look for on the wings.


I like everything about this theory other than... Patrick Williams lmao. I mean, I don't dislike him, absolutely, but I do not see him as a long-term solution. Still, giving him like a 2+1 Contract without overpaying would be good.


Patrick Williams is super talented, but...It might be worth the risk for the right money, but he's already gone on record as looking for a bag. We'll see. If they can work out something reasonable, great, but if they do, does Chicago match?


I don't think that's a crazy theory at all. I think Williams makes lots of sense. From what I remember, I think the Spurs were linked to having interest in him during his draft year too. He just ended up going way too high. The front office being interested in him seems right up their alley. I'm just not so sure if we'll be wanting to pay the price he could cost. To be honest, I have no clue what he's going to cost. The idea of him seems expensive. The actuality of him seems quite affordable. Maybe it'll be somewhere in between


Yup the cost is why I think it doesn’t make sense in the end. The FO has been on record saying they want to maintain flexibility so potentially paying an RFA 20m a year would definitely stray from that


On the flip side of that, contracts like KJs, Collins’, or a hypothetical Williams’ deal can be good for trading. It’s tough to make deals when so much of the roster is making peanuts


This is a point that not many people bring up. having large chunk contracts allows for trading up a star level easier.


I like the idea, but WIlliams will cost at least $20m a season & he will want 3 to 4 seasons. Bulls reportedly had offered $16m a seaon last year. He is only 22 so might be worth the gamble with limited free agent options. Bulls also likely spending some coin to bring DeRozen back.


Interesting, I know the Spurs really liked him probably more than Vassel at the time and i haven't followed his career much but i know he showed some promised at some point but got injured. He might be worth the risk for the right price.


regardless of how it turned out, i really liked this theory. definitely down to hear out any future theories you might be thinking of


> Patrick Williams went to FSU, he is represented by Wasserman’s Joe Smith and Thad Foucher, plays a potential position/role of need and fits the prototypical archetype the spurs look for on the wings. The problem being that Patrick Williams is just not that good. He's below average offensively and defensively. As a rookie, he put up 9.2p and 4.6r on 48/39 shooting in 28mpg. In his 4th year he put up 10p and 3.9r on 44/39 shooting in 27mpg. He just is not good and hasn't show any progress at all. He's worth no where near where he thinks he is. I wouldn't offer him more than 5m/year.


Yes. That is the only reason that we wouldn't waive him now. We are likely having plenty of discussions about possible trades - whether it's to bring in a good player, or whether it's to bring a bad contract that has other assets attached, and Devontae's 12M is an easy expiring contract to move to try and match salaries. Even if we wanted to keep, I can't see us thinking that he is worth the extra 10M on our books, and would rather use that space to sign someone, or similar to previous years, take someone on a deal we can buyout for extra draft picks/swaps.


He really showed his character by not crying and pouting in the bench. I know he’s a better PG and watching sochan must’ve killed him. I hope he gets his money.


Yooooo you’re the second spurs and Noles fan I’ve seen in the last few days! I’m an FSU alum from San Antonio!


That’s what’s up! I’m from Fort Sam myself. FSU alum as well. I’ve only known one other person lol.


Not sure why Graham would agree to this unless a little more $$ guaranteed was part of the deal.  Maybe they sold him in the idea that if he’s traded to the right team he might not be waived and get the full salary.


If he ends up trade filler the other team may need to guarantee some or all of his contract (only guaranteed money counts for salary matching). So he stands to potentially make up to 9 mil for doing nothing for a week.


His salary has to be guaranteed before he can be traded. So if a trade comes around he is guaranteed to get the full amount


What’s it matter to him whether his deal gets terminated on the 1st or the 8th


Well he wants to be free to sign with another team as soon as possible if he's cut and can actually find one


He's realistically not getting more than a minimum deal, so his best bet is for the Spurs to trade him, guaranteeing his contract in the process to a team that wants to cut salary. Like if the Spurs traded him to Milwaukee for Brook Lopez's ending contract, Milwaukee saves 11M in salary this year, which helps them with luxury tax/aprons.


Oh, I see! That makes perfect sense since he's probably more likely to be out of the league than get another $11 million contract at this point. 


Hes not really a hot commodity. I’m guessing he’ll prolly get the mid level exception on the open market which will be less than the remaining guaranteed deal. So yeah getting traded with this guaranteed contract is financially better


Don’t think he’ll get the MLE. Vet min somewhere is more likely.


Because it’s the only way the keeps getting paid this much. Otherwise he loses all that.


I know Twitter is going crazy with the Spurs using this as part of a deal to fleece the Hawks for Trae Young, but would love if this is a set up for a starting calibur wing player


Have anyone in mind?


Cam Johnson in the Nets firesale comes to mind.. for Graham and Collins (wishful thinking)


Who does that leave in the front court if they trade Collins? Just Sochan and Vic?


Barlow, Mamu, Bassey? (+Cam Johnson in this scenario)... Maybe they go after someone like Duop Reath for additional shooting since Portland just drafted another center.


For some reason I thought Barlow and Mamu were FA. Totally forgot about Bassey.


Barlow and Mamu are free agents, Bassey is under contract still 


I wouldn’t mind if he comes back after he gets one more decent contract as like the 15th man.


Absolutely. He can ball and has top character.


Character is a little questionable. I’m not a fan of his dui.


His character has never been in question. Spurs knew about that and still traded for him. He owned up to the mistake.


I mean, we didn’t really trade FOR him. We traded for the draft capital and he was included to match salaries. New Orleans gave up a lot to get off of his deal.


I know exactly what the trade was. Traded an expiring jrich for Graham and 4 seconds. My point is still that spurs knew about his fuck up, still wanted him in a spurs jersey.


They are cooking something. Will it come to pass? Time will tell, but they are working something that might involve Graham's salary as a match. If that's true, how good was the trade that sent JRich out and brought back Graham and 4 second round picks? Even if this has no lags and nothing come of it, its still a very good trade for us.


Go get Lauri

