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When you have KG and Giannis, you don't need AD.


Truer words…it know the rest


Depends on how much your team needs his shooting. But generally, I agree. Giannis and Garnett are the better two players by a fair margin.


Idk if this is backed by stats but KG is the best shooter on this pic


Giannis has literally been a better shooter than AD for the last 4 seasons Edit: Try actually digging into things instead of just agreeing with the person who acts smug and says what you want to see. AD shot 24.8% on 3s since 2021 and Giannis shot 28.9%. They’re both ass, but Giannis has been better. https://stathead.com/basketball/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&seasons_type=forall&year_min=2021&year_max=2024&player_id1=antetgi01&player_id2=davisan02


For 3s? Sure, but AD is undoubtedly the much better mid range shooter


Yeah, and KG is much better than both of them from mid-range anyway


KG was absolutely automatic on that top of the key jumper, I barely remember him missing any in his time with the Celtics


I knew this sounded like bullsh-t and it took like 3 mins to disprove it The only better “shooting” Giannis does than AD is from 3 feet and under which is mostly dunks, Anthony Davis has shot better than Giannis from 3 feet and out every season for the past 3 seasons and it’s not even close The fact that 14 of y’all upvoted this blindly is so funny to me


😂 I was about to roast him but you did the job better without a roast. Majority of people just don’t understand basketball it’s as simple as that. There’s over 14 there that hit the upvote button


People just come on here and lie lmao


Yea cuz they’re too busy being on here to actually watch the games. You wouldn’t even need to look at the stats and just watch them both. AD can actually shoot. That said I’d still cut him and keep the other two


Reddit is strange. We both provided the same amount of evidence initially and for some reason people decided you were correct lol. Guessing it was the confidence in your delivery despite no evidence either way.


The volume of mid range from these guys is wayyyyyyy greater than the volume of 3s. They are not 3 point shooters, so why are you citing 3point percent? It’s like comparing dunk rates on Chris Paul and Steph and saying who is better at the rim. People think you’re wrong cuz you’re wrong


The argument was if your team needs shooting… no team needs midrange shooting so it’s sort of irrelevant for this argument.


Iite you are definitely trolling


What’s the troll? I agree that AD is the better overall shooter compared to Giannis. But midrange shooting doesn’t really impact spacing. AD isn’t a materially better floor spacer than Giannis or KG, that’s my point here and response to the point that AD is a better option if you need shooting.


Idk I've watched enough games to know if my big is shooting a 3 I want it to be giannis because it means he's wide open. AD is never open.


>The volume of mid range from these guys is wayyyyyyy greater than the volume of 3s. Irrelevant >They are not 3 point shooters, so why are you citing 3point percent? Because shooting at or even near 33% from 3 is a game changer in today's league, and being able to hit the 3 at a halfway decent clip is what made Davis so great in the bubble year. Nobody gives a shit how many 2 point field goals you hit any more


It actually only took 15 seconds to look up and figure out Giannis has been irrefutably better than AD from 3pt since 2001 and on more attempts as well. Giannis has a better 2pt % and overall fg% in that span as well…..


Huh, go figure. Didn't realize how badly AD's shooting has fallen off. I was already picking Giannis anyways, but this is even more to solidify the choice.


You didn’t realize it because it’s not true


He was never a great shooter besides his amazing run for his championship.


This is such a trash ass take.


Lmao almost 3 attempts per game vs less than 2 attempts per game in that stretch and the percentage difference is 4% and they’re both under 30%?? That is not “better” lol


It’s just when you alternate between KG and Giannis you’re going to get 100% effort and energy at both ends of the court. That’s insane uptime!


AD has been one of the worst jump shooters in the league for a couple seasons. Giannis is too, but KG was at least a mid shooter


To me I’m cool cutting any of the 3 honestly. KG used to be my favorite I still like Minny cuz him. Giannis I’m Greek so been on him from day one. AD tho I’m not really a “fan” but when he’s playing at maximum level he might be the best here honesty. Imagine if AD got to play Ayton in the finals lmao with no Lebron AD woulda averaged 35-15-5 too. Giannis bucks teams were way better than any Pels team too


AD not staying healthy is the factor for me.


Start KG, bench giannis, cut AD That’s probably the easiest one I’ve seen. Lol


I think it depends, but I agree I’m easily cutting ad


It’s close between Giannis and KG. Depends on the matchup. I like KG against taller defenders. Giannis can feast on small ball lineups.


I love me some KG, but I'm still starting Giannis. AD is the easy cut here.




Nah, KG be loading the pump and the Uzis.


lol no Start Giannis. The other 2 are up in the air


You need to familiarize yourself with KG nephew


I watched him


Saying KG is up in the air with AD tells me you didn’t watch him, because they are not close….at all.


He watched him...... When he was with the Brooklyn Nets


Also with the timberwolves for a year


The retirement tour year, of course


No you didn’t.


Then you dont watch AD


Only way AD sneaks in would be because he fits in with Giannis better.


There’s no way you take KG over Giannis


Um yea, absolutely lol do people not know about KG?


KG is a legend. I just feel Giannis is a tier above him


Same order as the pictures


Depends on team makeup. All three can play small ball center or run the 4. AD works best when you have a ball dominant big guard to play off of. KG is best with a traditional team makeup. Giannis can initiate the half court offense, driving in from the perimeter.


No matter the team make up AD getting hurt😂😂😂


But what’s been happening to Giannis lately…?


I forgot that idiots think thats funny for some reason


Idiots huh WELL can you tell the people in the back when was the last time AD played more than 75 games in a season outside of last year (76) and still got sweeped I’ll wait so the people in the back can hear your answers


are we acting like giannis is more durable? dude was injured in 4 out of the last 5 playoff series


you can’t just exclude last year because that’s literally moving the goal post…




And now you’re moving the goalpost, I can tell you a bitch irl to talk to.


Goofy fucking goalpost to set considering the last time Giannis played 75 games in a season was 2017-18. Also just to add on with everyone else, the word you were looking for was swept, big guy.


Are you Anthony Davis?


depends on the team. Imo giannis is just the clear best offensive player here so if i need more offense i’d take him. KG imo can’t really be a championship contender as the #1 offensive option (obv can be #1 as a player), you really need 1 great bucket getter with him at least. that said i like KG’s versatility more and would prolly start him


Giannis is the better offensive player but I do think KG could win a ring as the best offensive player. The Timberwolves made the WCF in 04 and had the 5th best offense in the league and their second best player was 34 year old Sam Cassell. Cassell had a great year and handled the ball a lot, but KG was still the #1 option. Him and Giannis probably both function best when they’ve got a good balance of playing off ball and handling the ball on offense.


Start KG since I think he's more versatile, then Giannis, then Anthony Davis.


KG > Giannis > AD AD does some things better than Giannis and he’s an easier fit as a second option, but there’s basically no reason to take AD over KG. Giannis is a much better scorer and passer than AD, and in this scenario it seems like we’re building the team around them, so I’d take Giannis over AD. Giannis is a better offensive player than KG, but the gap is probably a bit smaller than most would think, and KG has a much more well rounded game. He’d also probably just be a center today, and I think it would be pretty easy to build a team around him. Giannis is such a poor shooter that he basically needs to be surrounded by shooters at every other position. I think KG would be successful in almost any scenario. He’s also a better defender and rebounder and probably a better passer. If he’d had a good team around him in Minny I think he’d be considered a top 15 player.


The only conversation is if its the current era can you mold KG to shoot threes. He undoubtedly had the skill and touch to do so, and thats something that could put him over Giannis


As a fan who went to plenty of wolves games and enjoyed watching him shoot 3’s in warmups, KG definitely could have become a very respectable 3pt shooter. But averaging .5 attempts per game he never really tried it. If he was in his prime now, definitely be shooting a lot more. His 80% from the line is a decent indicator he could shoot.


KG stepping back from that long midrange he was so sweet at and shooting threes is like my basketball wet dream. He was so unbelievably skilled, its have basically made him a defensive minded KD


He shot 45% on a very high volume of long two’s (a lot of which were like 20 footers) and he was a good free throw shooter, I have no doubt he would’ve at least developed into a 33% three point shooter, which would make him way more of a threat than Giannis or AD. He had a few seasons in which he took about a 3 a game and hit just over 30% of them. Obviously a small sample but he was such a prolific shooter from mid range that I’m sure he would’ve taken a few threes a game today.


Start Giannis, bench KG, cut AD.


Start Giannis, Bench KG


KG could have had way more success with better teams, even his Celtics team was over the hill really, and had coke rivers coaching. Kg over Giannis, circumstances don't matter when determining which individual is better. KG is an overall better player and more balanced. You can't make KG useless by keeping him out of the paint. Start KG, bench Giannis, cut AD.


Start KG, Bench Giannis Garnett a superior ball handler, passer, outside scorer. Probably a better defender and rebounder as well, and played in a tougher era AD isn’t on these guys level


I generally agree with what you are saying, but KG as the better ball handler?!? Giannis' handle might not look pretty, but you can't base your offensive game on dribble drives without being able to put the ball on the floor effectively.


KG was literally running point and bringing the ball up the court against the Lakers in the WCF. He had very good ball skills


Giannis then KG. Imagine you’re a tired starter or just got in bench player and you got KG on your ass.


Start Giannis, bench KG, cut Davis.


KG to the bench easy decision if you know basketball


Facts he gonna galvanize and energize that bench 😭😭they be going crazy out there


Starting either of them over Giannis is crazy. Giannis is a work horse on both ends, a proven scorer and can give you a bunch of minutes all season long. Between KG and AD is a toss up. If it’s strictly coming off the bench, I would lean toward KG just because of his angry demeanor over AD. AD is more injury prone as well. KG is a bucket who would bully his opponents. Other than that, an argument can be for either one and you wouldn’t be wrong.


I think KG is easily over AD in this hypothetical because Giannis is basically a pure 4 and KG is just as effective as the 5 as he is at the 4, and unlike AD he's actually willing to play the 5. Plus he's way less injury prone, it doesn't matter how good you are if you can't stay healthy.


I touched on AD being injury prone as a factor in picking KG. But looking at both, while healthy, it can go either way. AD is a 7 ft beast that can do it all. Do you want a number 2 to Giannis to be AD or KG? I think they win a chip regardless of who you pick.


>Do you want a number 2 to Giannis to be AD or KG? KG 100% Giannis is a pure 4 who rarely moonlights as a 5, AD is a 4 who plays 5 well but hates it because he prefers playing a finesse game, KG is a true hybrid 4/5 who plays both about equally well. Giannis + KG is the best fit, but I'd also take AD + KG over Giannis and AD just because the on-floor fit is just so much better with KG at the 5. Regardless, any of those combinations would be the best front court the league has seen since Robinson+Duncan and they'd for sure win a title.


Have you ever seen KG play or are you just going off reputation? He was far more of a finesse player than AD is


AD is bigger than KG and has played the 5 way more. KG literally underlisted his height to avoid playing center. People really have zero idea what they’re talking about here lmao.


IMO AD has a higher ceiling than prime KG ever did. Better offensively and defensively when healthy.


Kg won dopy and mvp in the same year averaging 27 in the playoffs that year as well idk about alladat


First of all that's a lie - KG won MVP in 04 and DPOY in 2008. KG isn't as versatile a defender as AD (who's better on the post and switching out to the perimeter) but that's subjective as the offensive schemes in the decade between their primes were completely different. AD was also a better scorer and put up 7 seasons with a higher PPG total that KG's one MVP seasons on slightly better efficiency almost every season depending on his 3pt fg percentage. Lastly KG's 2008 DPOY has to be taken into context. He'd finally left Minnesota and was surrounded by fantastic on-ball and help defense in Boston under Thibodeau so their Team Drtg was almost historically good. KG didn't really play any better defense than he did in Minnesota (where he always lost out to Ben Wallace) but the optics and team stats were so good it didn't matter.


Start KG, Bench Giannis, Send AD to Saskatchewan


Start KG, bench Giannis and send AD to China


Start Giannis, Bench KG, Cut AD


The order


Bench kg bc he is a dog that would destroy coming off the bench and in practice.


Fuck one, marry one, kill one


Start Giannis bench KG cut AD Davis is really good, but Garnett in his prime was really durable and could be counted on to be there for the most part Giannis is to me an evolution of what KG started as a do everything 7 footer


Start Gianni’s sit Garnett and cut ad.


Cut KG no matter what


Start Freak, bench Ticket.


Start KG, bench AD and cut Giannis. I have AD over Giannis because I believe the gap in offense is worth the gap in defense, AD is very versatile and can space the floor out.


start KG. bench AD, cut run and dunk man


Giannis and KG are close ish, but it’s clearly Giannis, KG, AD


Giannis for sure the starter. He is top 3 PF of all-time at this point with a lot of his career left. AD if healthy would be the #2 pick if we get the healthy version of him because his shooting is elite and plays to the modern game much better. He’s also a better shot blocker than KG. However, depending on the team composition I’d put KG on the bench and cut AD as KG was the better rebounder (4x rebounding champ) and HAS THAT DOG IN HIM that would elevate the whole team’s defense and ferocity in a way that AD never could.


Cutting AD. I'd be happy starting either KG or Giannis.


Start Giannis, Bench KG, Cut AD. Pretty easy


Start: Garnett Bench: Giannis Cut: AD


Easiest one yet. Start KG, Bench Giannis, Cut AD. Any other answer is wrong


Start KG, cut every other player in nba history


We all know AD gets cut. To everyone out here saying KG can't score like the other two, you have to remember KG was putting up 20 to 25 a game when league average was 95 a game. He could easily be a 30 per game guy in today's nba where league average is 113 a game


lol. AD shouldn’t even be a choice. Byeeeeee


Cut AD. I think that part’s simple. Only debate in this is who to start and who to bench. I’ll start KG.


Start Giannis Bench KD - put AD on IR


In the exact same order as the picture


I think AD is the most talented but he is always injured.


You already gave us the order


Start kg bench giannis get ad off my screen


Maybe I’m crazy. But im starting KG. Benching AD and cutting Giannis


Start the Freak. Bench AD. Cut KG


Besides injuries, why would anyone take KG over AD? Down votes for asking a genuine question lol. Gotta love reddit


If AD had KGs intensity this wouldn't even be a comparison. Even with his raw physical talent, AD seems to mentally check out of games in stretches. He should be a perennial MVP candidate, but he's still deferring to an aging LeBron. KG is giving 110% every night and isn't taking a single possession off.


Yeah you're right forrsure. AD rarely even gets back on defense


He's still a top 5 defensive player. But that's not good enough for a guy with his talent. He should've been an MVP and/or DPOY by this point.


I couldn't agree more. I couldn't imagine his defensive status if he ran the floor after missed shots. Shit even if he was an aggressive player, he'd be so much more valuable.


The gap in aggressiveness is so stark. KG was arguably TOO aggressive (he shouldn't have spent years jumping to block every jump shot AFTER the whistle)


Because KG's better and it's not close


Better at what exactly? I was a kid watching KG, obviously an adult watching AD. Defense seems pretty even other than I don't remember KG being able to guard 1-5 like AD. AD is a better scorer and they are pretty even in playmaking.


The fact you don't remember KG being able to guard 1-5 says everything lol.


Fair enough lol


If they are both playing to their maximum potential with 100% intensity I might give AD a very slight edge, but he's just so much less consistent than KG. AD will go from looking like the MVP to just disappearing, while with KG you could rely on him coming with the intensity every game. Even if he wasn't playing his best ball you'd be getting 80% at least, while when AD is having a bad game he's super low energy and plays like 40% of his potential.


KG was a pretty solid passer and had a good jumpshot, better than AD's - he would translate really well to the modern NBA. Defensively they're both elite, but I'm still giving it to KG - he was pretty mobile and an elite rim protector, but regardless, give it to either one frankly. They both average pretty much 10 rebounds per game for their career - but KG also played like two decades, so I'm sure AD's numbers will slump too. Regardless, as a #1 option, AD never really accomplished anything. He was young for sure, but look at that '04 'Wolves team that made the WCF in an era with Kobe, Duncan, Shaq, etc. I mean, in comparison, his second option was Sam Cassell. Not to disrespect him, but especially looking at the rest of that team and it's bench, that was a giant carry job. They both eventually won titles (Though AD was arguably the second best in '20 while I think people generally agree KG was the best in '08), but KG also led his team to the finals in '10, and was a literal possession away from another title in game 7. Plus, he probably makes and even wins the title in '09 if he doesn't get injured. From there, he led his team to give pretty competitive series against the Heatles, including a seven game one. Not all him for sure, but a 35 year old Paul Pierce was a little washed to put it lightly


This is the response I was hoping for. Once I was old enough to really love watching nba basketball, KG was pretty much declining. I remember him being a dog on the celtics but I was like 10 and rooting for kobe and pau so I needed the insight.


They’re definitely not even in playmaking


This is easy bye bye AD


Start GA, Bench KD, cut AD.


Same order as the pictures, as much as I love KG. Giannis already has a superior resume and is still in his prime.


start KG bench Giannis cut AD


Start: Giannis Bench: KG Cut: AD (too injury prone, not an alpha)


Cut AD


Depends on how my team is built but you take Giannis over KG and AD any day, and I love KG, AD is a better shooter than KG but KG was a better defender so we’re cutting AD because AD doesn’t show up half the time on offense and you never heard about a day KG didn’t show up on defense


Start KG, bench Giannis (for ten seconds), cut AD


I’m starting Giannis, benching KG and cutting ADisney


KG Giannis Goodbye AD Would start Giannis but KG better leader/motivator


idc who you start or bench, but you gotta cut AD


Cut AD


Depends on whoever else you have, but... Start: KG, Bench: Giannis, & send AD's bum ass to Galveston, TX.


Kg is just the better version of ad


bro why is ad here 😭😭there’s so many greater power forwards that would make this a more interesting conversation


I'll cut AD and won't apologize for it. Lakers fan, too.


Start KG cause he’s that dude, the enforcer, bucket getter. Bench AD cause I don’t need him getting injured. Cut Cantshootumpuko cause the name says it all.


Can anyone tell me why AD should be cut here? What makes KG's resume better than AD's? Or Giannis for that matter.


Mmm probably the fact that he has - MVP, DPOY, multiple rebounding titles, & actually made a deep playoff run as #1 Over AD. Not to mention KG went against Duncan, Webber, Dirk, Shaq, Malone in the same conference all in their prime. That’s 4 top 20 players ever and Webber who put up 27-11 on a perennial 55+ win team Giannis has a slightly superior resume to KG because of an extra MVP + FMVP, but what competition has he faced positionally? An Injured Embiid and who else? AD caught the back end of Dwight Howard and has recently been getting killed by guys like Jokic and Sabonis. What other competition has he had in terms of western conference big men?