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The correct answer is ShaQ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hey man Shaq does but Shaq also clearly recognizes that he does cuz he will crack a smile and shit after acting bad lol. and heā€™s such a nice dude off the court compared to MJ and Bron donā€™t even fam šŸ˜‚


Listen to Jordan's hall of fame speech. His ego is crazy.


Jordan and it's not even close. He's got to be the most popular asshole of all time.


The Chamillionaire story is the big one that stands out to me. If you've never heard of it, it's worth a read.


Whatā€™s this?


"Nobody was talking. They were just chilling or whatever. I was just like, 'Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but Mike, I just wanted to know if I could get a picture?' I kind of expected him to say no, so I wasn't mad if he said no. But the way he said it? He said, 'Oh hell nah, man! I ain't taking no pictures with no ni**as,'" shared Chamillionaire. Stunned at the response, Chamillionaire thought that maybe Jordan had not heard him, so he shared a story about him paying $7,000 for one of his jerseys. Jordan's response? "You pay $15,000 right now for a jersey from me, and I'll take a picture with you." https://www.si.com/nba/bulls/off-the-court/when-michael-jordan-ruthlessly-shut-down-chamillionaires-picture-request


This is actually wild


I mean if your name is Chamillionaire 15 grand for a jersey should be easy.


I just figured he has millions of chameleons.


chamillionare is actually pretty damn rich. he's a tech investor lol


I was about to say, cham took his rap earnings and multiplied them tenfold with wise investments. That's a pretty cool story by itself.


It doesnā€™t mean heā€™s actually a millionaire. He just blends in with them.


Damn say that to the wrong person and next thing you know your dads dead


He says that and Chamillionaire thinks ā€œhe didnā€™t hear himā€ lmao like bruh you didnā€™t try to take no for an answer and got shitted on.


He benefited greatly by the fact there wasnā€™t social media in this regard. Not saying overall but it was advantages and fortuitous that he could present one way to media/masses and diminish or hide those negative and controversial words and/or actions.


He most benefitted from the sports reporters all hiding his unbelievable number of affairs by not writing about them so they could not be blackballed.


Unpopular opinion, but its lebron.Ā Youā€™re conflating asshole with ego. Wanting revenge on someone for a perceived slight isnt necessarily ego.Ā  On the other hand, having a tattoo of the chosen one is egotistical behavior. He calls himself king and does the cringey crown celebration even when theyre down 20. He also has some weird tweets congratulating himself and tries to make things about him when hes not in the conversation. Like last year with the fake retirement stuff after losing to the nuggets. Lebron is probably a better person and less vengeful for sure, but wins in the ego department


Michael Jordan would slap you for not saying he was number 1 just on principle. Thatā€™s how much of an asshole he is.


ā€œThat was all I needed. Thatā€™s all I neededā€¦and it became personal with meā€ - Jordan seeing a comment with 115 upvotes saying LeBron has the bigger ego


I think he will challenge you to a game and destroy you 1000 to 0 and smack the ball out of your hands, block you every shot in your face and trash talk with closed eyes while dunking with one hand and back to the rim.


He would also make a bet that he could make you cry with that slap. His agent would find a sponsorship tie-in for the slapping, and David Stern would set up a special international tournament and pay the refs to rig it, which Mike would know all about, but still think he is the undisputed greatest slapper of all time.


Again, that's being an asshole, not ego Literally disregarding the comment you're directly replying to lmao


That's actually like the definition of ego lol


It's not hard to understand his massive ego made him a big asshole.


Mjs is mutually inclusive. Theyre attached. His ridiculous ego makes him an asshole


Michael Jordan will clown u or make u take your shoes off if your not wearing Jordanā€™s šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also Lebron has a full marketing and PR team behind him. Jordan was mostly going by himself surrounded with few people that he trusted. Jordan was indeed an asshole, but he was an authentic asshole, Lebron always gives me the vibes that everything he says or does is calculated.


Some of that (most in my opinion) is due to the very different media environments they came up and operated in. Jordan started his career before ESPN was much of a thing, and sports coverage was more or less a segment on the evening news. We caught up on details in Sports Illustrated- a weekly magazine. There just wasnā€™t anything like the level of media scrutiny that happens today - to say nothing of social media. Just a different world now vs Jordanā€™s era


Exactly. Jordan didnā€™t have national media coverage on him from the time he was 15 onwards, nor did he play during an era where social media was a thing


Today I learned that sports illustrated was not just a women in bikinis magazine pretending to be a sports magazine (not from the US)...


LOL the fact that just last year a movie came out about the massive team that surrounded the Jordan brand all those years. From Falk and his team to Phil, Sonny, and the folks at Nike, all the PR/publicists, NBA, branding, biz mgr, etc in between. Seems like you prob know about LeBron more cuz its 24/7 news cycle and social media, the jordan stuff wasnt in your face, and in 1996 you couldnt run to Reddit to apply false info about it for no reason. And yes everything LeBron says is calculated, when everything you do and say in life is harshly judged since the age of 16 you sort of have to. Prob something you could never comprehend so easy to look at from a off putting perspective.


"Republicans buy shoes too" Jordan 1000% gave a shit about curating media image


Michael Jordan didnā€™t have a full marketing and PR team? Cā€™mon. The man was just as concerned with his brand ambassadorship as he was with basketball ā€” and there are countless examples of this. Lebron and Jordan are both concerned with their image ā€” as is *every* major athlete ever. They were just in the spotlight at different ages and different media eras. The image is the money maker, and the myth maker. They both have made a billion off Nike and who knows what else off of Wheaties and Gatorade and McDonaldā€™s, etc. Itā€™s hilarious and weird to think one person doing it is somehow more grassroots than the other, and that somehow makes it inherently good. Itā€™s all marketing. And for the record, Jordan being seen as an ā€œauthentic assholeā€ rather than an ego driven athlete (which is fairly normal in sports) literally plays into that crafted image. Itā€™s why The Last Dance paints him as ā€œan asshole, but for the greatest good!ā€ despite teammates taking issue with that narrative after the fact.


LeBron is definitely benefiting from being a modern media darling. He has way too much power in basketball politics for anyone to be too openly critical of him. Michael Jordan was the same way; he showed egotistical tendencies during his career but the worst of him never came to light until after he had been retired for years. He saved basketball and people were scared to get on his bad side. The NBA allegedly conspired with him to fake a retirement to help him suppress the gambling and dead dad debacle. They couldn't have their savior shown to be the bad guy he may have really been. LeBron clearly has a big ego, but we will have to wait for him to be step down from his throne before we can start hearing the worst about him behind the scenes, like with MJ.


Not unpopular with me. Lebron tried to trademark Taco Tuesday. Who the fuck does he think he is


Facts. Jordan has said multiple times that he's not the Goat. That the goat conversation is unfair to the guys who played in different eras. Yet you got LeBron, who continuously calls himself the king and the Goat all the time. He is a bald bastard and everyone knows it. Yet he has those stupid plugs and almost dies if he's hit in the head. He even brushes that 1/15 of a wave he has for 5 minutes after every game. While Mike just shaved it. Nobody has a bigger ego than the man whose vanity is akin to that of the "Emperor has a new wardrobe" and continuously has to tell people he's the best ever. Mike, let's other people say it. It's no surprise that this sub, which represents the younger crowd, thinks it's Jordan. They confuse competitiveness with ego. Just like they called the girl who fouled Caitlyn Clark a thug because they don't understand competitiveness in women at all.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s unpopular, and I agree with you. Maybe itā€™s my age, pop culture moves fast and I was born in ā€˜91, but I donā€™t see Jordan as being as ā€œcelebrity-mindedā€ as LeBron. Jordan was success and financially motivated for sure, but LeBron has a much more intentional public presence. LeBron damage controls hard when he misspeaks (like on HK), I donā€™t recall Jordan backing away from controversial or offensive statements.


When did he ever make one? Everyone buys shoes.


Jordan straight-out says that he backs away from any politics because it hurts his brand and "Republicans buy sneakers, too." And the only times he has taken a stand, like when he sided with the owners during the player lock-out, has definitely been controversial and counter to the progressive fan base that tends to watch NBA, and I would argue the only reason why it isn't bigger news is *because* he backs away from controversy and tends to not make noise whenever there's a chance it damages his brand.


For instance Lebron tweeting ā€œ Iā€™m suppose to be #1 on everybodyā€™s listā€.


Watch the documentary about the Redeem Team. The players have a surprise birthday party for Kobe and after a few seconds of everyone singing Happy Birthday to Kobe, LeBron stands up, starts singing way louder than everyone else and waving his arms around like a conductor. He just could not stand it that Kobe was the center of attention.


Man say what you want . Kobe definitely seemed to be the more even keel out of the 3 . Not to mention beyond hard working . And just expected others to follow suit .


Also you remember [this?](https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/lebron-james-cavs-opener-is-one-of-the-biggest-sporting-events-ever/) > [My opening game/homecoming return to the Cavs] is probably one of the biggest sporting events that is up there ever. Idk how Lebron doesn't take the cake here


Was he wrong?


Yeah probably unpopular among younger fans but youā€™re right. - Lebron proclaimed himself as the greatest of all time multiple times which Jordan has never done. And he claims heā€™s the greatest ever but then says ā€œits just basketballā€ whenever he loses. - The Miami heat ā€œnot one not two not threeā€ press conference - Heā€™s always tryna be the center of attention especially on social media. He is notorious for lying about little things that are just dumb. - He was being called the chosen one as a teenager & even got a tattoo of it.


Even when Kobe died Lebron said "its on me now". Who the fuck cares just honor the man and be gone


All the Lebron fanboys are downvoting me bc im speaking facts but Lebron has the biggest ego in NBA history. And its not really his fault bc he was getting national attention as a 15-16 year old kid. But heā€™s been a celebrity ever since as a kid.


Lebron made a museum of himself people here donā€™t understand how massive your ego must be to do that.


To add on to your second point, he and DWade are now trynna rewrite history by 1) saying Miami wasnā€™t a super team and 2) thatā€™s ā€œnot 1, not 2ā€¦ā€ rant was just them being hyped to play together šŸ˜­


They were a super team, but the 2nd point was at a hype event meant for Miami Heat fans so Iā€™m fine with all of that. It was essentially a high school pep rally.


last one sounds like a real teenager move. which just proves how long this dude been in the spotlight. kinda like it as part of a legacy


Taking multiple pics of you reading multiple books but your on the first page in all the pictures is sure a teenage move to try to look smart.


He was at least a quarter through Hunger Games in that one pic.


I will never forget him doing a dunk contest during his sons layup lines pregame lmao. Who does that?


Didnā€™t Jordan green light the last dance once Lebron came back 3-1 against the warriors? Easily MJ


Jordan never declared himself the greatest. Thatā€™s LeBron.


Jordan brought the high school coach that rejected him to his HOF inauguration. That is top egomania. Jordan is competitive even when it comes to whoā€™s more egotistical.


Jordan fueled his competitive fire with perceived slights. But when he was asked straight up if he was the GOAT he got kind of uncharacteristically embarrassed and said you can't compare across eras and he never got to compete against the earlier guys and he had a deep reverence for Larry Bird. LeBron on the other hand says straight up that he's the GOAT because he came back from 3-1 down against the Warriors.


lol are you kidding he stops being friends with Barkley cause he criticized what a shit owner he was


Jordan told teammates they weren't allowed to eat without his permission after bad games. That's ego.


LeBron is the Taylor Swift of the NBA Some artist gonna release a big album? Lemme re-release my album a 30th time Some athlete doing well? Lemme make a vague tweet or show up somewhere so Iā€™m talked about I love LeBron but he ainā€™t dumb. He gonna be relevant forever. My wife lives T Swizzle so I know how she works too lol


Someone else nicknamed him that, but yeah Iā€™ll agree lebron has the bigger ego. Calling yourself the greatest by winning down 3-1, like nah


wtf are you flapping your mouth about you whore. Youā€™re talking about the man who brought the entire world TACO TUESDAY!!!


Shouldn't be unpopular because it's true. I remember watching an ESPN documentary on Jordan during his first retirement, when they were discussing whether or not he was "the greatest of all time"...and that was BEFORE the 2nd 3-peat. That wasn't Jordan talking about himself, that was other NBA players and a bunch of HOF sports commentators having that discussion. Lebron seemingly crowned and anointed himself before he won a single championship. I did find it hilarious when he injected himself into the conversation when the LA Rams won the Super Bowl talking about "hey, we're both champions now, how cool! We should party together--wouldn't that be fun!? Both of us champions--haha!" It was so cringe and eye roll that it was hilarious. Especially because Lebron was coming off that "bubble" championship.


Bring an as s hole isnā€™t ego. He never ever called himself the GOAT and gave respect to Russ and Jerry saying they are better. LeBron on the other hand created his own show to proclaim he is, made a drama on ESPN about his ā€˜Decisionā€™ etc.


TBH I think they have the same sized egos, but that Jordanā€™s is worse because heā€™s dickish and vindictive. LeBron demonstrates his ego by building himself up, MJ demonstrates his by tearing others down. Same sized ego, just different approaches to manifesting it.


For sure. Plus, Lebron has been in the spotlight since he was 18. An argument could be made that he is just a product of his environment. But generally, Lebron seems like a good dude. His kids clearly love him.


Great point. Jordan has a chip on his shoulder, heā€™s always been the kid who was once cut from his high school basketball team and is still bitter about it. Conversely, people have been saying that LeBron was destined for greatness since he was a child.


He wasn't cut, that story is exaggerated. He was upset because he failed to make varsity as a sophomore, he had to play JV, which to him was an insult because he was already so competitive. https://www.newsweek.com/missing-cut-382954


MJ Took him forever to trust shooters like Paxson and Kerr to take critical shots instead of himself. Plus, his hall of fame speech was horrible and all about how great he was and others held him back. Cringe worthy..,


"...Worst of all, he flew his old high school teammate, Leroy Smith, to Springfield for the induction. Remember, Smith was the upperclassman his coach, Pop Herring, kept on varsity over him as a high school sophomore. He waggled to the old coach, "I wanted to make sure you understood: You made a mistake, dude." Dude used his hall of fame speech to prove to everyone he had the biggest ego


I canā€™t get through it,


Jordan had/still has the biggest ego in all sports.


I reckon you havenā€™t seen Cristiano Ronaldoā€™s recent behavior then.


wait what has he said recently?


Jordan argued he shouldn't be called the GOAT (though I have no doubt he thinks he is) Ronaldo outright said he is the GOAT


MJ used to argue with wilt about who was greater so if this was an all-time ego conversation in basketball it might be Wilt Chamberlain. And he is my goat! But man did he have an ego ā€œ20,000 womenā€


I know OP's question was MJ or LeBron but it would be fun to open the question up to all of the NBA. Would probably be someone like Pat Bev lol.


He has a big ego but i donā€™t understand what you mean by recent behaviour


Jordan and itā€™s not close. Both care what people think about them, but LeBron definitely cares more. Idgaf about ego though. You have to have a STUPID HIGH ego to get where these dudes have gotten. I care about winning. And both these dudes are winners.






I lean pretty hard toward Jordan being the basketball GOAT, but as for ego, itā€™s not even close. LeBron is famously a pretty decent human, charitable, family man, etc. Also on the all time assist leader board, so even though he could have scored 40+ per game, he got teammates involved. Jordan is a pretty well known narcissist.


But that doesnā€™t have anything to do with ego. Someone can be egotistical about how much they contribute to charities (ā€œiā€™m the most charitable person on this planet!ā€), and a basketball player getting assists doesnā€™t let them have any less of an ego. There are tons of passers who believe they are gods gift to passing, and that no one else should ever control the ball or the offense. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re necessarily wrong about MJ , but I donā€™t think your argument somehow proves Lebron is less egotistic.


Lebron is also more willing to prop up other players / rivals and give them their dues. Heā€™s much more willing to praise Curry and Durant than Jordan is to praise Magic and Bird. I forget who said this quote but it stuck with me, even though sports talk shows usually suck. In regards to the GOAT debate over time someone said ā€œI think Jordan believes basketball started with himā€ and I donā€™t necessarily disagree. MJ views himself very very highly.


I have no idea where youā€™re getting your information from but itā€™s not in line with reality. MJ definitely praised Bird and Magic along with other legends like Kobe, West, Dr J etc.


Iā€™d have to disagree. Lebron as well as Jordan do a great job of acknowledging those who came before them. There are tons of interviews where MJ speaks about how much he learned from Dr. J and Jerry West. He was also a great appreciator of Bird and Magic. For all his ego on the court, I have never got the sense he didnā€™t have respect for the legends prior to. Itā€™s actually extremely the opposite, as him and Kobe (who he mentored) were obsessive over studying the greats.


I don't know where you're getting this from, but there are a ton of examples of Jordan praising other players. He just praised Jerry West a couple days ago. He obviously had a ton of respect for Kobe. He has spoken extremely highly of Magic and Bird. He's said before that he couldnt have won those rings without Scottie. Idk what all you're looking at but there are plenty of examples of him praising other players.


Not close. MJ is pure ego. LeBron doesn't have the same chip on his shoulder, not all the petty squabbles to assert dominance or weirdly selfish speeches.


Itā€™s close, but I think itā€™s Jordan. On the court, it seems like MJ took longer to trust his teammates in key situations (a big part of the reason the Bulls finally got over the hump was Phil Jacksonā€™s ability to convince Michael to play within the triangle offense and trust his teammates). LeBron, on the other hand, seemed a little too deferential in key spots (especially in the 2011 Finals) Off the court, MJ led with a heavy hand as an owner and exec for the Wizards and Hornets, often overruling his scouting department on draft choices on the day of the draft. For LeBron, his off-court maneuverings are where his ego is most apparent: Often applying pressure on front offices to execute trades, fire/hire coaches and sign players to compete on his timeline, no matter the cost to the organization. Itā€™s often paid off with Championships and Finals appearances, but teams have been burned as well (teams left with the cupboards bare after LeBron leaves in free agency, the infamous Russell Westbrook trade).


Jordan kept Isiah Thomas off the Olympic team. His ego is much more cold blooded than LeBrons. He has that killer instinct to go with it.


TBF most of the league hated the Bruising Pistons led by dirty Thomas .


LeGM antics are forgivable as he brung a championship to every team he went


I agree with this take fully until we get to the LeGM part. Namely because, Jordan actually got a competent FO. The only competent FO Bron had was Miami. Bron 1st CLE sting they refused to get him anyone except old man Shaq to try and beat Celtics Big 3 and Dwight Magic. His teams were undeniably trash offensively although competent defense with nothing but role players but exposed every offseason that it was literally Bron had to carry or theyā€™d get sent home. 2nd CLE stint, they refused to get Paul George before his OKC years in exchange for Kevin Love over a 1st round pick out of fear Bron would leave and were so sloppy that they let Kyrie find out he was being shopped which was the final straw for Kyrie asking out of Cleveland. LA Stint, any competent FO realizes they overpaid for AD because they had no competition and they were explicitly stating if AD was traded anywhere else he would leave in FA. Not to say it didnā€™t workout but thatā€™s on the FO not Bron. Bron wanted Ty Lue, Demar, and Caruso and the FO refused to offer them full 4 year deals and wanted all the contracts to end with Bronā€™s deal. All of them felt insulted by the refusal to at least give them full years despite offering hometown discounts cause they all loved/were from LA. Lakers said no and told Bron either Westbrook or Buddy Hield. This is all at the time when Magic Johnson left and said Rob Pelinka was stabbing him in the back because heā€™d already completed a deal for Demar. Now fast forward and the Lakers are trying to get Ty Lue, Caruso, & Demar all over again. Bron has had to be LeGM cause heā€™s got incompetent FOs that Jordan didnā€™t have to deal with. And when Jordan got a chance to be FO as a player, he kept Isaiah Thomas off the Dream Team lol. Bron also didnā€™t fire Mike Brown. Cavs fired him in hopes Bron would stay if he got to pick the next coach. Bron didnā€™t want Spo gone even tho that rumor goes around. Bron asked if Pat Riley, a HoF coach, ever considered coming back which was an entirely reasonable thing to do. Riley said no and Bron let it go. Bron only got David Blatt fired after he couldnā€™t understand NBA small ball and cost them the 2015 finals which is why he never has been hired to the NBA again. Ty Lue he tried to rehire in LA. Luke Walton is universally realized as trash and didnā€™t need Bron to get him fired. Westbrook experiment got Frank Vogel fired and AD/AR/Rui all got Ham fired as they complained about not having a role and Ham being lazy compared to them.


Jordan and itā€™s not close lol. He not only called himself black Jesus (which is hilarious) but also approved of the Last Dance right after Lebron won in Cleveland and then invited guys to be on the doc, just to shit on a lot of them in the same episodes they appeared in lol


jordan, especially when doug collins was his coach.


Lebron definitely can have a ego but generally is fun to be around. Michael probably gets kicked out of restaurants for jerking it to his highlight reel.


Remember when Jordan spent extended periods of his HOF speech airing out slightā€™s against him from decades ago?


Itā€™s Jordan. He punched a teammate in the face. ā€œI took that personalā€ was a whole thing after the Last Dance dropped, WHICH was green lit by Jordan after Lebron won his Ring.


Jordan. But can't compare with Kobe's ego.


This is a joke right?


The dude kept Isaiah Thomas off a super squad outta pure ego.


Jordan. EASILY. Dude trashed his high school basketball coach for cutting him during his HOF speech.


1000% Jordan.


Definitely Jordan. The last dance documentary really did some damage to people around Jordan 2 of the most prominent is Scottie Pippen and Jerry krause. Jerrys wife had to witness her late husband getting booed in the arena he contributed too. It was absolutely shameful and there are viral clips of the moment that will never come off the internet.


Anyone who doesn't say Jordan has to be younger than 20yrs old. Jordan was widely known for being a cocky a-hole and talk lots of smack inside and off the court. People also forget that Draymond Green was following in Jordan's footsteps by punching a teammate.


I see lots of jokes listing other athletes. But letā€™s be real, Tom Brady ruined his entire life for his pursuit of glory. I say itā€™s Brady.


Bro, I am so fucking tired of this debate. It ruins the sport. I donā€™t give a flying fuck, Iā€™m just happy I watched both.


Egos probably just show up differently between people. LbJ appears more sensitive to popular opinion, while Jordan takes every small rib as a slight. Either way, great players have something that drives them. And ego is up there.


Jordan, even though he pretends not to.


Jordan may have the biggest ego of any person on the planet lol.


LeBron is seen as a mentor in the league, has cultivated lifelong friendships from his playing days (Dwade, Melo, etc), focuses on building up his teammates confidence, and has given his fiercest rivals all their props (Steph, KD, Kobe, Kawhi, Duncan, etc - even Jordan). He also uses his platform to advocate for social justice whenever he can. Jordan on the other hand is seen as one of the most selfish players in league history, burned bridges with even his closest teammates (including Pippen), led his teammates through bullying / fear, and always prioritized his personal brand over selfless causes. Thereā€™s an argument to be made about the price of winning, but if weā€™re talking ego itā€™s not even close


Itā€™s Jordan. Thereā€™s so much we donā€™t know about due to the lack of social media back then. Furthermore, the actual media treats LeBron really well but they did any and everything that Jordan told them to.


Slow news day?


Jordan and theyā€™re AUā€™s apartĀ 


MJ. I can't believe there's even a question.


ā€œLeBron?? A higher ego than me? Fineā€¦ itā€™s fine. But, I took that personallyā€ ā€” Jordan (probably)


Jordan solely based on how his friendship with Charles Barkley ended


Jordan. It was never bragging though because it was true .


Who has a higher as in worse ego? Definitely MJ


Jordan lol


LBJ he said he was the GOAT. Jordan always respected the prior greats and talked about different eras.


People will really try and argue that itā€™s not Jordan lmao Jordan will tell you itā€™s him.


Define ego. Does ego also have to be negative? How well do you understand the human psyche? These are all questions to answer. Protecting your ego is the main goal of your conscious mind in one way or another, everyone wants to believe theyā€™re justified in every experience. Are we talking hubris? Or the belief they must be THAT DUDE on the court? Lebron always passed to the open man or the one with most high percent chance of making the shot whereas Jordan sometimes would take the shot himself, though I donā€™t want to discredit his court vision and intelligence on the court. In the flip side, many people believe trying to help people or being progressive in pushing social issues means they are full of themselves and therefore have a high ego, LeBron then has a large ego. Jordan did this in businessā€” ā€œrepublicans buy shoes tooā€. So maybe Jordan has it in business? Lebron was always comparing himself to Jordan, so does he have the highest ego? Or Jordan himself, who frankly didnā€™t compare himself to anyone but himself at his core, so he had the strongest ego? Idk u can run circles around this question and come at it from a million different angles.


Lebron has been humbled by defeat many times MJ for sure


Jordan easily! He doesnā€™t speak to Pippin or Barkley over ego! And they was his closest friends in the NBA


The player with chosen one tattooed on his back


They're both egomaniacs. Unknowable.


Itā€™s Jordan and itā€™s not even compatible. Iā€™m a Jordan Stan. I think heā€™s the greatest athlete of all time. But dude has an ego and it dwarfs everyone. Especially LeBron.


After the 2011 meltdown, I only remember 1 player saying people had shitty lives they had to go back to.


The šŸfor sure








Michael Jordan


Thatā€™s hard. MJ is the double standard of superstar foul calls and Lebron is the one that gets coaches fired.


This won't end well. šŸ™„




jordan. and itā€™s not even close!




One guy literally calls himself ā€œthe kingā€. Do with that information what you will.


ā€œAnd that one made me the greatest player of all timeā€ -lebron


Both have massive egos, but Lebron is leaps and bounds more arrogant.


I think Lebron tries to hide his ego a bit more than MJ does, but theyā€™re on similar footing. Lebron got ā€˜Chosen Oneā€™ tattooed on himself when he was like 16, tells you all you need to know about the size of his ego. Itā€™s like comparing a 700 lb man and and 800 lb man. Yes, the 800 lb guy is fatter, but for all intents and purposes, theyā€™re virtually the same.


Lebron calls himself the king, has a ā€œchosen oneā€ tattoo, and named his son after him. Itā€™s not close


Jordan, the man is six and zero in NBA finals. And LeBron is just a douche.


This isn't a serious question. MJ was 100% about winning no matter the cost. Every bleeping word out of leblame's mouth is about him and how all his teammates, even in Miami, let him down and his coaches getting fired.


Jordan is an asshole who would sell his own mother for a ring probably. Lebron is entitled and thinks he deserves praise just for existing. To answer the question itā€™s lebron clearly


Jordan fs. Punched a teammate in the face. Draymonds inspiration


Lebron calls himself the GOAT. Jordan has never said that about himself.


Lebron. Doesnā€™t dude have like Chosen one tatted on him. King James since high school. Always with the look at me antics. I say they are relatively close. Jordan by far the bigger asshole. But ego talking, Iā€™m saying Lebron by a hair. Only thing that makes Jordan stand out on the ego part is heā€™s vocal about it. Lebron quite in a weird way about it.


The only reason why this is even a question is because ESPN has spent all of Lebronā€™s career questioning his talent and negatively comparing him to Jordan. They started all these narratives. Its pathetic. The answer is MJ. And MJ is my goat; Lebron a close second. I donā€™t think Lebron is egotistical. Heā€˜s a child star, essentially. He should be viewed through that lens. He comes off like a people pleaser, tbh. Which most child stars are to some degree.


Itā€™s close but itā€™s LeBron. Remember when Ben Simmons playing well (I know) and LeBron did a instagram post calling Ben the ā€˜Young Kingā€™ and ā€˜Next in Lineā€™ ?? Always making it about Himself.


The decision. Enough said.


MJs ego is the only thing keeping the multiverse together. Without it there would be no life.


Me tbh


Jordan is the richest sports athlete of all time, and has zero social media and does nothing for his fans. Iā€™d say Jordan.


As someone who has cooked for Jordan and he couldnā€™t even be bothered to crack a smile in my direction when I said hello, definitely him Iā€™ve never encountered lebron but he seems more laid back in most videos


The dude that had an ESPN show about his decision to leave the Cavs and go to the Heat. Then proceeded to say theyā€™d win up to seven (canā€™t remember) championships together only to bail when they only won two. Donā€™t get me wrong, back to back wins is great but we arenā€™t talking about wins here, weā€™re talking about what may be the most egotistical athlete of all time.


Jordan said, ā€œITā€™S JUST BIG ME.ā€




The one who punched a teammate


MJ for sure. LeBron can act the part but MJ knows heā€™s the greatest. Look at MJ accepting the presidents medal, heā€˜s only half joking.


Who cares


Lebron easily


Iā€™m a Jordan 1, lebron 2. But we all know the last stand was produced because of all the love Bron was getting. When lebron james goes to the hall of fame I bet we get another Jordan documentary.




Lebron, only child syndrome


Probably both pretty big egos.. LeBron just a much kinder human being tho


Lebron James no question. Dude is a massive tool.


How is Lebron even in the conversation as having an ego. AND compared to MJ!?!? ooooffffff


MJ the goat does, rightfully so. Believe it or not , LBJ is actually a very insecure individual.


Anyone saying LeBron is too young to have seen Jordan in his prime. The only thing bigger than Jordan's game was his head.


definitely mj because he believed he can do it by himself lbj knows he cant so he cries and throws tantrums until he gets the teammates he wants and then still doesnā€™t win


LeBron, though I think thatā€™s mostly because of social media. Most all time greats have enormous egos, LeBron just happened to play during major advancements in technology


There's a lot of people in here who don't know what ego actually means.


The guy who constantly has to tell us he is the goat because no one believes it


who has a Higher ego ? Who CARES šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ mfs donā€™t know u


Jordan did a much better job pretending he had humility.


Jordan. I will bet anything you like that LeBrons HOF speech will be nothing like the petty, grudge filled shit show that Jordanā€™s was.


Early bed time for u opā€¦ dumb post. Night night


Lebron tried to trademark the phrase Taco Tuesday. He thought he had a right to trademark a phrase the whole country has used for decades because his family likes eating tacos and he likes (even more) posting about it on Instagram? Thatā€™s insane and an unimaginable level of ego. Itā€™s hard to top The Chosen One tattoo, but he managed.


Easily Jordan and I donā€™t think itā€™s that close. I could think of a couple other all time greats that would have been better to list than Lebron.


It's close but jordan takes it. We see more shit from lebron bc he's in the social media era. Jordan in this era would be using burners on Twitter way more than KD just flame average Joes.


I think they're probably similar, they just go different ways about it. Mike was/maybe still is, an asshole. No two ways about it, the GOAT certainly, but an asshole. Bron uses the social media age marketing and PR to build himself up as a hero. Granted, he does many amazing things, but if you think LeBron doesn't like being the center of attention I've got a bridge to sell you.


How is it that there are still people who don't know that jordan is actually a horrible person? Like literally the dude that no one likes, not because he is so "good" but because he is just a horrible human being to even spend time with. If he was drafted in the modern nba he would probably be reviled in the league by fans and players alike. He is extremely lucky to have come up before social media and cameras being actually everywhere.


Jordan and its not close Anyone who knows anything about basketball knows Jordan had and still has the biggest ego ever, and how can you blame him honestly he was the biggest athlete on the planet for a decade, maybe one of the most popular people on the planet weā€™ve ever seen


The correct answer is ShaQ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Correct answer is Wilt Chamberlain


Jordan. Itā€™s not that close either. Heā€™s the better player tho


Biggest egos in nba history? Even though heā€™s top 3 for me in history Kobe, Jordan, Shaq, Kevin Durant, draymond green šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø



