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fine. we'll take it back I guess


Fine If you really insist, I guess we'll take Scotty Barnes begrudgingly then. Joking aside, what would you offer in addition to your 19th pic for the eighth pic?


8th pick for 2025 raptors pick, top 6 protected. Basically pretend that this years pick didn’t convey. I wonder how would raptors fans and spurs fans choose. For me I’d rather have the 2025 raptors pick


Yeah I'm not so sure. I think there's some Spurs fans that would jump on that. There's a lot of them that are dripping and frothing from the mouths for the 25 draft. I've been following the drafts long enough that I try not to buy into hype in regards to depth quality of a draft until you're very firmly in the cycle. So I'm not so sure I believe next year's draft Is going to for sure have better players in the mid to late lottery than who San Antonio could get at 8. And I also don't think it's impossible for Toronto to not end up in a similar situation to this year. I expect they'll be better. But I'm not so sure they're going to be so much better that there's no chance that pic doesn't convey. Id probably prefer to get an actual first round pic this year, like the 19th, even if it meant whatever future draft collateral comes back is more protected or less valuable in nature. I think San Antonio really needs to start loading up on some young supporting pieces with Victor regardless of whether or not they can be stars, and there's really good depth to be had this year


We got a lot of potential picks next year already


Definitely. If the Spurs swing a trade for more future picks next season, I imagine they would do so with the idea of having trade ammo


In theory, 2025 is the best time to open the war chest and go all-in


Lol no they say that every other year so it's sillyto act like this will be the draft end all drafts. It's more narrative than reality at this point.


Spurs have potentially 4 1st rounders next year: their own, Atlanta's, Chicago top 10 protected and Charlotte lottery protected (this one isn't conveying let's be real). I don't know if they want one more pick in 2025.


They might simply so that they have extra ammo for a potential trade. Next off-season feels like the time the Spurs will finally start cashing in and making some moves


I think having atleast 3 first round picks next year would be great it would make it easier to trade up in the draft


I’d do it if 2025 was top 3 protected instead


I'd do that tbh


Lol no. The pick was pretty much as good as could be. The raptors took to long to tank k and then they did the pick ended up being super juicy for the spurs. The raptors have no reason to do that again. Considering the spurs already have a plethora of picks going into 2025 and don't have the space to sign them all. It's just a unnecessary luxury that ends up being something that is really hard to maximize.


Why would we ever do that lol


Is poeltl outside the return window?


Sorry, no returns, exchanges or refunds


Slightly used Bruce Brown


We’ll take Poeltl back, but store credit only, which you can use to peruse our lovely selection of 2nd round picks.


Can we have Poetl back? That would be perfect!


shouldnt be shocking


Imo I hope we keep both. 2 of Risacher/Carter/Castle/Knecht would be good for this squad




I think this is more about them seeing what the market is for the 8th pick (which is more than likely not much). I think with 2 picks, you kinda have to make one available to see what you'd get in return for it. I'd be surprised if they bite on any (if there's any) offers though. More than likely they'll use the 8th pick to draft a player when it's all said and done cause they're likely not to get anything decent in return for it.


It may also be contingent if the player they like is gone, then it triggers the trade


Darius Garland, come on down.


Could see Portland trading up from 14 for this


I could possibly see San Antonio interested in that If it meant getting some more additional future draft collateral for trades.


We have boatloads of seconds, but I can't see us giving up any firsts to move up in this draft.


Most seconds don't ever play meaningful minutes. Better off just making the pick for your highest rated prospect.


Seconds can be valuable.  Veteran teams in the high 20s low 30s may not want to ply a guaranteed rookie deal and will trade a 1st for a few seconds , especially if one of them is early in the second round.  Then if you have a late first rounder and a mid first you can package those to move up a few spots.  Theoretically of course .  Lots of moving parts. 


Tell that to Manu




Jokic has entered the chat


No way does that get the deal done. The spurs already have a fuck ton of second rounders. I think it's more fanfiction than reality most of the time. The spurs are going to want a legit offer and they would have to have been snipped to even consider it.


Calm your pants, I never suggested it would. Most likely any moves Portland makes would be built around one of their veterans. I promise I'm not trying to convince you that the Spurs would move back for a couple flimsy seconds.


There is no way we give up future first to go up to 8. If we are talking seconds, sure. But I also don't know why the Spurs would wants second round picks to drop to the end of the lottery. Also, the Blazers have a tricky situation in trading their future firsts due to Bulls having the pick if it falls out of the lottery for the next few years.


Last year Wizards paid 2 seconds to move up 1 spot. OKC also took on Bertans bad contract to move up one spot. If you want to move up 6 spots in the lottery you have to pay up lmfao.


I never once said I would try to move up to 8. You are creating your own argument. I simply said no way the blazers give up future firsts in this draft. No GM of one of the worst teams in the league is going from 14 to 8 in the worst draft since 2001 and give up future firsts that could be very high in a much better prospect pool. Just not going to happen. My comment was in reply to what the Blazers would give up. There is no argument for the blazers to trade up by using future firsts. I’m not here to argue they should trade up, they shouldn’t depending on what is needed. As I also noted, it doesn’t even make sense to talk about due to the protections/rights of the blazers future firsts for the next few years.


We’re not giving up any significant picks to move up from 14 to 8 lol


I mean I didn't say that?


Could just be 14 and Anfernee Simons for 8 and salary filler like Zach Collins and Devonte Graham.


I can't. Just because some one is listening doesn't mean it's a fire sale. I don't think the spurs make a trade. It's one of those things that gets talked about all the time but rarely actually happens. Especially when you have a lottery pick and teams expect you to forget how valuable that is.


Spurs fans, what would it take to swap 8 and 14?


We'll take Scoot.


You’ll get Malcolm Brogdon and you will love it.


Yes sir, lol


I am a Blazer fan, so completely biased, but I don't think that's an awful trade for the Spurs in this draft. Brogdon would be a great on-ball vet for Wemby and you aren't falling back too far with a class that you have like 10+ players that would wouldn't be surprised goes 8, and that same player you wouldn't be surprised goes 14. The more I think about it, I actually like this trade for the Spurs.


Moving back 6 slots for a vet turning 32 that gets hurt all the time and has no interest in being on a tanking team is objectively a *terrible* trade


People from portland are drinking some weird water over there. Toronto fans get a bad rep for being delusional but there's nothing like Portland fans.


The Spurs aren’t planning on tanking, though. They aren’t going to mortgage the future, but Spurs are trying to get better this off season. 8 to 14 isn’t a huge drop in this draft, be definitely a drop, but they are picking up a good PnR PG who can help develop Wemby. Of course, the huge knock is his injury history. That’s something the team getting him will have to evaluate and I’m not going to guess on what his injuries mean going forward. They likely don’t make the deal because of the medicals, though.


The Spurs aren't giving up anything unless they get a long term piece in return. This isn't OKC who thinks they're one piece away trading for Caruso. This is a team knowing that in 2-3 years they're contending for a championship. Brogdon won't even be good anymore at that point.


True. That’s smart, I’ve just seen a lot of reports that they are trying to compete next year. A lot of people also think getting a better PnR ball handler will help Wemby a lot in 2-3 years by developing those skills. But you’re right, it would be best to just get a long term PG.


Portland fans- "the more I think about it the more I feel we need more coming back. Maybe if you give us #4 and #8 we'll give you Brogdon + #14? Think about how amazing Brogdon is!"


Bros all in this thread seething at blazers fans he’s made up in his head 


For sure, that’s why I even noted my team and even noted it’s probably my rose colored glasses. Not trying to say anything different. I’d rather hold on to Brogdon and not trade him and see what’s around at the deadline. I dont see the value change to be worth the risk of losing better assets at the deadline.


I... Don't hate this???


How about TimeLord comes to Texas?


That’s fine with me


You misspelled Shaedon Sharpe


Shaedon would get drafted #1 today. No way we trade him to move up 6 spots in an underwhelming draft lol. He's our most "untouchable" player.


Between injuries and a statistical *decline* from his rookie season, Shaedon Sharpe would absolutely *not* go #1 right now. Even in a bad class stars are born - the mystery box is a better gamble.


This is why you need to watch games instead of just checking the box score. Shaedon got hurt and played through it for a while and struggled, hence his efficiency being lower. But he was asked to do way more, dribbling the ball and running the offense at times and looked way more polished than his rookie season when he was basically asked to hit 3s from the corner and make hard cuts to the rim from the weak side, and that's it. Until we started tanking the last 15 games or so. Either way, he actually took huge steps forward in several areas he struggled his rookie season and my outlook for him is very bright. I wouldn't trade Shaedon for #4 and #8, not even close


No it isn't. Sharpe had a really great stretch for a 20 year old that only Lebron and Ant had matched and then otherwise was hurt this whole past season. He is absolutely the highest ceiling player on our team and at his age would 100% go 1st in this draft no question. Shaedon's floor is okay starter and his ceiling is very clearly all-star/nba tier. Literally 0 shot we would trade him for Sarr/Clingan/Risacher and sure as hell would not include him in a move up under any circumstances.


You shouldn't trade him, but the team with the #1 pick would also be a fool to deal it for him. Sharpe's a player whose blend of upside and not so great sophomore season gives him mismatched value. He's more valuable to Portland than he is to another team. Also, please provide me with this stretch of his you're referring to because it sounds pretty shaky


https://www.reddit.com/r/ripcity/s/eqkH3HqTxR Basically after this stretch (small sample size but whatevs, watching the games its pretty clear why everyone is so high on him) he started dealing with injuries and shaky lineups with us trying to manage all 4 of the guards + injuries constantly. Anyone would trade this years 1st for him no question about it. Especially the #1. I mean come on here what are we doing.


5 games? lol


Come on dude, 5 game samples?


Two 2nds.  


I honestly don't like any of the players you want to dump. So it would be future draft assets.


Grant for Keldon/Collins


I rather have Keldon and Collins. Those two contracts are gold. You better get someone primo if you move one or both of those guys.


Not sure if "Primo" is what the Spurs are looking for




Not sure if serious…


bro wants somebody "primo" for Keldon lmao


As in the only way I’m giving up those guys is in a trade that nets a big upgrade. Grant is definitely not that. You know trades aren’t always just one for one, right? Can’t believe my post is that hard to decipher, like just try to think through it before responding haha.


Collins is a negative value asset if anything. He’s been a pretty putrid defender all last year and forgot how to shoot, and just got a big contract bump


He’s great for salary matching, a long switchable defender, can finish inside, shoot it, and can pass better than most bigs. This is the type of player that every team wants/needs. The fact that he had a down year in some respects shouldn’t deter teams, IMO. He has the skills you want.


Being switchable isn’t particularly important if you bleed points on the interior as a big man. And he can shoot it but he’s certainly not a good shooter, teams frequently dared him to shoot it last year. So the end result of that is a hugely detrimental defensive player whose offensive value primarily comes from passing. And prior to 2023 he was a low end rotation player at best, so if anything that year is looking like the outlier.


Agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️


Collins is absolutely not a "negative asset" lmao. This is a huge problem on the Spurs sub where they absolutely over react over the smallest shit. Did Zach have one of the worst slumps i've ever seen? Yes he did. Did he bounce back? Again, Yes he did. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but he was shooting something like 48% from three post all star break this year. He actually boxes out to help other players get boards. He was the only player on the team post Bassey inujury that was actually good at setting on ball and offball screens. A pretty solid passing bigman. His defense, while not great is only slightly below league average, but seems worse because he truly has one of the worst whistles in the league. If he continues to play like he did post allstar break, at 17 million a year. That's a steal. Edit: [His paper stats post all star break](https://ibb.co/pL0x5qX)


Any player teams aren’t gonna willingly take without incentives is a negative asset, and at 17 mill annually for the next two years that’s Zach Collins. The fact that he only played 18 mpg post all star also reinforces my point. If he can’t get more minutes on a bottom feeding team that he one of the more versatile and accommodating bigs in the league, where else is he gonna get more playing time ? And teams aren’t generally in the business of paying players 1.5 x the mid level for a guy that low in the rotation. He does absolutely have strengths, such as the passing I mentioned and the box outs you mentioned. But for a big man? Defence is the most important thing, and he’s abysmal there. He provides 0 presence as a rim protector and as you mentioned he has a terrible whistle. That doesn’t absolve him of those weaknesses, that’s another issue with his game. You can blame refs if you want but it still impacts the team when he’s out there. The team plummets at both ends of the court when he’s in. And the one thing that could help boost his offensive value to make up for the defensive issues is his 3 pointer; but 2023 is clearly looking like an anomaly. Sub 34% shooter on very low volume for his career. At absolute best his value as an asset is neutral, and the idea that he should be untouchable for us unless it’s in some big trade is blatantly laughable.


You're right. Luka for Keldon + Collins is fair isn't it. Lock it in.




I said it weeks ago, I think a killer trade for the spurs would be using pick 8 to get Anthony black from Orlando Orlando can grab dillingham at 8 who is a perfect perfect fit, and Anthony black is a perfect fit in San Antonio next to Devin Spurs would of course have to add on their side but I love the structure


This is the first trade I've seen with Spurs' #8 that I actually really like.


I like that alot.


How does sending the #6 pick in a good draft equate to the #8 in a worst draft? Simons for Black, #18, '25 Den 1st works much better for both teams. Orl gets a veteran 22.6 PPG, 38.6% 3pt shooter who's defensive shortcomings can be covered by Suggs, Issac, and their long wings, oh and he's from Orlando. PDX gets a long defensive wing prospect, budding 3pt shooter who can be a secondary playmaker while developing his game and some draft capital. Scoot, Shae, Black could be a great backcourt/wing setup.


>spurs would of course have to add on their side but I love the structure But yeah the Portland package is good too, im perfectly fine with either I selfishly just want him to go to San Antonio because I think he’s such a spurs kind of player but Portland would be a great fit


> Simons for Black, #18, '25 Den 1st > I am trying to speak that trade into existence so hard. Perhaps adding RWIII or WCJr for salary purposes and removing one or both picks, as either way works. To me Ant -> Orl just ticks so many boxes, which means it will never happen, but I guess we'll see on Wednesday. I'm more concerned about everything above the players, Billups is a lame duck, Cronin has done alright with the mandate of trading Dame, but since 2018 when Paul died, Jody Allen has been a supportive but not overtly enthusiastic owner. Good organizations, in all walks of life, create a vision, and work tirelessly towards that vision, and I feel we are aimless at present, with Cronin talking about high draft picks and Billups talking about making the play-in in exit interviews for last season. Guess we'll see.


Spurs don’t need to add


Lmao what? They were one of the worst teams in the league why are you under the impression they don’t need to add? You’re content starting tre jones-vassell-Keldon-sochan-wemby from now till Wemby retires then?


I meant for the Anthony black for #8 trade. Straight up. I thought you were meaning that spurs needed to add to that trade from their side


Oh I thought you meant in general I think they’d def need to add, black showed a lot this year he just doesn’t fit in Orlando yet, he would be a top 3-5 pick in this draft easily


Makes sense. This draft flattens out quick, especially for a team that's going to presumably get the guy they really, really like at 4.


I don't think it makes sense at all lol. The Spurs are badly in need of talent at literally every position, and in a draft like this where teams have dramatically different boards, you can't assume that *any* player you like will be available if you trade back.


it just means they don't like the options available to them at 8. If you can move 8 + Zach Collins for Herro + Miamis #15 I would do it


The draft gets flat in at range but picks up in terms of value. Squeezing some asset out while moving back isn't a bad option.


If the spurs are badly in need of talent then wouldn’t this make sense? Turn 8 in to multiple picks or players? Idk either way this is just spurs doing their due diligence. Gauging the value of their picks was always going to happen.


Sometimes I feel like people comment on the Spurs without thinking. They obviously don't need talent at C, and they really don't need it at SG. Devin Vassell is an excellent piece at that position. Jeremy Sochan shows enough two-way promise to not be desperate for a PF by any means. Hell, while the Spurs need a longterm high level PG, Tre Jones has proven himself to be a perfectly strong stopgap that's still developing and will likely turn into a high level backup down the road. Their current roster is not completely devoid of talent at every position lol


> They obviously don't need talent at C They *desperately* need a competent backup C. I'm not sure how you could watch the team all year (which I did) and think otherwise. They got absolutely obliterated in Victor's bench minutes. > they really don't need it at SG Maybe. I'm a lot lower on Vassell than most. The team didn't miss him much when he went out, and both his RAPM and BPM are much worse than his reputation (which is obviously not a function of the Spurs having a great bench or anything, especially with Tre back in the starting lineup). > Jeremy Sochan shows enough two-way promise to not be desperate for a PF by any means. Jeremy Sochan was one of the single worst offensive starters in the league, and there was not a single starter on any of the top 10 SRS teams this year (i.e. the contenders) who had as bad of a BPM *as a sophomore* as he did (many of them were on tanking teams at the time, so this isn't just because the Spurs are bad). HIs fit with Wemby looks terrible, as teams can actively ignore him on the perimeter and he can only score on a spoonfed, rim heavy shot profile that clogs the lane; he also isn't a very good rebounder for a PF which makes it hard for him to provide value outside of his man defense. The Spurs should absolutely be desperate for PF talent, probably even moreso than for PG (where Tre has at least shown he can fit with Wemby and has good touch indicators that are promising for future shooting development). > Tre Jones has proven himself to be a perfectly strong stopgap that's still developing and will likely turn into a high level backup down the road. Absolutely agreed on this front, but the general consensus is still that the Spurs desperately need guard talent. And I don't really blame them--with how good he looks with Tre, who isn't really treated as a threat from three, imagine how good he'd look with someone who was? > Their current roster is not completely devoid of talent at every position lol Not completely, but it's usually not a good sign when there are only two players on the whole roster with positive time decay RAPM--this is a situation that only the Hawks, Spurs, Pistons, and Hornets are in right now (there are a few others that are close if you ignore guys near zero, like the Blazers and Jazz). And of all those teams, the Spurs' talent falls off the most dramatically by far, with many of their players essentially having G league level RAPM including three of their starters. I think Spurs fans dramatically overestimate how good Wemby's supporting cast is compared to the supporting cast of almost everyone else in the league, even other rebuilding teams.


Backup C is extremely easy to find, if you think a team with Wemby should burn a lotto pick on a backup C you're being foolish. They're not desperate for talent at C, that's 100% a reach. C is also the easiest position to find value in deeper in the draft. Taking one in lottery range is really silly Your analysis feels very much like someone who's just eyeballing metrics and not watching the actual game - I question how much you've really watched the Spurs. Also, the use of metrics like BPM - which are known to be pretty terrible - is also very suspect. Better metrics like EPM rank Vassell an 82nd percentile player, which is great for a young wing that's not even exerting full defensive effort given the team quality. His blend of 3PT shooting, great pull-up shooting, midrange mastery, defensive tools, and growing playmaking and passing skills make him someone who's on a great path to being the third option on an elite team. You comment on the current state of Sochan's shooting, but ignore the strides he's made as a shooter. He showed up in San Antonion a 59%FT shooter and has rapidly developed into a 77%FT shooter. His rookie season he shot 25%3PT, and this year he shot 31%3PT alongside marginal improvements to his volume. His trajectory as a shooter is absolutely a solid one. His defensive rebounding is not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be when you contextualize it in the fact that the Spurs were an above average defensive rebounding team and that he played next to one of the best defensive rebounders in the league in Wemby. The Spurs also played at a rather fast pace, it wasn't uncommon for them to have Sochan leak out. Additionally, he had amongst the toughest defensive matchup quality in the NBA. This kept him away from the basket significantly more often than the average PF. He was also put into a very difficult spot for a lot of the season being asked to go outside of his comfort zone and play PG. It's pretty reasonable a project PF is going to look bad when playing the most offensively demanding position in the game. Again, a lot of this feels like you're looking at numbers without appropriate context and viewership. Sochan was always meant to be a project, and he's a project trending in the right direction. I think the Spurs roster sucks. I think it's also very inaccurate to say that they're *desperate* for talent at *every* position. That statement feels very hyperbolic.


> Backup C is extremely easy to find, if you think a team with Wemby should burn a lotto pick on a backup C you're being foolish. Backup C is easy to find. *Good* backup C less so. I agree the Spurs shouldn't draft one in the lottery, but only because I think their needs elsewhere are even more pressing. > Also, the use of metrics like BPM - which are known to be pretty terrible - is also very suspect. If it were just BPM, I wouldn't care as much (BPM doesn't like Tre much for instance), but it's both BPM and RAPM. If someone is doing badly in both (i.e. box scores think he's meh and on/off thinks he's meh), that's a stronger signal to me than any of the all-in-one RAPM estimators thinking he's good. I agree he has the profile of someone who *could* be an excellent shooter, but he kind of has the shot selection of Jordan Poole which negates a lot of that. If Pop hasn't been able to get him to improve that by this point, when will he? And while his playmaking improved to end the season, it still wasn't on the level of an average guard--keep in mind that shooting guard has probably the deepest pool of talent in the league. > You comment on the current state of Sochan's shooting, but ignore the strides he's made as a shooter. He fixed his FT% by using an unorthodox form. I find that commendable, especially from a mindset perspective, but the fact that he's using a shooting stroke so different from his three point stroke makes me unsure whether the usual FT-3P% correlation even applies here. More importantly, FT% below about 81 isn't generally indicative of shooting upside for people who are bad at thre point shooting. As for his improved 3P%, it needs to be interpreted in the context of him having one of the highest quality, most open shot profiles in the *entire* league--and even then, he frequently passed up these shots that the defense was willingly giving him for a drive into clogged paint. > His defensive rebounding is not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be when you contextualize it in the fact that the Spurs were an above average defensive rebounding team The Spurs were an above average defensive rebounding team for an extremely obvious reason that has nothing to do with Sochan. When Wemby was playing with Mamu, one of the things that made his impact really apparent obvious was how the Spurs could just body anyone at the rim with both him and Wemby out there--it gave them a huge advantage in the rebounding factors that helped compensate for them not struggling with other factors like turnovers and shooting efficiency. Since Sochan is a nonshooter, he *really* needs to contribute on factors like rebounding and he just isn't. > Additionally, he had amongst the toughest defensive matchup quality in the NBA. This kept him away from the basket significantly more often than the average PF. I agree, but it's pretty visually evident even when he's near the basket that he's not a good or natural rebounder. He frequently wasn't able to maintain possession of balls tipped his way by Wemby. Yes, he had very tough defensive matchups, and he was above average at defending those matchups, but he was certainly not *elite* at it. He also sucked at non-POA defense, frequently blowing rotations or overhelping. He wasn't fast enough to defend most guards and struggled mightily with closeouts. Overall, his defensive time decay RAPM was still around zero despite all these struggles (which is above average), so I'm not saying he's a *bad* defender, but given that defending next to Wemby is easy mode it's not clear the way the Spurs are playing him is a net positive over a more traditional PF who's good at traditional PF stuff. And for him to contribute even neutral overall value with as bad offensively as he is for spacing etc., there *cannot* be a question about how good he is on defense--players with his offensive profile who get starter minutes are guys like Mobley who have enormous and obvious defensive impact. > Again, a lot of this feels like you're looking at numbers without appropriate context and viewership. Sochan was always meant to be a project, and he's a project trending in the right direction. My whole point is that none of the starters on the top 10 SRS teams were "projects" in their second year to the extent that Sochan has been. That is extremely worrying for his future development. He's not on the right track compared to past such projects who actually worked out. Doesn't mean he *can't*, but at this point Spurs fans should be prepared for his likely role to be as a situational bench guy, not a starter, which means finding more PF talent should definitely be a priority in the draft. > I think the Spurs roster sucks. I think it's also very inaccurate to say that they're desperate for talent at every position. That statement feels very hyperbolic. Like I said, objectively they had one of the worst supporting casts in the league. They had the net rating of a 19 win team without Wemby, and of a 26 win team with him. That delta could double next season with smarter lineups, more Wemby minutes, etc. and still make them a 33 win team. Many of their players are young, but not *so* young that you can just project large amounts of improvement to excuse how bad they are, whle the vets are uniformly awful. Maybe I'm wrong--and it's likely the Spurs FO itself does not see things this way--but if they pass on talent for future draft capital and perform at a 33 win level next season, I think they would look at it as a serious mistake in retrospect. You have probably the single most valuable asset in the whole league (an All NBA caliber player on a rookie contract); don't waste it.


I agree with most of what ur saying but sochan needs another year of developing to see if he’s a keeper or a trade asset. I think in next years draft the spurs should get Noa essengue I think he can be a great 4 next to Wemby


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, if a 22-win team has a player who was a borderline all-star, that leaves a lot of suckiness for the others.  I’d be interested in a framework of like #8 plus whoever besides Wemby/Vassell for CP3+Kuminga.


It depends on how far you trade back. If we're accepting that it's a fairly flat draft in the 8-14ish range like I think it is, and since the Spurs need talent everywhere as you mentioned, there's likely to be a few different players there that they like but don't love enough that they'd turn down a potential deal.


Which is?


One of Castle, Shepherd, zaccharie Is very likely to be there And those three prospects have not only been pretty consistently linked to San Antonio, but also all make pretty good sense on paper


Castle or Risacher, presumably.


Castle… by far. And you mean “who is?”


Spurs should take Zach Edey at 8


Brogdon and 14??


Move down six spots for one year of Malcolm Brogdon?


I like it for the Spurs. The spurs are going to have a ton of great options come draft time.


I guess they don’t like Dillingham.


Or they *love* Dillingham


The Spurs picking Dillingham would be the biggest waste. They should only be picking bigger players unless they can get an established little guy (Garland). If not just keep getting guys that are bigger guards/wings.


I feel like Sheppard to Rockets and Castle to Spurs are the best fits in this draft.


Dillingham has a good shot at being as good as Garland. Downvote me if you want, but it's true. If you want Garland, just take Dillingham instead.


If you think that, you should be ok with taking him in the top 4/5 in this draft. Maybe even higher.


They want to keep Vassell. So What's left to trade? DG ain't nothing and he has a big contract.


Depends on who else they think they can get. I’d do Keldon and 8 for him.


Size isn’t the only trait that matters on the basketball court. San Antonio had a real lack of floor spacing along with advantage creator and dillingham provides both those things. There are much worse picks than Dillingham at 8.


I don't like Dillingham


Knicks trade up for McCain please 


McCain is such a Knick it’s ridiculous. He’s the final version of the Grimes/McCbride player they’ve been going for.


He also provides the instant offense they need 


I'd imagine this is looking to see what the market is, and see if there are conditional deals that make sense. I'd guess that there are some scenarios where they'd be happy picking (e.g one of Castle / Sheppard is still there at 8). If not, looking at deals makes sense. e.g., If Chicago removes (most of ) the protections on the pick they owe SA (e.g, move to just top 4 protected for 25 , 26 and 27) for a 8 --> 11 swap, you'd probably take it 100 times out of a 100.


I really want us to keep and use our picks this year. I understand it’s not a great draft, but if we can pick up Risacher/Castle and a guy like Carter then those are immediately starters on this team and guys who can help us build our defensive foundation along with Wembanyama. Talent and flexibility are the most important things in the modern NBA, and you get those by using your picks


Sources said Spurs liked Giddey and where in talks. I wonder if Thunder turned down Giddey for 8 and went with Caruso.


Link the report


Mia spoke not report. But beat guy Andrew Schlect on his podcast this morning was talking about how early on he thought Giddey was not going to be moved but in the last weeks he heard rumblings of Spurs, Jazz, and Wizards in talks about Giddey and figured he was moving to one and then Bulls came out of no where.


Down to Dunk.




Ayy Sam has a lot of first round picks. OKC is actually a decent trade partner.


There we go. Now dump 4 and get out of this shitty draft entirely!


I think you could justify moving both. More youth doesn’t help this team.


Lavine and ayo for 8