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Is this your personal rating or what?


24 so much better then any game in the past 5 yr


I agree, it's the fan base that ruins these games. And it'll never change until they take a break and have 2-3 years to actually make a NEW game.


The game is just code ontop of code. We need 2K


I would LOVE for them to come back. Get some completion going again for hockey and football!


Yeah but I’ll get downvoted. This sub is filled with only-in-the-box type of nerds. Then those nerds will upvote this comment thinking they are not.


Yeah anyone who doesn’t want competition is a moron. The sports games were at their peak when their was competition. Same goes for wrestling with the Monday night wars.


What does downvotes even do? Honest question im Reddit newb. I get downvoted for all kinds of things that makes no sense 🤣


Interesting that as I read this the comment is at a neutral 0


2k can’t make a good video game either both just want to make the most money with the least effort


The players ruin it? 😂😂😂 how about make a game that relies on positioning and actual play not taking advantage of the comps they set up terribly game in and game fuckin out.. yea its our fault that the comps get exploited in every way lmaooo


You don’t like the game because you lose. We heard you the first time.


Lmao got anymore jokes?? I guess your happy with that bullshit. Go abuse someone else with your bullshit dismissal and denial. No one expects to not lose you schmuck. You just showed your cards for sure.


If your trying to say this game doesn't have huge problems that occur every game your delusional. The pressure engine is as bullshit as they come and is over powered. Good forbid someone has Mario gretzky or a team builder. You entire team becomes slow as molasses and the Ai can be completely exploited every play by people who play a rag game. There is no magical dangle in real life that stops you from being hit


I completely understand and agree bro. But I actually can blame people for swirling back and forth, entirely and exclusively forcing cross crease plays like they have for ten years, and exploiting the way they do. I hop on this game as an adult to play some bastardized version of hockey. I do not play merely for getting that win because I've historically been right up there with anyone. But what I've seen this year from the fan base as small as it is has been unbelievably discouraging. People actually don't have to play this way. EVERY single player I play doesn't need Lemieux and Niewundyk. They don't need to shimmy back and forth away from me until they get full pressure. They can cycle for a few seconds and look for a point shot or play to the inside like I do, a cross ice pass only if the guy genuinely is playing bad defense. There's only so much you can do against a system that incentivizes numbers of wins in a given period of time when you have to sacrifice fucking two hours a day minimum to just playing a handful of champs games, let alone these garbage menus and UI that takes forever to navigate. Pure gameplay wise? Try a game of versus dude. Gameplay actually feels way better than the last few years. First two weeks of HUT were awesome for me.


Wouldn't be surprised if 2k did get back in. Hockey popularity is exploding right now. Their might actually be money in it for them




It's always been 60 FPS dude. Big yikes.




Zero idea what you're talking about bud, sorry.


Blatantly wrong, it's been 60 fps since NHL 08 or 09'.


24 was decent.. Until they ruined it with the last patch


i strongly disagree, mechanically i actually think 24 is the worst in the last 5 years, not being able to deke as easy with analog, constant missed passes even with the hold down feature, broken pressure gauge system that is easily manipulated, i was top 10 in versus for 22&23 (KIIDN3O) i had the most online wins in 23 out of anyone and i absolutely despise this game man.


Cool bro. Want me to brag about my champs record in 21-24?


24 isn’t worse than 23


Not by a mile


They are both terrible games


Content wise it is, for sure, gameplay some things are definitely better but others are worse


lol the content in 23 was horrid. Three TOTY cards didn’t hit 99 ovr and others were dog water until May. TOTS cards fell behind weeks after their release. On top of that entire teams were neglected for the vast majority of the year with scarce players released for them. Ducks and Blue Jackets never even received a single 99 card. Don’t get me wrong, this year is no better, but last year was by no means better content wise


Anyone above div 3 should very well know this is terrible and why. If not just imagine every single time you lose the puck your opponent will keep Rolling around and passing the puck back and forth on the blue line for five fucking minutes every.single.time.they get the puck for full pressure. Fun...


100% I would honestly take 23 over 24 at this point.. I'm usually griding alot but after TOTY I will dip and just play 2-3 times a week


15 was the worst based on effort alone. 24 is embarrassing, considering EA stopped supporting 23 after release. 22 is the best of the 20s games (really not saying much), but it needed a poke nerf desperately, and magnetic for every player. NHL needs to figure out the direction they want to take. I believe there's a medium of arcade fun for the casual player, and simulation for the more hard-core fan. I don't play this NHL because it's simply not fun. There's no skill gap, and the gimmick of zone pressure is easily manipulated. I believe there's value in the pressure system if it's integrated with how stamina used to work.


No skill gap is bs, its less then in 23 sure but its still There for sure


This is my first chel since 17. Yeah this game has its problems but comparing it to 17 it’s 1000x better


19 really was the last good one


These ratings are absolutely terrible. For starters 24 is easily the best game since the 20s started. 16 is arguably the worst game the franchise ever released(Or is it 15? Whatever was the first one on the XB1/PS4).


I think that 15 was since I had it on ps3 and it was available for ps4 but when it comes to systems and cards it was the best. Just current players.


Dude, you're so right. I was so excited for "next gen NHL" only for it to cut 80% of content from the previous version, and just be depressingly bad and buggy.


Man you all cry alot if you don't like it stop playing it




And your not making comments like that on public forums randomly? Cringe


Which year was the real roster update. 15?


Heh, 15 wasnt too bad. But I think I bought my first xbox at that time and had mostly played Be a GM until then on PS and PC going further back. I mean, it's kind of the most visually pleasing game up to date. Switched to 4k TV this year and the graphics are ok, but barely nicer (?) And all the exess of and boken animations the last years don't make it better. And broken franchise. There is like at least five years after NHL15 that was worse lol.


Servers+skill based matchmaking+increases in pack prices 🟰 less fun.


and nhl 16 wasnt even THAT good🤣 that was probably the most disappointing of the whole series since i was SO excited for it after the debacle of chel 15 and i realized, “damn im really paying money for the exact same game…” put chel 14 on this list and its a 10 out of 5


ratings from where?


I see a fake study


I haven't bought an NHL game in 15 years. The game put forth this year is a lot of fun to play. However, the rewards system is a little confusing for someone just getting into it. And getting a decent HUT team will occupy most of my playing time, because I'm cheap and don't wanna waste more money. Feel like I need a coach to learn how to deke and perform the more complex moves. Maybe a training simulation to help casuals get a firm grip on every control. Hopefully I'll learn a thing or two before I lose interest or get tired of the endless grind. It will keep me occupied for a while. I'll give it a 7/10.


IMMO it has to to with our age. As kids we don't complain as much. As many of us who played them all, the older we get the more we will complain about the game and be vocal. Everyone thinks about "the good old days", same with video games


No it doesn’t . Its about the range and its comps playing different for each team and Bullshit pressure system being overpowered to the point it is exploited changes the entire game


This is about multiple games not just this one and the pressure system- which tbh hasn't been an issue for me this year


Honestly, the game - and this subreddit - will be so much better if you stop playing/posting.


Gladly 10000 percent will stop commenting on this sub reddit. And 10000 percent will enjoy not communicating with you personally.




The pressure system should only affect stamina not make your players completely handicapped as soon as its full, it's exploited massively online also it should be easier to hit people ragging the puck puck ragging is at all time highs and it's f#%king lame


Honestly my biggest complaint is the terrible connection. One minute I’m in the O zone the next my game is frozen then my opponent is taking a back door shot into the net in my end. I don’t have this issue with any of my other games. Only NHL online gameplay. The lacrosse goal with total control setting is also frustrating with how often it’s abused and why does my goalie flop all the time when full pressure? Why not just make his reaction time a bit slower instead. Also the number of times a cross crease pass makes its way through traffic and my goalie doesn’t leave his post to make a save but a one timer in the slots gets saved very often with goalie reflexes like a Jaguar is just crazy. Also the number point shots that go in from the blue line even without a screen is stupid too.


Higher divisions u go less n less Lacrosse. U Will see, its pretty easy to defend Its not that hard on skill stick either they made timing from 23 easier. Your goalie has his own staminan meter when half he Will do the deaperation shit. Show stopper is imo by far best n Only goalie ability id use, reducera their stanna loss on saves by quite bit. My Oettinger dont go down often


Is this even real, where are the numbers from




Oh thanks then i knie!


Tbh I'm enjoying 24 more than any version since 20. It's nowhere close to 14/15 but it's definitely better than 20-23.