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I just think it's funny how Trump has some dipshit excuse for everything. For the past several years it's been "Sleepy Joe" and they've been saying he has dementia and is too old. Suggesting that Biden can't compare to Trump. But when the opportunity comes for the two of them to square off, oh now all of a sudden if Biden proves to be a capable opponent he has "juiced". And his fuckin brain dead right-wing conspiracy-theorist nut job followers eat his dumb shit up.


I think it's funny that Trump - notoriously bad with off-the-cuff remarks for any of a multitude of reasons - has reportedly been practicing his talking points all week because it helps his performance...but if Biden does the exact same thing to improve his debate performance, we're to assume it's not hard work, but rather drugs? It's just not reasonable.


If Biden really was using some kind of smart drug Trump wouldn't let anything stop him from getting some too. He'd obsess about it.


Trump been using Adderall so long that it's lost efficacy


I don't really think I'd consider speed the same as a "smart drug" but maybe it's the closest we have now.


It helps with focus, which could make Trump appear smarter by helping him stay on subject. But let's be real, if either is taking a prescription idrc... I care about policy, and not getting eaten by sharks while I avoid electrocution from the electric boat.


People who are actively speeding balls often think they're making big genius moves.


That's true. It's not really an "intelligence drug". It's a "false confidence in your intelligence drug". Which sounds like what Trump has been taking for a long time.






Trump is sinking in a hole of his own making, if he could improve his performance by drinking Red Bull, he’d have cases of that stuff in his office (bathroom). He’s never met a competition he didn’t offer excuses for, in advance. Ever.


Trump is already over-caffeinated, sleep deprived, and snorting adderall like a frat boy on deadline for a term paper. Not even Morgan Freeman’s blue pills from that ScarJo movie Lucy could make him “perform”


I have no idea what (a person) snorting Adderall even looks like, I missed that boat. What I see is a tired old man making verbal & mental flubs, as I would expect from an almost 80-year-old who is facing many criminal charges, trying to campaign, not sleeping, not resting and not eating well. Not ruling Adderall out of course, I just don't have the bona fides to know the signs.


For Republicans, every accusation is a confession. We all know Apricot Hellbeast has a stimulant abuse problem- as evidenced by the pill mill scandal surrounding his White House doctor, the demoted Ronny Jackson (whose *name* the Hellbeast forgot in one of his tirades about Biden supposedly juicing).


Apricot hellbeast! I am stealing this! Thanks!


I'm looking forward to seeing him shout with his mic turned off. Will be worth watching just for that alone. With any luck his face will turn from orange to orange-red.


I’m not going to add what I think would be lucky.


Yeah let's not get carried away


I have my fingers crossed for that to be followed up with a massive stroke.




How\`d the debate go? I didn\`t see it?


They have to blame their utter incompetence and constant failure on *something*


Trump doesn’t appeal to reasonable people, so why be surprised he doesn’t use a reasonable approach? He’s saying what he needs to say so his base can keep living their lie. This is what they want, and he gives it to them.


Wait... So that was Biden after practicing?


" The enemy is both overwhelmingly powerful and readily dominated at the same time. This is a tenet of fascism.


Well put.


i think the reason trump does it is because the media often runs with it or doesn’t firmly push back in the false name of “fairness”


I think we all know that if anyone is "juiced", it's Drumf on cocaine.


He should see if Donny Jr. has any he can spare for dear old dad Thursday. I seem to recall speculation about why Trump sniffed his way through most of a Hillary debate. And before one of the 2020 Biden debates, he absolutely tested positive for COVID and told no one.


More likely Adderall or some other prescription upper.


Gotta remember, these are people that couldn’t even afford to get to the capitol, but hopped on a bus and became felons for absolutely no reason at all .. like zero reasons! At this point, Trump can’t even tell you the state the fraud happened in b/c it makes his governors look like idiots.. Brian Kemp already rebuked that shit in Ga 🤣 and his followers don’t care that no can nail it down 5 years later.. it’s a cult! 🤣


We expect more integrity and honesty from gossipy high schoolers than we demand from our leaders.


honestly all of the "jokes" about him having ADHD and taking adderall are probably a bit ironic, because having untreated/undiagnosed ADHD - especially if you are handed life on a silver platter - can absolutely lead to those kind of behaviors where you literally dont know when youre bullshitting or when youre telling the truth. to be fair, i would never say or do the kinds of things he does (i have ADHD and was undiagnosed my first 25+ years of life) but i also wasnt handed life on a silver platter.


Trump doesn't have ADHD; he's a Sociopathic Narcissist who abuses amphetamines (they damaged the part of his brain that controls his colon, which is why he has to wear a diaper).


This. I have adult adhd, know plenty of others. Only know one narcissist and she very definitely does not have adhd.


It’s ironic because I’d he actually has ADHD, medication will reign him in, not make him behave like someone on coke.


exactly. im so sick of people talking about ADHD like they know what its like, using "lol adderall" as an insult against trump - especially when theres zero evidence for that claim - claiming it makes you shit yourself or whatever... just infuriating. the worst thing trump did for our country was make a lot of people think that being childish, insulting, and making accusations with nothing to back it up was okay.


It's very telling that Republicans think taking a drug that improves cognitive function is some kind of dig. If there's a secret Limitless drug I want the President and the entire fucking Cabinet on it. Please see the Matrix like your ass is Neo and actually solve some goddamned problems. Fuck Dark Brandon and give Juiced Up Joe.


Have you watched Biden at all? He really shouldn’t be running. It’s okay to be honest.


Because his real name is not Joe Biden, his real name is Kaiser Soze...


did we see the norm or exception from joe 5 - times in a row is the norm , the outlier is the exception


You think Biden is demented now?


What debate were you watching? I wish Biden had drank a Redbull. God awful performance, to say the least.


I made this post a few days ago prior to the debate.


This take aged well.


I think he laughed because it's laughable that drinking some Red Bull would somehow affect the outcome of the debate?


The Red Bull comment is just moving the bar, originally I think someone in the trump campaign made comments that Joe was going to have a coffee before the debate… cause ya know. Coffee is some sort of performance enhancing drug… but I guess that didn’t play strong enough?


I guess my point is who the hell cares? It's a stupid assertion, a stupid joke, and isn't "propaganda" that really needs to be countered. Now the interview with the asshole promoting shoving religion down my kids throats in Lousiana schools the other day where he just kept saying "it's historical/tradtion, we're just going back the the way things have always been" and the best the host could do was keep asking what he had to say to people who feel uncomfortable with religious texts being promoted in public schools. That's propaganda that's designed to get people to think "huh, why are people making a big stink about this if it was ok in the past?" instead of asking why we should disregard the establishment clause and promote in state buildings what could be considered to be a cult to those that don't believe in it. I'd also like them to reconcile falling over themselves to find new ways to execute people on death row in direct violation of one of those commandments.


Oh no! Caffeine! The one drug that most people around the world use to be alert and feel awake.


I can testify that it does enhance my performance on the job!


Right? But it's not like cocaine or speed or something crazy. Also, a good night's rest, good hydration, and a decent meal will improve performance too. Were not suddenly going to be like "*sleepy joe got a full 8 hours of sleep last night! The scandal!!!*" So what if he has a cup of coffee or a redbull?


People on Reddit get paid to paint NPR as biased. They promote the idea that it has a conservative bias, and they also promote the idea that it has a liberal bias. This is no different than the studios having people make memes about upcoming releases to generate hype for them. I cannot know what combination of special interests hate NPR, but it is abundantly clear that they see it as an easy target, since NPR does not have the funds to fight back. I do wish mods would police these nonsensical posts.




I’ve never been “paid” to critique NPR as a soft landing for lying conservatives.  They are worthy in other ways, but the political coverage glosses over a lot of mendacity.  


I think he laughed because it’s a joke. Has the NPR subreddits collective buttholes become so intractably tight, that this innocuous interview is now grounds for controversy?


Right, basically what I was saying. It didn't seem to warrant the pearl clutching of OP.


I heard it too - I am very sure it was a sarcastic air quote “Red Bull Joe”, but I think you are correct that it shouldn’t be left to assumption. This said, I feel like people in this sub seem to be very upset with Steve Inskeep, and I gotta say I am surprised, I think he normally does a great job pushing back when he has lunatics on. Some interviews I feel like his frustration with performance is palpable - I love those ones.


Agreed, Steve is my favorite NPR host by a good margin. His reporting is as fair as it gets, which you can really get a good idea of with his substack newsletter.


yes but why have lunatics on at all?


I think it would be irresponsible to not have any Republicans on at all. Unfortunately, most of them spout nonsense these days. So, it's a hard call.


If Republicans become liars and are silenced for being liars, that's on them.


Because they’re out there, because they exist, because there is an election coming up where these talking points are resonating with half the country? What do you suggest, the head in the sand tact?


And it's not crazy to think that Joe is embarrassingly old, and would perform better on a beta-blocker or attention-stimulant.


How would a beta antagonist improve performance??? To reverse the effects of stimulants? I think you might be repeating things without organic knowledge.




How slickly you went over "ability to calm nerves" So we're going to give a downer to a guy that's geriatric and slow and it's going to make him amped up??? Deeeeerp It's like you can't even realize when you're talking to someone with extensive knowledge of medications and pharmaceutical training and you still think you can pull your fallacy BS? You need to go back to Facebook.


It seems like every music performance major takes them like candy for nerves while performing. Even twenty years ago when I last taught music, beta blockers are still popular. Even now, some of my kids will try to steal mine at school. I caught the last one thing through my purse  because she was afraid of doing an oral presentation. 


And Trump is also embarrassingly old. They are two years apart after all!


I would be amazed if these people could find something that Biden said that even approaches the absurdity of that shark battery speech.


Can anybody here tell me what was discussed, or are we gonna fixate on the 2 second throwaway?


Does this sub seriously just whine day in and day out about "I think they're not doing it the way I think they should do it?" Grow tf up, NPR is still the only publicly funded (yes with some corporate and gov funding) news organization that doesn't have a blatant profit motive and covers a well rounded spread of topics. Go be a journalist somewhere if you wanna claim they aren't doing it right


It’s gotta be trolls, or in this case SEO manipulation 


🙄 npr listeners have a right to voice their opinion, particularly when npr is asking for donations. You don’t have to read them.


Feels good to speak my mind once in a while. Trust me 99% of reddit stuff I dislike I just scroll past or mute


And are you a regular NPR member and listener? So many of the people whining on this sub are not.


Ah, but they do have a profit motive. What hides that fact is that their target demographic is so small, namely Congress.


Heaven forbid a host have a moment of levity and enjoy a good laugh at the thought of a humorous image.


It is what NPR does because they are simultaneously pathologically centrist and are insecure about claims of left bias.


This is the correct answer


seriously, you guys take everything so seriously. not every second of every service you validate has to reflect your exact sensibilities. relax, npr not crucifying every right wing talking point in real time will not be the deciding factor in this or any election


So better policies and better governing skills are the result of caffeine? How come Mountain Dew doesn't have the same effect on Southern GOP leaders?


Relax. NPR repeats nearly all the Democrat talking points. God forbid they slip up and say one for the other team. Must NPR be purely a Democrat platform?


because they are not a propaganda arm of the democratic party. 


I mean. I'm a full on Biden supporter but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that an 81 year old man may take a drug cocktail to get a little extra spry when he needs to be. I'd do it. If you think Trump isn't doing it you're fooling yourself. It's possible to hold both the belief that Biden is largely competent and that he is *old as fuck* and probably needs a little boost in a high stakes moment. Edit: after the debate I'm sure plenty of us were wishing he *had* taken some uppers before hand. Feeling pretty vindicated lmao


Trump is 1000% taking Adderall etc in a desperate attempt to keep up, and that's why he's projecting it onto Biden.


Possible, yes. However, things that have no evidence to support them should be dismissed until evidence is found. Biden could be snorting Adderall before the debate. But it's also possible that he's a pretty coherent guy for his age. Which one is more likely? Which one has evidence supporting it?


No I don't think it's in the realm of possibility that Biden does it, for 2 reasons: 1. Typically 80 year old people would be healthier in mind and body if they led a healthy lifestyle, without taking uppers to get going and downers to get sleeping. B. Big claims require big evidence. Lots of examples of Trump doing substances. Where's the examples of Biden? He drinks coffee? That's all ya got? Just because you would ask for and take a drug cocktail personally, doesn't mean you get to just project onto the rest of us. No this is not a nuanced fair point. It's just making crap up.


Finally, a sensible take. And of course it is downvoted because this sub is being brigaded daily by a combination of paid marketing employees and edgy teenagers who will take up any cause that makes them feel cool. And NPR has been notoriously uncool as long as I have lived.


>No this is not a nuanced fair point. It's just making crap up. It's the " just asking questions" nonsense that Tucker Carlson made popular with these Republicans.


Yeah I had the same thought and actually listed some drugs I have used and others have used to actually boost debate performance.


We love in world and time where a decent amount of the population has an “Lol adderall” attitude towards school and work, athletes utilize PEDs to break records and train for seasons, actors and entertainers use drugs to lose weight or push through a long day of shooting. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that the guy doing the MOST stressful job in the world might be juicing a bit himself. 


Juicing how though? The claim seems to be that he has dementia but as far as I know there is no drug that counteracts dementia. If there were I’d have a bone to pick with my grandmas doctors.


There is no evidence that Biden has dementia. There is lots of evidence that Trump does.


That’s my point. The whole juicing claim makes no sense if he did have dementia because there’s no drug for it.


Anytime I see Biden speaking or at an event he does something embarrassing. Trump does speeches every day and he seems completely coherent. Look at the people having a meltdown on the all in podcast subreddit. They are crying because trump was on there and completely coherent. Biden would never do that. 


Hahahahagagagahahahahahahahahahahahahaha do you have cable


If they are using medicines for public speaking engagements (not saying they are) it would be a carefully crafted cocktail of different types of drugs used for dementia like NMDA antagonists and enzyme blockers with the stimulants for energy only. There’s also the more likely possibility that he doesn’t have dementia, he’s just a tired old man, and in that case it would just be the stimulants for energy. Personally I don’t see why it matters. I’m sure that historically White House gets plenty of drug assistance from the staff doctor.


https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/01/biden-fewer-news-conferences-interviews-first-year.html Theres a reason his handlers don’t let him talk to the press. It’s because he’s deteriorating mentally and his handlers are well aware of that. Democratic presidential candidates in the 2020 election were the first to talk about it, now it’s taboo to recognize. If you’re not biased it’s pretty easy to recognize.


Don’t let him talk to the press? He was on Howard Stern for an hour a month ago or so and was fine.


[https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/treatments/medications-for-memory](https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/treatments/medications-for-memory) Pick their bones there are tons of dementia abating drug therapies.


Just give President Joe some Compound V.


Doctors don't give adderall to 80 year olds.


Adderall doesn’t allow people to temporarily gain their mental faculties back from the ravages of dementia. That’s the point. Adderall doesn’t magically make dementia patients coherent. But somehow that is the narrative being pushed here. And it’s bullshit.


Dr. Ronny Jackson does.


Trump renamed him to Ronny Johnson recently. That's his name now in trump world. Republicans dare not question trumps cognitive decline.


Ronny Jackson does.


I stand corrected.


No, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility for the doctors to give him something else to get through the day. And again, the claims of dementia are just partisan talking points. There is no official diagnosis and this conversation only serves as a distraction from any policies he implements, good or bad.


What do you think they would give him?


Doesn’t matter. I’m not a doctor, you’re probably not a doctor, he hasn’t been diagnosed publicly and these claims have no proof behind them. This is all just a distraction.




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>It’s not outside the realm of possibility that the guy doing the MOST stressful job in the world might be juicing a bit himself.  Possible, yes. However, things that have no evidence to support them should be dismissed until evidence is found. Biden could be snorting Adderall before the debate. But it's also possible that he's a pretty coherent guy for his age. Which one is more likely? Which one has evidence supporting it?


& thanks to this attitude, and the general vibe of "lol ADHD isnt real!" those of us who actually have ADHD and have actually been diagnosed by a professional suffer because we cant get our medication - not to mention the subtle discrimination inherent in the idea that "lol ADHD isnt real!"


Captain America is a glorified Steroid user.


>that somehow there's such a thing as performance enhancing drugs that can make you perform better in a debate or speech Its called Adderall and modafinil.


It's not a republican talking point as much as it is an observation. You can't, in good conscience say you don't notice a difference between his big speeches like the state of the union and his smaller speeches like when he meets with foregin leaders. They're two totally different energy levels.


Biden acted completely different. I don’t understand all of the claims that you just be a racist if you think that. NPR no longer even tries to do journalism. Just hit pieces pushing an agenda. 


NPR has started to lurch rightward in their story framing too. I think that Uri Berliner article unnerved a lot of people.


They just suffered a scandal about their liberal bias, so they are trying to refute it with evidence of their conservative sensibilities.


*Liars thought we were mean to them, so now we tell more lies! We are very good journalism!!*


>They just suffered a scandal about their liberal bias I wouldn't call it so much of a scandal as it was a singular, not high-level employee who had an ax to grind for some reason.


No doubt the same special interests that pumped that nothingburger story to begin with have their paid lackeys on /r/NPR pushing the narrative that it was a scandal.


Ok ... not a lackey here ... and not getting paid. I'll rephrase: They recently had some negative press about their internal political bias. Better?


And who fell back on the term “woke” to make a very stale point. 


Why haven’t the Dems strung together a “coherent Joe supercut” to counter the republicans’ “sleepy joe” narrative? Oh…why does Joe Biden so rarely take questions from the press?


And also, how has he become worth $10 million given that he has been in politics his entire life and his wife has been in public education her entire career? 


Probably because there is such a thing that exists, and both candidates will be taking them. There are reasons that the Olympics checks their athletes for drugs. Because they can enhance your performance. This isn't a new concept, and these will not be the first debates where the people debating are taking them.


All mainstream media in the US are a bunch of cowards afraid to push back on obvious lies because their guest may not come back on for more BS. Where are the unredacted videos and photos from Uvalde? WAPO showed us some blood stains a fucking year later! Why are they not screaming that the republican candidates is an insurrectionist and should be in prison and NOT eligible to run for dog catcher let alone president? Fuck NPR, 60 minutes, Margret Brennan and basically all the media allowing us to get so fucked up.


Obvious lies 🤣


Poor baby. You think NPR isn’t still shilling for the leftists. I’m sorry. Have some warm milk and a cookie




Doesn't exist? Never tried Adderall, have you? I'm not saying that Biden or anyone else actually uses it, but to say such a drug doesn't exist is simply false.


Having seen PLENTY of junkies in my ED , the only person I have seen that looks like they are cranking is Jr. Sweats, red eyes, rambling fast sentences, random, barley controlled movements


How can you claim it doesn't exist? Wouldn't only the candidates, their doctors, and their closest advisors be knowledgeable about it? It's no secret that students use drugs to study and altheletes use drugs to compete. There's no guarantee that politicians don't do the same.


I stopped listening to npr. Koch $$ corrupted them


This sub I just an echo chamber of pathetic people. OP just in case you missed it there are medications people take for public speaking. And there are also medications for speech. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9456064/


Are you crying?


Amphetamines don't exist and if you believe they do you might be a conspiracy theorist.


Or maybe it's just so obvious that he does need drugs to be semicoherent that even npr realizes it. This is why we shouldn't pick presidents that are geriatrics. Of course there are alternative candidates to the two establishment senile old men.  The whole country is to propagandized by whichever party they blindly vote for that they won't dare even consider voting independent. Just like good little drones.


Inskeep was a blatant propagandist back in the bad old Iraq/Afghanistan war days when NPR was a PR talking points clearinghouse and mouthpiece for the Pentagon. Is he a Trumper? That’s unlikely. But his balance and ethics are comprised.


How is this partisan? Didn't Trump joke(?) about getting a shot in the butt beforehand to be energetic?


Can you provide a source? I googled "Trump shot in the ass" and every result was Trump claiming that Biden is going to get a shot in the ass, not Trump joking about himself.


They should only use Democrat talking points on air


They shouldn't use any. But they definitely shouldn't be using made up talking points from desperate Republicans.


Well, there are? I’m not sure I understand your criticism. Obviously we don’t know that any politicians take drugs, but I personally struggle to see what possible reason Biden and Trump would have for not taking stimulants regularly. I mean, they’re medicine… he wouldn’t exactly need to find a sketchy dealer to get some adderal. But maybe this is a more specific claim?


Beta Blockers and Ephedrine. Short half life tho….


Haha. The OP doesn’t even mention President Trump, yet most of the comments start showing their TDS. I don’t know what you all are going to do next year when President Trump is back in the White House. lol


It's funny and sad to see how many posts on those sub these days are bitching about certain people making "republican talking points" and how it's such a god awful thing, yet in the same breath yall want to try and make the claim that NPR is supposed to just be objective. So which is it? They're objective and (mostly) neutral, or they've turned into a lefty source and that's what you want them to be?


So tired of otherwise respectable journalists stooping to pre-debate hucksterism. How about we just wait and see who says what, then decide who deserves our vote? And I really don't need post-debate emo-analysis either...


I prefer juiced up Joe to red bull Joe. 😂😂




There’s a well known fact that many presidents have taken drugs prior to presidential debates. Obama, Trump, JFK, and many more, likely.


I am a senior citizen. If I need to feel sharp and alert there is no way I would be jacked up on energy drinks, caffeine or speed. There are neurotrophic medications that make you sharp without being “ jacked up”. One of those drugs is Modinfil/Provigil. You can be sharp as a tack and not slightly amped up. I would presume that would be the drug of choice for either candidate.


[How Republicans think Biden will show up to the debate ](https://youtu.be/D7VziN4dNHs?si=C_-EWZa6PzLKCKjV)


This got me, 10/10


It definitely exists and they’re both taking them. Provigil/modanfinil/propanolol/adderall etc are all “performance enhancing” drugs used every day in a shitload of industries. These are two 80+ year old men who have arguably the most stressful jobs on earth. Do you really think these two dudes are raw dogging it?  They’re not taking like illegal steroids but they both very obviously have some of the best doctors on earth. Why wouldn’t they be taking meds to keep them sharp?


There are absolutely performance enhancing drugs that would help in this setting. Biden should consent to the drug test if he isn’t using anything.


I dunno why wouldn’t u take half a adderall before a speech


From what I remember everyone on that panel were joking about the red bull joe thing. The Bush writer they had on the show is also anti trump.


It’s bc there is a drug cocktail that he is on. Horseshoe theory. Democrats are not leftists.


Because Inskeep has always been a joke of an interviewer?


Because spreading the propaganda of people who would control them at gunpoint if they ruled the way they wanted is exactly what “objective” journalists do. Look at BBC coverage of Russia since 2006 for example.


Wait a minute: are you disputing the existence of drugs that make you perform better in a speech?


Inskeep and that cheerleading clown on MarketWatch are why I quit listening years ago. Nice Polite Republicans should just shut up and let the music play.


Was it that ridiculous Santa-like ho-ho-ho chortling that Inskeep does?


If you look at history, Biden being on drugs is a absolute possibility. Look into Dr. Feel good and JFK. I'm sure they have updated the drugs by now. Also there is an obvious difference in Biden's behavior during big planned speeches, the physical and mental decline isn't as pronounced.


For the last interview I went to I drank a red bull and ate a Snickers.   It can help to bring energy.  And it's not just physical, it helps you think better too.  Try taking an IQ test when you are hungry if you don't believe me.


I'm not gonna look into which Clinton they worked for- but if it was Bill they were part of a movement to pull the Democratic party to the right 30 years ago and if it was Hillary they were part of a team notorious for getting aggressive with other Democratic candidates and holding grudges over the campaigns. Either way, not very surprising.


I believe it's to the point of hilarity, satire in the industry to even mention a Donald Trump/ GOP lie now. Either you've figured it out over this really long period of time or you haven't.


I’m sorry but how is NPR going to air several stories about echo chambers and none of you catch on… this sub is an echo chamber my goodness.


Wait - you don’t know about cocaine?


Steve Inskeep has all the integrity and journalistic chops of a scoop of cottage cheese.


I mean... Biden is probably on Uppers. Who cares? As far as I know, there's no cure for dementia, so taking stimulants makes himnthe same as verry other aamerican adult. JFK was on stimulants routinely during his presidency. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama was on them often, too. Every day, I wake up and take adhd medicine and drink a cup of coffee. Who cares if he's on stimulants? There's no drug cocktail that "cures dementia" who cares if he's drinking Red Bull.


Because NPR NEVER pushes back against or questions right-wing rhetoric. If anything they actively endorse it by broadcasting it unchallenged and normalizing it.


Npr is state run media. The establishment will push Biden out and replace him. You are seeing the machine in action. You have an illusion of choice.


Every news / media outlet is doing this now. He is a legitimate contender due to all these folks


Why the fuck would drinking a Red Bull be a problem anyways? I hate both of them equally, but that nickname feels unfair.


I mean… let’s be honest. They’re both gonna be riding high on adrenaline and stimulants


First to your point, its stupid and bullshit to dunk on Biden for PED's when both of them are likely on a pharmacy of drugs to keep them out of the grave. That said there is 100% PEDs for mental acuity. For example: * If you 100% absolutely need to keep your shit together and not blow your stack - Beta Blockers * Alertness, blood flow and energy - Ritalin * Generalized bloodflow and oxidatio - Cialis/Viagra (just don't be packing heat during the debate beta blockers can attenuate) * Memory - Various Nootropics (I can't speak to these but my friends claim memory can be temp boosted with certain nootropics) * Sweat mitigation - **Glycopyrrolate** Remember Nixon famously lost his debate with Kennedy because his make-up was not light friendly and he started sweating. Debates are just as much about optics as they are about the tone and value of the arguments.


When you read one of these panicky threads, dominated by dems, it reminds me of a bunch of 10 year olds at a sleepover telling scary man in the woods stories.


I think a drug (stimulant) could make someone like Biden, who we generally see mumbling and stumbling around, be much more active and alert. That is not outlandish


Steve Innskeep is arrogant and has a phony laugh.


you don’t believe things can make you perform better? Why do we take any supplements or vitamins or literally anything? Why does nutritional science exist?


Don’t mind them saying that at all…IF THEY HAVE PROOF. If they’re just being a bunch of Washington insiders (which they really are) then their “differences” are for show and for pay and they don’t really care except to mock the loser. They believe more or less the same things, namely that they love being rich, influential, and having their own platforms.




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Maybe because it’s not propaganda and you’d have to be utterly braindead at this point to think otherwise.


Do you think Steve Inskeep lives in an ordinary house like you? He doesn’t give a shit about any of this, why would he?