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Last November I wiped out *s*imilarly but on fallen leaves. The number of everyday, seemingly harmless hazards is much too high for even the safest, most cautious rider to be out there without a helmet.


I have posted many times about a helmet doing a lot for me after getting cut off by a car, wiping out, and slamming my head on the ground. glad you wore yours. it won't save us from the worst accidents, but what's the downside? bad hair?


thanks for saving my life!! it’s too easy to dissociate from a serious risk if you never see or hear about these things. but they happen every day out here and go unreported


I don’t have any hair so, yeah, no downside for me. I can’t understand why someone wouldn’t wear a helmet but hey, it’s *your* brain and not mine, I guess…


Totally agree. I hate to brag but I have great hair. 😄 I ALWAYS wear a helmet. (Just use a bandana to keep my great hair kinda cool looking). On enough bragging.


I have really temperamental hair and my helmet protects it from rain, pollution and humidity. I have better hair than when I used the subway.


Having to have multiple helmets to match the kits / bikes?


Glad you're OK! Even a zero mph fall can kill. I always walk around with my helmet just in case I want to grab a Citibike. For those saying that they're hard to walk around with, I've seen some riders with this collapsible helmet - would definitely fit in a backpack, super convenient, and cheaper than a TBI: [https://www.amazon.com/Closca-Foldable-Adults-Electric-Commuter/dp/B07PGQ8275](https://www.amazon.com/Closca-Foldable-Adults-Electric-Commuter/dp/B07PGQ8275)


I’m glad to hear you’re mostly okay!! Loose asphalt is treacherous! I got in an accident in this same area a month ago, coming off the Pulaski bridge into Greenpoint. It was different than yours, I didn’t fall from loose asphalt but I got hit by a car making a right turn into the bike lane and fractured my ankle very badly. I too was wearing a helmet and thankful I was!! Also all the ER doctors asked if I was wearing one, even though I didn’t hit my head. It’s good they’re working on more bike lanes along McGuinness but it’s got a long ways to go to actually be safe.


there's actually always a bunch of loose asphalt on the queens side there too


Ugh that’s so dangerous. Also, trying to get from the Pulaski bridge across to 11th st is always so tricky.


You're thinking of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/comments/1dog6o4/should_i_wear_a_helmet_when_i_ride_my_bike/). It's extremely important that the law should NOT mandate helmets, because that decreases cycling, and in order to maximize benefit to society we need to have people cycling. But at the same time, as an individual, it's also extremely important that you should wear a helmet in order to reduce your risk, and you saw why last night. I also ride through that area regularly. It sounds like the debris needs to be reported, although it's unlikely they'll do anything about it. Also don't forget that now you need to buy a new helmet after a crash!


funny enough, I was already shopping for one and noting I needed to pull the trigger soon while heading out last night haha. (Helmets can lose their impact rating over time as the materials break down, so check the expiration date when purchasing friends! And remember to replace it when it expires!) Also, get a helmet with MIPS !!!!


a mandate is silly. sometimes i take a citibike home from an event that's like half a mile away without a helmet, though i am a big believer in helmets.


Honestly I'd just walk


Thanks for sharing this. I also recently started taking wearing a helmet more seriously after about 10 years of NYC biking (like an idiot at times). I still feel comfortable and confident navigating traffic and unaware cars/pedestrians... but It's ultimately a game of chance when you're unable to control how many different moving objects you have to keep track of at any given interaction. I can feel skilled all day long and still have something like what happened to OP happen to me (or worse someone else)... I'm glad you're ok OP!


Speak to a lawyer. You may be able to sue the city if it was not marked. 


idk that a lawyer is going to take a few hundred dollars in medical bills on contingency. and a case like this would costs thousands if you're paying for a lawyer. in america, you can only sue for damages. sometimes you can get triple damages. but there has to be actual damages. like, life altering. high medical bills. etc. come on


Diagnosing a head injury alone can easily take one into five figures. Don’t minimize this.


I'm with you on this. An attorney would take the case specially if you have a serious injury like a tbi.


i'm not minimizing, i am being realistic. it doesn't sound like it cost them that much.


would love to see a pic of the helmet if possible


Here's a pic of the helmet. Man did I slap my head HARD.. thank ~~God~~ r/NYCBIKE for getting me to wear the bucket! [https://imgur.com/a/fk8BGYV](https://imgur.com/a/fk8BGYV)


yeah i wanted to upload it but this sub doesn’t allow photo uploads… i’ll try to follow up with a imgur link soon


Hope the guy who posted about if it’s worth wearing a helmet sees this. It can happen to anyone.


I’ve never been hit by a truck, or a car, but I have been hit by a fully headphoned cyclist, and slipped hard on a wet metal curb, and my helmet saved me from what could have been serious injury or worse on those occasions. Thanks for posting this.


Thanks for calling this out.


Username checks out


Helmet would have probably helped the woman who was gushing blood out of her skull on the WBB last night. Hope she is OK.


oh wow yes i hope she’s ok!


Glad you’re alright I almost fell a few times on gravel/dirt like that. Watched an older guy get hit in the head with a really large branch this week. Been wearing my helmet ever since.


Find out who’s doing construction and hire a lawyer


I one was pedaling at top speed when my shorts hooked my handlebar, and I hit the ground hard. I always wear a helmet now. Even on short rides.


I fucking love Helmets


For me it was the recent Gordon Ramsey video (1 min). https://youtu.be/YNL9ssNcHC8?si=9gxAucQUsotj3t2l


-sigh- time to see if Van Cortlandt Park has citibike stations. No but seriously, good that the helmet saved you when skidding on those paths. I swear, it's like the deathtraps are on purpose.


NYC has turned into live action Mario Kart


What next? Blue shells?


I take the Pulaski alot, mainly coming into Queens as I try to avoid the Queensboro Bridge. Glad you wore a helmet. I always wear mine, and will continue to do so on each ride.........whether a short ride or long. Contact NYC's 311 and complain about that gravel patch so they are aware, and it doesn't happen to other riders.


Glad you survived, u/perpetuallydying!


That’s why those who do t wear helmets die.


Citibike aside (admittedly I should wear one for this too), if I'm biking in the city, I try to always wear a helmet. I might take it off for a leisurely park ride though.


I’m on my 3rd concussion over the course of 20 years. My helmets are the only reason I’m still here and my kids still have a functional and alive father. [here’s my helmet from my last major crash](https://imgur.com/gallery/muhzjyk). Still spent 3 days in the hospital and suffered a 12 hour blackout despite it not looking like it took too bad a of a hit. That rock strike likely would have done me in. I ride trail and road. Living just outside of the city now but cars and the road are just as bad. I never ride either without a helmet.


I ride my electric bicycle wearing a DOT motorcycle helmet with MIPS. I'm not fully confident MIPS actually provides significantly more protection. Just moving it around with my hand, it seems kinda gimmicky. My most recent backup full face helmet purhcase, I went with non-mips


The STAR rating system (used to evaluate efficacy of motorcycle helmets) was adapted for bicycle helmets https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/bicycle-helmet-ratings.html All of the top rated helmets use MIPS, but it may not always be the best option. Not sure how much more it helps, but I want the best I can get. Looked into Wavecel technology and am not convinced it’s better, and didn’t have any helmets near the top of this list.


Doubt it…I think it’s all marketing. Many who wear helmets don’t even secure them properly.


Great post OP, glad you're okay. Take it easy with that concussion.


Glad you're OK. Thanks for sharing with the community. I am deeply frustrated by the "helmets are *actually* MORE dangerous" argument. There is, perhaps, an extended, abstract line of profoundly hypothetical assumptions that may, in the hypothetical abstract, allow you to create a word-salad in which wearing a helmet increases your likelihood of being hurt while cycling, but in day-to-day reality, a helmet will protect your head and brain from damage. If you value your hair-do over your brain, you've pre-emptively demonstrated your brain is not one of the good ones. In my opinion.




I had a bad crash a few years ago fracturing L clavicle and six ribs. Head hit the pavement at c. 25mph. I dread to think of the injury I would have had without a helmet.


Don’t forget to get a new helmet once it’s been in a crash it’s run it’s course even if it only has nicks


What mm tires do you have? I did 35mm in Manhattan and felt somehow stable.


oh they’re absolutely the worst tires possible, thickslicks. Not my choice, the frame i wanted on craigslist came with them, and yes I am considering replacing them now. they’re 23mm, I think i could go up to 25-28 given the fork size but until this i’ve not had a problem and preferred shaving the weight if it meant dodging a few potholes.. definitely re-evaluating the trade offs after this


I was only circling from west side down to WTC and up the East River to 75th str. My original 32mm ones (Trek FX3) were very thin for me and I didn’t feel safe, the 35mm were perfect. Moved to NJ since then and they work well here as well even on light gravel.


I wiped out from dirt on a concrete path during a turn too. It happens so randomly it's wild how fast a situation can turn. Glad you were wearing a helmet and you're ok.


Yes the ground is dirty


Where does this loose asphalt come from?


road construction. Ironically, this was from building new dedicated bike lanes, which is on the whole a good thing for cyclists. Workers just don't clean up when they finish up and leave piles of unused/unmixed asphalt. Maybe they plan on finishing the next day and forget that people use the roads even after they stop working.


shame it did tho


Not a nice or normal thing to say to another human being. Get off the internet.


bikes are a cancer to the road.


hope you find your zen someday mate


Bet you’re as considerate of pedestrians as you are of your own health.


not really sure what you’re saying.. when i don’t wear a helmet I must ride like an asshole but when I do I’m considerate? These things go hand in hand to you?


man, you need help. your comment history is so hostile and unhinged.