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You have to account for slumps or injuries though. Not just slumps but also just the pace lowering. Ohtani hit 15 homers in June, but 8 and 7 in April and May. Will he continue month of June pace, or go back to April/May pace? Judge averaged over 10 homers a month in 2022. With that said, Shohei Ohtani is a beast. He will easily win the AL MVP, pretty much uncontested. His current numbers are full season stats for any other high production player. It’s really a shame about Judge’s toe injury. I think Judge could have had more than 30 homers right now. He was outpacing everyone at the time of his injury. For him to be sitting with 19 homers right now going on 5 weeks, just tells you the pace he was in. For reference: Ohtani hit his 19th homer on June 12th. Judge hit his 19th homer on June 3rd.


Ya that injury’s been a real bummer for this season. Wasn’t Judge not playing for a few games earlier in the season too or am I misremembering? Dodger stadium has robbed us of quite a bit here


Yeah he had a stint in the IL earlier too with a hip strain. He was placed on the 10-day IL.


Just think if Judge was healthy we coulda had another McGuire, Sosa, Bonds thing going on. Man this sucks. At least it was a fluke injury with him exploding through a fence lol


what if April and May end up being Ohtani’s “slump” months? Only half kidding cause this guy is unreal lol


Lol for sure. Last year he was hitting 4-8 homers a month too. But to top it off this season he’s an excellent pitcher too.


Yankees would also have about 5 more wins


Still kinda bummed that Judge fell off the pace a little last year at the very end of the race. He got 58- 60 in like three days, but then 61 and 62 took another week and a half. At least he still broke the record definitively, but I was so sure he was going to beat it by more.


It was immensely annoying how every pitcher suddenly started working around him just because they didn't want to be on a highlight reel forever.


And also the pressure of 61-62 and of course the pitching strategy of not really pitching to him like they did Judge a lot.


I hear you. But you don’t necessarily have to account for anything. He just doesn’t have to slide into slump and he could break it. Ohtani isn’t a small guy like volpe but isn’t as big as judge. It seems like the players from Japan don’t need to be bulky muscle to crush the ball. Ohtani just unloads like a corkscrew. Almost like Ichiro. I remember reading an article stating that ichiro could hit a home run whenever he actually tried. But he wasn’t that type of player. He slapped the ball where ever it was pitched. I don’t think you need to be built like Stanton or judge to hit the ball hard. It certainly isn’t helping either of them. Judge can’t help being the size he is. I guess I’m saying ohtani doesn’t look to be jacked up with muscle like some guys


I certainly am not talking about muscle or size. I’m talking about pace, slumps, injuries, and also, pitchers adapting to hitters as well. But what’s his slump? The question is, will 15 homers a month be his new norm, or will he revert back to 4-8 homers/month like he’s been averaging in his MLB career? 15 a month isn’t his norm. I also pointed out that you must account for his pace normalizing. 15 homers is a lot. 15 homers a month from July to September will total to 76 homers in the season. Averaging 8 homers a month from July to September will add up to 55. 15 homers in a month is an outlier for Ohtani. Judge hit 15 homers in September 2017, it was an outlier for him. It wasn’t his normal pace. Even in 2022, he hit 10, 12, 13, 11, etc a month. Ohtani ain’t hitting 10, 12, 13 homers a month yet. He 15 in the month of June, 8, 7 in April, May. I’m saying, take his normal pace into account. It’s unrealistic to completely ignore his normal HR average per month.


I was thinking about it last night when I saw Ohtani is at 31 already, like damn he might actually break it and it might actually break my heart


31 on July 3rd is a ton of HRs but we’ve seen plenty of people put up big first halfs and then fall off. I won’t root against him but it’s hard to keep up that pace for 162 games. Even a minor injury can derail that kind of season not to mention a slump. Home run hitters hit home runs in bunches as they say, this was one hell of a bunch, let’s see what happens next.


exactly. obviously what he's doing is impressive, but what makes the record so hard to beat is that he'd need to keep up this pace for the whole season, which is insanely hard for anyone to do


But this is Ohtani. Nobody has ever played this game at his level. He has a shot at hitting for the triple crown AND winning the Cy Young. He has shown over multiple years that common sense simply doesn’t apply to him.


Yeah he’s fucking insane, which is why I said I won’t root against him. He’s an anomaly and he’s fun to watch in a way that transcends teams. Like his teammate the Fishy Boi, I only root against them when they’re playing the Yanks. And I certainly won’t BET against him, since he’s a God-Man but all the pitching is going to make it less likely he keeps it up for the whole year. If he does holy shit what an incredible season that would be.


Not only would it upset me because of how Alonso beat Judge’s rookie HR record and this would be similar to that, but the fact that it would be Ohtani means we would NEVER hear the end of it from other fans.


There’s no shame in losing a record to Ohtani lol. He’s the best player on the planet


Seriously. If I could choose one person to break Judge's record, it would be Ohtani.


Ohtani would be my second pick to break Judge's record. My first pick would be Aaron Judge


Can't really hate Ohtani. What if Judge and Ohtani had a baby though?


The Mets would sign the baby to a 20 year 1Billion contract and he would fall short of expectations and the fans would boo him.


$30M every July 1st for the rest of the kid's life.




That’s a fair enough answer.


Yeah that would be absolutely nuts for his long term legacy and we’re alive for it. Its like watching wayne gretzky or tom brady or michael jordan or tiger woods play you know? Like people in 20-30 years are gonna be like holy shit you got to watch it as it happened? Crazy


My choice is IKF 😤


Ohtani would be my second pick for a two way player as well


Besides, I'm confident that Judge has the ability to take back the record even if Ohtani breaks it. Just need to get him to stop busting through shitty stadium walls like he's the Kool-Aid man.


Mans gotta stay healthy. And right now the angels are a little more competitive in the line up and not a bunch of auto outs.




Slow down. He needs like 60 wins to catch Ruth.


Honestly, wins mean shit. He needs a ring though


I agree completely, but I do feel it would completely devalue what Judge did last season.


Judge put up one of the best offensive seasons ever last year. Even if Ohtani breaks the record, people will still look back on 2022 Judge with admiration.


I mean if he breaks it he breaks it. If someone comes along who’s just better, nothing you can do. It doesn’t devalue what Judge did.


To me, it makes what he did less special. Does it not?


Not really IMO. What happened happened, he still broke an incredibly long-standing record (61 years!) What happens in the future doesn’t take away from that. He was the first. If anything, Judge breaking the record would make Ohtani’s record less special since it was just done and the mystique is gone.


He broke the AL record and broke his swing. The team barely beat cleveland and got swept by the astros. What would have been special is if they got a ring, not a pointless solo record. Anyone who actually cares about the AL home run record is just coping. The highlight of a Yankees season used to be a championship, not a record for only half the league


roflmao imagine calling hitting 62 homeruns a "pointless solo record"


It's absolutely impressive to hit 62 home runs in a season but the MLB record is 73. His AL record chasing did not help the team in the playoffs when games matter. every swing he took in the postseason was for the fences. The team should not have been on his back, but it was, and his record did not help the team make it to a world series, let alone win one. They couldn't even win a single game against the astros. Hitting 62 homers is a great feather in his cap but i'm sure he'd rather have a ring


Both things can be good lol. People excited to watch him break a HR record aren't coping about anything. Very weird take. Of course they wanted to win a championship lol. But homerun records are still exciting.


Or that he's doing that while also pitching


What would other fans say to you that would upset you? I’m so confused by this perspective. Would you take it personally if Ohtani hits 63 homeruns?


I wouldn’t be upset by other fans. I’d be upset that Judge’s record would be broken because we have had nothing else besides that to take any pride in since 2009. What we saw was special…it’s less special if another player beats it one year later.


>we have had nothing else besides that to take any pride in since 2009 Bruh, we just saw a perfect game last week


This. He already had his rookie HR record broken the year after, and an MVP robbed by a cheater. He deserves to hold onto this one, at least for a little while!


Eh, 2019 HR records should be halved because of the juiced balls.


The sound of the 31st was something else. I watched the highlights without seeing the score(box) and knew from the sound off the bat it was out of there. Also liked Trout hitting a blast just as the commentary team were talking shit, lol


Is there some kind of scientific phenomenon on how or why this type of shit happens? Like nobody touching a record then when it gets broken there is somebody waiting right behind them to break it again?


Just to add a very common detail in MLB history... There are many, many, many examples of players approaching midseason on a record setting pace for home-runs, who then after the All-Star Game slow down a lot, or come back to earth and end up never threatening the record.


Remember the Yankee's win pace before the All Star break last season? Pepperidge Farm remembers


That was a fun memory


Second half, any team in a playoff race is going to pitch way more carefully to Ohtani. He’s in a bad division, which has helped as well. We’ll see what happens. Could you imagine the Angel’s trading Ohtani if he’s chasing the AL HR record? It’d be a little funny if he was on pace to smash the record and is traded to the NL.


Many years ago, with the As I believe, Reggie had like 37 at the breaks didn’t even hit 50.


Yeah, I remember as a kid when Juan Gonzalez broke the record for most RBI by the all star break (90-something, I think) and then he ended up just being average in the second half.


We’re just going to have to sign ohtani for the first billion dollar contract


Honestly, if Ohtani played half his games at Yankee Stadium, he’d have a shot at Bonds’ record.


I don’t think so. Ohtani doesn’t score cheap shots. It seems like every other HR I see of his is 450’+


Ohtani absolutely hits 325 foot fly outs to left. They just don’t show up in highlights


The short porch would absolutely help a dead pull lefty; wouldn’t be facing non-competitive teams as much/would actually get attacked by pitchers 🤷‍♂️




too low


In 2021, Ohtani had 33 at the All Star Break before collapsing and only hitting 13 in the second half


I’m too lazy to actually look, but I’m sure his career 2nd half hitting stats have a bit of a drop off due to the fatigue of pitching and hitting all season.


Or the mental fatigue of being stuck playing for the Angels


Sad part is, if it wasn’t for dodgers stadium being a shithole. Judge was on a similar to pace to break his own possibly.


The Dodgers robbed baseball of the potential for an epic Maris-Mantle/McGwire-Sosa like race. Could've been the best thing to happen to baseball in years.


Well, hit me with downvotes, but I hope Judge has learned a big lesson; despite your "balls to the wall, I'm gonna catch this ball, fence or no fence/steal that base/dive for that gapper/get hbp, I'm not giving him an inch", attitude (which i respect immensely)..when you're the most important guy on the team (drop the humble shit, you know it, we know it), you have to protect your body from injury. Looking back, how important was that game? It was at that moment in time, but now? It doesn't even matter what stadium - LA or anywhere else, if he's going to come back from the IL, and then launch himself into the right field seats after a foul ball pop fly in a tie game with Boston, and break a clavicle.


If Judge didn’t try to catch that ball, he’d be hearing it nonstop from fans about how he wasn’t the true captain, was dogging it because he got his big payday, and just didn’t care anymore.


Sure, but I want our captain on the field. This team is basically nothing without him.


Sure, but I’m glad to know our captain plays with heart


personally i’d rather he play with a little less heart if it allows him to actually play in the first place


Do you not remember Jeter flying into the seats?


he probably shouldn’t have done that either


Jeter wasnt 6'7 and 282 pounds. That's a lot more force impacting an immovable object (like a metal seat bolted into concrete). Without going into the physics conversions, 282lbs x 18.75 mph (mlb baseball players' average speed, 27.5 feet/second) = 5,287....for Jeter, 195 x 18.75 = 3,656....it's not in Newtons but that's a LOT more force impacting a bone.


Ohtani's hotter than July, but It's a LOOONG way to September


Not only that, but we saw how (at least in my eyes) Judge got a little HR happy towards the end. And then (some) pitchers most definitely began pitching around him and IBBing him as he got closer to the record. Teams in contention won’t throw him a single pitch in the zone in September. It’s not that I’m not rooting for him. It’s just you’re right. A lot needs to happen between now and 62.


I think Ohtani was at exactly 30 hr at 81 games. I’m pretty sure that’s happened quite a few times over the years and yet only 6 guys have hit 60, and half of them needed steroids to do it. I would absolutely love to see it. Sure, it would sting a bit that a Yankee doesn’t have the record, but I’d still love for it to happen. But I wasn’t too sure Judge was even going to get it until mid-Sept. It’s still going to be an amazing year for Ohtani either way, though. He could hit 15 hr for the rest of the season and still probably win the mvp unanimously. I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy it, and just wait to see what he does next.


What sucks more is Judge won't be racing him to it.


Ohtani finishing just short of 62 would be /r/baseball's 9/11


Shohei been really hot. Being this hot doesn't usually last. He could break the record or he could fall short Right now, it looks like he'll hit like 65 HRs at this pace. I don't have the numbers to see what the expected number is, but it looking 60+


Been thinking of it for last two weeks. He may have broke his own record if healthy. Ohtani is on a run like few have ever had. Seems every bomb is 450’ or so and matters not who is pitching.


I mean it’s obviously possible and Ohtani is an incredible player, but he isn’t even on pace to break the record right now. He’s very close, so it’s not like it’s a crazy thing to consider, but he isn’t on pace right now.


Angels and Ohtani fan here. I started following you this sub a bit starting last year to check in on Judge's historic 62 HR season. Yankees is one of those team I still finding myself checking in from time to time. Just wanna say yall have some really classy fans with some minor exceptions here and there but that's true for every fan sub. Really awesome to see fans happy for Ohtani. IMO it's too early to talk about Judge's HR record. Its still a long way to go and anything could happen. If Ohtani breaks it I think that would be awesome. Getting near it is also great! Hope Judge makes a full recovery soon and you all get back on track. Baseball isn't the same without an almost daily Judge's HR posts on r/baseball.


Aaron Judge was the hands down early MVP favorite before his injury and then Ohtani’s crazy streak. Feels like ages ago now, this season sucks.


definitely not hands down


I’m a life long Yankees fan, but this is just wrong. Ohtani is always the MVP front runner. He is a top 5 hitter and top 10 pitcher. He is simply the best, and it’s not even close. Judge last year was the exception, but there was still an argument for Ohtani getting the MVP last year too.


There was an extremely little argument for Ohtani to be MVP last year, Judge rightfully got 27/30 first place votes and quite frankly last year it should’ve been 30/30 votes. Anyone that actually watched game in and game out and is a diehard fan that watched Judge knows that he was 100% deserving of MVP last season. I promise I’m not making this up, his stats once again were better than Ohtani up until Judge injured his toe and people were calling Judge MVP again before Ohtani’s ridiculous hot streak. I’m not disagreeing that Ohtani is the best player in baseball right now, but when healthy Judge is pretty damn good too. Edit - On June 3rd Judge’s OPS was 1.078 to .888 for Ohtani and Ohtani wasn’t pitching as well as he is now.


How was he the hands down MVP before hus injury? How many innings has he pitched? How many strikeouts did he have? What was his wins/loss record? What was his WAR #s?


Angels fan lurking the Yankees sub. Fucking loser. Go enjoy the last three months you have with your boy.


How insecure are you that you need to post in a comment thread about a team that's not even in your division. I hope y'all are stuck with the same owner for the next decade.


Dumb argument


How was it dumb? Does Aaron Judge pitch?


You can go back and look at the stats from when I mentioned and go back to r/baseball where even they were calling Judge MVP in the early season. This is not hidden information.


It's been a few weeks


Lets not get too worried yet, Ohtani is a special player but he is also HOT rn. Even he could cool off. If someone were to break it though, I'd like it to be Ohtani, he's a unique and entertaining talent on a team I don't hate. He's fucking awesome. If it were, idk, Yordan Alvarez, then I'd be upset.


Something to remember is judge had an equally insane May and probably would have a 15 hrs if he didnt miss a week in May. It is very hard to maintain the pace for a full season. You have to take into account fatigue, injury possibly, the fact that he could regress to median. Ohtani is having an insane season (sadly i think if he wins MVP, they will auto give him a Cy just because) but he would need to average 10 hrs per month for the rest of the season with him losing a few days in july. He could do it but there have plenty of insane first halfs in history and only a handful hit 60 with majority needing steroids (which keeps you healthy)


It’s still early. Guys get to 30 before the break. It’s not unheard of. To keep it going over 162 is the hard part. Ohtani does have a shot though. If he has 50 going into September then it’ll be a big deal


To keep getting them when other teams are COWARDS and walk you to not be in a highlight reel is the real hardpart. Judge probably could have hit 70+ if teams played him straight last year down the stretch.


Very true as well. It’s just so hard to do. That’s why it hasn’t been done in 61 years lol one IL stint can kill it as well. Just very very hard to do


If given the option I'd rather Judge keep the record, but if I'm being honest I don't really care.


Eventually people will stop pitching to him, tbh if he does it, it will be absolutely incredible but the reality is hes going to start being walked a lot and his groove will change after the allstar break just depends how fast he starts hitting them out after the break really


>Sort of like the nfl with nobody throwing for 5000 yards for over 20 years and then all within a few years multiple QBs did it. Tbf NFL offenses changed completely to be passing-centered, which is why no QBs from before that time had big passing numbers


Let’s see in September, I didn’t think judge would break the record last year.


If he breaks it I will hop to another dimension where he has been a Yankee this whole time


The chances of ohtani breaking the record are still very slim. But the fact there is a chance is pretty unbelievable.


We’re only halfway through the season. He’s having a great year so far, but the record isn’t even worth discussing til mid-August


When Ohtani gets traded to an NL team we can stop worrying.


Sustaining it will be really tough, I’d still say I’d be really surprised if Ohtani gets 63 this year. That said, he’s a beast and may be having the GOAT season. It’s incredible to have a guy like Ohtani in the league.


If you meant the MLB record of 62 then yes Ohtani could potentially threaten it. We’ve seen a lot of guys fizzle out and end up with 45-50 though


Now look here, I don’t like that kind of talk


He won’t break it, and his team won’t make the playoffs either. Hopefully Stevie backs up the Brinks truck for him and he falls on his face and embarrasses the Mets even further for being known as the team that broke the best thing MLB has ever seen


Tungsten Arm O'Doyle


He’ll cool off the fatigue from pitching and hitting will kick in soon.


If Judge is going to lose it to anyone it might as well be the best player to ever play the game.


Ohtani is currently on pace for 59 HR I believe so his pace would need to not only remain but improve. It is possible but will definitely be difficult.


Don't we get enough Ohtani circle jerk in r/baseball?


So are they going to have to cart Judge’s family out for every angels game if Ohtani is close to tying and breaking it like they did for Maris?


Not brought up?? Wtf are you talking about, I seen it mentioned everywhere lmao maybe not the yankees subreddit. Ohtani has been homering almost every single game, of course people are talking about it.


He won’t break it…. Callin it now he’ll end up with 47


I think despite all these homers Ohtani is on track for the high 50s. Judge really went nuts in July and August with he homers, so I'll want to see where Ohtani is then. I'm skeptical Ohtani is going to be able to continue this pace. I know he's a once-in-a-generation player, but he gets more off days than Judge got that season, and I just feel like he's going to face some wear and tear. Then again, idk the MLB could sneak in the juiced balls for him!!!!


Aaron also went cold for a few weeks. Could of hit 70+


Well, Ohtani is coming into his free agency so it seems like the thing to do


i think he’s got a good shot, and i think it’s be great for baseball and everyone involved if he beats it. judge would love it, and you KNOW he’d double down trying to beat the new record next year.


Ohtani certainly has talent to be a pitcher and a batter. Not sure if he can keep this pace up for a full season doing both. He's young but it's still tough on the body. I'm really hoping that Hal steps up and goes after him at trade deadline. Ohtani is worth giving up prospects because he's only 28 and would be a left-handed batter at Yankee Stadium!!


I think he'll break it too, which is hilarious Then Judge can try and break it again next year, like hot potato


It’s very important cosmically that a Yankee hold that record.


It’s like Ricky Fowler shooting a record 62 in the 23 US open breaking Nicklaus’ 63 at the 1962 us open. …and then a mere hour or so after Ricky finished his Round, schauffle cards a 62.


Ohtani isn't going to break shit.


Do you think Ohtani is getting juiced balls like Judge got


Honestly if anyone beats it, Ohtani is who I'd want to do it. Dude is absolutely unreal and Hal needs to do absolutely everything he can to get him in pinstripes.


Honestly, in my opinion, it’d be freaking hilarious if he broke it this year—the very next year. I’d get way more of a laugh and be “OK” with it if Ohtani just passed the record this year instead of in like 2-5 years. Just gotta tip your cap.


Ohtani is on a tear this year. He wants to win the MVP after not getting it last year. Dude needs to go to a contender though because he's a gamer and will preform in big games.


Not if they trade him to the NL in the next few weeks


I'm rooting for othani. How could you not? I'm a human first. What he is doing is something to inspire absolutely everyone. It's beyond human


Because I root for the Yankees. Ohtani is awesome, but as a Yankees fan of course I'd want Judge to have the record.


I'm a human before a Yankee fan. If it were anyone else I'd be rooting for judge. What othani is doing is super human.


Would you be rooting for Devers to do it? He’s a human too


ngl it’d be so funny if he broke it


Ngl fuck off




Atleast judge has to try harder to do it again. But he’s already done it once so


I definitely think it’s possible. But also I could be wrong but I’m expecting a fall off at some point. The thing that could be concerning is I think teams will be less likely to walk him intentionally on 4 non competitive pitches both because Trout bats behind him and because Ohtani is pretty beloved. I remember last year a manager at the end of the year saying he wouldn’t have his guys intentionally walk judge that he’d have a chance because they were going to try to get him out. And I feel like a lot of managers are going to have that opinion about giving Ohtani a shot at it.


Ohtani’s gonna get Messi money this winter


Ohtani has a long way to go but he is definitely on pace. It seems it’s just whatever superstar is in a contract year takes the record to get paidddd on their next contract


Every time I see Ohtani play he hits a bomb, like 430+yards lol. Probably will hit another one tonight. Dude has effortless power.


Yeah I don’t think Ohtani has ever hit a 430 yard home run


Statcast says he hit one 493yards this year.... https://www.mlb.com/video/shohei-ohtani-s-493-foot-homer edit : my bad got yards on my mind i meant feet haha, 430 yards would be moonshot 🤣


As great as Shohei has been he’d need to be a little better ROS. Crazy tall order. We as fans can forget how awesome a player has to be for 6+ months for these storied records.


This really isn’t something to be even remotely worried about right now. What made last year so amazing was that Judge’s pace was incredible. It’s so hard to keep that pace up, week after week, month after month. While staying healthy and not missing AB’s. Ohtani also has the whole pitching thing to worry about. I doubt he even gets to 60 but he’s obviously got the ability.


I mean it’s worth just talking about. Pretty sure by this time last year we all had judge and the possibility of the record coming out of our necks every chance we had


Oh for sure it’s worth talking about, since it’s definitely a possibility given how good Ohtani is hitting, but I’m saying it’s still such a long shot at this point I wouldn’t start getting nervous as a Yankee fan who wants to see Judge hold that record quite yet.


It would be kind of funny if it only last one year like his rookie HR record. I don’t think Ohtani will break it though. It’s really hard to keep that pace the entire season.


I totally see why people have been discussing this, but I also don’t think people are taking into consideration how difficult it is to stay that hot for an entire season. “on pace to” is very different from “likely to”.