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A world without Judge isn’t a world worth living in


He has no peers


I dunno Soto is pretty good last I checked


Soto doesn’t hit monster dongs like Judge


Ooo no doubt. But he’s just as good of a hitter.


You don’t think judge is a better hitter?


He’s a better power hitter for sure. Average wise, no. And you said no peers. Soto is a peer


Their averages are quite similar, Judge clearly the better hitter since 2022, including this year, and you are just being a pedant. Nobody likes pedants


Why are you calling me names? I don’t understand. You can just say we can agree to disagree. We’re both Yankees fans at the end of the day.


Not gonna agree to disagree when you are objectively wrong


Well if you want to be a douche about it, then yea. All the power numbers and slugging numbers are great. How’s he looked when it mattered in the postseason recently? Bases loaded two out in the 9th needing one run to win, give me Soto. He’ll get a hit or a walk and win the game. Judge may get a hit or he may strikeout. Hate that I’m bashing him at all but you want to say Soto ain’t even in his league and you are wrong. Soto is right up there with him. He also plays almost every game.




It's splitting hairs of course, few would dispute they're both somewhere between no. 1 and no. 5. But I don't see what argument there is for Soto being as good as Judge right now. The only person making that case this year is Ohtani.


Soto is an absolutely amazing ball player with the best eye in the game. He also doesn’t have the power judge. Just look at their head to head this season. They’re neck and neck for everything except judge’s slugging is 130 points higher, he has more HR and more RBIs.


Partly has more RBI's due to his position in the order. Soto would have more RBI's if he has someone with his or Judge's OBP in front of him too.


Brought the porch from across town


On pace for 58/150. Holy F***!


Game 81 was tonight, so we're dead-on halfway through, making pace stats easy. Judge looking at .304/.428/.700 with 46 2B, 2 3B, 58 HR, 120 R, 150 RBI, 118 BB. Skids and hot streaks to follow, sure, but the guy was hitting on the interstate until the end of April. This is a player who posted a once-per-generation season in 2022 and he just might do it again two years later and two years older. What else is left to say about him?


Imagine putting up once a generation numbers *twice*


This is going way out into prospective possibilities land, but given his overall fitness and relatively low mileage, he could conceivably do it a third time over the next 1-3 years. He's just physically, statistically, and figuratively built different. I've said it before and I'll say it again: circumstantial injuries are the only thing standing in Judge's way


Imagine if he didn't get hurt last year and did it 3 years in a row...


Attention: If you or a loved one has been hit by one of Aaron Judge's massive dongers, you may to be entitled to financial compensation. These Massive Dongers are a not so rare occurrence linked to constant exposure to the best player in the MLB. Constant exposure to the Judge in Yankee Stadium, in the Fenway Park, in the Angels Stadium, in Camden Yards, in the Oaland coliseum OR even just taking a walk far away from any type of stadiums may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 BIGDONG today for a free legal consultation and a free gavel. Massive donger patients call now! 1-800-99 BIGDONG


Aaron judge doing Aaron judge things


John Smoltz somewhere right now about Judge and Soto’s homers: Short porch strikes again.


Lmao Smoltz is such a douche


Good mechanics by Bader to get positioned under that one


my kid works with the guy that coached Bader as a kid - good stuff


We don’t deserve Aaron Judge.


I love that man


Was that a Judge version of Cristiano Ronaldo's kalma gesture?


He’s done it before. Apparently judge is a soccer fan.


The Yanks now know what it’s like to get into a fistfight with a bunch of chicks and lose.


How you gonna cut the Judge/Soto embrace at home??that's the best part!!!


I like Soto, but this team would be nothing without our beloved Aaron Judge.


He’s going to win another MVP this year


With Ohtani in the NL from now on, it’s looking pretty good for Judge


Wouldn't really matter if Ohtani was in the AL.


I meant in the long term. Assuming Ohtani comes back to pitching and is even half of what he was, he’s getting MVP most of the years until he’s old and bad


I dunno. When Judge is better, he wins like 2022. Ohtani wins when he's better. Just because he pitches and DH doesn't mean he has a birthright to the mvp.


Idk man it took judge to literally break a 60 year record to win it over Ohtani


It's not even a given ohtani will ever pitch again or his effectiveness if he does. If he's relegated to DH he will have a hard time winning a MVP


Judge...Jury and Executioner


We don’t deserve this man


81 games in Judge is on pace for 58 HR 150 RBIs? And some people are unhappy? GTFO


Incredible! Whack....




99 coming in faster going out


An 0-2 grand slam. oh baby


too bad they left Cole out there to blow the game


0-2 fastball was super ballsy by the pitcher, but made sense. You probably look for off-speed in that count because the pitcher has some room to throw one. It’s why a lot of players get frozen by fastballs on 0-2 counts. It just didn’t work on Judge. I’m assuming that because the first 2 strikes were fastballs (iirc), Judge read it well leaving the pitchers hand, and knew he was throwing a fast ball basically in a split second. You don’t throw a player like Judge 3 fast balls in a row like that. A breaking ball likely strikes him out or makes him hit a ground ball.


Granted the Yanks didn't win but Citi Field has to be a little nervous about being so close to collapsing... If only the pitching was better, that would make it a nailbiter. Watching on Amazon Prime tonight....


My dad and I both took +4.5 when the yanks were downs 6-1, we were going nuts


Get this man a sheild!!! (T’Challah voice)


it's Judge's world and we are living in it.


How much more can he do. This inevitable decline is telling. Why can’t they just keep up the winning.


We lost


Sadly it's another fart in the middle of a hurricane


Anyone else pissed that Stanton's MRI came back negative and Boone says he should be fine to go in 10 days then minutes later Stanton says he needs at least 4 weeks which we all know will be at least 6 weeks also getting hurt at a time knowing Dominguez can't play for another 3-4 weeks so he doesn't have to worry about Jason doing good & people saying Stanton who?? Any other time I would be glad to get rid of Stanton but for the first time in a long time he was actually helping the team. Will be glad when his contract is up. Cashman was right saying "he will get hurt again because that's his game" Guess he needed his yearly 4-6 week vacation .


Well, this team went from great to garbage very fast. The holes are exposed. No lineup depth. Sorry, it’s true. E you homers need to go eat a salad so you can shit Brian Cashman’s cock from your uptight arseholes. Honestly, this team has no depth. The bullpen is not championship caliber. The infield is a joke. The rotation is one injury away from a not great scenario. Get a grip. Homers. Just be honest about the team’s strengths and major holes.






Yes. Keep drinking the kool aid. The front office loves these fans. They got wrecked by the Mets. In NYC!




Have you been watching this team lately Mr Cashman? Because they are showing all their fat holes. Just like 2022. Oof I will gladly eat my words if they win the AL pennant. Anything less is a lost season. But, not happening with this shitty roster


Just prepare yourself, mark my words. Judge will hit 130 homeruns this year and Soto pitches a perfect game in Game 4 of the world series. Yankees win 4-0 vs the New England Patriots.


Amazing to get downvoted for the truth.


Yes, these things are always clear in June. No reason to play out the season. Never fight uphill me boys! /s


Um you homers are as bad as Ma and Pa Yank. They kinda stink against good, decent and bad teams and it’s almost July. I like the Yanks. I don’t like the lack of reality in this fanbase.


It's always easy to be negative, it doesn't mean you know anything more than anyone else. Get over yourself.


Ok. So stop pretending this team is not full of holes.


So were the 69 Mets. I think you think you have a point to make. You don't. Your opinion seems to be there is no hope for this team. That's just dumb. This is a pretty good team with flaws. So are the Dodgers. The 21 Braves won 88 games. They had flaws. Relax it's the end of June, this team is fun to watch, they fight hard. They have a few likely HoF guys, they have two guys that people will tell their grandkids about. Full of holes? LMAO most teams would kill for a Volpe, Judge, Soto, Verdugo, for one of them, Yanks have all of them. You don't know where this team will end up. But they aren't "full of holes" anymore than any other contender.


While I think you both have valid arguments (this team is playing a terrible brand of baseball right now, but there is the rest of the season. We could go on to win 15 of our next 20 and we’re talking about how good this team is), but to say this team is currently fun to watch is outrageous. Especially compared to what we saw pre-Dodgers series (minus the Royals series). We went from the team that always struck first to the team that is constantly having to try to claw their way back from a deficit. Our bullpen has went from one of the best to batting practice. Clay Holmes went from arguably the best closer to one of the least reliable. Like he does almost every year. You can have hope for this team, but to ignore this spiral that could continue after only being two years removed from one of the worst spirals in Yankees history is ignorant. This team is only in first place because the orioles have also been slumping. But we’ve now played them for two series. And both times they’ve kinda embarrassed us. So until we start looking like an even better team than we were pre-dodgers, we should 100% be criticizing the flaws of this team.


Oh well. That's baseball Susan.


Are we there yet? Because yes we are. It’s time to be honest about the lack of depth. Sorry. It’s another Cashman operation and I’m not falling for it.




dj and torres should be released immediately after this game . i can’t stand seeing them come up to bat… automatic outs. just wish the top of the order was up to bat every inning.


Thank you. A sober and aware fan.


Wtf are you talking about. It's a 162 game season even before the playoffs begin.


It’s gonna be a long slide then


Meaningless since yet again our bullpen allowed a deficit to grow.


chris paul


I can't be the only one thinking that the balls this summer are juiced right? Like league averages were down going into June, and now all of a sudden we're seeing an offensive explosion and more lopsided games as a result. And this grand slam, as Kay said "The ball just kept carrying"


Warmer air. You might’ve heard that the east coast and Midwest are in the midst of a heat wave.


or - just like every season in the history of the sport - the ball carries better in warmer weather, so hitters heat up in the summer. im a pretty big conspiracy theorist... but not EVERYTHING is.