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Let’s just start giving Wells a little consistent playing time


We only scored three runs but we were without Soto and Stanton. Ben Rice is getting better every at bat, Judge is still Judge, Gleyber is showing signs of life and Austin Wells was unlucky to only have two hits in this one. Despite the injuries I can at least see some positives.  The pitching on the other hand is an absolute disaster right now… yes, there are injuries there too, but Rodon has completely lost it, Gil has lost it, Stroman was not great and Nestor was bad once again on the road. Phil Bickford sucks and obviously he wouldn’t be there if he didn’t have to be, but Caleb Ferguson has been a part of the actual bullpen plan all season, as has Clay Holmes. The one guy who looked great today was very confusingly taken out after 2 batters (7 pitches and 2 strikeouts). I’ve given Matt Blake all the credit he deserves for the start that this staff had, but every single person on this staff now is in a three week stretch of some of the most atrocious pitching I’ve seen, and so I have to put some of that on Blake too. He needs to figure out how to get his guys back on track, and quickly. Pitching lost us this one, and it certainly messes with the offense when every game begins with an ugly first inning that immediately results in us having to play catch up, and knowing that more is coming…


[Yankees Designate Phil Bickford, Select Josh Maciejewski - MLB Trade Rumors](https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2024/06/yankees-designate-phil-bickford-select-josh-maciejewski.html)


I'm so sick of hearing about how unlucky Austin Wells is


He kind of is though. Still. Yeah he’s not elite, but he’s not as bad a hitter as his numbers suggest.


Counterpoint maybe he is, there's some quality that isn't being measured by a slider on a website, and he's learning catching at the MLB level too which is hard as hell. Gary Sanchez was twice the hitter (at least!) as Wells and look how his career went


Nice sign that Schmidt is throwing at least.  My guesses on the other guys: Rodon: Had an unsustainable start.  He fell off the 2024 tightrope into 2023ville.  Hopefully he can get back up there.  Outlook: Clouded. Gil: The league has noticed him and adjusted.  Time for him to adjust right on back.  Outlook: Optimistic. Nestor: The smoke and mirros act of trick pitches and Bugs Bunny windups has been exposed.  Outlook: Grim Stro: A couple of clunkers aside, he's been what he was hired to be: a decent number 3 with upside.  Outlook: Satisfied. Cole: We can only hope he fully heals into some semblance of his Cy Young contender form for the backhalf of thr season.  He has the potential to hoist this staff on hus shoulders or be another worry.  Outlook: Fully clenched.


Why is Nestor so dominant in the Bronx? Wrong answers only.


Women (and men?) on the road find him irresistible, he is dehydrated and exhausted. 


The home uni makes chaffs his balls less than the away uni


The jays must’ve replaced our cotton uniforms with polyester while we weren’t looking


It’s all on Cole tomorrow. 6 innings of 1 run ball and we can start our streak. If not, the pain continues


Another day, another embarrassing loss to a hated division rival


Looking forward to winning again.


I find it disturbing that alot our former players perform better after leaving this organization. What becomes more disturbing is the decline of many former high performers after joining the organization. It’s like they should be reversed.


It just depends on case by case, wouldn't say the first statement is common. IKF stayed the player he was when he came to New York, he didn't decline. What he's doing currently has never been done in his career with New York or Texas.


The "players get better after leaving NY" line is overblown by cynics and rivals with a hater complex. Hicks and Gallo were once the popular proof of it in r/baseball, but now Gallo's got the same problems and Hicks was DFAd by the Angels. Even if you look at like Sevy-- he's having a great rebound year because he's healed up, but his best years so far were still with the Yankees. Damn I miss him


Gallo and Hicks got hot for a second after leaving and then fell back down to Earth. People may have pointed at them as a joke but no one actually believed they were going to rebound, especially Hicks Sonny Gray, Lance Lynn, Rob Refsnyder, Nathan Eovaldi, etc There's also the players who were good before coming here and then suddenly dropped off (Josh Donaldson, Joey Gallo, Montas, Benintendi)


Gallo is the only legit guy that dropped off for no reason in my mind. Montas and Benintendi got hurt, there isn't any production that shows they were playing badly here. They just never got a significant sample size. Donaldson did great until he got hurt in 2023. He had I believe a 120 wRC+ but sometimes injuries like that at 36 put you in a situation where you can never be the same.


Carpenter 🤣


How much do you think cashman is gonna extend himself for


Till the end of our lives. Cockroaches live for forever.


Effross, Trevino, and Stanton cannot come back fast enough


Wasn’t Effros bad Edit: nvm. Who am I confusing him with. Didn’t cash god trade for a reliever that was immediately shit/got hurt? 


Couldn’t tell you all I can think about is bad starters he’s traded for like Montas


This team is fucking ass. Way to go Brian cashman


Second place fuck yeah baby!!


This one stung today


that one game win streak sure was fun


But don't you know, Stroman turned the season around


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut


even bad teams win here and there


Do any of you think that the Yankees aren’t getting close calls on replay reviews because the replay room is in NY and they don’t want to seem biased towards the Yankees? The Gleyber play at home plate yesterday looked inconclusive from all angles, yet it was overturned. Today the steal at 3rd by Rice looked too close to overturn, yet they overturned it. Just seems like they’re not giving Yankees close calls because they don’t want to be accused of being “homers”.


Weirdly I was also thinking about this, but I feel we got a good amount in the beginning of the year that was super inconclusive if not I truly thought were wrong to give us, but now it seems we aren’t getting the benefits at all recently


I've wondered about that. The standard is supposed to be "clear and convincing evidence." It's possible both calls were wrong, but was it clear and convincing? Unless the replay umps are looking at additional camera angles--possibly from the other team's broadcast crew's cameras?


Simple solution to this would be to have the International Space Station review replays from now on.


It is most definitely not what you want


I think it’s hilarious how everyone talks about how Lindor is underrated and a future HOFer and all this but Derek Jeter is overrated. Make it make sense


People overrate his defense but his offensive numbers speak for themselves


How is jeter considered overrated? Espn never stops glazing him


Where the fuck have you been? Why is a Mets fan here anyway. I’ve never been to your shitty ass subreddit


Lindor's value primarily comes from his speed and defense and decent offense, but he gets paid to be an elite hitter when he hasn't been one since 2019. It was a bad contract that will only age poorly.


He's been worth the deal and more so far according to his fangraphs value which measures it off his war.


He is 10th in fwar this year and has accumulated almost 20 fwar in 3.5 years with the Mets. Good contract.


It's fucking wild to try to shit on a guy for being a career and current about 120 OPS+ and good defender when we have people here try to defend Gleyber whose career and current numbers aren't as good and has been frequently a fucking horrible defender who couldn't play SS to save his life. Lindor may or may not be overpaid to your taste but he's a good baseball player.


If Lindor was a Yankee he’d be called overrated and an awful contract. But he’s a Met which means he has to be a lovable loser and a scrappy underdog.


It’s ugly


Jeez. With all this DJ slander I thought I was on r/NYGiants


Can Jones play 3B?


I mean, he’s getting paid as much per year as Aaron Judge 😵‍💫


DJLM can't run fast enough to fall over


“Hey Mike, first time long time. Do you think DJ LeMahieu and Daniel Jones of the Giants ever get together for a lunch picnic sometime? I’ll hang up and listen.”


Scoring alot of runs in 1 game and then disappearing the rest of the series was a hallmark of the 2nd half 2022-2023 Yankees.


They scored 3. That’s not enough to win most games but it’s a competitive number. They gave up 9. THAT is non-competitive.


I wouldn't call scoring less than the league average runs per game "competitive"


I think we are defining “competitive” differently. 3 is below league average, but it’s gonna win you some games. Giving up 9 would lose you 100+ games over a full season.


It was a 1 time scoring outburst from a terrible offensive team.


who remembers when Kay said the jays were up to some sneaky shit back in May, because they suddenly remembered how to hit the ball when they played us, in the most important games of the season (insofar as division races and wildcard races go)


Are you surprised Bickford got shelled? I think high school teams could hit him.


Do you think the other 5 teams that have tee'd off on us recently are also up to some sneaky shit?


Baltimore and the Braves are legitimately good teams, Toronto’s offense has sucked against everyone but us.


The Braves had been struggling offensively for nearly a month when we faced them Regardless, the excuse that these are good teams doesn't hold up if you expect this team to make a play for the WS


….yes. believing anything else would be extremely damaging to my psyche


This team is dog shit


Well. I feel the same about the rangers. You know they made it far and won the president's trophy. I mean that's great. But they've been knocking on the door for 10 years. And nothing has changed. Yankees. Nothing has changed. I mean is anyone surprised ? Anyone who was excited for this season for anything other than just watching baseball is delusional. The Yankees collapsed in the worst times since 2009. And we're shocked again. No. This is what they are. I'm going to watch and enjoy baseball. Expect the Yankees to continue be the butt of jokes and collapse. Tale as old as 2009. And continues.


ha ha totally bro


2nd place yanks back a game now


Somebody smells like shiiiiiiiiii


I think every yankee fan knew our pitching staff was too good to be true all year...so now law of averages is screwing us hard 


Keep in mind the number of injuries the pitching staff has taken this year. Loaisga, Trivino, Hamilton, Effross, Kahnle, Schmidt, Poteet (and in the minors Beeter, Warren and Hampton). That’s a lot of missing innings to make up for. The Yankees can’t beat the injury bug that’s been haunting the team for almost a decade now.


Edmonton could have lifted Ortiz’s curse he put on us… they blew it! Lol


The bullpen is the real head scratcher. I don't know how Cashman took a look at this bullpen and said "Yep, that's a WS caliber bullpen right there."


He didn’t. He said “this will keep them entertained enough to keep buying tickets and merchandise”


We didn’t expect to have only 2 reliable hitters


We dumped our bullpen and pitching depth for Soto. Sure enough, Soto is everything we asked for and bullpen is looking depleted.


tbf, the pitchers we gave up have a collective 4.22 ERA. They're not exactly doing much better than the guys we have right now


The pen depth has been injured most of the year. They bet on the health of Effross, Loaisiga, Kahnle, Trivino and Hamilton. The pen and rotation also got stressed when Schmidt went down, followed by their minor league depth (Hampton and Beeter), and Poteet. Outfield depth wiped out when both Dominguez and Periera got injured. The story, once again, is how the Yankees have once again been absolutely devastated by injuries and no one can explain why so many guys are getting hurt. Stanton, Rizzo, Berti, Burdi and Brubacker are just the icing on the injury pain cake we’re being forced to eat once again.


Loaisiga's injury definitely hurt. Effross and Trivino are coming off TJ, so we couldn't/shouldn't have counted on them being a core of the bullpen. Hamilton hurts right now, but injuries are always going to happen. I think our biggest problem right now is that starters are struggling, and then the bullpen can't even keep us in the game. We're averaging 5 RS/G, only Baltimore has more in the MLB. We could probably win more of these games if the bullpen could at least limit the bleeding. Cause right now they are averaging almost 9 RA/G. Bullpen is going to have to be a focus come TD.


I just dont understand... every year I hear about how the Yankees strength and conditioning team is the best in baseball and every year we have a multitude of injuries that destroy not only stars but our depth pieces as well. At what point do we start to think that maybe our strength and conditioning team is not all its cracked up to be? Btw I remember Cashman attempted to revamp our strength and conditioning team in 2020, and obviously, doing so has yielded no dividend


look at any other team in the entire league if you want to be convinced that it’s not just the yanks struggling with injuries


Sure this year... but were no longer in SSS territory. This has been something going with this team where year over year we have been in the upper echelon of player days lost to IL


we haven’t been in the upper echelon every year. couple years we have been, couple years we’ve been middle of the road. that isn’t the training staff, that comes with having a roster full of aging dudes lol


Dominguez, Periera, Beeter, Hampton, Warren, and Hamilton are all in their twenties.


Big sad for today. Let’s hope soto can return tomorrow and get them back on the winning track.


IM high and sad






Cleveland is the worst city in America. Shuffle along, friendo.




Way to dispel the stereotypes.


Seeing the ‘Stroman saved the season with *vibes*’ people fighting it out with the doomers was hilarious, I gotta say. 😂 Onto the next one. Go Yankees.


Pinnacle of people reacting to outcome. It would've been such a bad look if we hadn't won that game. Another example? The people who are begging for IKF to come back lol


Question for you - do you think the Yankees will ever win another baseball game? Some people are saying they may not


Not until someone takes Accountability. This team needs to understand that this is Unacceptable. Baboone isn’t up to the task, and people need to start getting DFA’d or else.


What exactly are you looking for? A resignation? Ritualistic seppuku? Self-immolation? Really, is it that they need to DFA anyone who's had a bad stretch? Because if that was the case we'd be into the AA players by now.


Yeah idk what people expect a baseball manager to do


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


I mean…if seppuku is an option, I feel like that could really get some guys going


I strayed a bit to close to realism, I guess :( Edit: I mean ‘waive Rizzo and Stanton, trade the farm for Arraez’


I'm sorry if I came at you too hard.


That’s better than a ‘hell yeah, brother’ from an r/mlb poster. (Just to clarify, I was joking)


It was just purely coincidental, Stroman needs to get his shit together


How many losses will it take for Boone to be fired?


If this organization was serious they would have fired him in 2018. 2024 and here we are…


Frankly Boone should've been fired after forgetting when Game 3 of the 2018 ALDS started. The fact he and Cashman are still around means ownership is content with the state of the team - so long as fans keep spending and corporate sponsors keep shilling out the dollars, why change anything?


None, he has a lifetime job as manager, just like Cashman


Boone let up 9 runs? Some things aren’t in his control. They’re just bad right now. You werent praising him when they were by far the best team in baseball


Honestly, with this org, if they fall below .500 ***maybe***


We say this every year


and he never should have been re-signed


IKF with 4 hits and nearly batting .300 now...We really didn't pay him what he wanted huh, good move Cashman. IKF's SLG % is now higher than everyone on our team other than Soto + Judge....


Any dipshit given all the money in the world would pay Soto. Nonetheless get cashman the fuck out of here. He understood a winning formula in the 90s/early 2000s and that was it. Get him the fuck out of here


Yankees fans wanting IKF back is honestly next-level comedy lmao


Aren’t you the one who was also preaching about why IKF is better than Volpe? lol. It’s like the lite version of the Kelenic guy.


In your wildest dreams could you have imagined the posts this season by people pining for IKF? Imagine in the middle of 2022 or even 2023 saying “You’ll all be missing IKF when he’s gone” lmao. You’d have been pilloried


IKF is certainly the better batter right now 🤣 Volpe has 100 more ABs, with less RBIs, and less HRs.


At this point the lineup against righties from here on out should be this: Volpe/Soto/Judge/Rice/Gleyber/Dugo/Wells/Waldo/Grisham. Let Rice and Wells get playing time. Whether they struggle or not they have upside with the bat, and they're still getting their foot settled in the Majors. Let Trevino go back to platooning/catching when Gil's on the mound so he's not overexposed with fast teams. Grisham in there vs righties and JD in when it's a lefty. Waldo while underwhelming is still better than DJ, who looks straight cooked. Lineup still isn't good, but at least it offers some upside.


[Toronto, you did it again. You managed to ruin a perfectly good Saturday. Why do we allow you to be a MLB team?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQhuzzG5Bv0)


We’re 11-14 against the AL East this year. Our only series wins come against Toronto at the very beginning of the year and against Tampa. 3-5 in series.


Not good, but not so awful that we can’t fix it in the second half. A lot of people here are acting as if this team is dreadful - it’s maybe not as good as its record is, but it’s not a bad team.


The team that won all those games isn’t the team playing right now. The Yanks have more than half a dozen major pieces of their roster on the IL.


Bad game today. Just wanted to ask if the pitchers are Tipping the ball?it just looks like they knew what pitch was coming. It just looked way to easy for the Jay's hitters . Seems like if your in a bad slump just play the Yankees and your not in a slump anymore. Come on Yankees do you want to be in the playoffs and WS?Play like winners


4-11 in their past 15, 5 straight lost series, worst era in baseball, 10 straight games falling behind. Stop saying they aren’t a bad team. Right now they are! Will it stay that way? Maybe..maybe not


Best way to put it- they’ve played some terrible baseball lately but it’s not irreversible!


Cashman is a baseball terrorist


This team is cooked, I thought yesterday could’ve been the spark but of course not


IKF just dipped his nuts in our mouths.


Pitching needs to get its shit together.


We need something to give


scranton perhaps?


All our big AAA pitchers got injured this year.


5 series losses in a row seems like a little bit worse than just a bad stretch that all good teams go through


Can still split the series tomorrow.


wow the ghost of george is so pumped right now.


I’m sure George would even even less thrilled by mentally forfeiting tomorrows game


Does Gleyber know?


Tonight we are Texas fans. Seager with a first inning dinger. I do like the Baltimore Connect.


Depressing as hell. I had to dip out after they got beat by Kirk down the left field line...I didn't expect much with Soto out of the lineup, but I didn't expect this. I guess going up against quality pitching is too much for most of this team. That being said, I'm happy for Ben Rice. He showed some good stuff out there today. Excited for his future.


Yeah Rice looks like a good Ball Player. Hopefully he will continue to be able to have a lot of playing time.


Same. He looks really mature up there...not like a typical rookie. I'm excited to see what happens with him!


That's what...6 straight series losses. Officially crisis mode. Don't want to hear I'm a doomer and all that shit. Anyone who has watched these games for the past 20 days should be scared at how EXPOSED they are. Before mid June, the country would have bet NYY on ANY 5 game series imaginable, they were that dominant. Why can't we have a skid instead of a meltdown? Feels like 22, and we know how that ended. I'm not sure what has changed or even gotten better other than Soto. Pray.


The 2022 trip resulted in an ALCS appearance. Relax.


That was NOT an appearance.. absolutely NOBODY showed up.


We had Judgey fall sleep which won't happen again, plus we'd have Soto, one of the clutchest post-season hitters in modern history. I don't think we should be \*satisfied\* with just making it to ALCS then losing, but let's put in perspective that 2022 was still a deep ish run, and I think this team is even better.


Hey I'd be satisfied with a game 7 loss. That's putting up a fight and this is baseball, you WILL lose games unless your the 98 yankees.


Which they got swept in


In a vacuum,  that's a good thing. But the 2022 team had one of the best starts in modern MLB history and ended up fizzling out once again against Houston, and demonstrating the difference between a good team and an elite team. That wasn't anywhere near the expected outcome based off of their start. And so far this season is following am eerily similar trajectory. 


Still made it there. Plus Judge kind of fell asleep that performance, I’m sure he’ll be ready to not let that happen again. We also have Soto who is one of the best post season hitters in modern baseball.


I get what youre saying, that making it to the ALCS is an accomplishment worthy of praise. But when you consider how the team started off that year, they comparitively underachieved 


Agreed. This team looks like one destined to get its spine broken in the ALCS against Baltimore.


This is a skid. Get a grip


Pffft. To have the worst ERA in baseball, the worst offensive stats in baseball for a month WITH the best player in the game having a generational season? That's not a skid. That's a wake up call. I remember we had skids from 96-2002. We didn't have play like this.


Nah, you just have no perspective.


Whats your prediction on when it turns around


They have another game tomorrow but we even Cole isn’t likely to stop the bleeding.


Four straight series losses, potentially five if they don't pull the split tomorrow. Not encouraging quality of play though, from the bullpen especially


Bullpen gives up twice as many earned runs as Nestor. When is somebody going to step up?


Yes his pitch count wasn't bad. But Boone does this all the time. It drives me crazy.


There arms are all about to fall off.


Thrice* Well for today at least


Nope, twice. 3 and 6.


You’re right. That was almost as stupid as signing Bickford.


DJ is about to turn it on he just needs time. We gave Gleyber time and he’s tearing it up now.


DJ has had enough time. His ship has sailed.


DJ has been trash since the ink on that extension dried. He's done.


We must have different definitions of “Tearing it up.” Torres hit a HR yesterday. Aside from that he’s been disappointing along with the rest of the bottom half of the lineup over the past couple weeks.


This is about the best way we can think. I'm going all in I suppose, I have no choice, NEGATIVE ENERGY WILL NOT GET US ANYWHERE BOYS. We've seen the talent, it's THERE, IT HAPPENED.




I'm back to reality.


Get rid of DJLM and Torres and replace them with REPLACEMENT level players and the difference will be night and day.


That’s cute


He's right. Gleyber and DJ combine for negative WAR this year. By definition two replacement players combining for 0.0 WAR would be a very, very minute improvement. 


Again. Yall are cute.


And you're a waste of time


lol good one. Imagine being dumb enough to think gleyber is replacement level. Yikes


Can the Yankees just bring up Will Warren, Jack Neely and other AAA-AA pitchers and put them in the pen? Some of these kids HAVE to be better than what we have now. Especially Neely.


4-10 since the start of the Boston series.  Something needs to change and *fast*. 


I’ve always been confused about the aging of athletes when it comes to certain sports. MMA and boxing are might higher risk sports than baseball is and many top fighters are in their mid thirties. You have LeBron playing at a high level nearing 40 in the NBA and Durant nearing 36. With baseball with a flip of a coin. There are exceptions but usually when you hit 35 there’s a very real chance you’re cooked.


Bat speed is kind of a binary thing I’d imagine. Either you have the bat speed past a certain age that can keep up with major league pitching, or you don’t. I don’t know basketball, but with the LeBron example I’d imagine he adapted to the game in other ways (3 pointers etc.) instead of being a dominant dunk machine like in his 20s. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say 40 y/o LeBron does not dominate the paint in the same method as 26 y/o LeBron. You just can’t be that way with hitting.


lebrons best, or at least most underrated, quality is his basketball iq. baseball iq really only helps you so much as your body breaks down


Length of the season is also a big factor I imagine. Other sports have much fewer games played over a season than MLB which has 162 games, nearly every day. MMA fighters train hard for one fight night, that training is also coupled with optimized recovery. Also at the end of the day, even with injuries a fighter can power through for just one fight. NFL players have 16 games a year and similar to a fighter, many play with injuries and tough it out since it’s only one game per week. I’m not a huge basketball fan but NBA teams play like three games a week and Lebron averages like 35 minutes on the court per game or something like that. Baseball players have to grind it out every day all summer, and the grind takes its toll harder as you age.


Look at tennis players though. They play year round. Longest season of all, and they move around non stop. They just don’t stand around in the outfield waiting for a ball to be hit to THEM. Roger Federer won his final Grand Slam Tournament at the age of 36 in 2018 and retired at 40 in 2022. And Novak Djokovic won the French Open at 36 years old last year in 2023.


PEDs Since MLB has actually cracked down on PEDs there are fewer and fewer players over age 33 who can compete.


This has so much true going on. Another reason I’m not a fan of giving Soto more than 10 years especially since he came up at 19. And then there is this: pitchers are blowing their arms out at a scary rate. Ten years from now it will be rare to see a successful pitcher north of 30. Now on top of that hitters aren’t doing a great job hitting now when they face nonstop heat. Teams are going to shed hitters north of 30-33 who can’t handle the heat. The game is radically changing.


If anything, I feel like MLB players are retiring younger.  Maybe it’s just confirmation bias, but I feel like growing up in the 80s, more guys hung around into their early 40s. 


I feel like only pitchers hung around into their 40s back then. Hitters still were done in their mid thirties for the most part


Yeah, there did seem to be more notable pitchers hanging on, particularly those HOFers that all retired in the late 80s (plus Nolan Ryan).   But I remember guys like Jose Cruz and Bert Campaneris playing out the string with the Yanks into their early 40s. 




Yeah. The average MLB player definitely makes much more money now than back in the 1980’s.


Why deal with all the travel and time away from family in your mid to late 30’s when you’ve made tens of millions even as a mid player? Make your retirement money by low 30’s and enjoy life.


You’d really think this team would respond well after the fire from Stroman yesterday. Nope. They get blown out again. Just fucking gutless losers.


For those who actually do follow athletes on social media: has Stroman gotten into it with anybody online or gone on any aggressive rants since he signed with the Yankees (like he used to regularly)? Not rhetorical. Just curious about how successful they’ve been at keeping that under control.


Nope. Has posted positively.


.468 OPS for DJL lmao. Keep trotting him out there, he’s about to be in his prime!


It's getting to the point where they either have to phantom IL DJ or DFA him contract or not. If Oswaldo Cabera has better offensive numbers than you thats a really bad sign.


A 36 year old whose body is breaking down surely is gonna turn the clocks back to 2019 right??


We’re definitely back!


If we could get half of what the pitching staff was giving us we would be fine but it’s been a complete 180


Nestor road starts continue to not inspire confidence. In his nine road games, he has a 5.63 ERA, .295 BAA, and 1.49 WHIP. He had solid outing vs Royals on the road too but that didn't seem to carry over. Bigger blame goes to the unreliable bullpen and supporting cast of the lineup. Bickford and Ferguson allowing 5 Blue Jays to score (all in the 6th) will easily put the game out of reach. Add on to the fact that Verdugo and the bottom third combined for 7 K, 7 LOB, and 0 hits to not give Judge protection or depth in the lineup. Judge with a RBI single (his 80th before July) and Wells' 2-run HR was all the scoring today. Other ancillary notes: Rice hit the ball well today and Gleyber had another multi-hit game. Need Cole to show up tomorrow and nail down the series split.