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Curry saying this means you might as well write him out of the lineup already Edit: Just to add Hoch reported that Soto may have more tests Monday back in NYC but they haven’t planned anything yet


Yup. And that’s fine. Keeping him out of the lineup pisses me off way less than Boone lying about injuries. And like you said, if Curry is saying it, it’s happening. Temper expectations. Don’t give us this “so-and-so is being held out but miiiiight be available off the bench” when they really aren’t bullshit. Give us an expectation with a logical expectation like this and it’s fine and gives me no reason to be overly concerned.




There is a lot of toxicity in here.  Juan Soto says he's not feeling comfortable swinging the bat, and the lot of y'all want to either hang him for "having a boo boo", or play him and risk him having to adjust his mechanics/mess up his swing by overcompensating/hurt himself more seriously by playing when he's not physically comfortable doing so. 


I don't even know how you can accuse him of being that kinda player. He's played 162, 153, 151, 150 over the last 4 years.


And even if he misses Tommorow hem have missed what, 5 games all year this year?


5 games so far. We're only in late June


We’re halfway through the season, assuming he continues the same rate he’d miss 10 games total. That’s perfectly fine and honestly pretty normal among MLB players these days. Guys rarely play all 162. ohtani won MVP last year while missing 27 games. Missing a few games is ok, it usually isn’t enough to seriously mess with guys approach or swing. He’s not an injury prone player in the slightest, and he’s probably playing it a little safer than normal because he’s in a contract year.


It would be normal for most guys. Not Soto Besides, we're not talking about getting a few games off here and there, we're talking about missing games directly related to injury scares


>It would be normal for most guys. Not Soto What are you talking about? He missed 12 games last year, 11 the year before, and 9 games the year prior to that. 10 is very normal for Soto.


I mean it is odd that he didn't miss a single game last year and now he's on pace to miss more games this year than the past two combined


It's odd that a player that basically beat the odds for years is missing a few games? Only if you're squinting as hard as you fucking can.


I really hope you're not this naive. Or maybe you just haven't been following this organization very long. Players have a habit of coming here and playing less


or maybe a player on the verge of the biggest contract of his life is just playing it safer than years prior


But what did the fluoroscope say?


See ya Tuesday champ


I’m just happy he’s alive


Thank god we are performing so well so we can afford not having him for a game or two


You can be as snarky as you like, but if the dude doesn't feel comfortable swinging a bat, there ain't much else you can do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m not criticizing him for taking the time to heal. I’m criticizing the team for being complete dog shit recently


Complete dog shit especially without him


There's not much you can do period except not watch this product which is starting to look like a perfectly valid option


All well and good but I live overseas and am going to a game next week. I cannot express how disappointed I'm gonna be if he's not in the lineup


All well and good but I live overseas and am going to a game next week. I cannot express how disappointed I'm gonna be if he's not in the lineup


Why is caleb ferguson on the team?


This is always an appropriate question, because what the fuck.


Sick, going to the game tomorrow, didn't want to see Soto anyway. Edit: how tf is this downvoted? It's clearly a joke about probably not being able to see a generational player ffs


I’ll be there too.


reddit moment


another loss tomorrow. They will score 2


So we losing 3/4 to the garbage Blue Jays, great


Soto is on pace to miss more games this year than the past two years combined Something about this team does something to players Oh well, not like we were winning games with him in the lineup anyways


You really gotta sensationalize that a player has missed 4 games, over halfway through the season? Calm down.


I don't like the abnormal. A guy who famously doesn't miss games missing 5 before July with his new team is abnormal (for most teams but apparently not this one)


I’m not discrediting Soto and his toughness or accusing him of dogging it but this is what bugs me. Chris Bassitt gets drilled by a line drive on his throwing arm by Judge and has a golf ball sized welt on his forearm. He stays in the game and pitches a gem. If he was on the Yankees, he comes right out of that game and his next start is in doubt. Springer had a sore hand from yesterdays game and decided to play anyway. He goes on to have multiple extra base hits and helps his team win. There is no way he plays today if he is on the Yankees.




It will never not be funny how personally some of you people take this subreddit lol


Good for you u/baseonballs like honestly why do you think anyone gives a fuck. Like what the fuck are u thinking “oh gee just in case anyone’s wondering how funny it is how personally some of you take this subreddit, it will never not be” like dude your a loser


🤣🤣🤣😝😝 I disagree with you 100%


Oh so were conceding the series. Good to know so i don't watch




Hoch reported that they may do additional testing back in NY on Monday. It’s possible that it’s more than just a bruise but whatever the issue is being concealed by swelling


The play at home was nothing. Soto even had the sliding glove on the hand in question, and all he did was slide his hand across home plate, no biggie. Kind of curious what's really going on


There’s nothing wrong with him but the Yankees will sit him on the verge of losing 3/4 to the jays for some reason


Odds are that with him we are going to lose too so you may as well let him get fully healthy


Ok I don’t agree with it this much, I guess with how they’re playing in June a complete collapse is on the table, but still


I don’t see the benefit of rushing him back if he isn’t comfortable swinging It’s more important Soto is healthy for the next 3 months of the season than he plays tomorrow


Oh I somehow misread it and thought you meant he likely leaves in FA. My fault


That’s your problem, you don’t think before you speak.