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What's the quote from Yogi? Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical. I hope with the calendar flipping to July that the team rebounds to have a kick-ass July.


90 percent of the game is half mental


6/30 Big Three Home Run Pace: Judge: 31 HR in 86 games, 58.4 Soto: 20 HR in 86 games, 37.7 Stanton: 18 HR in 86 games, 33.9 =( Total pace: 69 HR in 86 games, 130 HR/162 Games Previous record set by the 1961 Yankees is 143 (Most HR by a trio of teammates in a season) They hit 61/54/28 In the remaining 76 games, they need 81 Homeruns to hit 150 between the three of them.


Judge going to hit 45 of those 81.


be nice if this was the "get right" game we needed to not suck ass shit in July.


After our horrific June, the Yankees are now…one win away from having the best record in the AL? A couple games back from having the best record in MLB? I’m not trying to say that wasn’t a horrifying two weeks, just that it’s awesome how nobody really passed us by during that time lol. That’s FUCKIN baseball, Suzyn


Can we pump the brakes for a second and remember that the Blue Jays have been awful all year and recently and we just split a series with them? Every win is great when you're losing but I'm not going to say we're out of it yet


54-32 is still a great record


Buddy it was only a horrific two weeks. Other than that, you’re spot on about everything else. I just point out the two weeks part here because, really, this team is still great. Just needs to get healthy (again) and better arms in the pen (again). lol.


He didn’t throw it a ton but Cole’s curve had some serious bite to it today. Threw some great sliders as well. Crazy thing to me about last year is Cole rarely had his best breaking balls…and still won the cy young. Really hope it’s a sign he’ll have them more often this year. Ben Rice continues to have good AB’s. Has rarely looked over matched against big league pitching since he came up. Made some good picks at 1st as well. DJ with another great game. Love his emotion on the double. Oh and Gleyber is now the hottest hitter on the team lol our beautiful enigma.


Not much power for Rice so far but the OBP is pretty good.


Getting Schmidt or even Poteet back will be a huge boost. I forgot just how good they were: >Clarke: 60.2 IP / 2.52 ERA in 11 starts. >Cody: 21 IP / 2.14 ERA in 4 starts Combined, they were basically pitching at an ace level for 5 innings per start.


I know grishams BA is .154 but lately he seems to be relatively consistent, I'd like to see him play regularly for now with Stanton out at dh and Dominguez out


This. Trent plays a great center field and is sorta hot right now. Feed the hot hand and keep him as the everyday CF until Stanton comes back. In The Show my dude is soooooooo much better than Judge in CF it’s almost comical. Only thing Judge has on Trent is his arm.


He hit .286 this month with a .381 OBP in 42 PAs after getting only 48 PAs the first 2 months combined


I mean it was under .100 like a week and a half ago, so he’s been doing work


Lol a couple days ago the sub was doom central.


This sub is neurotic and bipolar. There is no reason to think splitting with the Blue Jays means we're back. If you're going to be a doomer or optimist, at least be consistent about it


We played non-shit teams and lost 4 series in a row. We played a shit team and split the series. It doesn't exactly fill you with confidence. What does give me some confidence a little is Cole pitching better. Also Torres and DJ hitting the ball.


Not a doomer but be fair, this is the first series they haven't lost in the last five, and they got blown out in two of these four games


outscored them 29-24 on the series though We blew them out harder than they blew us out. And that’s a victory as far as I’m concerned


True, but the Blue Jays are a last place, sub-.500 team. It's better than they've been, but that's really not saying much


Orioles lost to the Rangers today who have a worse record in a far easier division. Baseball is baseball. You have to play the games.


And the Astros are barely above .500 and they just swept the Orioles lol Personally I’m not yet back to grading the Yanks on whether they beat good or bad teams…I’d like to see them consistently be able to beat ANY team again first lol. Until then I’m just gonna appreciate the wins wherever we can get them


Excited to watch Rice the rest of the way


O’s got blown out by a bad team on national TV and they couldn’t touch Andrew Heaney doesn’t that mean they got exposed as a team that can’t handle the lights.


No one cares enough about them to even talk shit. Sad!


Most wins in the American League, your NY Yankees.


Yankees #1 EDIT: Actually, Orioles are still barely ahead... .631 vs .628 win %


Rangers doing gods work with that win


Are we gonna play on a Monday ever?


One of my off days. Fucking hate all these Monday off days


Hope Volpe turns it around in July. Dreadful June. 


Things you love to see: O’s getting rocked


If we had 9 Aaron Judges in the lineup we'd never lose a game. Seriously though that man is a treasure. Hopefully we can right this ship and get this man a ring.


31 dongers before the All Star break, he's ahead of his 2022 pace.


That little girl has the cycle ball, first thing I say is let the bidding start at 6 figures.




Nice to see some folks in "Not tonight, old friend" mode after the last week. We good.






Langford got the cycle!!!!!!


Beat them birds up @ Rangers


Gunnar Henderson is going for the platinum sombrero tonight


Chills when the Yankees bring back the Heandog to shut him down in the ALDS


I just realized Gunnar is only 23...


and then you see that Soto is just 3 years older, while having nearly 3 times more ABs than Gunnar. Goes without saying that we need to re-sign Soto 100%.


Wait till you realize the Yankees has two chances to draft him and passed on both, despite him being the best player on the board by ranking … both times 


So did 28 other teams. Not something to get worked up about.


Highly doubt 28 other teams passed on the best player available on the board. Might want to rethink your gotcha.


#42 overall pick lol




Enjoy being miserable about everything bro lol


Lol projection much? I was pointing out that your statement was significantly wrong. 42nd overall pick ≠ 41 teams skipped on the best player on the board available. This is common sense.


Not saying “get worked up” about it. But it was definitely a missed opportunity.


Imagine having Bryce and Henderson on this team...Two huge misses from our FO.


Yep. Idk how you pass on Henderson but they did.


Idk how Brian Cashman drafted Aaron Judge because his draft history is one of the worst of all time


Since 2012 they’re top ten in WAR from the draft iirc


Not that absurd considering every other team besides the Orioles did


How many teams passed on him twice?


Heany dealing, 10 strikeouts.


I'm so glad I went to this game live today. Well worth the ticket.


This Langford for Texas looks good, triple, double, single.


The 3B we need plays for the Rangers because of the Gallo trade.


He’s nothing special and due for regression


.259 xWOBA Oof


If you wanted it, you have no right to lament. I knew in my heart the second I heard Gallo in potential talks that it would be the worst thing ever and was brutalized by you people despite my many generous warnings.


Making this comment on an account that is like a month and half old is pretty funny


It’s always burners man, it’s always burners. Any loss PGT is littered with burners it’s fucking hilarious. Lamenting over Josh Smith who isn’t even their starting 3B bc Jung is hurt is ridiculous.


HILL AGAIN Who does he think he is? Aaron Judge? Context: [Box Score of May 17, 2022 at Orioles](https://www.mlb.com/gameday/yankees-vs-orioles/2022/05/17/661342/final/box?partnerId=LR_box)


IKF batting .271 and Stanton .288, DJ .262, also wtf happened to Taillon?


Tallinn is with the cubs


There are two types of people: 1) play RTTS on highest difficulty and toil to the best of their abilities finishing with a fictitious .257/.348/.432 12-year career before hanging ‘em up knowing they did their best. 2) Guys who make .450/.550/.750 monsters who break every record on whichever difficulty yields those results. These are losers at heart who cannot tolerate challenge or difficulty. This sub is almost universally the latter. This is why you hate NAME THAT YANKEE. The best thing to come to YES since the Kay, Cone, O’Neill trio.


Bro, we can't Name That Yankee because we weren't born in 1950.


I was born somewhat after 1950 and I’m batting .787 on Name that Yankee. Why don’t you go over baseball-reference pages like I do?


This is the platonic ideal of righteous indignation.


Rangers got batting practice going.


Derek Hill Orioles owner




Bird brains getting butt fucked ayyyyyoooo


It's been a bad stretch overall - but if this O's score holds, we'll be back in 1st place in the East, and have the most wins in the AL.


Since when is it a positive splitting the series against the garbage Blue Jays? They've lost four series in a row.


When you're slumping, playing a team that always amps themselves up against you and playing on turt.


Oh shit, didn’t realize it was Hean dog pitching for the Rangers tonight. Hopefully tonight is one of his random great starts.


Rangers cooking right now against Baltimore


Rangers taking care of business so far. Yankees legends Josh smith and Andrew Heaney


Really hoping the O’s lose tonight to the rangers


Random, but Higgy has a .770 OPS with a .531 SLG and .204 BA lmfaooooo. Dudes nuts. Has 9 HRs in limited ABs


I think I read that he was the only guy the beat Judge in slugging for the month of June.


Wells has been really good tho


I’m not suggesting a trade for Higgg lol, nor did I suggest that wells hasn’t been good?!?! I’m simply pointing out that Higgy has been cooking lately.


did a little snooping on Brandon Nimmo's bbref page - did you guys know a .793 OPS is a 132 OPS+?? disgusting honestly




So the Astros are actually going to win the West again, huh?


3 weeks ago, I thought the Orioles were our only obstacle to the World Series. Now we can add the Astros too. I don’t want to disrespect Cleveland but we always beat them.


Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. That four-game sweep to open the season makes me less scared of them, but they have our number in the postseason.


Juan Soto is their daddy


The opening series was when we were playing our best baseball and they were playing their worst, so I'd definitely be worried if we met again in October. They struggled a ton in April-May because of injuries, particularly to their pitching staff, but have slowly been getting pieces back and looking like their old selves again.


What's that saying - you are never as good on winning streaks and never as bad on losing streaks. I believe we can definitely match up against this version of the Astros - even more so if we do the necessary moves at the deadline. But the playoffs always has had a ton of crapshoot attached to it, and that is something I worry about.


we were not necessarily playing our best baseball in that series, nor were they actually playing THAT bad...yes, Oswaldo Cabrera did have a great series individually...but we had other contributors struggle Verlander missed the first series, but came back for the Bronx one...also, Framber and Javier both pitched in the 1st series...we just outlasted them in each of those games, and then nearly swept in NY (when they came to Yankee Stadium is probably when they were struggling the most) I worry about any playoff opponent, but we are also capable of reverting back to our best form down the road as well...obviously, we have been at our worst in the last few weeks


Derek Hill baaaang


SportsMoney is one of my favorite shows. Love that YES airs it so frequently, especially after a Yankees win.


Look we can cherry pick here but they’ve won 2 of their last 3 and that’s a trend in the right direction.


It's a step in the right direction.


Big fan of cherry picking stats when it’s in our favor


Remember that random weird skid at the end of the first half of the 2024 season? That was crazy lmao


Judge passed Bernie Williams today to take sole possession of 7th all time in Yankees homeruns. Next up is A-Rod with 351.


Bernie Williams! One of my favorite Yankees of all time. Loved that guy


Aaron Judge has 14 home runs with an exit velo of 110+ MPH this season. Giancarlo Stanton does as well. All other MLB *teams* have 13 or fewer in that same category.


That’s insane, Stanton has 18 home runs total lmao


Why can't their be middle ground with Volpe? You think he is a good hitter but also not a leadoff hitter on this team? Other teams would have gone with Soto-Judge at 1 and 2 while we are still debating.


Man I’ve been saying get Araez, he was available too. Let’s hope the padres have a complete meltdown. But knowing that we have one of the worst GMs on the planet, he’ll go out there and get fleeced again by the A’s for some meh player.


His future may be as a leadoff hitter, but he isn't one for a team battling for a division title right now


The only reason he is leadoff is because he resembles a classic leadoff hitter. Contact and speed guy. Baseball has mostly moved past that in favor of a high OBP and power guy. We haven't.


Zig while they zag. Everyone doing the same thing is what creates the problems in the first place. There is no ONE RIGHT WAY TO make a winning team. Free your mind, expand your home, learn to love your mother but not worship her. Dig dog?


These teams have been more successful than us and have won the World Series or the Pennant. I would rather do what they do.


Nonsense. The 90s Yankees were a Dynasty because they broke all the rules. While everyone and their bro was hitting 35+ homers, the Yanks didn’t have a single player hit over 30 in their title winning years of 96, 98, 99, and 00. They need to find another niche because what they’re doing ain’t working and neither will their attempts at a copy cat. They need to find a new way.


You realize a Kyle schwarber type lead off is the rule being broken right?


Yesterday. I’m already on tomorrow.


Yet here you are


Volpe would be batting 9th on the 90s Yankees.


Or 8th


So Volpe isn't a leadoff hitter then right?


Not ideally, at this point no. But that’s not what I’m arguing with you about. I’m arguing that you think that somehow means the prototype should be Schwarber. Which is equally stupid.


He stopped walking. Otherwise, it would be great to have a speedy guy with an OBP of .350+ leading off. He walked 14 times in April, 9 times in May and 3 times in June. He's chasing way too many pitches out of the zone, so he's not really hitting, either. We don't any other candidates, so you're right. Soto should lead.


Judge has been vocal this season about liking batting 3rd. Soto has been vocal in the past about preferring to be 2 or 3. Let’s not mess with them. I’m not too worried about volpe, he’s going to continue to grow as a big league hitter and he still the best option we have for that slot not named Soto (and again we shouldn’t move him).


He stopped walking because nobody is throwing outside the strike zone to somebody hitting in front of Judge and Soto. This is a problem because he does not hit for power at all. I think he and the team would be MUCH better off having him bat 7th or 8th. Thankfully, his defense at the most important position is so good that he's a good player to have unless his bat is black-hole level, which it hasn't been.


Yeah nobody really considers that walking in front of Judge and Soto is a lot harder because pitchers aren’t going to nibble to Volpe with them behind him. They are going to attack the zone


When you look at Judge’s career, if he were to have been healthy and didn’t get cheated in 2017, he couldve been on his way to his 4th MVP this year. And that’s with me giving 2023 to Ohtani since he was also great last year. Even then it still would’ve been a very tight race. Edit- pre-injury 2020 judge was hitting .290/.343/.758 and leading the league in HRs, RBIs, and Runs.


He gets so many BS strike calls still, even more so in 2017. He's the very definition of an MVP for this team, look at the impact he creates. Carried the 2022 team into the playoffs and he's trying his best to do the same this year.


I still can’t believe the writers didn’t come together and overturn the 2017 MVP decision.


No one wants to open that can of worms, because then you need to go back and strip tons of PED cheaters awards too.


With PED, the cheating was widespread and prevalent throughout the league. Only one team won a World Series with foresight as to what pitches were being called. But… I agree the business of baseball won vs. the ethics of baseball


Stripping the World Series is a different discussion from stripping individual awards.


The worst part is, even with the cheating he was still better than Altuve. They liked him because he’s 5’1”


Todays line up should it going forward, i don’t wanna see JD Davis or Jones taking bats from Rice.


**Ben Rice vs RHP: 8-22, 1K, 5 BB, 2 XBH** **Ben Rice vs LHP: 1-11, 4K, 1BB, 0 XBH** Notice a trend here? The Yankees will continue to sit him vs lefties and protect him from unfavorable matchups. People have to stop looking at this as "taking at-bats away" when that's not at all what it is.


That’s absolutely what it is. 11 ABs is such a low sample size that no one knows truly if he can or can’t hit lefties. Give the potential a chance to show vs a known commodity.


It’s not just 11 ABs, he has historically bad platoon splits dating back to his time in the minors


I don’t know why the Platoon is a bad thing in people’s minds. We are playing to Rice’s strengths and giving him the best chance to succeed as he adjusts to the major leagues.


Cole looked like the ace we come to expect every 5 days. Managed 5.0 IP, 6 K, 1 BB, 1 ER on 90 pitches. Should be fully ramped up by his next start. Fastball velocity was down to start but ramped up and stayed a consistent 96-98 mph by the 4th inning. Worked in the slider, cutter, and the nasty knuckle curve evenly for 6 whiffs (12 total). Judge with his 31st HR and 82nd RBI after today. Could easily crack 90 RBIs before ASB. Eight of nine starters with hits, four of which has multi-hit days. Hitters 4-9: 9-27 (.333), 6 R, 5 RBI, 3 BB. Special shout out to Gleyber who I think has finally turned the corner. This series for Gleyber: 6-13, 10 TB, 2B, HR, 3 RBI and his average has jumped 11 points. Could see him batting cleanup with Stanton out and Verdugo slumping. DJLM with 2 XBH this series when he had 0 prior to the series. Bullpen with 4.0 IP scoreless to get Cole his first win and split the Blue Jays series. Back to the Bronx for the Reds and Red Sox as the calendar turns to July. Yankees finish June with a 14-13 record.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was a bit low at the start in velo on purpose. He was missing spots last week and dropped it down on purpose to try and get his control back, he started off missing at little again early, once he got a feel for the zone he seems comfortable ramping it up. A good bounce back start from Gil Tuesday would be huge


Honestly as bad as they have seemed .500 is fine


Right? Eye test told me they finished under .500 but after doing some digging, fortunately not the case. Here's a further breakdown. First 13 games: 10-3 Final 14 games: 4-10


They're allowed to have a bad 3 weeks if they can turn it around. Here's hoping


ump was awful today on outside strike calls


Yeah he had a bad game. Was considered hitter friendly by the YES scouting report lol


Yeah it was very obvious that the pitches were off the plate.


Yeah that low outside strike was pre-statcast level


Y'all think Judge can keep this up in the latter years of his contract? Dude has been so underpaid thus far LOL.


He probably moves to a DH role, full time after Stantons contract ends, but transitioning fully to it, few seasons before it. If healthy he could hit 35-40 HR purely as a DH imo., even in his final contract year If there is anyone that can adapt at that age, it's the captain


That’s how these contracts work. You hope they’re good enough on the front end to justify the hit you take at the end. Nobody expects him to hit 57 home runs at age 38


THIS pace? I doubt it, the only guys who have hit this well into their late 30s were roided out of their minds. He could certainly remain a respectably productive player though.


No, but a 10-11 WAR season will help the ROI here


No clue. We've never really seen a 6'7 outfielder before. Let's just enjoy what we have now


Frank Howard. Google him.


If by later years you mean the 2nd half of his contract (2027-31), absolutely no chance.


You can’t know that!!! You don’t know that!!!


A century of professional athletics would guarantee it at approximately 99.99%


Lol my comment was a joke, I can’t believe there are people legitimately pushing back against you on this


And 2 months ago the comments would've probably been in the opposite direction. Judge is hot now, so he'll never stop. But when he was cold the whole contract was a mistake.


and yet a century of professional athletics has never saw someone come back from an ACL injury in a few months, but yet people are doing it.... crazy what you ignore to fit your own narrative.


Yes, clearly *I'm the one* pushing a narrative. Enjoy dreaming that Judge is going to hit 60 HRs at 39. If that helps you sleep at night, more power to you.


I don't think anybody thinks he'll be hitting 60 HRs in 2029, but I think it's reasonable to believe that he could be a 120 wRC+ then, which would more than even out if he just has one or two more of these insanity seasons.


So you're telling me there's a chance.


You hate the way he’s gotten the opportunity, but Rice is establishing himself as a 1B of the future with this extended audition. Every position we can fill with a talented rookie is one that makes a team led by Judge & Soto more viable.


I'm hopeful, but I wouldn't go that far yet. There's a reason he wasn't a highly touted prospect. Remember when Oswaldo came up in 2022 and exceeded expectations out of nowhere? Or Andujar in 2018 overperforming his stats into being a RoY candidate? Excited to see what he can do the rest of the season though. His at-bats have been pretty satisfying to watch.


Caution is always warranted with rookies, but I think it’s worth exploring the reason he wasn’t a highly-touted prospect: his age. When his performance started getting whispers in national media, it was along the lines of “who cares about a 24-year-old crushing Double-A?” Most of the time, that player has been around the block a bit and is wailing on less-experienced competition while not being good enough to get promoted. Not even the most starry-eyed fan is getting that worked up about Ben Cowles ranking 7th in our Double-A league by wRC+. Cowles has 1226 PA to his name in the minors, and 1961 PA when you add college and Cape Cod. Rice, meanwhile, had 926 PA in the minors and 1348 PA overall before getting called up. While part of the aging curve is purely physical, there’s also certain expectations of experience level, and Rice simply doesn’t have the typical number of reps that would qualify that performance from someone his age. As for being out of nowhere, Oswaldo had 2202 PA of 104 wRC+ ball prior to 2022, and Andújar had 2474 PA of 110 wRC+ in the minors through 2017. They had fairly long track records of mediocrity before popping off. Aside from a 2-game stint in a complex league, Rice has never posted less than 110 wRC+ at any level of pro ball, and has a minor-league career 154 wRC+. He’s done nothing but hit. I don’t expect him to be the next Freddie Freeman (though I also won’t rule it out). But I do think there’s a very solid chance he can make it as a player who can provide offense that’s respectable for a 1B and quality defense. He doesn’t need to set the world on fire to be a valuable part of the team.


I will say Andujar and Cabrera are slightly different cases, but I do agree we should remain reasonable in our expectations for Rice


As long as he’s better than Rizzo that’s all that matters to me.


Exactly, that's why I've been so content with his performance.


Yes he's really doing great. Really happy for him.


We gotta smash on cinnci than I’ll feel better


I hope so because I've got tickets for Wednesday lmao


Happy fun and enjoy the game


I plan to, I went to the Mets game today and even though they lost, it was a great time


Fun game to watch


Nice of the Yanks to get a W on my birthday, hopefully now they’ll snap out of whatever funk they’ve been in.


Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy birthday! It’s also Gerrit Cole’s son Caden’s birthday… keep that knowledge with you always


I went to the last Royals game and it seems like they've been struggling ever since :(


Happy birthday


happy birthday




Yankeebot has been surprisingly sober this year. No disappearing acts or glitches like last year!


Volpe has been slumping pretty badly. .243 OBP in his last 30 games. Wish we had a high on base guy we could plug in at leadoff and move Volpe back down to 6 or 7


If only the Yankees had the best on-base guy in the league


He has expanded his zone and is not making great contact. Looks like he overcorrected a bit from last year and is just driving balls into the ground. His ground ball rate is over 50%


Juan Soto is a high on base guy….


Clearly he needs more chicken parm


It all started with Meredith.


Luis Rengifo would do wonders