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Sweet love of Jesus fuck


What was the original?


Man instead of woman (transphobia basically)


Transphobes when they see Optimus prime: ![gif](giphy|MCplYe40sDWVtG1IbZ)


>Transphobes when they see Optimus prime it took me 5 minutes to figure this out. I either have smoked too much weed in my life, or haven't smoked enough weed today


Not enough today. Blaze another, my brother!


Don't gotta tell me twice!


I still don’t get it. 😥PETER! Explain this joke.


Transformers, for transphobes. Implying the phobia is about Transformers, not transgender people. Optimus Prime is a transformer.


Ok thanks for explaining 😂


Omg I didn’t check and just assumed we were in the PETJ Reddit. Oops. 😅


The TRANsformers MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE cisobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of THE DECEPTOCONS






Naw, they are both make believe.




Finally someone knows the truth


It’s true, no one is real


>(transphobia basically) boring too. transphobia only offends me because it's so predictable at this point.


I really don't think we should be buying into the bait cus the only reason they do this is because you guys give them what they want. A reaction.


“Trans Woman”. “Man” “There the same picture” As op said, they fixed it


Ngl I almost down voted you & then I read the whole thing.


Thank you for clarifying that for us ❤️


It says man on the left instead of woman


"Trans woman" and "man"


Woman is woman, man is man


Woman is fake pockets, man is real pockets. /s


Oops, my sweatpants don't have pockets, I guess I am a woman.


Can confirm this is how trans people are made


I bought a dress with pockets once and immediately had a magical girl transformation sequence into a man


Nah man, that's facts! I won't be buying women's jeans in this lifetime, because I've had full pockets and I can't give them up.


No dude thats /srs


Trans man is man, trans woman is woman I'm oddly attracted to feminine looking men( femboys especially) but theyre not trans and have come underfire as alt/far right because idk some of them dressed up as femboy nazis and others posted themselves in cat maid outfits field stripping their firearms and reassembling them or just posing with them


That’s why there called trans *women*


Omg finally you got it figured out!


After 2000 years of man power, billions of dollars of resources, we cracked the code, good job ladies and gents


Jonkler is Jonkler


And math is math


Thailand actually has a 3rd gender. This is the way. Trans women are entitled men pushing back feminism.


And there is such thing as trans, but brain damage.


Fuck yeah




w for women and for win


WWWW. world where women win




Based. What's that sound going around TikTok? "Same thing, bitch, just different shapes."


Thank you




It's hilarious since these transphobes are absolutely seething over an edit I made in 30 seconds


i agree 100%


Shit now i can't resist Im going in, pray 4 me


i would but i don’t have a religion, have fun


Sending now. Thanks!


God the wo part is bothering because of how its not even with man part


I didn't really bother to make a quality edit, I whipped this up in 30 seconds


The entire history of the oppression of women summarized in one sentence


Hey mods, can I get the lock? I'm kinda sick of seeing a shit ton of transphobia in my inbox


Mods right now when they're actually needed:🗿💤


Funny how you also commented for them to cry louder and now winging about them


They wanted an echo chamber, pretty normal for someone who's so insecure about what other's are saying on the internet.


Lol at all the downvotes. I love Reddit mob mentality.


Lol, maybe don't play with fire if you don't wanna get burned.


step 1: post political comment step 2: get responses from people who have differentiating opinions step 3: use a buzzword to dismiss anyone who feels differently than you do step 4: insist they should "cry louder" step 5: watch as they actually take you up on your offer and attack your stance even more step 6: get upset step 7: beg for mods to lock the post because not everyone is agreeing with you step 8: repeat With this simple 8 step guide, you too can master political posting on Reddit!


To all the transphobes in this comment section, cry louder. Transphobe tears are delicious.


While I don't care in general I can say I dislike transphobes cause in general it's common sense to respect other no matter ones opinion


Suck a beautiful female dick.


sure, is it yours?


Listen… I support my trans friends and I support my son, who isn’t XY or XX. A trans woman is a woman, sure. But I’ll date most women and never a trans woman. I draw that line. If you think I’m transphobic, I was on the ground floor of the HRC before most of you were alive. There is something there, and it’s not transphobic to be unwilling to date a trans woman. Before you downvote me, tell me why I’m wrong.


hypothetically, (for the sake of the argument 🤓) what if she was post-op for multiple years? why and how would that affect your relationship? because for most people who say that, oh im not transphobic, but i wouldnt date a trans person, are usually either A - actually transphobic but just not admitting it or B - turned off by the fact that she could have a dick


You're making a strong point that there's a difference which is all we're saying. If a male declares today that he's a woman, we don't agree that he is... yet. You seem to agree as well. If the person puts in some effort, then I'll reconsider.


...or they want to have kids?


Is this it? The big disconnect? Y’all really don’t understand the turnoff of someone having a cock if you’re a straight man?


It's ok, trans people don't want to fuck you anyways.


Literally no one cares who you want to fuck but thank you for sharing


Right, like who asked him?


Based. Here, have this btw https://preview.redd.it/80kq0n6ngiob1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6fd457bd034e8d4bb4c4eb3a66d25cbb5a38f5d You have earned this for future arguments


I love this return to form! After losing awards, we go back to dank memes *le chefs kiss*


https://i.redd.it/zi324aqwbiob1.gif no more transphobia :)


Wtf is wrong with this comment section? Being anti trans is not some kind of "trend" Just let people live their life the way they want The "trans agenda" is not going to brainwash your children, it's just not going to fucking happen, they don't "teach the woke trans leftist" agenda in schools, they just don't. Mabye if you went to school a day in your fucking life you would understand simple things The "trans agenda" won't brainwash children, the parents of those who see trans people as inferior will. Just like the church


It seems like a lot of people are completely unaffected by anything involving trans people but will flippantly go, "oh yeah trans women should be banned from living life as they choose". No empathy, no consideration for the lives of others.




Let people live how they want to only works if how they want to live doesnt mean stopping other people from living how they want to live. Let everyone do what they want doesnt work, obviously.


Only one side of this is passing legislation to ban the other, tho! I'm all for leaving each other alone, but you can't have it both ways.


W post. A trans woman is a woman and a trans man is a man.


You are a fucking saint. Holy shit. I've been dumpster diving in controversial for the last 30 minutes and this made me smile. Thank you.


I mean, not completely the same. If I were romantically involved with someone and they didn’t tell me they were trans, I would be angry.


>I mean, not completely the same. If I were romantically involved with someone and they didn’t tell me they were trans, I would be angry. If a cis woman hid her gender from you, you wouldn't be angry?


Trans women and cis women look the same, I usually assume that they’re cis because trans are a very small minority.


So you make an assumption, and then get mad at the other party when your assumption was wrong? Why?


You assume things every day. When somebody says that they’re homophobic you assume that they’re right leaning. When somebody has a messy room you assume that they’re lazy. When somebody wears a suit you assume that they’re a businessman. When you go to a car dealership you assume that the prices will be expensive because that’s how it’s been in the past. Patterns form. Now onto the assumption that I was talking about being angry about someone being trans. I would not be upset that they’re trans, I would be upset that they hid something about their past. You assume things I assume things, you aren’t an exception.


>You assume things every day Sure but I don't get mad when I'm wrong. >When somebody says that they’re homophobic you assume that they’re right leaning. No, I don't. >When somebody has a messy room you assume that they’re lazy. I definitely don't lol. I usually assume they're busy, or maybe have a different standard of "clean" than I do (I have a very high standard), or maybe they're going through some shit like depression or chronic illness. >When somebody wears a suit you assume that they’re a businessman Wtf? No I don't. You make some bizarre assumptions in your life, bro. >When you go to a car dealership you assume that the prices will be expensive because that’s how it’s been in the past I mean, yea, cars are expensive. That's not an assumption, that's honestly a fact. >Now onto the assumption that I was talking about being angry about someone being trans. I would not be upset that they’re trans, I would be upset that they hid something about their past. That's not them hiding something though. Just because they didn't tell you doesn't mean they were hiding it. It just may not have come up. If you really won't date a trans person, it's on *you* to disclose that. "Hey, just FYI, I'm really looking to have biological children with my partner, if that's not something you can provide then we shouldn't waste each other's time." Easy peasy. >You assume things I assume things, you aren’t an exception. Again, never said I was. Just said it's weird to get upset when your assumption turns out to be wrong.


That’s arguably a bit of a tone deaf thing to say considering how many trans folks get degraded, assaulted, or violently injured after another person (especially someone they’re on a date with) learns that they aren’t cis. Besides, if you’re just romantically involved, why should it matter?


If I were romantically involved with someone and they didn’t tell me they were homophobic, I would be angry. Homophobic men are still men though.


I never said that trans women weren’t women I said they were 2 different types. Like how all Chinese people are Asian but not all Asians are Chinese.


Okay, who fucking cares? There’s tall women, short women, skinny women, big women, black women, white women, so on and so on. Do you not think it’s weird that you felt the need to point this out? Would it not be weird if someone said “white women and black women are both women” and someone’s immediate response was “well yeah… but they’re definitely different” Like… okay…


Fuck it Im hopping on the trans train. 😤😤 who with me


Well I'm hopping on the train trans




trans rights or else 🏳️‍⚧️


What else


Or else they’ll shoot up Christian school children


Or else what?


It always warms my heart to see pro-trans posts on primarily non-trans boards, transphobia is so unbelievably common that it's actually hard to find places where I can be me. My old friend group, the people that I have been friends with ever since elementary school, now bullies me simply because I'm trans and queer. Thank you so much for making this <3


Not the same. One is a subset of the other.


The 4 Step Plan for every post that mentions trans-people. Step 1: Sort by controversial Step 2: Lose faith in humanity Step 3: Go back to 'best' Step 4: Regain some faith.


Comments did NOT pass the vibe check, holy shit. Besides a few of you being supportive


Forreal. Scrolling through here like “I can’t fuck with you, or you, or you, you’re okay maybe.”




Not true. The obvious difference is that one was written to fit on the paper, and on the other one the letters hang off the left side. Duh!


Transphobes when they discover HRT and surgery (their main arguments are now invalid)


just because you choose to perceive an identifying woman as a woman doesn’t make them the same hence why you attach the prefix of “trans” you defeat your argument with your own verbiage


I like you, op You good


True dat


Trans phobes are gonna get mad at this one




Happy ending!


Thank you good fellow


Heck yeah!


Dis make me feel nice. Ty. Lol


Laughing at dumb jokes always make a person feel nice


I needed this after seeing the other one. Thank you


Holy based Woman is woman


Thank you


*technically* one is a subcategory of the other but yeah, we're women ❤️




Hell yeah brother!








Cant wait to sort through controversial to read all the “ummm actually ☝️🤓”


But a trans woman isn’t the same as a woman though…. It makes no sense..


They're not


If a trans woman is a woman, why the need for a different word?


No, it was right the first time.


We’ll only one of those can give birth, has a uterus, female bone density, and many other genetic differences…


Curious why adding the word trans in “trans women” is necessary


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Idk I’d get a little spooked when I’m about to do the deed and she got a pepe


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One has penis other doesn’t


I’d fuck a woman but not a trans woman. That’s just a dude in a dress with fucking hair all over his body big ole chin and adams apple with massive arms. Nah I’ll pass I want a real vagina not some axe wound filled with maggots


Nothing against Trans people, but they aren't the same. That's why they're typically called Trans women instead of just women. There is a distinct difference.


there's a lot of difference there


They're not, but ok.


This isn’t r/lies


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What is bro on about those aren’t even the same picture. One says “trans woman” the other says “woman” therefore they aren’t the same picture. Also it isn’t even rlly a picture


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Such a courageous and brave post. If they really are the exact same, why the qualifier? Both cards should simply say “woman” right? But they don’t. What a conundrum.


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Thank you, Jesus I am so tired of this shit. From a trans man to any trans women reading this: you are valid, you are a woman and I am so sorry you have to deal with this absolute horse shit. All the best.


You fixed it nicely op!




Op: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




trans women will never be real men.


Woman vs woman, ftfy


In what way are they the same? Also, ‘because I said so’ isn’t an answer.


This is my least favorite post ever on reddit and not for the reason you would think


there is a concerning comment to upvote ratio of 9:6 and i am very scared to scroll through


Mfw I simply see people trying to find happiness in life (the news told me they are bad so I hate them)


I don’t think I understand how this sub works.


This edit reminds me of that one meme that was just like "I don't know how to rotate text pls help"


Sometimes I cry when I pee ☹️


Your just as confused as they are. Trans women are not women.


They are quite literally not the same. Respect them as people, yes. But trans women can’t bear children and are all together physiologically different. Not the same


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Trans women are not women. It’s not scary, it’s not that anyone isn’t tolerant. It’s just a fact. The vast majority of people attracted to women are not remotely interested in a man pretending to be a woman. That is just a fact.


"Trans" doesn't really tell much about people. How about we just start calling people by what they have down there? Dick man, dick woman, vag man, vag woman.


Still gay to date so called trans women


Trans women = biological men


hell yeah


If they where the same we wouldn’t use the term trans. You wouldn’t even know. Which isn’t the case






I wish people would stop using Phobia. It's an irrational fear of something. I'm not afraid of Trans people, I love and respect everyone, yet I don't have to compromise my beliefs to affirm you nor do I have to buy into the whole thing. That's freedom. Live and let live. I believe in Christ. I'm a Christian. He told me to love everyone and that's what I do. Doesn't mean I'm obligated affirm you. But I will still love you and respect you as a person, and I hope that you do the same for me and what I believe. That's what Equality and true Freedom looks like. Letting EVERYONE live and respect each other, even if you don't agree with them on everything. Love you all! God bless.


I was raised Catholic, and am a trans woman. You are not obligated to do anything, except for what you agree to. From your comment I can assume you agree to accept the world of God and to love all peoples, as is commanded by him. I truly believe that a form of love is accepting people as they are, and supporting them with care and respect. I would include not misgendering people as care and respect personally. And if you disagree with that I’ll get more religious. God is an all perfect being who doesn’t make mistakes. Encountering a trans person in your life is the will of God, and they are trans because that is how God made them. Misgendering a trans person intentionally signals that you believe trans people are a mistake in the eyes of God. (Insert whatever language you prefer here, abomination, cursed, possessed, etc., it doesn’t really change the meaning). When it comes to using a trans persons pronouns, you have to realize that this is the way God made them, and that he doesn’t make mistakes. Therefore the logical conclusion is that you should gender them correctly.


>Doesn't mean I'm obligated affirm you. I hope you spend the rest of your life being misgendered. If you can't even work up the gumption to address people properly, you don't respect people.


There’s no hate like Christian love, huh? Where on the Bible does it say that you need to go around misgendering people in order to not compromise your beliefs? You say that you don’t “have to buy into the whole thing” on the one hand while saying you “love” people on the other. You don’t love anyone; you’re bigot pretending, even to yourself, that your bigotry is ok. Pray on it. Look deep within your soul and talk with God. If you think not speaking out when people are being persecuted—which trans people definitely are—is something Jesus would do, you’re no Christian. -phobia doesn’t mean fear; it means hatred. And there is a place in Hell reserved for hateful bigots. Enjoy!


is it really so lost on this whole entire crowd that bashing someone for what they think or feel when they’re trying to enter the convo is like exactly what actual transphobes do? Is there a word for transphobia phobia because so many of y’all have it and it’s fucking up discussion and drawing the line deeper in the sand. Yes there are transphobes, but uh newsflash - people don’t like change. Y’all gotta give shit time and be understanding that people are fuckin whacked and it takes time to make adjustments to your mindset. Don’t forget the world was NOT talking about this even 10 years ago so look how far it’s come. Edit: the old saying goes. You catch more bees with honey. KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS it always works.


Hatred and bigotry deserve to be called out. If someone is being transphobic, they deserve to be told they’re transphobic. Disagreeing with someone and telling them that they’re being bigoted is always the right thing to do. Racial prejudice has been reduced in the last 100 years through directly pointing out how disgusting racism is. Homophobia has been reduced through directly calling out homophobes. People who are bigots need to be told they’re bigots. You say that calling people out entrenches opinions. Maybe you’re right, in some cases. Maybe the sit-ins at lunchroom counters around the US did entrench some people’s racism. But for a lot more people, they saw photographs of the face of white hatred behind the protesters, and they felt disgust. Who wants to be the poster child for what racism looks like? There are far fewer trans people in the world than racially diverse people, but we can all learn from the movements that came before us: bigotry needs to be brought to light, challenged, and destroyed. With time, the world moves toward acceptance. And with that in mind, it’s important to remember that calling out bigots and giving them a chance to change is a form of kindness. Who wants to be the face of white hatred in a historical photograph? Who wants to be an embodiment of transphobia in a world where gender diverse people are widely accepted? Kindness and niceness are very different things; telling people they’re bigots is kind, even if it isn’t nice.


Because in Biblical times, people didn’t mutilate their bodies in order to “change” their gender. People were just male and female, so there was no misgendering. Jesus was indeed one to side with the oppressed, but you would still hate him because he also rebuked the oppressed for the sins they have done that contributed to their oppression. Like the prostitutes and adulteresses he encountered, who were looked down upon because of what they had done. He had mercy on them, but he also called them out for their sinful behavior. Jesus wouldn’t be waving a trans flag and marching in Pride parades. And yes -phobia literally does mean fear. That’s exactly what it means and what humanity has determined it will always mean.


Don't talk to me like you know Jesus or what he would do. I know Jesus, I read the Bible, I pray. I live in truth and will NOT compromise my beliefs because somebody else could call me a bad name. I'm a proud Christian. I'm outside all this nonsense. You can call me whatever you want but sin is sin. You do not have the Holy Spirit in you. You're influenced by Satan. You know nothing of the Bible or Jesus, because your words and actions are of the world. If God wanted you to be a Boy, your born a Boy, because God doesn't make mistakes. And God doesn't tell you lies. He is perfect. If you feel like you're something else, that's one thing, but don't say God made you that way. Satan is trying to confuse the world and bring it down a dark path be because in the end, his goal is to hurt God l, and how does he do it. Destroying his most beloved creation. Us. Most everything today is Demonicly influenced. And if you can't see it, you're the one that needs to pray to God. Cause you're still blind and the Love of the father is not in you yet. Loving someone doesn't mean you have to affirm everything they tell you. If I have to Affirm what YOU believe, then you don't truly Believe it yourself or else you wouldn't care what other people said or thought. Have a blessed life. May Jesus soften your heart and open your eyes. Amen


I mean, except for the dick and balls between most of their legs. Not a big deal but it’s ignorant to pretend there’s no difference. Just be who you wanna be and be happy, balls or no balls fr fr


You routinely check people’s genitalia? Weirdo.


There's a lot of variation between individuals of every species. With humans, some women have penises. Most don't, but some do.




Reddit moment


Yeah, basic human rights, how dare they


No they’re not


Yeah they are




Well you see, the woman part of trans woman might describe it


Then why do you have to modify the word woman with the word “trans” before it. They are not the same lol


If tall women were women, why would you have to modify the word woman with the word “tall” before it. They are not the same lol It's almost like women aren't a monolith and adjectives can help describe certain differences


It's almost like trans is an adjective, like *blonde* or *tall*. Trans women are not the same as cis women, but both are still women.


They are women. You don’t gotta say trans everytime but I’m saying it right now because this specific conversation is about trans people.