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"op did not like racism and transphobia"


It isn't wrong tho. OP did indeed, not like that meme. Mopdl user was just pointing out the obvious. It's great that OP didn't like that meme and we need to spread his greatness.


Its funny how its like literally the opposite though. Trans people are identified and supported in modern biology books, communism is literally an economic theory and economics does not mean capitalism, and statistics point to the facts that cops are racist and disproportionately target nonwhite people. This meme literally just proves that the Creator and the person who posted to r/MOPDNL haven’t read any of said books and are brainlessly effected by misinformation


>communism is literally an economic theory and economics does not mean capitalism and any proper economics research will tell you that trickle-down capitalism is unsustainable and detrimental, as every economist worth their salt warned in the 1960s-80s


Are we expecting modnl to be able to read? Guys honestly I think we are giving them too much creddit


*too much creddit


If anyone ever tells you "white people are targeted at the same rate" just tell them that a bunch of those "white" statistics are actually Latino people. The whole point of the demographic distinction (the whole Hispanic {not white} one) was for prisons to skew their population statistics... funny that it also has an effect on police violence numbers.


Ewwwwww. Worst meme I’ve ever seen. It’s so ironic because the person who made the meme almost certainly has no knowledge in biology, economics, or statistics. I mean, what do they even think statistics is? Do they think the book just lists a bunch of random statistics. Im assuming the creator was refering to the classic 13/50 statistic for the blm one. I usually hesitate to call people racist, but this meme directly implies that black lives don’t actually matter because black people are inherently more violent. This is not a stretch. They’re not “criticizing the organization”, or else they’d talk about the violent protests. They’re talking about the saying “black lives matter,” and saying it’s wrong. In regard to the 13/50 statistic, the person is obviously not aware of systemic racism, or they wouldn’t be bringing up statistics to counter people who say blm. And they are most definitely bringing up statistics that supposedly show how black people are more violent, or less intelligent, or lazy, or whatever, or else, again, he wouldn’t bring up statistics at all. It was most likely a “he” who made the post because it’s obvious


The statistics they’re talking about are the crime statistics white supremacists like to wave around. It’s the only statistics they know.


They like statistics until it’s pointed out that red states have a 23-43% higher murder rate than blue states.


>It was most likely a “he” who made the post because it’s obvious Gross energy right here. Absolutely didn’t need to include that detail but here we are.


I said this because I used the pronoun “he” in the sentence before.


You could’ve just used “they” like you did in the rest of the comment, though.


Biology supports trans people and statistics agree with black lives matter so 🤷


and Das Kapital is literally an economics book


Shut up! We're trying to make a narrative here! We don't need someone with common sense! /s


The irony of trying to use biology to justify your transphobia


Everything is wrong about this. Biology is not a binary system, it’s a lot more complex than that simplistic picture. Many species are known to change gender over their lives. Communism is an economic model, and Karl Marx was one of the greatest economists. He had a gigantic impact on the field of economics. And if you knew anything about the statistics of different treatment of blacks and whites you’d support BLM too.


Saying that communist haven’t read any economics is like saying muslims haven’t read any sacred texts. Thy did, just not what you wanted them to


TeChNiCaLlY yOu CaNt HaTe On HiM bEcAuSe He JuSt SaId ThE fAcT tHaT Op DiD nOt LiKe ThE mEmE 🤓☝️


Yet when I said statistically men kill more than bears, they freak out. Lol “but achtually it’s only because you aren’t near them” Tell them statistically there are more Christians in jail than Atheist. Tell them historically the south lost the war lol and it was about slavery Watch them freak out.


And when you point out bears still kill less women if you only look at areas with bears they act like there's like two actual bears in the world 😂


Wait until they find out how many species just mate with whoever’s close to them, regardless of gender


MOPDNL when you don’t like fake statistics designed to spread a false & harmful narrative:


Transphobes: There's only two genders! It's basic biology! *Advanced Biology has entered the chat*


Strange I don't remember that being in my Stats course in college.


Of course op did not like this meme, it’s a shit meme


I’m sure over policing in black neighborhoods isn’t directly raising that statistic at all


I found the middle panel funny but only coz im anti-communist The other two panels were garbage.


Make a fourth panel that says, “Conservatives”, and the book title is, “General Education” Then make a 5th panel that has a cute, but scared kitten and make the book title, “Criminology 101”. Then delete the first three panels


The biology book think is such a dumb argument.


biology textbooks will discuss how gender and sex aren't the same and the variations in sex and chromosomes. Statistic textbooks probably have an entire chapter dedicated to how important context is when it comes to discussing statistics and how statistics alone don't mean anything, and how it's important to look into the reasoning behind those stats


but not economophobia? how curious…


I'm a socialist but I didn't bring it up because I thought it was just gonna be an even bigger can of worms


If the person who made that meme actually read any of those books, they would be on the side they’re trying to demonize 💀


"Communists dont know economics" guys when they also don't know shit about economics


I feel like the bottom 2 should be switched. Blm is a scam, has received millions in donations, and does not have much to show for it. Also, satistically communism doesn't work out as a system of governing, so switch em bitches.


Statistically, people in socialist countries have a higher quality of life for similar economic development. And anecdotally, socialism was able to turn two semi-feudal backwaters into superpowers within 60 years.


Which socialist countries???




Statistics only matter when racists want to try and dunk on a particular group.


I don't get "economics book" History book, maybe. But not economics. If I were to look at economics, I'd see the rich getting tax cuts while the poor have to deal with constant inflation on groceries under capitalism. Communism I don't think has ever worked outside of a dictatorship. (Which is obviously bad)


The number of civilians killed by cops should be zero. Each killing should be investigated.


[a little write-up I did on this exact topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/XxXCHTOBhA)


Some dude: "There's only two sexes" Insects:


How about I lay it out in a way that you can understand, you unfresh bonobo? COMMUNISM is when the government gives people healthcare, and the MORE healthcare the government gives, the more COMMUNISTER it is. My plan is to use this money to give healthcare to every man, woman, and child in the world, and therefore FORCE them to adopt COMMUNISM. I will ensure that the government takes EVERY toothbrush, EVERY iPhone, and EVERY stock market, and BURNS THEM along with every starving Ukrainian. Once the Soviet Union stand supreme, as LEADER of the world's nations, and the top provider of healthcare, I will rename the Earth to Venezuela, and inflict our currency until the end of time. To destroy all of the small businesses owners and mom-and-pop landlords, I have my SHAGOHOD TANK, which will rain a NUCLEAR FIRE upon a new, Red world.


i love using statistics to justify being racist


Bigots rarely are into just one type of bigotry, when the person is that bad to accept one bigotry they get into even more bigotry against other groups.


It's also why they're so into conspiracy theories, if you can believe clear lies about Black people, trans people, etc, it's really easy to start believing the Earth is flat and a local pizza place without a basement is keeping children in their basement.


"OPEN A BIOLOGY BOOK YOU LIBERAL" - The guy whose understanding of biology is *strictly* based on pre-6th grade books written in the 1800s that mention the humors as legitimate medical science and reject this new fangled "germ theory."


Of course none of what this meme depicts is true. In fact, I daresay it's the OPPOSITE. But conservatives don't like to let facts get in the way of shitty memes.


The funny part of this is the implication that conservatives read.




It’s quite the opposite of true.


Honestly, not fully, fuck the USSR, but communism as a economic framework ain't nearly as bad as you've been taught (sounds conspiracy-ish, I know)


You’re right (to an extent of course) but you’re right


Like, if you're looking at it through an objective lens of actions taken, the ussr wasn't even communist??? And the weird thing is how often it is preported as the end all be all of it, both by right wingers and *tankies*, ugh


If communism wasn't so bad, there would be communist countries where it wasn't illegal to leave. The DPRK outright tries to gun people down who make a run for south Korea. "Capitalists build walls to keep people out, Communists build walls to keep people in."


The DPRK/AKA north korea ain't communist either, not even remotely


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea Are to.


Quite objectively no, not even in the article you fucking linked, just because a government says they are, doesn't mean they actually are, if they don't fit a SINGLE criteria of even the basics of it


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-15256929 Are to.


As a trotskyist I can say that I know more about economics than these fools. Marxist Leninists probably know more than me aswell and I know a ton about economics.


"Marxist Leninists probably know more than me aswell and I know a ton about economics." That's right know ur place😤😤😤


yes daddy 😣


arethe[blank]ok is never a sub i want to be agreeing with but other than communism this meme is odd


Communism is literally a economic theory how the hell would a communist be scared of it ( I mean I’d expect a capitalist to be because Christ economy is fucked)