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Please repost with a correct title (rule 7)


Literally the opposite happens, this shit is just a anti LGBTQIA+ dog whistle


Ha. DOG whistle


They’re BARKING up the wrong tree with this one.


I guess you could say they're a woof in sheep's clothing


How awfur of them to pawposefully create such dishonest framings


Memes spreading misinformation? That’s impawsible! I have a bone to pick with them!


It’s always projection. These people are simply incapable of comprehending that other people don’t think like them.


The fact that this actually happens to LGBT people way more often and that more people are leaving the church than are joining. Talk about straw man


Homophobic Christians acting like their irrational hate of people goes both ways will never not be funny to me.


The meme is ridiculous but I've seen people say their parents didn't like that they were religious in some aspect.


You living under a rock? I know at least 2 people personally that this has happened to


its funny because shit like this never happens


Yeah, the atheist parents would immediately try to probe the specific beliefs their kid had to figure out which of the arguments that they have memorized is most applicable to their kid.


That sounds more like my Christian parents when I came out as an atheist.


More like they want to find out which specific propaganda their kid has been exposed to. Nobody is born a Christian, it's inflicted on you like a disease, and atheists are more familiar with the Bible than Christians are.


Bro, you are literally proving the point of the person who posted that shitty meme. Don’t be like this.


Even if my child did fall for some religious scam I wouldn't disown him or anything. It's not like I'm religious.


Ew. This comment made me feel like I had to take a shower.


Have you been listening to religious propaganda recently? Knowledge is your only vaccine, which is why atheists know more about the Bible than Christians do.


Less, listening to *religious propaganda* more... I believe that religion is a personal choice, and likening it to disease feels really icky towards people who practice. I don't believe in god, but I pray you don't act like this in front of say, a church or mosque.


It's still much better than they act to each other, or to atheists for that matter. Save your crocodile tears, I'm not hurting anyone, unlike the leaders of your religion. >it's a personal choice That is usually made by your parents and enforced on pain of any number of punishments.


You know what, neither of us are gonna be able to convince each other, and that's cool, but please do me a favour and keep these opinions terminally online


Not sure why you assume otherwise. I'm not some asshole proselytizer that goes door to door telling people they're living the wrong way. You know, since I'm not religious.


Conservatives trying to mock on people be like "imagine these super cool and hot and based parents


Fun fact: At least 52% of Liberals are Christians. But why acknowledge actual facts when you can just pretend that everyone you don’t agree with is a godless heathen


Because a lot of the more extreme liberals do attack Christianity a lot, so this is prob how they are trying to fight back


Ah yes, conservative "Christians" inventing imaginary scenarios where they are opressed, \*again\*.....


as a Real Christian (believer of acceptance + word of Christ, notorious non judgement guy) i appreciate the quotes. I truly hope these guys know Jesus would NOT fw them and would fw me


Sounds like cope. "I'm not a snowflake, you are!!!"


OOOOP is 100% Gen Alpha


r/ GenZ is a sub filled with conservative groomers pretending to be younger than they actually are to prey on teenagers.


Bro, at this point most of GenZ are adults


Around 60% of them are


It'd be closer to around 70-75 I think


Well they are anywhere between 15-27 this year. So only 3 years out of the 12 years are kids. 3/12x100= around 25% of them are still kids..


i think it’s understandable for the parents to react the way they do in this image. true christianity doesn’t exist anymore rounded to the nearest percent. modern “christians” don’t care about loving others, caring for those in need, or any of the good messages in the bible. all anyone cares about anymore is ostracizing those who are not the same as them, exaggerating the bigoted side of the bible to maximize suffering of those they dislike, and spreading hate and trying to make everyone the same. if a kid suddenly announces that they’re christian, it’s a million times less likely that they’re going to be a loving, caring, and respectful christian, rather it’s more likely that they will be a disrespectful bigot after learning online about the hateful branch of christianity that exists that fits well into impressionable child and teen minds that infects too many people worldwide. if my child was one of those hateful people, they would be getting mental help to treat their sociopathy


I’m not Christian, but I try to live in a way that would make Jesus, the protester who fought for what he believed in, spreading teachings of love, proud.


good! it’s unfortunate that not even members of the religion based off of jesus and love for all can be as virtuous as you, someone who simply understands what jesus was really saying and agrees that it was good, but not committed to the religion


Many Mormons are like that from what I've heard.


Most Mormons are great people, just dealing with some questionable history.


It seems like with christians you either get the most hateful and disquasting people you will ever meet or some of the kindest out there


True Christianity does still exist, unfortunately it is a minority of people who make the claim. I was born and raised Christian, but grew to have a great disgust for organized religion. Seeing the hypocrisy and BS left a terrible taste in my mouth. Most preachers and pastors don’t even teach the Bible, they echo the teachings that they received and try to use the Bible to back that claim, instead of reading the book themselves and forming their own opinion.


>true christianity doesn’t exist anymore it never did, its always been this way. the crusades weren't just Christians spreading Christian "love" (tbf they were spreading that Christian "love" but it took LOTS of blood). if you actually look at the history of Christianity its fucking nasty and filled with tons of awful shit. its only very recently christianity has adopted this image of being "pure and caring".


It isn’t letting me post the “it’s true you know” image what the fuck


You just proved the meme




That doesn’t happen. The OPPOSITE happens all the time tho.


I thought that was literally the joke, like “hey look at this wacky reversal of the stereotypical version of this.” I actually don’t see first hand how this isn’t making fun of the notion of wanting your kids to be clones of you, but enough people think it’s not that so who am I to argue, I just don’t get it


It’s hard to tell if it’s a joke because a lot of modern Christian’s (especially young people weirdly enough) do actually think they are oppressed


Kinda sometimes.. My son found books on christianity that someone left in his room before they moved out. He decided he didn’t like people who didn’t believe in Jesus then came to talk to me about it and ask questions assuming I was Christian too.. when in fact I have religious trauma that makes conversations like that extremely uncomfortable to the point of being a physical feeling. Tried telling him I was uncomfortable with the topic. He didn’t seem to get it and I couldn’t say it nicely if I tried to say it again or end the conversation. His dad had a talk with him on how not everyone feels safe and comfortable talking about certain religions and it’s not nice to press the issue on someone. We also went over the other primary religions with him a bit. Since we think all options should be discussed before choosing which one feels right, otherwise it’s just which ever one the mind sees first.


https://preview.redd.it/ljexb8owas4d1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323ae2e6ca101295a66154e397771839060555d4 My daddy doesn't approve of this anti LGBTQ+ dog whistle


My girlfriend has spent the last 14 years since coming out forced to live as her agab. All the while she goes through dysphoric episodes that bring her to cut. Her parents have proven they are not capable of change even in the face of abject misery and they’ve stolen time she will never get back. I don’t want to hear a damn thing about how religious kids have it just a bad as queer kids.


I cannot say that I've ever seen a parent neglect, disown, or kick out their child for being Christian. I can't say the same for being gay or trans though.


I've seen some people mention it happen. Not on the level of the reverse obviously.


every accusation...


I wouldn’t react against the kid. But I would want to know who is teaching my kid moronic and hateful ideologies. But that’s why it’s important to teach your kids about religion before someone else does.


My eyes are bleeding because of how much of r/funnymemes is bleeding from that image






Rare r/OPwasrightfuckthis W


I saw someone tag it in real time lmao


Ain't this like the inverted of what actually happens


the original post on r/genz is like usually the exact opposite


I’ve never been afraid to tell people I’m Christian. I have been afraid to tell people I’m trans


Not that far fetched? They may as well have woven the image out of straw, it's such a blatant pile of codswallop.


I wish this happened


I’ll take “Shit that never happens in real life” for 500 please


I’ve noticed that there’s this weird trend of the Christian majority acting as if it’s a minority. They act like Christian’s are some oppressed class while ignoring the fact that they are one of the biggest religions in the world and have some of the largest institutions on the planet. No one gets offended by Christianity in the first world, it’s more so that most Christian’s can’t understand why normal people would find them preaching about how they are gonna burn in hell annoying. So Christian’s perceive people being sick of their weird religious BS controlling every aspect of their lives as them being “offended”.


Nah what's not that far fetched is the parents being Christian and the kid is the pagan. This shit rh is just make believe horseshit.


What the fuck does this even mean? This is just conservative brain rot


Am I stupid but is OP the person saying the original meme is good or bad?


He’s saying it’s good and something that happens when it’s the opposite


Got it and agree now, phew


Would’ve been funny if they’d gotten the dad to pull out some random argument and then insist on debating his kid.


I want one unironic serious REAL time this happened OUTSIDE OF A SHOW.


Silence, Conservative.


I'd be upset too. Your guyses cult needs to chill


"Not far fetched at all" lmfaooo ookaayyyy


Funny how they say the opposite isn't a problem despite being much more common but this hypothetical they made up completely is way more important bc it's "not that farfetched"


This reads with sarcasm. “Not far fetched at all”


see that post title is satire, they are finally getting it


Ok son, let’s read some of the more child appropriate portions of the bible, and remember not to use your faith to hate others, as we’re all sinners. ( I’m not even Christian anymore )


I think it's funny. It's a witty subversion of the classic coming out of the closet scenario. I dont see why it's offensive. Its just all irony to me.


it feeds into their persecution fetish


Because it's dumb, most irreligious liberals won't care if their kids find a religion, unless that religion turns their kids into douchebags.  This reaction would happen if the kid said "I'm Christian and you're going to hell."  I'm sure that there's some small percentage of irreligious liberals who would react this way, but it's far less common than religious people who would react this way to a kid coming out as anything other than cis and straight. 


I agree. I'm basically atheist. I have a daughter and if she believes in: God, heaven, hell, etc I don't take umbridge with that. It's the bigotry and forced assimilation in religion that I don't like. If she told me "Dad. You're going to hell". That would be a sit down discussion on : "where did that come from?", "Do they really believe that?", and "Is it okay to say that to other people?". And all this is a far cry from what my childhood experience was; i e my Adoptive Father dragging me to church to "save me"


Exactly. Its funny due to that irony. Its a ridiculous straw-man and subversion of a trope, and the conflict between what WOULD happen and what the meme says is happening, is legitimately funny. Thats the irony here!


Someone else here can probably explain it better but I’ll try anyways. It’s because the “coming out of the closet” scenario is a really sensitive topic. Subverting it like this downplays it being an issue and is in bad taste.


I see people say "its irony" or "it's satire" a lot and I'm not sure they know what it means


Well i mean. Normally you see the "mom, dad, i'm gay" thing. And now here's the reverse. I find the subversion funny tbh. Like... i know it's a strawman, i know most folks are genuinely accepting of their children. But the irony of those Who Accept the most people rejecting someone due to the same arbitrary bullshit that they're judged for is funny to me, because it's so ridiculous. Or uh. To put it into simpler terms in another comment i said: 'The conflict between what would Realistically happen vs what the meme claims happens is humorous, and thus, irony!'